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{{Translation | lang = zh | source = PO-laptop.org-laptop-en-US | version = 64640}}
[[Category:Laptop.org|zh-CN]] [[Category:PO files|zh-CN]]
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"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-22 23:21+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-02 22:03+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Scott Zhu <scott_zhu@web.de>\n"
"Last-Translator: Scott Zhu <scott_zhu@web.de>\n"
"Language-Team: 中文 zh-CN <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language-Team: 中文 zh-CN <LL@li.org>\n"
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msgid "hardwaretitle"
msgid "hardwaretitle"
msgstr "笔记本电脑: 专门为发展中国家儿童研制的学习工具"
msgstr "Laptop: A learning tool created expressly for the children in developing nations"

msgid "hardwaredescription"
msgid "hardwaredescription"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑是专门为那些居住在世界上偏远地区最贫困儿童而研制的一种有效的学习工具. 这款笔记本电脑的全部设计任务由学术界和工业界的众多专家合作共同完成."
msgstr "The XO is a potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children living in its most remote environments. The laptop was designed collaboratively by experts from both academia and industry."

msgid "hardwarekeywords"
msgid "hardwarekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, XO笔记本电脑, 学习工具, 电脑硬件, 无线路由器, TFT显示屏, 自动刷新显示, 分辨率, 投射模式, 全彩色模式, 反光模式, 高分辨率模式, LCD功耗, CPU, 摄像头, USB2.0外接接口, SD卡槽, 内存, 芯片组, 图形控制器."
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, XO laptop, learning tool, hardware, wireless router, TFT screen, self-refreshing display, resolution, transmissive mode, full-color mode, reflective mode, high-resolution mode, LCD power consumption, CPU, video camera, external USB2.0 ports, SD-card slot, memory, chipset, graphics controller."

msgid "hardwaresubcontenttitle"
msgid "hardwaresubcontenttitle"
msgstr "Mesh Demo"
msgstr "网状网络演示"

msgid "hardwareh1"
msgid "hardwareh1"
msgstr "hardware"
msgstr "电脑硬件"

msgid "hardwarep1"
msgid "hardwarep1"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑是专门为那些居住在世界上偏远地区最贫困儿童而研制的一种有效的学习工具. 这款笔记本电脑由学术界和工业界的众多专家合作设计, 他们在这个非营利性人道项目中施展出了杰出的智慧并提供了众多方面的实际经验. 这一成果体现了形式和功能上的独特协作; 并且产生出了一种灵巧, 超低成本, 功效优良, 反应灵敏和耐用性好的机器. 通过它, 能让新兴世界的国家在儿童教育方面飞速发展, 及时地改善教学内容和品质."
msgstr "The XO is a potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children, living in its most remote environments. The laptop was designed collaboratively by experts from both academia and industry, bringing to bear both extraordinary talent and many decades of collective field experience for every aspect of this nonprofit humanitarian project. The result is a unique harmony of form and function; a flexible, ultra-low-cost, power-efficient, responsive, and durable machine with which nations of the emerging world can leapfrog decades of development—immediately transforming the content and quality of their children's learning."

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar1"
msgid "hardwarerightsidebar1"
msgstr "highlights"
msgstr "技术亮点"

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar2"
msgid "hardwarerightsidebar2"
msgstr "features"
msgstr "特征"

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar3"
msgid "hardwarerightsidebar3"
msgstr "specs"
msgstr "配置"

#: software.html
#: software.html

msgid "softwaretitle"
msgid "softwaretitle"
msgstr "软件: XO笔记本电脑的软件系统由自由和开放源码软件构成"
msgstr "Software: XO is built from free and open-source software"

msgid "softwaredescription"
msgid "softwaredescription"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑的软件系统由自由和开放源码软件构成. 我们对软件自由的承诺, 保证了孩子们能够根据他们的自身的条件使用他们自己的笔记本电脑."
msgstr "XO is built from free and open-source software. Our commitment to software freedom gives children the opportunity to use their laptop computers on their own terms."

msgid "softwarekeywords"
msgid "softwarekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, XO笔记本电脑, 学习工具, 学习体验, 开放源码软件, 笔记本电脑, 开放文件格式, 教师, 自由开源软件(FOSS), 自由软件"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, XO laptop, learning tool, learning experience, open-source software, laptop computers, open-document formats, teachers, FOSS, free software"

msgid "softwareh1"
msgid "softwareh1"
msgstr "software"
msgstr "软件"

msgid "softwarep1"
msgid "softwarep1"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑的软件系统由自由和开放源码软件构成. 我们对软件自由的承诺, 保证了孩子们能够根据他们的自身的条件使用他们自己的笔记本电脑. 尽管我们并不寄望每个使用笔记本电脑的儿童都成为软件编制员; 但是, 我们也不会对那些想改动他们机器的儿童设置任何障碍. 同样, 我们使用开放文件格式, 也是基相同的原因: 增强透明度. 孩子们以及他们的老师拥有重构, 再造, 反复使用他们的软件, 硬件和知识内容的自由权利."
msgstr "XO is built from free and open-source software. Our commitment to software freedom gives children the opportunity to use their laptops on their own terms. While we do not expect every child to become a programmer, we do not want any ceiling imposed on those children who choose to modify their machines. We are using open-document formats for much the same reason: transparency is empowering. The children—and their teachers—will have the freedom to reshape, reinvent, and reapply their software, hardware, and content."

#: interface.html
#: interface.html

msgid "interfacetitle"
msgid "interfacetitle"
msgstr "Interface: OLPC is about to shake up things"
msgstr "界面: OLPC笔记本电脑将会震撼一切"

msgid "interfacedescription"
msgid "interfacedescription"
msgstr "根据Seymour的观察到的事实: 儿童们具有和成年人相同的思维能力, 只是思考的范畴不同而已, 我们决定按照他们特殊类型的思维范畴为他们打造一个新的用户界面."
msgstr "Beginning with Seymour's simple observation that children are knowledge workers like any adult, only more so, we decided they needed a user-interface tailored to their specific type of knowledge work."

msgid "interfacekeywords"
msgid "interfacekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, desktop, personal computer, children, knowledge, user-interface, learning, SUGAR, interface, community, learners, teachers"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 桌面, 个人电脑, 儿童, 知识, 用户界面, 学习, SUGAR, 界面, 社区, 学生, 教师"

msgid "interfaceh1"
msgid "interfaceh1"
msgstr "interface"
msgstr "界面"

msgid "interfacep1"
msgid "interfacep1"
msgstr "桌面隐喻在个人电脑用户的集体意识中是如此根深蒂固, 以至于人们早已忘了当初图形用户界面曾是多么大胆而激进的创新, 以及它又曾如何使得电脑不再依赖于&quot;专业人士&quot;, 并让他们对电脑计算人人有份的想法惊讶不已."
msgstr "The desktop metaphor is so entrenched in personal computer users' collective consciousness that it is easy to forget what a bold and radical innovation the Graphical User Interface (GUI) was and how it helped free the computer from the “professionals” who were appalled at the idea of computing for everyone."

msgid "interfacep2"
msgid "interfacep2"
msgstr "OLPC笔记本电脑将会变革电脑界面的现有观念."
msgstr "OLPC is about to revolutionize the existing concept of a computer interface."

msgid "interfacep3"
msgid "interfacep3"
msgstr "根据Seymour的观察到的事实: 儿童们具有和成年人相同的思维能力, 只是思考的范畴不同而已, 我们决定按照他们特殊类型的思维范畴(学习知识)为他们打造一个新的用户界面. 这样, 通过同Pentagram及Red Hat团队的合作, 我们开发了一个被命名为SUGAR的新界面. 这种图形界面就像是现实世界的浓缩, 它将学生和教师以协作者的方式组合在一起, 这里强调的是社区, 人和他们的活动之间的联系."
msgstr "Beginning with Seymour Papert's simple observation that children are knowledge workers like any adult, only more so, we decided they needed a user-interface tailored to their specific type of knowledge work: learning. So, working together with teams from Pentagram and Red Hat, we created SUGAR, a “zoom” interface that graphically captures their world of fellow learners and teachers as collaborators, emphasizing the connections within the community, among people, and their activities."

msgid "interfacep4"
msgid "interfacep4"
msgstr "eToys (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak">Squeak</a>) running on the OLPC display"
msgstr "eToys (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>)OLPC笔记本电脑的显示屏上运行"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar1"
msgid "interfacerightsidebar1"
msgstr "principles"
msgstr "原理"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar2"
msgid "interfacerightsidebar2"
msgstr "demo"
msgstr "演示"

#: design.html
#: design.html

msgid "designtitle"
msgid "designtitle"
msgstr "Design: Discover the laptop design evolution"
msgstr "设计: 了解笔记本电脑的演变"

msgid "designdescription"
msgid "designdescription"
msgstr "作为最初的构想, 笔记本电脑使用一个硅基液晶投影机用作显示屏. Nicholas Negroponte在2005年初演示了这个概念. 当时用了一套黑色的棍子在画面上滑动来表示光学折射原理."
msgstr "As first conceived, the laptop display used LCOS in the from of a projector. Nicholas Negroponte demonstrated the concept in early 2005, using a set of black sticks sliding across a frame to convey some sense of how the folding optics would work."

msgid "designkeywords"
msgid "designkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, XO笔记本电脑, 图形控制器, 灵活的设计, 设计, 视觉差别, 儿童尺寸, 外观, 课本, 配置, 标准笔记本电脑用途, 阅读电子书籍, 游戏, 橡胶膜键盘"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, XO laptop, graphics controller, flexible design , design, visual distinction, kid-sized, appearance, textbook, configurations, standard laptop use, e-book reading, gaming, rubber-membrane keyboard"

msgid "designh1"
msgid "designh1"
msgstr "Laptop design evolution"
msgstr "笔记本设计的演变"

msgid "designp1"
msgid "designp1"
msgstr "作为最初的构想, 笔记本电脑使用一个硅基液晶(liquid crystal on silicon)投影机用作显示屏. Nicholas Negroponte在2005年初演示了这个概念. 当时用了一套黑色的棍子在画面上滑动来表示光学折射原理."
msgstr "As first conceived, the XO laptop display used LCOS (liquid crystal on silicon) in the form of a projector. Nicholas Negroponte demonstrated the concept in early 2005, using a set of black sticks sliding across a frame to convey some sense of how the folding optics would work."

msgid "designp2"
msgid "designp2"
msgstr "当年的六月份, 当被新任命的首席技术官(CTO) Mary Lou Jepsen开始考虑使用双模式的显示屏之后, 笔记本的设计发生了变化. 这所谓的双模式: 一种是常规的彩色LED笔记本显示屏模式, 而另一种是日光下可读的, 黑白色电子书显示模式. 这种概念对于发展中国家特别有意义. 因为在那里露天课堂十分普遍, 而且发放课本是那里的主要教育开支."
msgstr "The laptop began to evolve in June of that year, when Mary Lou Jepsen, newly named as acting CTO, began considering a dual-mode display: one a conventional color LED laptop screen, the other a sunlight-readable, black-and-white e-book. The concept made abundant sense for the developing world, where outdoor classes are common and the cost of shipping textbooks is a major expense."

msgid "designp3"
msgid "designp3"
msgstr "在七月董事会会议上面, Design Continuum发布了一系列有创意的原型设计方案, 并由此于2005年11月进一步发展出了著名的&quot;绿色机器&quot;. 这款及具特色, 带有一个黄色摇柄的样机, 由联合国(UN)秘书长Kofi Annan在突尼斯举办的信息社会世界峰会上亲自为其公开亮相揭幕."
msgstr "At a July board meeting, Design Continuum presented an array of innovative prototype designs that would lead, by November 2005, to the famous “green machine”, with its distinctive pencil-yellow crank, which was unveiled to the world by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at the World Summit on the Information Society at Tunis."

