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[[Category:General Public]]
[[Category:General Public]]

{{anchor|Laptop News 2007-12-08}}
{{Anchor|Laptop News 2008-04-12}}
=ラップトップ ニュース 2007-12-22=
=ラップトップ ニュース 2008-04-12=

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1. Arahuay, Peru: If you haven't yet seen it, please take the time to
1. Marvin Minksy has been writing a series of essays on learning. The first three essays are available on the wiki (See [[Marvin Minsky essays]]). The themes to date include "What makes Mathematics hard to learn?", "Drawbacks of Age-Based Segregation", "What’s wrong with the 50-minute hour", "Role Models, Mentors, and Imprimers and Thinking", "Thinking about Thinking about Ways to Think", "How do children acquire self-images?", and "Finding Mentors in Network Communities."
read this AP article about the XO in remote Peruvian village
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1. Marvin Minskyは学習についてシリーズ物エッセイを書いています。彼が書いた最初三つのエッセイはwikiで読むことができます ( [[Marvin Minsky essays]] をご覧下さい)。エッセイのテーマは"What makes Mathematics hard to learn?"、 "Drawbacks of Age-Based Segregation"、 "What’s wrong with the 50-minute hour"、 "Role Models, Mentors, and Imprimers and Thinking"、 "Thinking about Thinking about Ways to Think"、 "How do children acquire self-images?"、 そして "Finding Mentors in Network Communities." などが揃っています。
The lead paragraph says it all: "Doubts about whether poor, rural
children really can benefit from quirky little computers evaporate as
quickly as the morning dew in this hilltop Andean village, where 50
primary school children got machines from the One Laptop Per Child
project six months ago."

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2. Hinge: Jacques Gagne has been investigating the laptop hinge—the
2. OLE Nepal have posted their teacher preparation materials to the wiki. The materials cover basic use of the XO, constructionist theory and practice, and using the XO to facilitate the learning process. Bipul Gautam created the 63-page teacher Preparation guide, which is entirely in Nepali. Prabhas Pokharel has agreed to organize a group of Nepali Harvard students to translate it into English (See [[Nepal: Teacher Preparation]]).
"clearance" between the two rotating parts should be tighter and this
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would reduce wobble. Mary Lou Jepsen and Quanta are investigating a
2. OLEネパールはwikiに'teacher preparation materials'(教師予習教材)を提出しました。教材はXOのベーシックな使用法、構成主義理論と活用法、XOを使い学習をやさしくするプロセスの説明などがあります。Bipul Gautamは63ページになる'teacher preparation guide'(教師予習ガイド)を書き、それは全てネパール語で仕上げられています。Probhas Pokharelはハーバードのネパール人学生によってそれを英語へ翻訳する作業の組織に同意しました ([[Nepal: Teacher Preparation]] をご覧下さい)。
possible run-in change at the earliest possible date.

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3. Hardware certifications and testing data: Mary Lou has created a
3. Bryan Berry has created a basic training program for support personnel that are familiar with computers, but new to the XO hardware and Linux (See [[Nepal: Support Training]]). Teachers Manoj Ghimire of Bishwamitra and Neema Lama of Bashuki were the first trainees to use these materials.
compilation of certification and testing data that is available on the
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wiki (Please see [[Hardware Testing]]); it will
3. Bryan BerryはコンピュータになれているがXOハードウェアとLinuxになれていないサポート員達が使用するベーシック・トレーニング・プログラムを作りました ( [[Nepal: Support Training]] をご覧下さい)。初めてこの教材を使いトレーニングを受けた先生はBishwamitraのManoj GhimireとNeema LamaのBashukiでした。
be expanded over time.

