User:Xavi/Test: Difference between revisions

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m (testing some things)
m (Walter's rectum 28/Test moved to User:Xavi/Test over redirect: revert)
(17 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
== OLPC & User boxes ==
This is a subpage (?) of mine... how could it be used... have no clue, and currently no will to search the docs... ;)
{{User teacher}}
{{XO source}}
{{XO source|1=[]}}
{{XO source|[]|RPM}}
{{olpcboxbreak|toptext=[[:Category:User languages|Languages]]}}
{{User es}}
{{User en-4}}
{{User fr-2}}
<div class="NavFrame" style="padding:0;border-style:none;">
<div class="NavFrame" style="border-style:none;padding:0;">
<div class="NavHead" style="background:#EDF1F1;text-align:left;text-style:normal">
Hide/Show doesn't work</div><div class="NavContent" style="display:none;">
{{User ru}}
{{User pt}}

; See also :
: [[Talk:Wiki Page Restructuring Common Room]]
: [[Template talk:XO box]]
The following text generates the boxes on the right... yeah!
{{tl|User teacher}}
{{tl|XO source}}
{{[[Template:XO source|XO source]]|1=<nowiki>[]</nowiki>}}
{{[[Template:XO source|XO source]]|<nowiki>[]</nowiki>|RPM}}
{{[[Template:olpcboxbreak|olpcboxbreak]]|toptext=<nowiki>[[:Category:User languages|Languages]]</nowiki>}}
{{tl|User es}}
{{tl|User en-4}}
{{tl|User fr-2}}
&lt;div class="NavFrame" style="padding:0;border-style:none;"&gt;
&lt;div class="NavFrame" style="border-style:none;padding:0;"&gt;
&lt;div class="NavHead" style="background:#EDF1F1;text-align:left;text-style:normal"&gt;
Hide/Show doesn't work</div><div class="NavContent" style="display:none;"&gt;
{{tl|User ru}}
{{tl|User pt}}
The basic structure is:

Testing an idea for the new round of [[:Category:PO files]]... which happen to have grown quite a bit since the last time, making them not only a bigger effort but also a more complex one when trying to let several people tackle it at the same time due to possible conflicts.
...''boxes''... # You may also add ''breaks'' using {{[[Template:olpcboxbreak|olpcboxbreak]]|toptext=Title}}

== Geo Data ==
'''lines size POT file'''
367 13.7 kb [[POT]]
320 15.5 kb [[Es PO]]
1144 50.0 kb [[User:Felice/website_copy|New POT]]
1162 56.2 kb [[User:Felice/website copy/lang-es AR|New Es PO]]

My intention was to have a page with some 'template like paramater data' (ie: [[User:Xavi/Test/GeoData]]) that could be fed (initially) as the parameters of a template (ie: [[User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle]]). But even though the basic generation of the 'resulting template generation' (see #7 below) it doesn't actually get evaluated&mdash;#8 below is a manual copy-paste of the template-stitching.
So the idea that I'm playing with is to use subpages for each 'section' of the POT. This will obviously make it more complicated to set up a translation (there will be ''n'' new pages for each translation) but at the same time, translators can focus on separate sub-sections and have more manageable chunks to work on.

<table border=1 cellspacing=0 style="font-size:60%;">
But let's first the base idea to see if it works... then we'll see if it's applicable or useful...
<th colspan="2">Source Wiki Text</th>
<th width=66%>Processed / Results</th>
<tr><th width=25px>1</th>
<td><nowiki>{{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}}</nowiki></td>
<td>{{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}}</td>
<td><nowiki>{{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}}</nowiki></td>
<td>{{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}}</td>
<td><nowiki>{{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}}</nowiki></td>
<td>{{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}}</td>
<td><nowiki>{{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}}</nowiki></td>
<td>{{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}}</td>
<td><nowiki>{{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle | lat = -34.291 | long = -56.389 | zoom = 10 | type = k | display = Cardal }}</nowiki></td>
<td>{{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle | lat = -34.291 | long = -56.389 | zoom = 10 | type = k | display = Cardal }}</td>

; Notes : Funny. Now that I remember, the [[Template:Babel-X]] (inspired in Wikipedia's and that didn't work until we enabled the ParserFunctions iirc) does something similar to this...
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-11 15:00-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Xavier Alvarez <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

== June 2007 ==
msgid "align"
msgstr "left"