msgid "designp4"
msgid "designp4"
msgstr "这款带有黄色摇柄的样机, 虽然外形可爱, 但最后被证明设计不实用. 后来, 由此产生了配套的交流电电源适配器, 同时也演变出了其他几种小巧的人力发电装置. 目前的设计方案, 最能代表OLPC项目的设计特征是笔记本电脑上的网状网路天线, 也称作&quot;小耳朵&quot;. 于此同时, 我们的原始设计制造厂商(ODM)广达电脑公司, 为新款设计制定了一个牢固的机壳, 以便笔记本电脑能够配有功能转换机构. 这样就十分方便在需要的时候, 将机器由经典笔记本电脑模式, 转换成游戏机或者电子书阅读器模式. 2006年春, 著名的旧金山工业设计师Yves Behar加入了与我们的合作, 以完成第一代XO笔记本电脑的最终设计方案."
msgstr "The yellow crank, while cute, in the end proved impractical; it migrated to the AC adapter as it also morphed into one or more other types of human-power devices. Its status as an icon for OLPC would be supplanted by the mesh-network antennas, or “ears.” At the same time, Quanta Computer, our ODM, made a strong case for fitting the laptop with a so-called transformer hinge to simplify the machine's transformations from classic laptop, to game device, to e-book reader. In the spring of 2006, Yves Behar, the noted San Francisco industrial designer, came aboard to complete the final design of the Generation-One XO."

msgid "designp5"
msgid "designp5"
msgstr "2006年11月, 第一批XO笔记本电脑测试机器(Beta1)走下了广达在上海的装配流水线."
msgstr "In November of 2006, the first XO test machines, the B1 (Beta1), rolled off the Quanta assembly line in Shanghai."

msgid "designp6"
msgid "designp6"
msgstr "2007年初, 代号为B2的XO笔记本电脑改进测试机器已向公众展示, 这个版本比老版机器要更强壮, 更坚固, 性能上也略有提升. 代号为B3的测试机器于2007年5月亮相. 而代号为B4的机器也于2007年6月6日从制造商那里送抵OLPC总部, 用于测试."
msgstr "The B2 iteration of XO, stronger, sturdier, with a slight increase in tilt, is nearly ready for its debut."

#: meshdemo.html
#: meshdemo.html

msgid "meshdemop1"
msgid "meshdemop1"
msgstr "You need the latest Flash plug-in to see the mesh demo. <a href="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" target="_blank">Click here</a> to download it."
msgstr "要观看网状网路的演示, 你的浏览器需要安装最新的Flash插件. <a href="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" target="_blank">这里</a>可以下载到."

#: hardwarehighlights.html
#: hardwarehighlights.html

msgid "hardwarehighlightstitle"
msgid "hardwarehighlightstitle"
msgstr "Laptop with a video/still camera, 3 external USB2.0 ports and a SD-card slot"
msgstr "笔记本电脑配有一个视频/摄像头, 3个扩展USB2.0接口和一个SD插槽"

msgid "hardwarehighlightsh1"
msgid "hardwarehighlightsh1"
msgstr "XO unlike any laptop ever built"
msgstr "XO不同于以往任何一款笔记本电脑"

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp1"
msgid "hardwarehighlightsp1"
msgstr "一从包装盒取出, XO笔记本电脑就能组成一个自己的网状网络. 每部机器就是个全职无线路由器. 这样, 地球上任何居住在偏远的地区的儿童们, 以及他们的老师和家庭, 就都可以相互建立联系, 并且同整个互联网连通."
msgstr "XO creates its own mesh network out of the box. Each machine is a full-time wireless router. Children in the most remote regions of the globe—as well as their teachers and families—will be connected both to one another and to the Internet."

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp2"
msgid "hardwarehighlightsp2"
msgstr "它还配有一个7.5英寸, 1200×900像素的TFT显示屏, 而且这种自动刷新屏幕能提供比目前市场上95%的笔记本电脑更高的分辨率(200 DPI). 两种显示模式可供选择: 一种是投射式的, 全彩色模式; 和一种为反光式, 高分辨率模式, 可在强日光下使用. 这两种模式所消耗的能量都非常少: 在投射模式下工作时,耗能为1瓦特,这大约是普通笔记本电脑LCD显示屏能耗的七分之一; 而当反光模式工作是,仅需要0.2瓦特."
msgstr "It features a 7.5 inch, 1200×900 pixel, TFT screen and self-refreshing display with higher resolution (200 DPI) than 95 percent of the laptops on the market today. Two display modes are available: a transmissive, full-color mode, and a reflective, high-resolution mode that is sunlight readable. Both consume very little power: the transmissive mode consumes one watt—about one seventh of the average LCD power consumption in a laptop; the reflective mode consumes a miserly 0.2 watts."

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp3"
msgid "hardwarehighlightsp3"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑可以选择性地挂起其CPU的运行状态, 以便尽可能地节省电能消耗. 通常它的功耗小于2瓦特, 不到一般笔记本电脑功耗的十分之一. 如此少的能耗才使之有可能, 利用人力为XO笔记本电脑的运行提供动力. 这是对于近5亿没有用上电的孩子们非常关键."
msgstr "The laptop selectively suspend operation of its CPU, which makes possible even more remarkable power savings. The laptop nominally consumes less than two watts—less than one tenth of what a standard laptop consumes—so little that XO can be recharged by human power. This is a critical advance for the half-billion children who have no access to electricity."

#: hardwarefeatures.html
#: hardwarefeatures.html

msgid "hardwarefeaturestitle"
msgid "hardwarefeaturestitle"
msgstr "Discover the XO laptop features"
msgstr "了解XO笔记本电脑的特征"

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp1"
msgid "hardwarefeaturesp1"
msgstr "从一开始, 设计的要素就已明晰: 儿童笔记本电脑不能太大, 不能太重, 不能易破损, 不能外观丑陋, 不能对儿童造成伤害, 或者性能表现迟钝. 另一个必须注意的就是外观要有明显的视觉差别. 这一方面是为了对XO笔记本电脑所针对的用户群形成强烈吸引力; 同时, 机器独特的外观也是为了阻止其在灰色市场上的流通. 我们必须明确这种笔记本电脑的本质以及其目标用户是谁."
msgstr "Design factor was a priority from the start: the laptop could not be big, heavy, fragile, ugly, dangerous, or dull. Another imperative was visual distinction. In part, the goal is to strongly appeal to XO's intended users; but the machine's distinctive appearance is also meant to discourage gray-market traffic. There is no mistaking what it is and for whome it is intended."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp2"
msgid "hardwarefeaturesp2"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑大致同普通课本一样大小, 重量小于一个饭盒. 凭借其灵活的设计和功能转换机构, 笔记本电脑可以轻松地提供不同的配置: 标准笔记本电脑的使用, 阅读电子书籍和游戏."
msgstr "XO is about the size of a textbook and lighter than a lunchbox. Thanks to its flexible design and "transformer" hinge, the laptop easily assumes any of several configurations: standard laptop use, e-book reading, and gaming."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp3"
msgid "hardwarefeaturesp3"
msgstr "笔记本电脑的四角圆滑. 附设的手柄是按儿童尺寸设计, 而且其键盘由橡胶膜制成, 防水密封性好. 新颖的双模式超宽的触摸板支持鼠标功能, 也可以当作绘画和写字的输入板使用."
msgstr "The laptop has rounded edges. The integrated handle is kid-sized, as is the sealed, rubber-membrane keyboard. The novel, dual-mode, extra-wide touchpad supports pointing as well as drawing and writing."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp4"
msgid "hardwarefeaturesp4"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑完全符合欧盟«电子电气设备限制使用某些有害物质指令»(RoHS)的要求. 它不含有有害物质. 其氢镍电池, 不含有毒性重金属, 而且它增强的电池管理特性延长了电池循环充电寿命. 它还能使用备用电源, 例如车载电池."
msgstr "XO is fully compliant with the European Union's RoHS Directive. It contains no hazardous materials. Its NiMH batteries contain no toxic heavy metals, plus it features enhanced battery management for an extended recharge-cycle lifetime. It will also tolerate alternate power-charging sources, such as car batteries."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp5"
msgid "hardwarefeaturesp5"
msgstr "另外, 对于那些家居没有电力供应的环境, XO笔记本电脑也可以用人力发电驱动. 这里至少有两至三种可选方案: 手摇柄, 踏板式或拉绳式. 当然, 也有可能是当孩子们在学校课堂上使用他们笔记本时, 用第二块电池在学校进行集体充电, 放学后带回家里使用."
msgstr "In addition, —for use at home and where power is not available—the XO can be hand powered. It will come with at least two of three options: a crank, a pedal, or a pull-cord. It is also possible that children could have a second battery for group charging at school while they are using their laptop in class."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp6"
msgid "hardwarefeaturesp6"
msgstr "经验表明, 最有可能损坏的笔记本电脑部件是硬盘及内部连接. 因此, XO笔记本电脑没有配备硬盘, 并且内部只有两根电缆. 为了加强牢固性, 机器的塑料外壁厚度从标准的1.3mm增加到了2mm. 而它的在普通笔记本电脑内不具备的网状网络天线, 同时充当USB接口的保护盖, 加之内部的防护措施, USB接口得到了内外双重保护. 此外, 显示屏也加垫了内部&quot;缓冲器&quot;."
msgstr "Experience shows that laptop components most likely to fail are the hard drive and internal connectors. Therefore, XO has no hard drive to crash and only two internal cables. For added robustness, the machine's plastic walls are 2mm thick, as opposed to the standard 1.3mm. Its mesh network antennas, which far outperform the typical laptop, double as external covers for the USB ports, which are protected internally as well. The display is also cushioned by internal “bumpers.”"

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp7"
msgid "hardwarefeaturesp7"
msgstr "笔记本电脑预期的产品寿命至少5年. 为确保这样的耐用性能, 测试机器在厂商那里接受了破坏性试验, 当然还有接受孩子们的实地测试."
msgstr "The estimated product lifetime is at least five years. To help ensure such durability, the machines are being subject to factory testing to destruction, as well as in situ field testing by children."