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4. Green: EMPA at the Swiss National Labs is continuing its work on
4. Hot topics: This week saw debates on some of the OLPC mailing lists and in the wiki. A paper called "Freezing More Than Bits: Chilling Effects of the OLPC XO Security Model" will be presented on Monday at USENIX UPSEC'08 ([http://www.usenix.org/events/upsec08/tech/tech.html]). You can read the paper ([http://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/publications/article-1042.pdf]) and view the discussion to date on in the archives of the OLPC security list ([http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/security/2008-April/000388.html]). Another discussion has been in regard to build and release strategy (See [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2008-April/012318.html] and [[User:Mstone/August planning]]). Michael Stone has documented a conversation that he, Jameson Chema Quinn, Chris Ball, and Robert McQueen had about the UI problems posed by our current bundle format (See [[User:Mstone/Bundle commentary]] and [[Bundles and updates]]). And finally the new Sugar interface was the topic of discussion in the sugar list (See [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/sugar/2008-April/004909.html]). In the wiki, Chris Leonard and Charles Merriam have been working on some naming conventions to make it easier to navigate the almost 6000 content pages in the wiki (See [[Conventions]]).
life cycle analysis of the XO laptops by comparing the cost, lifetime,
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power consumption, and overall environmental impact with the
4. Hot topics (ホット・トピック): 今週のOLPCメーリングリストとwikiでは数々の討論がありました。USENIX UPSEC'08で"Freezing More Than Bits: Chilling Effects of the OLPC XO Security Model"と言う論文が公開されました。この論文は([http://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/publications/article-1042.pdf])で読むことができ、この内容について今までにされた討論はOLPCセキュリティ・リスト ([http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/security/2008-April/000388.html]) で見ることができます。次の討論の内容はビルドとリリース・ストラテジーについてです (詳しい内容は [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2008-April/012318.html] と [[User:Mstone/August planning]] をご覧下さい)。Michael Stoneは彼とJameson Chema Quinn、Chris Ball、Robert McQuenn達が話し合ったカレントのバンドル・フォーマットに関するUI問題を文書として纏めました (詳しくは [[User:Mstone/Bundle commentary]] [[Bundles and updates]] をご覧下さい)。そして最後に新Sugarインターフェースについての討論がSugarリストの特大トピックでした ( [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/sugar/2008-April/004909.html] をご覧下さい)。 Wikiに関してはChris LeonardとCharles Merriamが6000ページ以上にもなるwiki内容のナビゲートを容易くするための'naming convention'で作業をしました ( [[Conventions]] をご覧下さい)。
refurbished desktops in Columbia. Mary Lou teleconferenced with the
team this week and will assure that they get all the data they need to
complete their analysis. The final report is due in mid-February.
Columbia is widely acknowledged to have one of the most successful
re-furbished desktop programs in Latin America.

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5. Water: Anna Bershteyn, an MIT Ph.D. candidate, has been helping
5. Where did all the activities go? There still seems to be some confusion around the process of loading activity bundles post-Build 703. Please refer to [[Customization key]] for instructions regarding bulk loading of activities.
OLPC follow up on some questions from Ban Samhka, Thailand about the
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best way to test and improve water quality; water quality is an area
5. アクティビティ達はどこへ行ったのでしょうか? 未だにBuild 703後のアクティビティ・バンドルの正しいロード・プロセスに付いてある程度の誤解があるようです。アクティビティの大量ロードに関する正しい手順は [[Customization key]] をご覧下さい。
of interest that is expanding in the OLPC community. Anna and Mary Lou
met with Susan Murcott to discuss possible simple hands-on games on
the XOs that will encourage children to test and/or filter their
water. SJ Klein has put Anna in touch with groups from UNICEF and the
Hesperian Foundation who are also working on water safety. To learn
more about Anna, please visit the wiki [[User:Anna B]]).

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6. Power measurements: John Watlington instrumented a production
6. JS-Python Communication: K.S. Preeti has been working with Manusheel Gupta, Dan Bricklin, and Luke Closs to enable JS-Python communication using PyXPCOM. They have been successful in creating an XPCOM service in JavaScript that exposes the JS code to the Browser; and an XPCOM service in Python that exposes the Python code to the Browser. The aim for this week would be to synchronously call both these services from the same interface that will lead to communication between functions written in JS, and Python. The details on the implementation of XPCOM service have been updated (See [[JSPython]]). SocialCalc (Spreadsheet activity), written in JavaSript, will be ported to Sugar using this mechanism.
machine for power measurements this week to allow continued
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verification of the laptop power-saving measures. This allows Chris
6. JS-Python Communication: K.S. PreetiはManusheel Gupta、Dan Bricklin、Luke Closs達と共にPyXPCOMを使ったJS-Python communicationを可能にする作業に取り込みました。彼らはBrowserにJSコードをさらすJavaScriptで書いたXPCOMサービス作成に成功、さらにBrowserにPythonコードをさらすPythonで書かれたXPCOMサービスでも成功しました。今週の目標は両方のサービスを同じインターフェースから同期的にコールしてJSとPythonで書かれた関数の間でのコミュニケーションへ導くことです。XPCOMサービス実装に関する詳細はアップデートされました (詳しくは [[JSPython]] をご覧下さい)。Javascriptで書かれたSocialCalc (Spreadsheetアクティビティ)はこのメカニズムを通してSugarにポートされます。
Ball (and the rest of the software team) to continuously measure the
power consumption at ten different places around the laptop, and also
automatically simulate user input to wake up the laptop (power button,
lid switch, etc.). We have already have a B3 unit with over twenty
power measurement points, but it cannot aggressively suspend/resume,
and doesn't have any of the more recent power-savings-related
engineering changes.