After the update of the [[wiki]] a piece in the [[Translating]] puzzle has been broken: the use of <tt>&lt;div id="anchor"/&gt;</tt>. A possible solution (provided by Nikerabbit in #mediawiki @ was to switch to <tt>&lt;div id="anchor"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</tt> &mdash; which I'm testing.
msgid "lang"
msgstr "es"

<div id="YNew POT files"/>
msgid "xml:lang"
<div id="XNew POT files"></div>
msgstr "es"
== New POT files ==

The results were positive and the [[]] has been split (thus also the [[]] translation too). Hopefully it will help translators in their jobs... time will tell :) --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 00:18, 2 April 2007 (EDT)
msgid "olpc"
msgstr "Una Laptop por Chico (OLPC)"

<div id="YThe actual (old) test"/>
msgid "titletext"
<div id="XThe actual (old) test"></div>
msgstr "una laptop a USD 100 para la educación de los chicos del mundo"
=== The actual (old) test ===

Testing an idea for the new round of [[:Category:PO files]]... which happen to have grown quite a bit since the last time, making them not only a bigger effort but also a more complex one when trying to let several people tackle it at the same time due to possible conflicts.
msgid "description"
msgstr "La mayor parte de los casi dos mil millones de chicos en los países en vías de desarrollo carecen de una educación adecuada. Es necesario replantear esta situación. Teniendo en cuenta los recursos que esos países puedan destinar a la educación."

'''lines size POT file'''
367 13.7 kb [[POT]]
320 15.5 kb [[Es PO]]
1144 50.0 kb <nowiki>[[User:Felice/website_copy|New POT]]</nowiki>
1162 56.2 kb <nowiki>[[User:Felice/website copy/lang-es AR|New Es PO]]</nowiki>

So the idea that I'm playing with is to use subpages for each 'section' of the POT. This will obviously make it more complicated to set up a translation (there will be ''n'' new pages for each translation) but at the same time, translators can focus on separate sub-sections and have more manageable chunks to work on.
msgid "designedby"
msgstr "Diseñado por"

<div id="YPOT test results"/>
msgid "poweredby"
<div id="XPOT test results"></div>
msgstr "Corriendo sobre"
==== POT test results ====

Inclusion seems to work, but...
#: vision.html
* Included sub-pages have the <tt><nowiki><pre></pre></nowiki></tt> tags in them (mainly for aesthetics while editing that sub-page - haven't tried without them and see what they look like)
* Comments (lines starting with <tt>#</tt> risk being converted into numbered-bullets by the wiki. ''This could be a major mangling risk.''
** The <tt><nowiki><pre></pre></nowiki></tt> are very delicate, a missing CR could create quite a bit of mess... so they should be in a line by themselves (is this obvious?)
** If all sections are handled by sub-pages, most of the <tt><nowiki><pre></pre></nowiki></tt> are eliminated, leaving behind a compact set of template inclusions.

Possible extensions could be:
msgid "visiontitle"
* make a template that includes the original (english) sub-page by default, else the specified translation
msgstr "Visión: Los chicos en el mundo subdesarrollado carecen de una educación adecuada"
** this would allow to have the complete POT file for any language by just creating the central page that invokes the template with all the default (non-translated / original) sub-pages.
* the template should leave behind a link to edit (or create) the sub-page holding the translated version...

<div id="YPOT proving grounds"/>
msgid "visionleftsidebar1"
<div id="XPOT proving grounds"></div>
msgstr "misión"
==== POT proving grounds ====

But let's first the base idea to see if it works... then we'll see if it's applicable or useful...
msgid "visionp1"
msgstr &quot;Es un proyecto educativo, no de laptops.&quot;"

msgid "visionp2"
... tests worked pretty good, no need to keep the ''sample text''...
msgstr "&mdash; Nicholas Negroponte"

msgid "visionp3"
msgstr "Nuestra meta: Proveer a los chicos del mundo con nuevas oportunidades para explorar, experimentar y expresarse."

msgid "visionleftsidebar2"
msgstr "progreso"

msgid "visionp4"
msgstr "Los orígenes del proyecto se remontan a más de cuatro décadas hasta los primeros días de la computación, cuando las computadoras todavía eran del tamaño de pequeños dinosaurios, y casi nadie soñaba que fuesen apropiadas para chicos. Pero mentes pioneras como la de Seymour Papert veían las cosas de un modo muy distinto, y a través de los años transformó la entonces radical teoría en una realidad demostrando el inmenso poder que las computadoras personales poseen como una herramienta de aprendizaje para los chicos."