#: hardwarespecs.html
#: hardwarespecs.html

msgid "hardwarespecstitle"
msgid "hardwarespecstitle"
msgstr "Discover the XO laptop specs"
msgstr "了解XO笔记本电脑规格"

msgid "hardwarespecsh1"
msgid "hardwarespecsh1"
msgstr "Specifications"
msgstr "规格"

msgid "hardwarespecsh2"
msgid "hardwarespecsh2"
msgstr "Physical dimensions:"
msgstr "物理尺寸:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp1"
msgid "hardwarespecsp1"
msgstr "外形大致尺寸: 242mm×228mm×32mm;"
msgstr "Dimensions: 193mm×229mm×64mm (as of 3/27/06—subject to change)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp2"
msgid "hardwarespecsp2"
msgstr "机器大致重量: 带磷酸铁锂(LiFeP)电池约1.45公斤; 带镍氢(NiMH)电池约1.58公斤;"
msgstr "Weight: Less than 1.5 KG (target only—subject to change)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp3"
msgid "hardwarespecsp3"
msgstr "配置: 便携式笔记本电脑配备可转动显示屏; ; 防污, 防潮密封系统; 无风扇."
msgstr "Configuration: Convertible laptop with pivoting, reversible display; dirt- and moisture-resistant system enclosure"

msgid "hardwarespecsh3"
msgid "hardwarespecsh3"
msgstr "Core electronics:"
msgstr "核心电子元件:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp4"
msgid "hardwarespecsp4"
msgstr "AMD Geode LX-500@0.8W (<a href="http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/DownloadableAssets/33358e_lx_900_productb.pdf" target="_blank">datasheet</a>)"
msgstr "CPU: x86兼容处理器, 附带一级指令和数据缓存各64KB; 至少128KB二级缓存; AMD Geode LX-700@0.8W (<a href="http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/DownloadableAssets/33358e_lx_900_productb.pdf" target="_blank">数据表</a>);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp5"
msgid "hardwarespecsp5"
msgstr "CPU clock speed: 433 Mhz"
msgstr "CPU时钟速度: 433 Mhz;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp6"
msgid "hardwarespecsp6"
msgstr "ISA兼容性: 支持x86的 MMX 和 3DNow! 扩展指令集; Athlon指令集(包括 MMX 和 3DNow! 增强指令) 附加 Geode-专有指令;"
msgstr "Compatibility: X86/X87-compatible"

msgid "hardwarespecsp6a"
msgstr "伴随芯片组: CPU集成了PCI和内存接口; North Bridge: PCI和内存接口集成于Geode CPU中; AMD CS5536 South Bridge (<a href="http://www.amd.com/files/connectivitysolutions/geode/geode_lx/33238f_cs5536_ds.zip" target="_blank">数据表</a>);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp7"
msgid "hardwarespecsp7"
msgstr "图形控制器: 集成于Geode CPU; 一元化内存结构;"
msgstr "Chipset: AMD CS5536 South Bridge (<a href="http://www.amd.com/files/connectivitysolutions/geode/geode_lx/33238f_cs5536_ds.zip" target="_blank">datasheet</a>)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp8"
msgid "hardwarespecsp8"
msgstr "嵌入控制器: <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:KB3700-ds-01.pdf" target="_blank">ENE KB3700</a> 或 ENE KB3700B;"
msgstr "Graphics controller: Integrated with Geode CPU; unified memory architecture"

msgid "hardwarespecsp9"
msgid "hardwarespecsp9"
msgstr "DRAM内存: 256 MiB dynamic RAM;"
msgstr "Embedded controller (for production), ENE KB3700: Image:KB3700-ds-01.pdf"

msgid "hardwarespecsp10"
msgid "hardwarespecsp10"
msgstr "DRAM memory: 256 MiB dynamic RAM"
msgstr "数据传输率: Dual — DDR333 166 Mhz;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp11"
msgid "hardwarespecsp11"
msgstr "Data rate: Dual — DDR266 — 133 Mhz"
msgstr "1024KB SPI-接口只读闪存;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp12"
msgid "hardwarespecsp12"
msgstr "海量存储介质: 1024 MiB SLC NAND闪存, 高速闪存控制器;"
msgstr "Open Firmware bootloader; 1024KB SPI-interface flash ROM"

msgid "hardwarespecsp13"
msgid "hardwarespecsp13"
msgstr "驱动器: 非轴动式存储介质;"
msgstr "Mass storage: 1024 MiB SLC NAND flash, high speed flash controller"

msgid "hardwarespecsp14"
msgid "hardwarespecsp14"
msgstr "CAFE专用集成电路 (摄像头, 高速闪存芯片, 提供高性能摄像能力, NAND闪存和SD安全数码卡接口); Marvell 88ALP01: (<a href="http://www.marvell.com/products/pcconn/88ALP01.jsp" target="_blank">CAFE规范</a>)."
msgstr "Drives: No rotating media"

msgid "hardwarespecsh4"
msgid "hardwarespecsh4"
msgstr "Display:"
msgstr "显示屏:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp15"
msgid "hardwarespecsp15"
msgstr "Liquid-crystal display: 7.5" Dual-mode TFT display"
msgstr "液晶显示屏: 7.5” 双模式TFT显示屏;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp16"
msgid "hardwarespecsp16"
msgstr "Viewing area: 152.4 mm × 114.3 mm"
msgstr "显示区域尺寸: 152.4mm × 114.3mm;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp17"
msgid "hardwarespecsp17"
msgstr "Resolution: 1200 (H) × 900 (V) resolution (200 DPI)"
msgstr "分辨率: 1200 (H) × 900 (V) (200 DPI);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp18"
msgid "hardwarespecsp18"
msgstr "单色显示: 高分辨率, 反光式日光下可读单色模式; 彩色显示: 标准分辨率, 5像素采样, 投射式彩色模式;"
msgstr "Mono display: High-resolution, reflective monochrome mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp19"
msgid "hardwarespecsp19"
msgstr "LCD能耗: 背光关闭状态0.1 Watt; 背光开启状态0.2–1.0 Watt;"
msgstr "Color display: Standard-resolution, quincunx-sampled, transmissive color mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp20"
msgid "hardwarespecsp20"
msgstr "含内存式显示控制芯片(DCON)使得笔记本电脑具备在处理器挂起时的持续显示能力; 特制显示屏和此显示控制芯片保证了我们的笔记本电脑超低能耗的特性; 此显示控制芯片同时支持彩色模式中的自动分色和反锯齿处理."
msgstr "Special "DCON" chip, that enables deswizzling and anti-aliasing in color mode, while enabling the display to remain live with the processor suspended."

msgid "hardwarespecsh5"
msgid "hardwarespecsh5"
msgstr "Integrated peripherals:"
msgstr "集成外设部件:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp21"
msgid "hardwarespecsp21"
msgstr "键盘: 80+ 键, 1.0mm击键行程; 密封橡胶膜键码开关集;"
msgstr "Keyboard: 70+ keys, 1.2mm stroke; sealed rubber-membrane key-switch assembly"

msgid "hardwarespecsindent1"
msgid "hardwarespecsindent1"
msgstr "Keyboard layout details"
msgstr "键盘布局详情;"

msgid "hardwarespecsindent2"
msgid "hardwarespecsindent2"
msgstr "Keyboard layout pictures - <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_english.jpg" target="_blank"> international</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_thai.jpg" target="_blank">Thai</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_arabic.jpg" target="_blank">Arabic</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_spanish.jpg" target="_blank">Spanish</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_portuguese.jpg" target="_blank">Portuguese</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_west_africa.jpg" target="_blank">West Africa</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_urdu.jpg" target="_blank">Urdu</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_azerty.jpg" target="_blank">French</a>"
msgstr "键盘布局图片: <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_english.png" target="_blank"> 国际</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard thai.png" target="_blank">泰文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:AR-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">阿拉伯文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:ES-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">西班牙文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:BR-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">葡萄牙文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:NG-MP-alt.png" target="_blank">西非文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Urdu-MP.png" target="_blank">乌尔都文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:MO-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">蒙文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:RU-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">西里尔文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Ethiopic-B3.png" target="_blank">阿姆哈拉文</a>;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp22"
msgid "hardwarespecsp22"
msgstr "游戏控制器: 两套4向光标控制键"
msgstr "Cursor-control keys: five-key cursor-control pad; four directional keys plus Enter"

msgid "hardwarespecsp23"
msgid "hardwarespecsp23"
msgstr "触摸板: 电容/电阻双模式触摸板; 支持书写输入模式; ALPS Electric生产的电容/电阻双模式触摸板;"
msgstr "Touchpad: Dual capacitance/resistive touchpad; supports written-input mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp24"
msgid "hardwarespecsp24"
msgstr "音频: 兼容AC97音频码子系统; 内置立体声放音器; 内置单声道麦克风; 外置耳机及麦克风插口; 音频器件AD1888及SSM2211用于音频放大;"
msgstr "Audio: Analog Devices AD1888, AC97-compatible audio codec; stereo, with dual internal speakers; monophonic, with internal microphone and using the Analog Devices SSM2211 for audio amplification"

msgid "hardwarespecsp25"
msgid "hardwarespecsp25"
msgstr "无线网络: 集成802.11b/g (2.4GHz)接口; 支持802.11s网状网络协议; 双模式转换, 转动式同轴天线; 支持分集接收; 具备关闭CPU电源状态下保持网状网络通讯的能力; Marvell Libertas 88W8388控制器和88W8015收音机芯片, 兼容802.11b/g; "
msgstr "Wireless: Marvell Libertas 88W8388+88W8015, 802.11b/g compatible; dual adjustable, rotating coaxial antennas; supports diversity reception"

msgid "hardwarespecsp26"
msgid "hardwarespecsp26"
msgstr "状态指示器: 电源, 电池, WiFi (2); 面板开启或关闭可视指示; 面板开启状态下的麦克风及摄像头使用可视指示;"
msgstr "Status indicators: Power, battery, WiFi; visible lid open or closed"

msgid "hardwarespecsp27"
msgid "hardwarespecsp27"
msgstr "视像摄像头: 集成彩色视像摄像头; 刷屏速率30 FPS时的分辨率为640×480; <a href="http://www.ovt.com/products/part_detail.asp?id=53" target="_target">Omnivision OV7670</a>."
msgstr "Video camera: 640×480 resolution, 30FPS"

msgid "hardwarespecsh6"
msgid "hardwarespecsh6"
msgstr "External connectors:"
msgstr "外部接口:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp28"
msgid "hardwarespecsp28"
msgstr "直流电源: 6mm(内芯1.65mm)连接器; 可用输入电压 11 至 18 V, 允许输入电压偏差–32 至 40 V; 最大消耗功率为15 W;"
msgstr "Power: 2-pin DC-input, 10 to 25 V, –23 to –10 V"
msgid "hardwarespecsp29"
msgid "hardwarespecsp29"
msgstr "耳机输出: 标准3.5毫米3芯立体声音频转换插口;"
msgstr "Line output: Standard 3.5mm 3-pin switched stereo audio jack"

msgid "hardwarespecsp30"
msgid "hardwarespecsp30"
msgstr "麦克风输入: 标准3.5毫米2芯单声道麦克风转换插口; 2V可选直流误差; 可选传感器输入模式(直流或交流耦合);"
msgstr "Microphone: Standard 3.5mm 2-pin switched mono microphone jack; selectable sensor-input mode"
msgid "hardwarespecsp31"
msgid "hardwarespecsp31"
msgstr "Expansion: 3 Type-A USB-2.0 connectors; SD Card slot"
msgstr "USB: 3A类型USB-2.0接口; 最大可供电流1A (total);"
msgid "hardwarespecsp32"
msgid "hardwarespecsp32"
msgstr "Maximum power: 500 mA (total)"
msgstr "闪存卡扩展接口: MMC/SD卡槽."

msgid "hardwarespecsh7"
msgid "hardwarespecsh7"
msgstr "Battery:"
msgstr "电池:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp33"
msgid "hardwarespecsp33"
msgstr "包装类型: 2或4节装磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)电池; 5节装镍氢(NiMH)电池, 大致6V串联配置;"
msgstr "Pack type: 4 or 5 Cells, 6V series configuration"

msgid "hardwarespecsp34"
msgid "hardwarespecsp34"
msgstr "容量: 22.8 瓦特时(磷酸铁锂电池, LiFePO4); 16.5 瓦特时 (镍氢电池, NiMH);"
msgstr "Fully-enclosed “hard” case; user removable"

msgid "hardwarespecsp35"
msgid "hardwarespecsp35"
msgstr "全封闭式&quot;硬&quot;壳包装; 可更换式;"
msgstr "Capacity: 22.8 Watt-hours"

msgid "hardwarespecsp36"
msgid "hardwarespecsp36"
msgstr "包装内置电子电路包括:"
msgstr "Cell type: NiMH (or LiFeP)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp37"
msgid "hardwarespecsp37"
msgstr "识别;"
msgstr "Pack protection: Integrated pack-type identification"
msgid "hardwarespecsp38"
msgid "hardwarespecsp38"
msgstr "Integrated thermal sensor"
msgstr "电池充电次数及容量信息;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp39"
msgid "hardwarespecsp39"
msgstr "内置热度和过载传感器以及截止开关电路用于保护电池;"
msgstr "Integrated polyfuse current limiter"

msgid "hardwarespecsp40"
msgid "hardwarespecsp40"
msgstr "最少2000次充/放电循环寿命 (保持新电池50%的电容量);"
msgstr "Cycle life: Minimum 2,000 charge/discharge cycles (to 50% capacity of new, IIRC)."