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7. Embedded controller: Richard Smith spent time studying oscilloscope
7. Educational Toolkit: Manusheel Gupta has been working with Deepank Gupta, Ross Light, and David Goulet to develop an Educational Toolkit. Use-case diagrams, and XML schema have been updated (See [[Educational toolkit]]). The implementation of Parse Module, supporting decoding of XML files; Viewer Module; and ConnectionManager module are in progress (See [http://dev.laptop.org/git/activities/Educational_toolkit]).
traces looking for a possible cause of the reopening of Ticket 1835
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(unable to resume); recent software builds were failing on the
7. Educational Toolkit (教育用ツールキット): Manusheel GuptaはDeepank Gupta、Ross Light、David Goulet達と共に教育用ツールキット作成に取り込んでいます。Use-case diagramsとXML schemaがアップデートされました (詳しくは [[Educational toolkit]] をご覧下さい)。Parse Module、XMLファイルのデコードをサポートする; Viewer Module; そして ConnectionManager moduleの実装はまだ進んでいます ( [http://dev.laptop.org/git/activities/Educational_toolkit] をご覧下さい)。
suspend/resume testbed. He has been unable to reproduce the problem
with bare-board tests and he now feels that he fully understand the
software causes of 1835 (three distinct causes). Running the latest EC
code with Joyride kernels doesn't seem to have the problem. Richard
and John will continue to run tests on the suspend/resume testbed to
insure that we won't have the problem with Update.1

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A second bonus was discovery and verification of EC issues that Chris
8. More magic from Benjamin M. Schwartz: Ben has made a DOS Console activity based on Wine (See [http://dev.laptop.org/~bemasc/DOSConsole-1.xo]). His goal is to provide a simple system for turning any Windows program into a Sugar activity. This is still a work in progress: in order for it to run, you must first add 'org.winehq.WineConsole' to the list of RAINBOW_CONSTANT_UID activities in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sugar/activity/activityfactory.py and it doesn't yet "play well with others." However, Chris Ball used already used it to installed the free-download Excel viewer (See [http://dev.laptop.org/~cjb/xo-excel.jpg]).
Ball and Jim Gettys have run into. Andres helped Richard find an EC
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bug where the SCI mask was getting corrupted. The most frequent
8. More magic from Benjamin M. Schwartz: BenはWineをベースにしたDOSコンソールを作成しました ( [http://dev.laptop.org/~bemasc/DOSConsole-1.xo] をご覧下さい)。彼の目標はあらゆるWindowsプログラムをSugarアクティビティに変えるシンプルなシステムを作ることです。これはまだ未完成です: 起動されるには、まず最初に'org.winehq.WineConsole'を/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sugar/activity/activityfactory.pyにあるRAINBOW_CONSTANT_UIDのリストに加えまが、まだ他の物とはよく動かない様です。しかしながら、Chris Ballはこれを使いフリーダウンロードできるExcel viewerをインストールしました ( [http://dev.laptop.org/~cjb/xo-excel.jpg] をご覧下さい)。
manifestation of that was the loss of AC events or battery-charge
level. Richard still don't know the root cause of the corruption, but
has a good test case and kernel debug logs. There appears to be a case
where EC communication fails and error recover is not working. Fixing
it is going to involve more oscilloscope time, because turning on
serial- port debugging appears to make the problem go away. There is
already a workaround in the kernel to fix the mask when it becomes
corrupted, so it's not a show-stopper.

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Richard is also writing some cron scripts that will take a snapshot of
9. David Hodge reports that ACM and Free Culture USC have partnered up for an upcoming "Code for a Cause" programming event next week at USC. The focus will be on open-source software and the OLPC platform. Student teams will be challenged over a week-long period to develop open-source software for the OLPC platform (See [http://codeforacause.net]).
the battery ACR while the laptop is running on battery power and then
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then send us the data. Richard wants to use these data to build power
9. David HodgeのレポートのよるとACMとFree Culture USCは来週USCで開かれる"Code for a Cause"プログラミング・イベントのためにパートナーシップを組みました。オープンソース・ソフトウェアとOLPCプラットフォームにフォーカスを置きます。学生チームは1週間に及びOLPCプラットフォーム用オープンソース・ソフトウェアを開発するチャレンジを受けます (詳しくは [http://codeforacause.net] をご覧下さい)。
usage profiles. The ACR gives us a very accurate reading on the amount
of mA/h drawn from the battery. Plotting it over time will begin to
give us insight on our dynamic power draw.