msgid "visionrightsidebar1"
msgstr "noticias"

msgid "visionp5"
msgstr "La laptop genera un incesante flujo de noticias en la prensa internacional. Haga clic abajo para ver las últimas noticias sobre la OLPC, así como un extenso archivo de la prensa digital e impresa."

msgid "visionrightsidebar2"
msgstr "personas"

msgid "visionp6"
msgstr "La OLPC fue fundada por Nicholas Negroponte con un núcleo de veteranos del Media Lab, pero que rápidamente creció para incluir un grupo de personas excepcionalmente talentosas y dedicadas provenientes de la academia, industria, las artes, negocios, y la comunidad <i>open-source</i>. Cada individuo trae consigo un conjunto de habilidades únicas y una profunda pasión personal al proyecto."

#: mission.html

msgid "missiontitle"
msgstr "Misión: Proveer a los chicos del mundo con nuevas oportunidades para explorar"

msgid "missionh1"
msgstr "misión"

msgid "missionp1"
msgstr "La mayor parte de los dos mil millones de chicos en el mundo sub-desarrollado carecen de una educación adecuada, o no reciben ninguna. Uno de cada tres no completan el quinto grado."

msgid "missionp2"
msgstr "Las consecuencias tanto individuales y sociales de esta crisis global crónica son profundas. Los chicos son relegados a la pobreza y aislamiento&mdash;al igual que sus padres&mdash;sin sospechar lo que la luz del conocimiento podría significar en sus vidas. Al mismo tiempo, sus gobiernos luchan por competir en un mundo que cambia rápidamente, en una economía de información global, apesadumbrados por una vasta sub-población urbana en constante crecimiento que es incapaz de auto-sustentarse y mucho menos contribuir al bienestar social, porque carecen de las herramientas para hacerlo."

msgid "missionh2"
msgstr "Es el momento de repensar la ecuación"

msgid "missionp3"
msgstr "Dados los recursos que los países pobres pueden destinar a la educación&mdash;a veces menos de USD 20 por año por alumno, comparado con los aproximadamente USD 7,500 gastados anualmente en EE.UU.&mdash;aún duplicando o cuadruplicando el monto destinado a una educación tradicional, ayudado por fondos externos y privados, no logrará los objetivos. Aún más, la experiencia indicaría de modo determinante, que un un aumento incremental de &quot;más de lo mismo&quot;&mdash;construir escuelas, incorporación de docentes, compra de libros y equipamiento&mdash;es una respuesta loable pero insuficiente ante el problema de brindar posibilidades concretas de aprendizaje a una cantidad enorme de chicos en el mundo subdesarrollado."

msgid "missionh3"
msgstr "Quedarse quieto es una receta segura para retroceder."

msgid "missionp4"
msgstr "El recurso natural más valioso para cualquier país son sus chicos. Creemos que el mundo emergente debe potenciar este recurso haciendo uso de la capacidades innatas de los chicos para aprender, compartir y crear en forma autónoma. Nuestra respuesta a ese desafío es la laptop XO, una laptop para chicos diseñada para &quot;aprender a aprender.&quot; "

msgid "missionp5"
msgstr "La XO corporiza las teorías sobre el construccionismo desarrolladas inicialmente en los '60s por el Profesor Seymour Papert del MIT Media Lab, y que después fueron elaboradas por Alan Kay, y complementadas por los principios articulados por Nicholas Negroponte en su libro <i>Ser Digital (Being Digital)</i>."

msgid "missionp6"
msgstr "Probada extensivamente en el terreno y validada en algunas de las poblaciones más pobres y remotas de la tierra, el construccionismo resalta lo que Papert llama &quot;aprender a aprender&quot; como la experiencia fundamental de la educación. Una computadora incentiva de forma única el aprender a aprender al permitir a los chicos &quot;pensar sobre pensar&quot;, que de otro modo sería imposibles. Usando la XO tanto como una ventana hacia el mundo, así como una herramienta altamente programable para explorarlo, los chicos en países emergentes estarán abiertos a un conocimiento ilimitado así como también a su propio potencial creativo y capacidad de resolver problemas."

msgid "missionp7"
msgstr "La OLPC no es, en esencia, un programa tecnológico, ni la XO un producto en el sentido convencional de la palabra. La OLPC es una organización sin fines de lucro que provee los medios para un objetivo&mdash;el objetivo que todos los chicos, aún en los lugares más remotos del globo se les brinde la oportunidad de descubrir su potencial, de ser expuestos a un mundo lleno de ideas, y contribuir a una comunidad mundial más sana y productiva."

msgid "missionp8"
msgstr "Hasta entonces, permanezcan sintonizados."