msgid "hardwarespecsp41"
msgid "hardwarespecsp41"
msgstr "<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Power_Management" target="_blank">Power Management</a> will be critical"
msgstr "<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Power_Management" target="_blank">电源管理</a>十分重要."

msgid "hardwarespecsh8"
msgid "hardwarespecsh8"
msgstr "BIOS/loader"
msgstr "BIOS/加载器"

msgid "hardwarespecsp42"
msgid "hardwarespecsp42"
msgstr "Open Firmware is used as the bootloader."
msgstr "开放式固件用于引导操作系统."

msgid "hardwarespecsh9"
msgid "hardwarespecsh9"
msgstr "Environmental specifications:"
msgstr "使用环境规格:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp43"
msgid "hardwarespecsp43"
msgstr "温度: 计划于2007第三季度达到UL 45摄氏度的认证, 而于2008年中满足50摄氏度的认证;"
msgstr "Temperature: somewhere in between typical laptop requirements and Mil spec; exact values have not been settled."

msgid "hardwarespecsp44"
msgid "hardwarespecsp44"
msgstr "湿度: 计划达到UL认证的IP42绝缘等级(或者更高等级). 当处于闭合状态, 机器应当具备充分的密封防护, 以保证孩子们上下学路上无需担心暴雨及灰尘对设备的侵蚀;"
msgstr "Humidity: Similar attitude to temperature. When closed, the unit should seal well enough that children walking to and from school need not fear rainstorms or dust."

msgid "hardwarespecsp45"
msgid "hardwarespecsp45"
msgstr "Altitude: –15m to 3048m (14.7 to 10.1 psia) (operating), –15m to 12192m (14.7 to 4.4 psia) (non-operating)"
msgstr "最大适用高度: –15m 3048m (14.7 10.1 PSIA) (工作状态), –15m 12192m (14.7 4.4 PSIA) (非工作状态);"
msgid "hardwarespecsp46"
msgid "hardwarespecsp46"
msgstr "Shock: 125g, 2ms, half-sine (operating) 200g, 2ms, half-sine (non-operating)"
msgstr "震动 125g, 2ms, 半正弦 (工作状态) 200g, 2ms, 半正弦 (非工作状态);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp47"
msgid "hardwarespecsp47"
msgstr "Random vibration: 0.75g zero-to-peak, 10Hz to 500Hz, 0.25 oct/min sweep rate (operating); 1.5g zero-to-peak, 10Hz to 500Hz, 0.5 oct/min sweep rate (nonoperating)"
msgstr "随机振动: 零至峰值 0.75g, 10Hz 500Hz, 扫频速率 0.25 oct/min (工作状态); 零至峰值 1.5g, 10Hz 500Hz, 扫频速率 0.5 oct/min (非工作状态);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp48"
msgid "hardwarespecsp48"
msgstr "2mm plastic walls (1.3mm is typical for most systems)."
msgstr "塑料外壁厚度 2mm (常规多数系统为 1.3mm)."

msgid "hardwarespecsh10"
msgid "hardwarespecsh10"
msgstr "Regulatory requirements:"
msgstr "监管规定:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp49"
msgid "hardwarespecsp49"
msgstr "符合美国和欧盟电磁干扰/兼容性(EMI/EMC)规定;"
msgstr "The usual US and EU EMI/EMC requirements will be met."
msgid "hardwarespecsp50"
msgid "hardwarespecsp50"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑符合IEC 60950-1, EN 60950-1, 以及CSA/UL 60950-1规范, 而且符合UL 1310和UL 498标准. 为了保障儿童使用笔记本电脑时的安全, 它还通过了美国玩具安全标准ASTM F963的检验;"
msgstr "The laptop and all OLPC-supplied accessories will be fully UL and is RoHS compliant."

msgid "hardwarespecsp50a"
msgstr "外置电源符合IEC, EN和CSA/UL的60950-1规范;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp50b"
msgstr "可卸式电池符合IEC, EN和CSA/UL的60950-1及UL 2054规范;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp50c"
msgstr "符合欧盟的 «电子电气设备限制使用某些有害物质指令»(RoHS)规范."

#: softwareprinciples.html
#: softwareprinciples.html

msgid "softwareprinciplestitle"
msgid "softwareprinciplestitle"
msgstr "原理: XO笔记本电脑将把科技带给孩子们"
msgstr "Principles: The XO Laptop will bring children technology"

msgid "softwareprinciplesh1"
msgid "softwareprinciplesh1"
msgstr "principles"
msgstr "原理"

msgid "softwareprinciplesp1"
msgid "softwareprinciplesp1"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑将把科技带给孩子们, 让他们借此享受到自由和权利. 面对全球多样性, 这个项目只有通过保持公开性并向笔记本电脑的用户和开发人员提供完全彻底的自由度, 才能取得真正的成功."
msgstr "The XO Laptop will bring children technology as a means to freedom and empowerment. The success of the project in the face of overwhelming global diversity will only be possible by embracing openness and by providing the laptop's users and developers a profound level of freedom."

msgid "softwareprinciplesp2"
msgid "softwareprinciplesp2"
msgstr "随着孩子们的成长和追寻新的思想, 软件和相应的工具必须保持与他们共同进步, 并为他们提供通往其它技术途径."
msgstr "As the children grow and pursue new ideas, the software and the tools should be able to grow with them and provide a gateway to other technology."

msgid "softwareprinciplesp3"
msgid "softwareprinciplesp3"
Line 389: Line 405:

msgid "softwarebenefitstitle"
msgid "softwarebenefitstitle"
msgstr "原理: XO笔记本电脑将把科技带给孩子们"
msgstr "Principles: The XO Laptop will bring children technology"

msgid "softwarebenefitsh1"
msgid "softwarebenefitsh1"
msgstr "benefits"
msgstr "益处"

msgid "softwarebenefitsp1"
msgid "softwarebenefitsp1"
msgstr "学习是我们的主要目标; 在此, 电脑知识不是我们主要关注的, 天资聪明的儿童会在使用笔记本电脑进行学习的过程中获得这方面的知识. 儿童, 特别是那些年幼的儿童, 更本没有必要为了使用笔记本电脑, 而接受专门的信息知识教育. 当然, 也就不需要去学习做一名WORD, EXCEL和POWERPOINT等应用程序的熟练操作员. 他们不是上班族. 然而, 这些技巧的掌握会在他们日常使用笔记本电脑从事知识学习的成长过程中, 自然而然的完成."
msgstr "Learning is our main goal; we do not focus on computer literacy, as that is a by-product of the fluency children will gain through use of the laptop for learning. Children—especially young children—do not need to learn about IT and certainly do not need to be fluent users of WORD, EXCEL and POWERPOINT. They are not office workers. However, picking up these skills, having grown up with a laptop, will be readily accomplished."

msgid "softwarebenefitsp2"
msgid "softwarebenefitsp2"
msgstr "从John Dewey到Paulo Freire乃至Seymour Papert等众多认知论学家都会同意通过动手习作来完成学习. 这意味着, 如果你想学得更多, 就要做得更多. 因此, OLPC项目突出的是方便用于探索和表述思想的软件工具, 而不是说教. 爱要比承担责任更能激发人们进步. 通过使用笔记本电脑来鼓舞孩子们根据自身的兴趣来丰富他们的知识体系; 此外, 提供他们适合的工具, 以便能够共享构建起来的知识内容, 对其中不足之处相互提出批评建议. 这样就使得他们不单单是学生, 也是扩展自身知识的老师."
msgstr "Epistemologists from John Dewey to Paulo Freire to Seymour Papert agree that you learn through doing. This suggests that if you want more learning, you want more doing. Thus OLPC puts an emphasis on software tools for exploring and expressing, rather than instruction. Love is a better master than duty. Using the laptop as the agency for engaging children in constructing knowledge based upon their personal interests and providing them tools for sharing and critiquing these constructions will lead them to become learners and teachers."

msgid "softwarebenefitsp3"
msgid "softwarebenefitsp3"
msgstr "基于实用性, 同时在控制成本的前提下提供必要的性能和可靠性等方面增强的考量, XO笔记本电脑的软件系统中没有堆积不必要的冗余代码, 各种各样的&quot;特性&quot;只是造成系统的笨拙, 不可靠和众多现代笔记本电脑开支的增加. XO笔记本电脑将具备迅速启动和任务运行快捷的能力. 为了达到这一目标, 我们将只专注于那些儿童在知识学习过程中必需的软件特性."
msgstr "As a matter of practicality and given the necessity to enhance performance and reliability while containing costs, XO is not burdened by the bloat of excess code, the "featureitis" that is responsible for much of the clumsiness, unreliability, and expense of many modern laptops. XO will start up in an instant and move briskly through its operations. We accomplish this by focusing on only those features that children need for learning."

#: softwarespecs.html
#: softwarespecs.html

msgid "softwarespecstitle"
msgid "softwarespecstitle"
msgstr "软件规格: 我们使用Linux操作系统的组件"
msgstr "Specs: We are using components of the Linux operating system"

msgid "softwarespecsh1"
msgid "softwarespecsh1"
msgstr "specs"
msgstr "软件规格"

msgid "softwarespecsp1"
msgid "softwarespecsp1"
msgstr "We are using components from Red Hat's Fedora Core 6 version of the Linux operating system; we are tracking the main kernel fairly closely."
msgstr "我们使用Red HatFedora Core 6版的Linux操作系统中的组件; 我们也同时紧密地保持同整个Linux社区主核心树的一致性."

msgid "softwarespecsp2"
msgid "softwarespecsp2"
msgstr "We will be supporting five programming environments on the laptop: (1) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Python/" target="_blank">Python</a>, from which we have built our user interface and our activity model; (2) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Javascript/" target="_blank">Javascript</a> for browser-based scripting; (3) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/CSound" target="_blank">Csound</a>, a programmable music and audio environment; (4) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>, a version of Smalltalk embedded into a media-rich authoring environment; and (5) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/LOGO" target="_blank">Logo</a>. We will also provide some support Java and Flash."
msgstr "我们将在笔记本电脑中提供5种不同的编程环境: (1) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Python" target="_blank">Python</a>, 我们用它来搭建我们的用户界面和活动类模型; (2) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Javascript" target="_blank">Javascript</a> 用来处理以浏览器为基础的脚本语言; (3) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/CSound" target="_blank">Csound</a>, 可编程音乐和音频处理环境; (4) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>, 一个带有Smalltalk嵌入版本的多媒体创作环境; (5) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/LOGO" target="_blank">Logo</a>. 我们还对Java语言和Flash提供部分支持."