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8. School server We found a serious problem with the mesh networking
10. Kurt Gramlich would like the OLPC community know about the latest LiveCD release (See [[LiveBackup XO-LiveCD]]). Aaron Kaplan talks about his port of Sugar to the Intel Classmate ([http://www.olpcnews.com/software/operating_system/sugar_on_classmate_pc.html]) using the LiveCD. Additional information is available (in German) on linux-user.com (See [http://www.linux-user.de/ausgabe/2008/04/024/]).
in the build of School-server software released last week (Build 137),
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which brings down an active antenna if a large file transfer is
10. Kurt GramlichはOLPCコミュニティに最新のLiveCDがリリースされたと伝えています。 (詳しくは [[LiveBackup XO-LiveCD]] をご覧下さい)。Aaron Kaplanは彼がポートしたLiveCDを通してインストールするIntel Classmate用Sugarに付いて次の所 ([http://www.olpcnews.com/software/operating_system/sugar_on_classmate_pc.html] ) で語っています。追加の情報はlinux-user.com (ドイツ語)を尋ねてください (詳しくは [http://www.linux-user.de/ausgabe/2008/04/024/] をご覧下さい)。
attempted. A new build of the software with the new libertas driver
(thanks David Woodhouse) greatly improves the situation. A new build
is being tested and tuned and will be released in the next few days.
The school-server-software build problems have returned, but this time
we identified one of the problems: it turns out that the livecd build
process fails if you have upgraded the kernel. Providing a single
choice for the kernel is the workaround for this problem.

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We have encountered scaling problem with the XMPP service on the
11. Scott Ananian sends his thanks to everyone who participated in last week's mini conference and requests that you upload your slides to the wiki ([[Mini-conference]]). If anyone would like to volunteer to help with transcoding of the video archive of the conferenc, please contact Scott at laptop.org.
server. The eJabber software runs out of memory over time as the
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number of active users exceeds a hundred. Collabra is looking into
11. Scott Ananianは先週のミニカンファレンスに参加していただいた皆様に感謝しており、出きるならwikiにスライドをアップロードして欲しいと願っています ([[Mini-conference]])。もしビデオ・アーカイブのトランスコードでお手伝いができるボランティア
alternative server implementations. We had thought eJabber has used by
が居ればScott at laptop.orgまで連絡を取ってください。
large instant-messaging services, but probably not with all the bells
and whistles we use. The XMPP service is crucial to the efficient
provision of presence information to laptops in a school through a
centralized method. The alternative, used when no server is found, is
for each laptop to send multicast announcements, which spread through
our mesh network at a low rate and using an algorithm best described
as a "flood fill".

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In order to support a trial in Mongolia, the server software will
12. Kevin Cole reports that the OLPC Learning Club DC (OLPC LCDC) held their second "Family Mesh" meetings at Gallaudet University in NW Washington, DC (See [http://olpclearningclub.org/meetings/showing-scratch/]).
start supporting multiple servers per school in January. Each server
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in a school acts as an additional internet portal in a school's
12. Kevin Coleの報告では'OLPC Learning Club DC (OLPC LCDC)'は二回目の"Family Mesh"会議をNW Washington DCにあるGallaudet Universityで行いました (詳しくは [http://olpclearningclub.org/meetings/showing-scratch/] をご覧下さい)。
wireless mesh; together they redundantly provide services to all of
the laptops in a school.

{{ Translated text |
9. Active antenna update: We are awaiting a utility from Marvell for
13. Richard Smith and SJ Klein will present the XO laptop and alternative power systems at two workshops at the Massachusetts Power Shift 2008 (MAPS) conference.
reflashing the firmware on the active antennas we now have, to allow
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their use with school servers; presently, they have to be plugged in
13. Richard SmithとSJ Kleinは'Massachusetts Power Shift 2008 (MAPS)'カンファレンスの二つのワークショップでXOラップトップと代替パワーシステムを紹介します。
after a server has booted. When this arrives, it will be included in a
school server software release. Users in the field should be able to
automatically upgrade any antenna simply by plugging it into a server.