Latest revision as of 15:30, 20 December 2009

OLPC & User boxes

Nuvola apps edu miscellaneous.png This user is a teacher.

Template:XO source Template:XO source Template:XO source

es Castellano es la lengua materna de este usuario
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire en français.
pt Este usuário é um falante nativo do português.
See also
Talk:Wiki Page Restructuring Common Room
Template talk:XO box

The following text generates the boxes on the right... yeah!

{{User teacher}}
{{XO source}}
{{XO source|1=[]}}
{{XO source|[]|RPM}}
{{olpcboxbreak|toptext=[[:Category:User languages|Languages]]}}
{{User es}}
{{User en-4}}
{{User fr-2}}
<div class="NavFrame" style="padding:0;border-style:none;">
<div class="NavFrame" style="border-style:none;padding:0;">
<div class="NavHead" style="background:#EDF1F1;text-align:left;text-style:normal">

Hide/Show doesn't work<div class="NavContent" style="display:none;">

{{User ru}}
{{User pt}}

The basic structure is:

...boxes...        # You may also add breaks using {{olpcboxbreak|toptext=Title}}

Geo Data

My intention was to have a page with some 'template like paramater data' (ie: User:Xavi/Test/GeoData) that could be fed (initially) as the parameters of a template (ie: User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle). But even though the basic generation of the 'resulting template generation' (see #7 below) it doesn't actually get evaluated—#8 below is a manual copy-paste of the template-stitching.

Source Wiki Text Processed / Results
1 {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}} User:Xavi/Test/GeoData
2 {{User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}} User:Xavi/Test/GeoData
3 {{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}} {{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}
4 {{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}} {{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}
5 {{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}} {{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}
6 {{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle {{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}} {{User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}
7 {{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle{{:User:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}}} {{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogleUser:Xavi/Test/GeoData}}
8 {{:User:Xavi/Templates/GeoXOGoogle | lat = -34.291 | long = -56.389 | zoom = 10 | type = k | display = Cardal }} Cardal
Funny. Now that I remember, the Template:Babel-X (inspired in Wikipedia's and that didn't work until we enabled the ParserFunctions iirc) does something similar to this...

June 2007

After the update of the wiki a piece in the Translating puzzle has been broken: the use of <div id="anchor"/>. A possible solution (provided by Nikerabbit in #mediawiki @ was to switch to <div id="anchor"></div> — which I'm testing.

New POT files

The results were positive and the has been split (thus also the translation too). Hopefully it will help translators in their jobs... time will tell :) --Xavi 00:18, 2 April 2007 (EDT)

The actual (old) test

Testing an idea for the new round of Category:PO files... which happen to have grown quite a bit since the last time, making them not only a bigger effort but also a more complex one when trying to let several people tackle it at the same time due to possible conflicts.

 lines   size    POT file
   367  13.7 kb  POT
   320  15.5 kb  Es PO
  1144  50.0 kb  [[User:Felice/website_copy|New POT]]
  1162  56.2 kb  [[User:Felice/website copy/lang-es AR|New Es PO]]

So the idea that I'm playing with is to use subpages for each 'section' of the POT. This will obviously make it more complicated to set up a translation (there will be n new pages for each translation) but at the same time, translators can focus on separate sub-sections and have more manageable chunks to work on.

POT test results

Inclusion seems to work, but...

  • Included sub-pages have the <pre></pre> tags in them (mainly for aesthetics while editing that sub-page - haven't tried without them and see what they look like)
  • Comments (lines starting with # risk being converted into numbered-bullets by the wiki. This could be a major mangling risk.
    • The <pre></pre> are very delicate, a missing CR could create quite a bit of mess... so they should be in a line by themselves (is this obvious?)
    • If all sections are handled by sub-pages, most of the <pre></pre> are eliminated, leaving behind a compact set of template inclusions.

Possible extensions could be:

  • make a template that includes the original (english) sub-page by default, else the specified translation
    • this would allow to have the complete POT file for any language by just creating the central page that invokes the template with all the default (non-translated / original) sub-pages.
  • the template should leave behind a link to edit (or create) the sub-page holding the translated version...

POT proving grounds

But let's first the base idea to see if it works... then we'll see if it's applicable or useful...

... tests worked pretty good, no need to keep the ''sample text''...