msgid "softwarespecsp3"
msgid "softwarespecsp3"
msgstr "Applications will include a web browser built on <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Xulrunner" target="_blank">Xulrunner</a>, the run-time environment used by the Firefox browser; a simple document viewer based upon <a href="http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/" target="_blank">Evince</a>; the <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/AbiWord" target="_blank">AbiWord</a> wordprocessor, an <a href="http://penguintv.sourceforge.net" title="PenguinTV" target="_blank">RSS reader</a>, an email client, chat client, VOIP client; a <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines#Journaling" target="_blank">journal</a> a wiki with WYSIWYG editing; a multimedia authoring and playback environment; a music composition toolkit, graphics toolkits, games, a shell and a debugger."
msgstr "应用程序将包括以<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Xulrunner" target="_blank">Xulrunner</a>为引擎的网页浏览器, 这个引擎同时用在Firefox浏览器的运行环境; 一个基于<a href="http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/" target="_blank">Evince</a>的简单文件阅读器; <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Write" target="_blank">AbiWord</a>文字处理器, 一个<a href="http://penguintv.sourceforge.net" title="PenguinTV" target="_blank">RSS聚合新闻阅读器</a>, 一个邮件客户程序, 聊天客户端程序, VOIP电话客户程序; 一个以Wiki服务为引擎的<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines#Journaling" target="_blank">日志</a>编辑器 ; 一个多媒体创作及播放环境; 一个音乐作曲工具包, 图形工具包, 游戏, 一个命令行解释器和一个程序调试器."

msgid "softwarespecsp4"
msgid "softwarespecsp4"
msgstr "Libraries and plugins used by OLPC include <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/" target="_blank">Xul</a>, <a href="http://www.gtk.org/" target="_blank">GTK+</a>, <a href="http://projects.o-hand.com/matchbox" target="_blank">Matchbox</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar" target="_blank">Sugar</a>, <a href="http://www.pango.org/" target="_blank">Pango</a>, <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/" target="_blank">ATK</a>, <a href="http://cairographics.org/" target="_blank">Cairo</a>, <a href="http://x.org" target="_blank">X Window System</a>, <a href="http://avahi.org/" target="_blank">Avahi</a>, and <a href="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/" target="_blank">gstreamer</a>."
msgstr "OLPC笔记本电脑使用的软件库及扩件包括: <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/" target="_blank">Xul</a>, <a href="http://www.gtk.org/" target="_blank">GTK+</a>, <a href="http://projects.o-hand.com/matchbox" target="_blank">Matchbox</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar" target="_blank">Sugar</a>, <a href="http://www.pango.org/" target="_blank">Pango</a>, <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/" target="_blank">ATK</a>, <a href="http://cairographics.org/" target="_blank">Cairo</a>, <a href="http://x.org" target="_blank">X Window System</a>, <a href="http://avahi.org/" target="_blank">Avahi</a> <a href="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/" target="_blank">gstreamer</a>."

#: softwaredevelopers.html
#: softwaredevelopers.html

msgid "softwaredeveloperstitle"
msgid "softwaredeveloperstitle"
msgstr "程序编制人员: 获得最新生成的系统软件稳定版本"
msgstr "Developers: Get the latest stable build of our image"

msgid "softwaredevelopersh1"
msgid "softwaredevelopersh1"
msgstr "developers"
msgstr "程序编制人员"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp1"
msgid "softwaredevelopersp1"
msgstr "One Laptop Per Child Development site:<br /> <a href="http://dev.laptop.org/" target="_blank">http://dev.laptop.org/</a>"
msgstr "OLPC软件开发站:<br /> <a href="http://dev.laptop.org/" target="_blank">http://dev.laptop.org/</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp2"
msgid "softwaredevelopersp2"
msgstr "Developers program:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program</a>"
msgstr "程序员开发项目:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp3"
msgid "softwaredevelopersp3"
msgstr "BTest Software Note:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/BTest_Software_Note" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/BTest_Software_Notes</a>"
msgstr "系统软件第2测试版说明:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Trial-2_Software_Release_Notes" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Trial-2_Software_Release_Notes</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp4"
msgid "softwaredevelopersp4"
msgstr "Autoreinstallation image:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image</a>"
msgstr "系统软件自动安装映像:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp5"
msgid "softwaredevelopersp5"
msgstr "The latest stable build of our image is always found here:<br /> <a href="http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST" target="_blank">http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/ streams/development/LATEST</a>"
msgstr "最新生成的系统软件稳定版本可以从以下网址找到:<br /> <a href="http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST" target="_blank">http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/ streams/development/LATEST</a>"

#: interfaceprinciples.html
#: interfaceprinciples.html

msgid "interfaceprinciplestitle"
msgid "interfaceprinciplestitle"
msgstr "原理: 笔记本电脑以活动为中心把孩子们聚集在一起"
msgstr "Principles: The laptop focuses children around activities"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh1"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesh1"
msgstr "principles"
msgstr "原理"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh2"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesh2"
msgstr "Activities"
msgstr "活动"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp1"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesp1"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑上没有传统意义上的应用程序. 笔记本电脑以&quot;活动&quot;为中心把孩子们聚集在一起. 这不仅仅是一种新的命名约定; 它同时代表着一种学习体验的内在品质, 我们希望儿童在使用笔记本电脑时能感受得到. 由于活动侧重于—协作与表达, 以及他们的执行手段—日志纪录和反复练习, 这些使得活动的概念明显区别于与传统的应用程序."
msgstr "There are no software applications in the traditional sense on the laptop. The laptop focuses children around “activities.” This is more than a new naming convention; it represents an intrinsic quality of the learning experience we hope the children will have when using the laptop. Activities are distinct from applications in their foci—collaboration and expression—and their implementation—journaling and iteration."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh3"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesh3"
msgstr "Presence"
msgstr "现场参与"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp2"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesp2"
msgstr "每个人都有成为既是学生, 又是老师的潜力. 为了让人们发挥出这种潜力, 我们选择把人与人协作放在用户体验的核心位置. 社区其他成员的现场参与, 会促使孩子们担负起促进自身和其他成员学习的责任. 成员间的思想交流会使得学习过程更加有趣, 也培育了批判性思考的技能. 我们希望通过笔记本电脑来促进这种类型的社会互动."
msgstr "Everyone has the potential for being both a learner and a teacher. We have chosen to put collaboration at the core of the user experience in order to realize this potential. The presence of other members of the learning community will encourage children to take responsibility for others' learning as well as their own. The exchange of ideas amongst peers can both make the learning process more engaging and stimulate critical thinking skills. We hope to encourage these types of social interaction with the laptops."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp3"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesp3"
msgstr "为了便于协作学习环境的形成, 笔记本电脑使用了网状网络, 以在一定范围内把所有的笔记本电脑相互连接在一起. 通过这种方式的连接, 每个个体的活动就可能变为网络社群的活动. 我们期望所有的活动都能发挥网状网络的优势; 任何不具网络意识的活动, 也许应当按照互联的观念进行重新构想. 以随笔记本电脑捆绑发行的网络浏览活动为例. 也许人们会偶尔地给朋友推荐一个喜爱的网页连接, 但通常网络浏览器是孤立运行的. 然而在这种笔记本电脑中, 嵌入在浏览器活动里的连接地址共享功能, 把孤立的网上冲浪行为变成团队的协作. 如有可能, 应让所有的活动拥抱网状网络, 并且全力促进这种协作方法."
msgstr "In order to facilitate a collaborative learning environment, the laptops employ a mesh network that interconnects all laptops within range. By exploiting this connectivity, every activity has the potential to be a networked activity. We aspire that all activities take advantage of the mesh; any activity that is not mesh-aware should perhaps be rethought in light of connectivity. As an example, consider the web-browsing activity bundled with the laptop distribution. Normally one browses in isolation, perhaps on occasion sending a friend a favorite link. On the laptop, however, a link-sharing feature integrated into the browser activity transforms the solitary act of web-surfing into a group collaboration. Where possible, all activities should embrace the mesh and place strong focus on facilitating such collaborative processes."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh4"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesh4"
msgstr "Expression"
msgstr "表达"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp4"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesp4"
msgstr "我们希望人们能够利用他们已有的学识, 不断推演出新的知识. 基于这样的想法, 我们的策略重点是利用现有科技手段来进行思考, 表达和交流. 笔记本电脑是一个&quot;可用于思维活动的工具&quot;; 我们希望将孩子们主要的活动方式变成某种形式的创造性表达. 这样, 大多数的活动将着重于创建某种类型的对象, 也许是绘画, 歌曲, 一个故事, 一个游戏或是一个程序. 如果要通过语言来描述用户的体验, 我们倾向于用对象, 而非文件, 来做为创造性表述的主要素材."
msgstr "Starting from the premise that we want to make use of what people already know in order to make connections to new knowledge, our approach focuses on thinking, expressing, and communicating with technology. The laptop is a “thing to think with”; we hope to make the primary activity of the children one of creative expression, in whatever form that might take. Thus, most activities will focus on the creation of some type of object, be it a drawing, a song, a story, a game, or a program. In another shift in the language used to describe the user experience, we refer to objects rather than files as the primary stuff of creative expression."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp5"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesp5"
msgstr "就如, 大部分的软件开发者都会同意, 最好的学习编程的方法就是亲自写一段程序. 或许教导别人学习也应当这样做; 学习一种语言的语法可能很有用, 但这并不能教会人们如何编码. 我们希望将&quot;通过习作来学习&quot;的原则用于所有种类的创造活动中, 比如, 我们就强调应对下载的音乐进行作曲. 我们也同样鼓励儿童们互相评论他们表达的内容, 并且对此表述进行反复练习."
msgstr "As most software developers would agree, the best way to learn how to write a program is to write one, or perhaps teach someone else how to do so; studying the syntax of the language might be useful, but it doesn't teach one how to code. We hope to apply this principle of “learn through doing” to all types of creation, e.g., we emphasize composing music over downloading music. We also encourage the children to engage in the process of collaborative critique of their expressions and to iterate upon this expression as well."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp6"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesp6"
msgstr "对传统的文件系统实施对象化处理, 可以更加直接形象地描述现实世界: 比如, 我们听到的是一个真实的声音, 而不是一个声音文件; 一段故事, 而不是一个文本文件. 为了应用这种概念, 互动编制员就要定义一个对象类型, 而后用相关联的图标来代表它们."
msgstr "The objectification of the traditional file system speaks more directly to real-world metaphors: instead of a sound file, we have an actual sound; instead of a text file, a story. In order to support this concept, activity developers may define object types and associated icons to represent them."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh5"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesh5"
msgstr "Journaling"
msgstr "日志"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp7"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesp7"
msgstr "尽管记录日常活动的书面文本形式可能由于文化的差异而有所不同, 但是日志这种概念早已广泛为人所知. 在日志中, 一日发生的活动会按照时间的先后顺序一一编历入册. 我们选择采用文件系统的日志隐喻作为我们基本的文档组织方式. 当然, 这个文件系统的底层实现方法与其他现代操作系统中的那些文件系统没有本质的差别, 这对于日志概念的抽象层面本身并不十分重要."
msgstr "The concept of the Journal, a written documentation of everyday events, is generally understood, albeit in various forms across cultures. A journal typically chronicles the activities one has done throughout the day. We have chosen to adopt a journal metaphor for the file system as our basic approach to file organization. While the underlying implementation of such a file system does not differ significantly from some of those in contemporary operating systems, it also holds less importance than the journal abstraction itself."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp8"
msgid "interfaceprinciplesp8"
msgstr "就其核心, 我们的日志概念是利用文件系统对一个孩子的行为进行历史记录. 更具体地说, 就是记录他所从事的各项活动. 日志的功能就是存储各种生成的活动对象, 而各项活动的具体实施对于日志系统来讲是次要的, 虽然它们也很重要. 日志的自然含义意味着它是按时间顺序组织的(虽然可以按照不同的方式可对活动加以标签, 查寻和排序). 作为孩子的行为记录(这里不仅仅是那些由孩子自己存储的活动), 日志就像投资组合书或剪贴簿一样记录着他同电脑和其他团体成员的全部交互过程. 日志包括了那些在孩子刚刚加入活动时明确的生成的, 以及那些孩子每次参与活动的隐含生成的记录; 相对于功能和应用分离的传统文件系统, 程序员在使用日志的时候, 必须仔细考量如何将一项活动同日志集成在一起. 只有把活动, 对象以及记录的方法等多方面因素融合在一起, 才能产生不同类型的电脑应用体验."
msgstr "At its core, our journal concept embodies the idea that the file system records a history of the things a child has done, or, more specifically, the activities a child has participated in. Its function as the store of the objects created while performing those activities is secondary, although also important. The Journal naturally lends itself to a chronological organization (although it can be tagged, searched, and sorted by a variety of means). As a record of things a child has done—not just the things a child has saved—the Journal will read much like a portfolio or scrapbook history of the child's interactions with the machine and also with peers. The Journal combines entries explicitly created by the children with those which are implicitly created through participation in activities; developers must think carefully about how an activity integrates with the Journal more so than with a traditional file system that functions independently of an application. The activities, the objects, and the means of recording all tightly integrate to create a different kind of computer experience."