{{ Translated text |
10. Testing: We released a patch to Ship.2, Build 653 to fix a problem
14. Prakhar Agarwal reports progress on the typing tutor activity (See [[LetsType#Progress so far]]) and is soliciting feedback.
with Spanish laptops coming up in English, as well as a problem
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(discovered in Uruguary) with the Journal items going away.
14. Prakhar Agarwalが報告するには'typing tutor'アクティビティの作業は進んでおり、ただ今フィードバックを求めています (詳しい内容は [[LetsType#Progress so far]] をご覧下さい)。

(( Translated text |
There was a discussion this week that focused on how volunteers could
15. Dr. Habib Khan reports from Islamabad that the Pakistan Software Export Board has graciously provided OLPC Pakistan the services of an in intern, Ms. Iffat Saadia. Iffat is a developer; she is converting Biology of 8th grade into interactive ebook.
get started on testing activities by editing the current wiki pages
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that describe activities: many of these wiki pages are old and thus
15. Dr. Habib Khanのイスラマバードからのレポートによるとパキスタン'Software Export Board'はOLPCパキスタンにインターンであるMs. Iffat Saadiaの手伝いをくだされました。彼女はディベロッパーであり、今は8年生用物理学をインターアクティブebookに転換しています。
they do not accurately reflect how the activity works. Please watch
the [[Test issues]] page in the coming weeks to see how
you can help!

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11. Schedule: We are at code freeze for the Update1 release. We will
A second pilot project is being prepared at the Mehfooz Shahid Dil Model School, located in a beautiful valley in the Islamabad, Capital Territory. The school has five grades with 170 children. On Monday a week of teacher preparation begins. The school was identified with help from the National Rural Support Program ([http://www.nrsp.org.pk]).
spend the next couple of weeks testing and documenting. Thanks for
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everyone's patience for bearing with us during the usual chaos
二番目のパイロットプロジェクトはイスラマバードの綺麗な谷にある'Mehfooz Shahid Dil Model School'で準備されています。その学校には学年級が五つあり170人の生徒がいます。月曜日に一週間にわたる教師の準備が始まります。その学校は'National Rural Support Program'の協力により見つけることができました ([http://www.nrsp.org.pk])。
associated with of the start of shipping that has gotten in the way of
a smooth release cycle. We expect to spend some time on improving
process issues before we move on to serious work in Update2.

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12. Support: Adam Holt has done a heroic job this week in answering
16. Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos has been conducting more tests with Cerebro. File transfer and chat work consistently on a 30-node testbed. (Chris Ball modified the Chat activity; we now have a version that works with Cerebro and we are in the process of creating a build where Chat and Read will be using Cerebro. This build will be tested on the 100-node testbed to investigate the limits of simple mesh.)
emails sent to help@laptop.org, creating and updating the Support
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pages (See [[Support]]), the Support FAQ,
16. Polychronis YpodimatopoulosはさらにCerebroでテストを続けています。ファイル転送とチャットは30ノードテストベッドでなにも異常なく作動しています。(Chris Ballはチャットアクティビティを改良しました; 現在Cerebroと一緒に動くバージョンは存在しており、ChatとReadがCerebroを利用するビルドを作成している最中です。このビルドは100ノードテストベッドでテストされ'simple'メッシュの限界を調査します。)
helping with the Getting Started Guild (See [http://laptop.org/start])
and coordinating volunteers to help answer emails, IRC, and forum.
This weekend he is holding a volunteer training session in preparation
for a phone bank that could go live as early as next week; look on the
olpc-support IRC channel for info.

We'd like to be able to provide RMA numbers for returns to help
offload the Patriot Donor Services and we would like to put a process
in place where we can get some of the returns sent to OLPC for

{{Anchor|Laptop News 2008-02-09}}
13. Localization: Sayamindu Dasgupta helped some language teams
{{anchor|More news}}
troubleshoot their problems with Pootle. All throughout the week, he
was also testing the system to keep the POT files up to date. The
system seems to be working fine and will be rolling it out (along with
the documentation) during this weekend.

Sayamindu also gained access to build fontconfig for the OLPC in Koji
(thanks Dennis Gilmore), and created a build which should hopefully
fix Ticket #1525 (a long-standing bug due to the interaction between
the font cache and the system time).

OLPC日本語コミュニティに関していろいろ知りたいとか参加したいとか思ったことはありませんか? 詳しくは[[OLPC_Japan/lang-ja|ここ]]をご覧ください。
Waqas Toor and Salman Minhas have lead a team in Pakistan to the
successful completion of an Urdu translation in Pootle
([https://dev.laptop.org/translate/ur/update1/]); all the strings are
successfully committed and are ready to be included in Update.1. They
have also commenced working on making Zekr a Sugar activity (initially
in two languages: Urdu and Persian (Dari)).