#: interfacedemo.html
#: interfacedemo.html

msgid "interfacedemotitle"
msgid "interfacedemotitle"
msgstr "Interface Demo"
msgstr "界面演示"

msgid "interfacedemoh1"
msgid "interfacedemoh1"
msgstr "demo"
msgstr "演示"

msgid "clickfornextslide"
msgid "clickfornextslide"
msgstr "Click for next slide"
msgstr "点击观看下一个幻灯"

msgid "next"
msgid "next"
msgstr "next"
msgstr "下一页"

msgid "previous"
msgid "previous"
msgstr "previous"
msgstr "前一页"

#: activities.html
#: activities.html
Line 516: Line 532:



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# These pages are for the Laptop Section

#: hardware.html

msgid "hardwaretitle"
msgstr "笔记本电脑: 专门为发展中国家儿童研制的学习工具"

msgid "hardwaredescription"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑是专门为那些居住在世界上偏远地区最贫困儿童而研制的一种有效的学习工具. 这款笔记本电脑的全部设计任务由学术界和工业界的众多专家合作共同完成."

msgid "hardwarekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, XO笔记本电脑, 学习工具, 电脑硬件, 无线路由器, TFT显示屏, 自动刷新显示, 分辨率, 投射模式, 全彩色模式, 反光模式, 高分辨率模式, LCD功耗, CPU, 摄像头, USB2.0外接接口, SD卡槽, 内存, 芯片组, 图形控制器."

msgid "hardwaresubcontenttitle"
msgstr "网状网络演示"

msgid "hardwareh1"
msgstr "电脑硬件"

msgid "hardwarep1"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑是专门为那些居住在世界上偏远地区最贫困儿童而研制的一种有效的学习工具. 这款笔记本电脑由学术界和工业界的众多专家合作设计, 他们在这个非营利性人道项目中施展出了杰出的智慧并提供了众多方面的实际经验. 这一成果体现了形式和功能上的独特协作; 并且产生出了一种灵巧, 超低成本, 功效优良, 反应灵敏和耐用性好的机器. 通过它, 能让新兴世界的国家在儿童教育方面飞速发展, 及时地改善教学内容和品质."

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar1"
msgstr "技术亮点"

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar2"
msgstr "特征"

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar3"
msgstr "配置"

#: software.html

msgid "softwaretitle"
msgstr "软件: XO笔记本电脑的软件系统由自由和开放源码软件构成"

msgid "softwaredescription"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑的软件系统由自由和开放源码软件构成. 我们对软件自由的承诺, 保证了孩子们能够根据他们的自身的条件使用他们自己的笔记本电脑."

msgid "softwarekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, XO笔记本电脑, 学习工具, 学习体验, 开放源码软件, 笔记本电脑, 开放文件格式, 教师, 自由开源软件(FOSS), 自由软件"

msgid "softwareh1"
msgstr "软件"

msgid "softwarep1"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑的软件系统由自由和开放源码软件构成. 我们对软件自由的承诺, 保证了孩子们能够根据他们的自身的条件使用他们自己的笔记本电脑. 尽管我们并不寄望每个使用笔记本电脑的儿童都成为软件编制员; 但是, 我们也不会对那些想改动他们机器的儿童设置任何障碍. 同样, 我们使用开放文件格式, 也是基相同的原因: 增强透明度. 孩子们以及他们的老师拥有重构, 再造, 反复使用他们的软件, 硬件和知识内容的自由权利."

#: interface.html

msgid "interfacetitle"
msgstr "界面: OLPC笔记本电脑将会震撼一切"

msgid "interfacedescription"
msgstr "根据Seymour的观察到的事实: 儿童们具有和成年人相同的思维能力, 只是思考的范畴不同而已, 我们决定按照他们特殊类型的思维范畴为他们打造一个新的用户界面."

msgid "interfacekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 桌面, 个人电脑, 儿童, 知识, 用户界面, 学习, SUGAR, 界面, 社区, 学生, 教师"

msgid "interfaceh1"
msgstr "界面"

msgid "interfacep1"
msgstr "桌面隐喻在个人电脑用户的集体意识中是如此根深蒂固, 以至于人们早已忘了当初图形用户界面曾是多么大胆而激进的创新, 以及它又曾如何使得电脑不再依赖于"专业人士", 并让他们对电脑计算人人有份的想法惊讶不已."

msgid "interfacep2"
msgstr "OLPC笔记本电脑将会变革电脑界面的现有观念."

msgid "interfacep3"
msgstr "根据Seymour的观察到的事实: 儿童们具有和成年人相同的思维能力, 只是思考的范畴不同而已, 我们决定按照他们特殊类型的思维范畴(学习知识)为他们打造一个新的用户界面. 这样, 通过同Pentagram及Red Hat团队的合作, 我们开发了一个被命名为SUGAR的新界面. 这种图形界面就像是现实世界的浓缩, 它将学生和教师以协作者的方式组合在一起, 这里强调的是社区, 人和他们的活动之间的联系."

msgid "interfacep4"
msgstr "eToys (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>)在OLPC笔记本电脑的显示屏上运行"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar1"
msgstr "原理"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar2"
msgstr "演示"

#: design.html

msgid "designtitle"
msgstr "设计: 了解笔记本电脑的演变"

msgid "designdescription"
msgstr "作为最初的构想, 笔记本电脑使用一个硅基液晶投影机用作显示屏. Nicholas Negroponte在2005年初演示了这个概念. 当时用了一套黑色的棍子在画面上滑动来表示光学折射原理."

msgid "designkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, XO笔记本电脑, 图形控制器, 灵活的设计, 设计, 视觉差别, 儿童尺寸, 外观, 课本, 配置, 标准笔记本电脑用途, 阅读电子书籍, 游戏, 橡胶膜键盘"

msgid "designh1"
msgstr "笔记本设计的演变"

msgid "designp1"
msgstr "作为最初的构想, 笔记本电脑使用一个硅基液晶(liquid crystal on silicon)投影机用作显示屏. Nicholas Negroponte在2005年初演示了这个概念. 当时用了一套黑色的棍子在画面上滑动来表示光学折射原理."

msgid "designp2"
msgstr "当年的六月份, 当被新任命的首席技术官(CTO) Mary Lou Jepsen开始考虑使用双模式的显示屏之后, 笔记本的设计发生了变化. 这所谓的双模式: 一种是常规的彩色LED笔记本显示屏模式, 而另一种是日光下可读的, 黑白色电子书显示模式. 这种概念对于发展中国家特别有意义. 因为在那里露天课堂十分普遍, 而且发放课本是那里的主要教育开支."

msgid "designp3"
msgstr "在七月董事会会议上面, Design Continuum发布了一系列有创意的原型设计方案, 并由此于2005年11月进一步发展出了著名的"绿色机器". 这款及具特色, 带有一个黄色摇柄的样机, 由联合国(UN)秘书长Kofi Annan在突尼斯举办的信息社会世界峰会上亲自为其公开亮相揭幕."

msgid "designp4"
msgstr "这款带有黄色摇柄的样机, 虽然外形可爱, 但最后被证明设计不实用. 后来, 由此产生了配套的交流电电源适配器, 同时也演变出了其他几种小巧的人力发电装置. 目前的设计方案, 最能代表OLPC项目的设计特征是笔记本电脑上的网状网路天线, 也称作"小耳朵". 于此同时, 我们的原始设计制造厂商(ODM)广达电脑公司, 为新款设计制定了一个牢固的机壳, 以便笔记本电脑能够配有功能转换机构. 这样就十分方便在需要的时候, 将机器由经典笔记本电脑模式, 转换成游戏机或者电子书阅读器模式. 2006年春, 著名的旧金山工业设计师Yves Behar加入了与我们的合作, 以完成第一代XO笔记本电脑的最终设计方案."

msgid "designp5"
msgstr "2006年11月, 第一批XO笔记本电脑测试机器(Beta1)走下了广达在上海的装配流水线."

msgid "designp6"
msgstr "2007年初, 代号为B2的XO笔记本电脑改进测试机器已向公众展示, 这个版本比老版机器要更强壮, 更坚固, 性能上也略有提升. 代号为B3的测试机器于2007年5月亮相. 而代号为B4的机器也于2007年6月6日从制造商那里送抵OLPC总部, 用于测试."

#: meshdemo.html

msgid "meshdemop1"
msgstr "要观看网状网路的演示, 你的浏览器需要安装最新的Flash插件. <a href="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" target="_blank">这里</a>可以下载到."

#: hardwarehighlights.html

msgid "hardwarehighlightstitle"
msgstr "笔记本电脑配有一个视频/摄像头, 3个扩展USB2.0接口和一个SD插槽"

msgid "hardwarehighlightsh1"
msgstr "XO不同于以往任何一款笔记本电脑"

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp1"
msgstr "一从包装盒取出, XO笔记本电脑就能组成一个自己的网状网络. 每部机器就是个全职无线路由器. 这样, 地球上任何居住在偏远的地区的儿童们, 以及他们的老师和家庭, 就都可以相互建立联系, 并且同整个互联网连通."

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp2"
msgstr "它还配有一个7.5英寸, 1200×900像素的TFT显示屏, 而且这种自动刷新屏幕能提供比目前市场上95%的笔记本电脑更高的分辨率(200 DPI). 两种显示模式可供选择: 一种是投射式的, 全彩色模式; 和一种为反光式, 高分辨率模式, 可在强日光下使用. 这两种模式所消耗的能量都非常少: 在投射模式下工作时,耗能为1瓦特,这大约是普通笔记本电脑LCD显示屏能耗的七分之一; 而当反光模式工作是,仅需要0.2瓦特."

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp3"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑可以选择性地挂起其CPU的运行状态, 以便尽可能地节省电能消耗. 通常它的功耗小于2瓦特, 不到一般笔记本电脑功耗的十分之一. 如此少的能耗才使之有可能, 利用人力为XO笔记本电脑的运行提供动力. 这是对于近5亿没有用上电的孩子们非常关键."