ラップトップ ニュース 日本語翻訳アーカイブ: <br>
They are also making poems for children by Pakistani national poets
2008年 <br>
Illama Iqbal and Faraz Ahmad Faraz available in the form of e-books;
2月09日: [[News/2008/02-09/lang-ja]] <br>
and they are writing a teacher "training manual" for Afghanistan,
2月02日: [[News/2008/02-02/lang-ja]] <br>
which includes activity tutorials; they are working on materials for
1月26日: [[News_2008-01-26/lang-ja]] <br>
teachers that address their needs in the Constructionist methodology
1月19日: [[News_2008-01-19/lang-ja]] <br>
of education and learning.
1月12日: [[News_2008-01-12/lang-ja]] <br>

2007年 <br>
14. Kernel: Andres Salomon and Bernie Innocenti finally were able to
12月30日: [[News_2007-12-30/lang-ja]] <br>
reproduce Ticket #2804 (the jumpy touchpad problem) and get enough
12月22日: [[News_2007-12-22/lang-ja]] <br>
useful debug information out of it to deduce a working theory of
what's causing it and how we can workaround it in the kernel. Bernie
has built an experimental kernel with a candidate fix and is eager to
receive feedback from some of the jumpy mouse victims to see if our

15. Updates and builds: Scott Ananian gave olpc-update the ability to
upgrade from a USB key (Ticket #3881) (See
[[Olpc-update]]); olpc-update also now warns you
if you try to upgrade to a joyride build without a developer key
(Ticket #5309) and is more efficient if it is interrupted in the
middle of an update. OFW will now upgrade you to the latest firmware
even if you have a developer key (Ticket #5371); ntpdate is run on the
XOs when we get network connectivity (Ticket #3359); rtcwake is in the
build to enable timed wakeups from suspend (Tickets #5434 and #5435);
our builds now use sudo to get root—there has been some discussion of
configuring su instead (Ticekt #5537).

Dennis Gilmore has been working on builds and some tools to help make
them faster to turn around; he has also been tagging packages for

16. View source: The view-source key now works in Chat, Web, Pippy,
and any activities generated by Pippy (Tickets #4909, #5541, #5542).
Next up for Scott: Terminal (Ticket #5543), Gmail (Ticket #5544), and
Clock (Ticket #5545). Any application that can reasonable be written
as a single python source file is a good candidate for Pippy-ization,
which lets children view and customize the activity. This will
undoubtedly stress our handling of activity bundles in the Journal,
which arguably is a good spur in the side!

17. Wireless driver: Dave Woodhouse worked again on the libertas
wireless driver, a certain amount of sleeping and some frustration
that although he's fixed most of the known bugs in the driver, people
are still using some ancient kernel in their OS builds which is
entirely useless for testing purposes.

18. Etoys: Bert Freudenberg spent the first half of week in Kathmandu.
He observed and helped the very active OLPC and Etoys communities in
Nepal (See [http://nepal.ole.org/home/?q=node/107]). Yoshiki Ohshima continued on fixing bugs on trac. These patches
will show up in the Update.1 stream at some point. Yoshiki also is
working on the packaging for non-OLPC environment. Takashi Yamamiya
started prototyping a simple presentation tool. Ted Kaehler and
Korakurider are looking at the translation of QuickGuide contents.
Scott Wallace and Yoshiki worked together to provide a better way to
report runtime errors.

19. Scratch: Brian Silverman (by phone), John Maloney,and Mitchel
Resnick came by the OLPC office this week to demonstrate Scratch
running on an XO (See [http://scratch.mit.edu/]). While it hasn't been
wholy "Sugarized" yet, it is already quite usable. John will be
posting a bundle on the wiki for those who'd like to explore it (and
provide feedback) at this stage.

20. Open hardware management: Chris Ball is working on a particularly
entrenched yet subtle bug in OHM's timing code at the moment.
(Richard Hughes confirms that he's been seeing it on non-OLPC
platforms too, all the way back to the beginning of OHM.)

21. Presence/sharing: Morgan Collett helped with testing the
sugar-shell-consumes-all-memory issue (Ticket #5532). (Thanks to
Sjoerd Simons for providing the avahi invocations to fake buddies on
the mesh.) Morgan helped some community people with Jabber questions
on the forums. There has been confusion about why the
ship2.jabber.laptop.org server doesn't work: Robert McQueen spoke with
people on IRC who were interested in trying ejabberd and helping us
work out why it was failing so badly. (There is now a server at
xochat.org that can be used instead of the default at
ship2.jabber.laptop.org. See the Sugar control panel page in the wiki
for instructions on how to configure your Jabber server.) Robert has
updated the Ejabberd configuration pages on the wiki with some updated
patches and clearer instructions.

Dafydd Harries spent most of the week trying to set up OpenFire on
jabber.laptop.org. He managed to export the user database from
Ejabberd and import it to OpenFire, but laptops don't seem to be able
to connect to the server successfully. He'll be investigating why this
is the case and suspect some sort of problem with our client code.
OpenFire developers have been keen to help, however.

Morgan looked into the HippoCanvas bug (Ticket #2351) that is
affecting scrolling of multiline Chat messages; he hasn't found a fix
for it yet. XO users who are annoyed with this bug have resorted to
sharing Write as a primitive chat tool instead.

Morgan also cleaned up some wiki documentation referring to Tubes and
Presence Service; while more documentation is needed, most of the
existing documentation was out of date (predating Salut for instance).

All the bits for Chat copying URLs to the clipboard (Ticket #5080) to
launch in Browse finally landed and work fine, although now it seems
we may be able to do it more directly after all with the Rainbow work
done to address Ticket #4909.

And Morgan has been working on the unreliability of buddy icons
clustering around their shared activity (Ticket #5368); it is still
unclear whether the best place to make a fix is in Sugar or Presence
Service. The problem arises when CurrentActivityChanged occurs before
ActivitiesChanged, so the buddy icon moves before the activity is
known about.

Sjoerd Simons investigated why avahi under some circumstances marks
records as failed a bit too easily, causing the "contacts flashing"
bug. He discovered that the passive-observation-of-failures
implementation was a bit too sensitive and created a patch to make it
less sensitive. The patch needs further testing in a crowded RF
environment like the OLPC headquarters to see if it solves the issue.

Guillaume Desmottes continue to investigate the stream-tubes problem
with Rainbow. The Telepathy side should be fixed in Update.1. He start
to implement/design peer-to-peer connections for stream tubes in
Gabble (Ticket #4047) and improved Gabble-tubes test coverage.

22. Sugar: Reinier Heeres worked on fixing a Read sharing issue
(Ticket #5365), a Calculate internationalization issue (Ticket #5319)
and adding ellipsis to long texts in palettes (Ticket #4562). He also
wrote a simple script to copy a regular file to the datastore/journal
that got extended with quite a bit more functionality by Phil
Bordelon. He tested previous fixes in Joyride and Update-1 and tried
to understand the memory leaks the sugar shell was showing.

Simon Schampijer focused on the browser, testing and implemented a
"solution" for the browser permission issue described here (See
[[Concurrent activity instances]]). Actually we
don't think anymore that copying the profile around is a good thing to
do; we think we should run the browser outside the container for
Update.1 (Ticket #5489). Michael Stone send an email to the mozilla
devs to start discussion with them about a long term solution.

23. Trac: Noah Kantrowitz visited Friday and helped improve our trac
system, adding bug dependencies and sketching out better workflow
features that can now be implemented in it. He also made some great
suggestions for the Support/Help pages.

24. Documentation: Mako Hill and SJ Klein packaged together a new
version of the Getting Started Guide for inclusion in the library on
the laptop itself. (Walter Bender wrote a new stylesheet to fit the
pages in the XO.)

{{anchor|More news}}


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Laptop News is archived [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf here] and [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/community-news/ here].
Laptop News is archived [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf here] and [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/community-news/ here].
| display = none }}
アーカイブされたラップトップ ニュース(英語版)は [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf ここ]と[http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/community-news/ ここ]です。

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You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the [http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/community-news laptop.org mailman site].
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OLPCコミュニティ・メーリングリスト(英語版)に署名したい方々はこの[http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/community-news laptop.org mailman site]ページを尋ねてください。

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Press requests: please send email to press@racepointgroup.com
Press requests: please send email to press@racepointgroup.com
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報道関係リクエスト: press@racepointgroup.com宛にメールしてください。



Latest revision as of 03:18, 8 November 2008

  翻訳された OLPC:News 原文  
This is an on-going translation

ラップトップ ニュース 2008-04-12

1. Marvin Minksy has been writing a series of essays on learning. The first three essays are available on the wiki (See Marvin Minsky essays). The themes to date include "What makes Mathematics hard to learn?", "Drawbacks of Age-Based Segregation", "What’s wrong with the 50-minute hour", "Role Models, Mentors, and Imprimers and Thinking", "Thinking about Thinking about Ways to Think", "How do children acquire self-images?", and "Finding Mentors in Network Communities."