#: hardwarefeatures.html

msgid "hardwarefeaturestitle"
msgstr "了解XO笔记本电脑的特征"

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp1"
msgstr "从一开始, 设计的要素就已明晰: 儿童笔记本电脑不能太大, 不能太重, 不能易破损, 不能外观丑陋, 不能对儿童造成伤害, 或者性能表现迟钝. 另一个必须注意的就是外观要有明显的视觉差别. 这一方面是为了对XO笔记本电脑所针对的用户群形成强烈吸引力; 同时, 机器独特的外观也是为了阻止其在灰色市场上的流通. 我们必须明确这种笔记本电脑的本质以及其目标用户是谁."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp2"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑大致同普通课本一样大小, 重量小于一个饭盒. 凭借其灵活的设计和功能转换机构, 笔记本电脑可以轻松地提供不同的配置: 标准笔记本电脑的使用, 阅读电子书籍和游戏."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp3"
msgstr "笔记本电脑的四角圆滑. 附设的手柄是按儿童尺寸设计, 而且其键盘由橡胶膜制成, 防水密封性好. 新颖的双模式超宽的触摸板支持鼠标功能, 也可以当作绘画和写字的输入板使用."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp4"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑完全符合欧盟«电子电气设备限制使用某些有害物质指令»(RoHS)的要求. 它不含有有害物质. 其氢镍电池, 不含有毒性重金属, 而且它增强的电池管理特性延长了电池循环充电寿命. 它还能使用备用电源, 例如车载电池."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp5"
msgstr "另外, 对于那些家居没有电力供应的环境, XO笔记本电脑也可以用人力发电驱动. 这里至少有两至三种可选方案: 手摇柄, 踏板式或拉绳式. 当然, 也有可能是当孩子们在学校课堂上使用他们笔记本时, 用第二块电池在学校进行集体充电, 放学后带回家里使用."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp6"
msgstr "经验表明, 最有可能损坏的笔记本电脑部件是硬盘及内部连接. 因此, XO笔记本电脑没有配备硬盘, 并且内部只有两根电缆. 为了加强牢固性, 机器的塑料外壁厚度从标准的1.3mm增加到了2mm. 而它的在普通笔记本电脑内不具备的网状网络天线, 同时充当USB接口的保护盖, 加之内部的防护措施, USB接口得到了内外双重保护. 此外, 显示屏也加垫了内部"缓冲器"." 

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp7"
msgstr "笔记本电脑预期的产品寿命至少5年. 为确保这样的耐用性能, 测试机器在厂商那里接受了破坏性试验, 当然还有接受孩子们的实地测试."

#: hardwarespecs.html

msgid "hardwarespecstitle"
msgstr "了解XO笔记本电脑规格"

msgid "hardwarespecsh1"
msgstr "规格"

msgid "hardwarespecsh2"
msgstr "物理尺寸:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp1"
msgstr "外形大致尺寸: 242mm×228mm×32mm;" 

msgid "hardwarespecsp2"
msgstr "机器大致重量: 带磷酸铁锂(LiFeP)电池约1.45公斤; 带镍氢(NiMH)电池约1.58公斤;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp3"
msgstr "配置: 便携式笔记本电脑配备可转动显示屏; ; 防污, 防潮密封系统; 无风扇."

msgid "hardwarespecsh3"
msgstr "核心电子元件:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp4"
msgstr "CPU: x86兼容处理器, 附带一级指令和数据缓存各64KB; 至少128KB二级缓存; AMD Geode LX-700@0.8W (<a href="http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/DownloadableAssets/33358e_lx_900_productb.pdf"  target="_blank">数据表</a>);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp5"
msgstr "CPU时钟速度: 433 Mhz;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp6"
msgstr "ISA兼容性: 支持x86的 MMX 和 3DNow! 扩展指令集; Athlon指令集(包括 MMX 和 3DNow! 增强指令) 附加 Geode-专有指令;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp6a"
msgstr "伴随芯片组: CPU集成了PCI和内存接口; North Bridge: PCI和内存接口集成于Geode CPU中; AMD CS5536 South Bridge (<a href="http://www.amd.com/files/connectivitysolutions/geode/geode_lx/33238f_cs5536_ds.zip" target="_blank">数据表</a>);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp7"
msgstr "图形控制器: 集成于Geode CPU; 一元化内存结构;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp8"
msgstr "嵌入控制器: <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:KB3700-ds-01.pdf" target="_blank">ENE KB3700</a> 或 ENE KB3700B;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp9"
msgstr "DRAM内存: 256 MiB dynamic RAM;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp10"
msgstr "数据传输率: Dual — DDR333 — 166 Mhz;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp11"
msgstr "1024KB SPI-接口只读闪存;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp12"
msgstr "海量存储介质: 1024 MiB SLC NAND闪存, 高速闪存控制器;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp13"
msgstr "驱动器: 非轴动式存储介质;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp14"
msgstr "CAFE专用集成电路 (摄像头, 高速闪存芯片, 提供高性能摄像能力, NAND闪存和SD安全数码卡接口); Marvell 88ALP01: (<a href="http://www.marvell.com/products/pcconn/88ALP01.jsp" target="_blank">CAFE规范</a>)."

msgid "hardwarespecsh4"
msgstr "显示屏:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp15"
msgstr "液晶显示屏: 7.5” 双模式TFT显示屏;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp16"
msgstr "显示区域尺寸: 152.4mm × 114.3mm;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp17"
msgstr "分辨率: 1200 (H) × 900 (V)  (200 DPI);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp18"
msgstr "单色显示: 高分辨率, 反光式日光下可读单色模式; 彩色显示: 标准分辨率, 5像素采样, 投射式彩色模式;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp19"
msgstr "LCD能耗: 背光关闭状态0.1 Watt; 背光开启状态0.2–1.0 Watt;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp20"
msgstr "含内存式显示控制芯片(DCON)使得笔记本电脑具备在处理器挂起时的持续显示能力; 特制显示屏和此显示控制芯片保证了我们的笔记本电脑超低能耗的特性; 此显示控制芯片同时支持彩色模式中的自动分色和反锯齿处理."

msgid "hardwarespecsh5"
msgstr "集成外设部件:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp21"
msgstr "键盘: 80+ 键, 1.0mm击键行程; 密封橡胶膜键码开关集;"

msgid "hardwarespecsindent1"
msgstr "键盘布局详情;"

msgid "hardwarespecsindent2"
msgstr "键盘布局图片: <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_english.png" target="_blank"> 国际</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard thai.png" target="_blank">泰文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:AR-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">阿拉伯文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:ES-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">西班牙文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:BR-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">葡萄牙文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:NG-MP-alt.png" target="_blank">西非文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Urdu-MP.png" target="_blank">乌尔都文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:MO-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">蒙文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:RU-MP-v1.png" target="_blank">西里尔文</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Ethiopic-B3.png" target="_blank">阿姆哈拉文</a>;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp22"
msgstr "游戏控制器: 两套4向光标控制键"

msgid "hardwarespecsp23"
msgstr "触摸板: 电容/电阻双模式触摸板; 支持书写输入模式; ALPS Electric生产的电容/电阻双模式触摸板;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp24"
msgstr "音频: 兼容AC97音频码子系统; 内置立体声放音器; 内置单声道麦克风; 外置耳机及麦克风插口; 音频器件AD1888及SSM2211用于音频放大;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp25"
msgstr "无线网络: 集成802.11b/g (2.4GHz)接口; 支持802.11s网状网络协议; 双模式转换, 转动式同轴天线; 支持分集接收; 具备关闭CPU电源状态下保持网状网络通讯的能力; Marvell Libertas 88W8388控制器和88W8015收音机芯片, 兼容802.11b/g; "

msgid "hardwarespecsp26"
msgstr "状态指示器: 电源, 电池, WiFi (2); 面板开启或关闭可视指示; 面板开启状态下的麦克风及摄像头使用可视指示;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp27"
msgstr "视像摄像头: 集成彩色视像摄像头; 刷屏速率30 FPS时的分辨率为640×480; <a href="http://www.ovt.com/products/part_detail.asp?id=53" target="_target">Omnivision OV7670</a>."

msgid "hardwarespecsh6"
msgstr "外部接口:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp28"
msgstr "直流电源: 6mm(内芯1.65mm)连接器; 可用输入电压 11 至 18 V, 允许输入电压偏差–32 至 40 V; 最大消耗功率为15 W;"
msgid "hardwarespecsp29"
msgstr "耳机输出: 标准3.5毫米3芯立体声音频转换插口;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp30"
msgstr "麦克风输入: 标准3.5毫米2芯单声道麦克风转换插口; 2V可选直流误差; 可选传感器输入模式(直流或交流耦合);"
msgid "hardwarespecsp31"
msgstr "USB: 3个A类型USB-2.0接口; 最大可供电流1A (total);"
msgid "hardwarespecsp32"
msgstr "闪存卡扩展接口: MMC/SD卡槽."

msgid "hardwarespecsh7"
msgstr "电池:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp33"
msgstr "包装类型: 2或4节装磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)电池; 5节装镍氢(NiMH)电池, 大致6V串联配置;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp34"
msgstr "容量: 22.8 瓦特时(磷酸铁锂电池, LiFePO4); 16.5 瓦特时 (镍氢电池, NiMH);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp35"
msgstr "全封闭式"硬"壳包装; 可更换式;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp36"
msgstr "包装内置电子电路包括:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp37"
msgstr "识别;"
msgid "hardwarespecsp38"
msgstr "电池充电次数及容量信息;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp39"
msgstr "内置热度和过载传感器以及截止开关电路用于保护电池;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp40"
msgstr "最少2000次充/放电循环寿命 (保持新电池50%的电容量);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp41"
msgstr "<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Power_Management" target="_blank">电源管理</a>十分重要."

msgid "hardwarespecsh8"
msgstr "BIOS/加载器"

msgid "hardwarespecsp42"
msgstr "开放式固件用于引导操作系统."

msgid "hardwarespecsh9"
msgstr "使用环境规格:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp43"
msgstr "温度: 计划于2007第三季度达到UL 45摄氏度的认证, 而于2008年中满足50摄氏度的认证;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp44"
msgstr "湿度: 计划达到UL认证的IP42绝缘等级(或者更高等级). 当处于闭合状态, 机器应当具备充分的密封防护, 以保证孩子们上下学路上无需担心暴雨及灰尘对设备的侵蚀;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp45"
msgstr "最大适用高度: –15m 至 3048m (14.7 至 10.1 PSIA) (工作状态), –15m 至 12192m (14.7 至 4.4 PSIA) (非工作状态);"
msgid "hardwarespecsp46"
msgstr "震动 125g, 2ms, 半正弦 (工作状态) 200g, 2ms, 半正弦 (非工作状态);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp47"
msgstr "随机振动: 零至峰值 0.75g, 10Hz 至 500Hz, 扫频速率 0.25 oct/min (工作状态); 零至峰值 1.5g, 10Hz 至 500Hz, 扫频速率 0.5 oct/min (非工作状态);"

msgid "hardwarespecsp48"
msgstr "塑料外壁厚度 2mm (常规多数系统为 1.3mm)."

msgid "hardwarespecsh10"
msgstr "监管规定:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp49"
msgstr "符合美国和欧盟电磁干扰/兼容性(EMI/EMC)规定;"
msgid "hardwarespecsp50"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑符合IEC 60950-1, EN 60950-1, 以及CSA/UL 60950-1规范, 而且符合UL 1310和UL 498标准. 为了保障儿童使用笔记本电脑时的安全, 它还通过了美国玩具安全标准ASTM F963的检验;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp50a"
msgstr "外置电源符合IEC, EN和CSA/UL的60950-1规范;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp50b"
msgstr "可卸式电池符合IEC, EN和CSA/UL的60950-1及UL 2054规范;"

msgid "hardwarespecsp50c"
msgstr "符合欧盟的 «电子电气设备限制使用某些有害物质指令»(RoHS)规范."

#: softwareprinciples.html

msgid "softwareprinciplestitle"
msgstr "原理: XO笔记本电脑将把科技带给孩子们"

msgid "softwareprinciplesh1"
msgstr "原理"

msgid "softwareprinciplesp1"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑将把科技带给孩子们, 让他们借此享受到自由和权利. 面对全球多样性, 这个项目只有通过保持公开性并向笔记本电脑的用户和开发人员提供完全彻底的自由度, 才能取得真正的成功."

msgid "softwareprinciplesp2"
msgstr "随着孩子们的成长和追寻新的思想, 软件和相应的工具必须保持与他们共同进步, 并为他们提供通往其它技术途径."

msgid "softwareprinciplesp3"
msgstr "<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_on_open_source_software" target="_blank">wiki: OLPC on open source software</a>"

#: softwarebenefits.html

msgid "softwarebenefitstitle"
msgstr "原理: XO笔记本电脑将把科技带给孩子们"

msgid "softwarebenefitsh1"
msgstr "益处"

msgid "softwarebenefitsp1"
msgstr "学习是我们的主要目标; 在此, 电脑知识不是我们主要关注的, 天资聪明的儿童会在使用笔记本电脑进行学习的过程中获得这方面的知识. 儿童, 特别是那些年幼的儿童, 更本没有必要为了使用笔记本电脑, 而接受专门的信息知识教育. 当然, 也就不需要去学习做一名WORD, EXCEL和POWERPOINT等应用程序的熟练操作员. 他们不是上班族. 然而, 这些技巧的掌握会在他们日常使用笔记本电脑从事知识学习的成长过程中, 自然而然的完成."

msgid "softwarebenefitsp2"
msgstr "从John Dewey到Paulo Freire乃至Seymour Papert等众多认知论学家都会同意通过动手习作来完成学习. 这意味着, 如果你想学得更多, 就要做得更多. 因此, OLPC项目突出的是方便用于探索和表述思想的软件工具, 而不是说教. 爱要比承担责任更能激发人们进步. 通过使用笔记本电脑来鼓舞孩子们根据自身的兴趣来丰富他们的知识体系; 此外, 提供他们适合的工具, 以便能够共享构建起来的知识内容, 对其中不足之处相互提出批评建议. 这样就使得他们不单单是学生, 也是扩展自身知识的老师."

msgid "softwarebenefitsp3"
msgstr "基于实用性, 同时在控制成本的前提下提供必要的性能和可靠性等方面增强的考量, XO笔记本电脑的软件系统中没有堆积不必要的冗余代码, 各种各样的"特性"只是造成系统的笨拙, 不可靠和众多现代笔记本电脑开支的增加. XO笔记本电脑将具备迅速启动和任务运行快捷的能力. 为了达到这一目标, 我们将只专注于那些儿童在知识学习过程中必需的软件特性."

#: softwarespecs.html

msgid "softwarespecstitle"
msgstr "软件规格: 我们使用Linux操作系统的组件"

msgid "softwarespecsh1"
msgstr "软件规格"

msgid "softwarespecsp1"
msgstr "我们使用Red Hat的Fedora Core 6版的Linux操作系统中的组件; 我们也同时紧密地保持同整个Linux社区主核心树的一致性."

msgid "softwarespecsp2"
msgstr "我们将在笔记本电脑中提供5种不同的编程环境: (1) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Python" target="_blank">Python</a>, 我们用它来搭建我们的用户界面和活动类模型; (2) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Javascript" target="_blank">Javascript</a> 用来处理以浏览器为基础的脚本语言; (3) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/CSound" target="_blank">Csound</a>, 可编程音乐和音频处理环境; (4) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>, 一个带有Smalltalk嵌入版本的多媒体创作环境; 和 (5) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/LOGO" target="_blank">Logo</a>. 我们还对Java语言和Flash提供部分支持."

msgid "softwarespecsp3"
msgstr "应用程序将包括以<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Xulrunner" target="_blank">Xulrunner</a>为引擎的网页浏览器, 这个引擎同时用在Firefox浏览器的运行环境; 一个基于<a href="http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/" target="_blank">Evince</a>的简单文件阅读器; <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Write" target="_blank">AbiWord</a>文字处理器, 一个<a href="http://penguintv.sourceforge.net" title="PenguinTV" target="_blank">RSS聚合新闻阅读器</a>, 一个邮件客户程序, 聊天客户端程序, VOIP电话客户程序; 一个以Wiki服务为引擎的<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines#Journaling" target="_blank">日志</a>编辑器 ; 一个多媒体创作及播放环境; 一个音乐作曲工具包, 图形工具包, 游戏, 一个命令行解释器和一个程序调试器."

msgid "softwarespecsp4"
msgstr "OLPC笔记本电脑使用的软件库及扩件包括: <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/" target="_blank">Xul</a>, <a href="http://www.gtk.org/" target="_blank">GTK+</a>, <a href="http://projects.o-hand.com/matchbox" target="_blank">Matchbox</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar" target="_blank">Sugar</a>, <a href="http://www.pango.org/" target="_blank">Pango</a>, <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/" target="_blank">ATK</a>, <a href="http://cairographics.org/" target="_blank">Cairo</a>, <a href="http://x.org" target="_blank">X Window System</a>, <a href="http://avahi.org/" target="_blank">Avahi</a> 和 <a href="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/" target="_blank">gstreamer</a>."

#: softwaredevelopers.html

msgid "softwaredeveloperstitle"
msgstr "程序编制人员: 获得最新生成的系统软件稳定版本"

msgid "softwaredevelopersh1"
msgstr "程序编制人员"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp1"
msgstr "OLPC软件开发站:<br /> <a href="http://dev.laptop.org/" target="_blank">http://dev.laptop.org/</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp2"
msgstr "程序员开发项目:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp3"
msgstr "系统软件第2测试版说明:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Trial-2_Software_Release_Notes" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Trial-2_Software_Release_Notes</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp4"
msgstr "系统软件自动安装映像:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp5"
msgstr "最新生成的系统软件稳定版本可以从以下网址找到:<br /> <a href="http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST" target="_blank">http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/ streams/development/LATEST</a>"

#: interfaceprinciples.html

msgid "interfaceprinciplestitle"
msgstr "原理: 笔记本电脑以活动为中心把孩子们聚集在一起"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh1"
msgstr "原理"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh2"
msgstr "活动"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp1"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑上没有传统意义上的应用程序. 笔记本电脑以"活动"为中心把孩子们聚集在一起. 这不仅仅是一种新的命名约定; 它同时代表着一种学习体验的内在品质, 我们希望儿童在使用笔记本电脑时能感受得到. 由于活动侧重于—协作与表达, 以及他们的执行手段—日志纪录和反复练习, 这些使得活动的概念明显区别于与传统的应用程序."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh3"
msgstr "现场参与"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp2"
msgstr "每个人都有成为既是学生, 又是老师的潜力. 为了让人们发挥出这种潜力, 我们选择把人与人协作放在用户体验的核心位置. 社区其他成员的现场参与, 会促使孩子们担负起促进自身和其他成员学习的责任. 成员间的思想交流会使得学习过程更加有趣, 也培育了批判性思考的技能. 我们希望通过笔记本电脑来促进这种类型的社会互动."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp3"
msgstr "为了便于协作学习环境的形成, 笔记本电脑使用了网状网络, 以在一定范围内把所有的笔记本电脑相互连接在一起. 通过这种方式的连接, 每个个体的活动就可能变为网络社群的活动. 我们期望所有的活动都能发挥网状网络的优势; 任何不具网络意识的活动, 也许应当按照互联的观念进行重新构想. 以随笔记本电脑捆绑发行的网络浏览活动为例. 也许人们会偶尔地给朋友推荐一个喜爱的网页连接, 但通常网络浏览器是孤立运行的. 然而在这种笔记本电脑中, 嵌入在浏览器活动里的连接地址共享功能, 把孤立的网上冲浪行为变成团队的协作. 如有可能, 应让所有的活动拥抱网状网络, 并且全力促进这种协作方法."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh4"
msgstr "表达"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp4"
msgstr "我们希望人们能够利用他们已有的学识, 不断推演出新的知识. 基于这样的想法, 我们的策略重点是利用现有科技手段来进行思考, 表达和交流. 笔记本电脑是一个"可用于思维活动的工具"; 我们希望将孩子们主要的活动方式变成某种形式的创造性表达. 这样, 大多数的活动将着重于创建某种类型的对象, 也许是绘画, 歌曲, 一个故事, 一个游戏或是一个程序. 如果要通过语言来描述用户的体验, 我们倾向于用对象, 而非文件, 来做为创造性表述的主要素材."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp5"
msgstr "就如, 大部分的软件开发者都会同意, 最好的学习编程的方法就是亲自写一段程序. 或许教导别人学习也应当这样做; 学习一种语言的语法可能很有用, 但这并不能教会人们如何编码. 我们希望将"通过习作来学习"的原则用于所有种类的创造活动中, 比如, 我们就强调应对下载的音乐进行作曲. 我们也同样鼓励儿童们互相评论他们表达的内容, 并且对此表述进行反复练习."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp6"
msgstr "对传统的文件系统实施对象化处理, 可以更加直接形象地描述现实世界: 比如, 我们听到的是一个真实的声音, 而不是一个声音文件; 一段故事, 而不是一个文本文件. 为了应用这种概念, 互动编制员就要定义一个对象类型, 而后用相关联的图标来代表它们."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh5"
msgstr "日志"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp7"
msgstr "尽管记录日常活动的书面文本形式可能由于文化的差异而有所不同, 但是日志这种概念早已广泛为人所知. 在日志中, 一日发生的活动会按照时间的先后顺序一一编历入册. 我们选择采用文件系统的日志隐喻作为我们基本的文档组织方式. 当然, 这个文件系统的底层实现方法与其他现代操作系统中的那些文件系统没有本质的差别, 这对于日志概念的抽象层面本身并不十分重要."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp8"
msgstr "就其核心, 我们的日志概念是利用文件系统对一个孩子的行为进行历史记录. 更具体地说, 就是记录他所从事的各项活动. 日志的功能就是存储各种生成的活动对象, 而各项活动的具体实施对于日志系统来讲是次要的, 虽然它们也很重要. 日志的自然含义意味着它是按时间顺序组织的(虽然可以按照不同的方式可对活动加以标签, 查寻和排序). 作为孩子的行为记录(这里不仅仅是那些由孩子自己存储的活动), 日志就像投资组合书或剪贴簿一样记录着他同电脑和其他团体成员的全部交互过程. 日志包括了那些在孩子刚刚加入活动时明确的生成的, 以及那些孩子每次参与活动的隐含生成的记录; 相对于功能和应用分离的传统文件系统, 程序员在使用日志的时候, 必须仔细考量如何将一项活动同日志集成在一起. 只有把活动, 对象以及记录的方法等多方面因素融合在一起, 才能产生不同类型的电脑应用体验."

#: interfacedemo.html

msgid "interfacedemotitle"
msgstr "界面演示"

msgid "interfacedemoh1"
msgstr "演示"

msgid "clickfornextslide"
msgstr "点击观看下一个幻灯"

msgid "next"
msgstr "下一页"

msgid "previous"
msgstr "前一页"

#: activities.html

#: designdevelopers.html

#: stories.html

#: designprinciples.html