1. Marvin Minskyは学習についてシリーズ物エッセイを書いています。彼が書いた最初三つのエッセイはwikiで読むことができます ( Marvin Minsky essays をご覧下さい)。エッセイのテーマは"What makes Mathematics hard to learn?"、 "Drawbacks of Age-Based Segregation"、 "What’s wrong with the 50-minute hour"、 "Role Models, Mentors, and Imprimers and Thinking"、 "Thinking about Thinking about Ways to Think"、 "How do children acquire self-images?"、 そして "Finding Mentors in Network Communities." などが揃っています。

2. OLE Nepal have posted their teacher preparation materials to the wiki. The materials cover basic use of the XO, constructionist theory and practice, and using the XO to facilitate the learning process. Bipul Gautam created the 63-page teacher Preparation guide, which is entirely in Nepali. Prabhas Pokharel has agreed to organize a group of Nepali Harvard students to translate it into English (See Nepal: Teacher Preparation).

2. OLEネパールはwikiに'teacher preparation materials'(教師予習教材)を提出しました。教材はXOのベーシックな使用法、構成主義理論と活用法、XOを使い学習をやさしくするプロセスの説明などがあります。Bipul Gautamは63ページになる'teacher preparation guide'(教師予習ガイド)を書き、それは全てネパール語で仕上げられています。Probhas Pokharelはハーバードのネパール人学生によってそれを英語へ翻訳する作業の組織に同意しました (Nepal: Teacher Preparation をご覧下さい)。

3. Bryan Berry has created a basic training program for support personnel that are familiar with computers, but new to the XO hardware and Linux (See Nepal: Support Training). Teachers Manoj Ghimire of Bishwamitra and Neema Lama of Bashuki were the first trainees to use these materials.

3. Bryan BerryはコンピュータになれているがXOハードウェアとLinuxになれていないサポート員達が使用するベーシック・トレーニング・プログラムを作りました ( Nepal: Support Training をご覧下さい)。初めてこの教材を使いトレーニングを受けた先生はBishwamitraのManoj GhimireとNeema LamaのBashukiでした。

4. Hot topics: This week saw debates on some of the OLPC mailing lists and in the wiki. A paper called "Freezing More Than Bits: Chilling Effects of the OLPC XO Security Model" will be presented on Monday at USENIX UPSEC'08 ([1]). You can read the paper ([2]) and view the discussion to date on in the archives of the OLPC security list ([3]). Another discussion has been in regard to build and release strategy (See [4] and User:Mstone/August planning). Michael Stone has documented a conversation that he, Jameson Chema Quinn, Chris Ball, and Robert McQueen had about the UI problems posed by our current bundle format (See User:Mstone/Bundle commentary and Bundles and updates). And finally the new Sugar interface was the topic of discussion in the sugar list (See [5]). In the wiki, Chris Leonard and Charles Merriam have been working on some naming conventions to make it easier to navigate the almost 6000 content pages in the wiki (See Conventions).

4. Hot topics (ホット・トピック): 今週のOLPCメーリングリストとwikiでは数々の討論がありました。USENIX UPSEC'08で"Freezing More Than Bits: Chilling Effects of the OLPC XO Security Model"と言う論文が公開されました。この論文は([6])で読むことができ、この内容について今までにされた討論はOLPCセキュリティ・リスト ([7]) で見ることができます。次の討論の内容はビルドとリリース・ストラテジーについてです (詳しい内容は [8]User:Mstone/August planning をご覧下さい)。Michael Stoneは彼とJameson Chema Quinn、Chris Ball、Robert McQuenn達が話し合ったカレントのバンドル・フォーマットに関するUI問題を文書として纏めました (詳しくは User:Mstone/Bundle commentary Bundles and updates をご覧下さい)。そして最後に新Sugarインターフェースについての討論がSugarリストの特大トピックでした ( [9] をご覧下さい)。 Wikiに関してはChris LeonardとCharles Merriamが6000ページ以上にもなるwiki内容のナビゲートを容易くするための'naming convention'で作業をしました ( Conventions をご覧下さい)。

5. Where did all the activities go? There still seems to be some confusion around the process of loading activity bundles post-Build 703. Please refer to Customization key for instructions regarding bulk loading of activities.

5. アクティビティ達はどこへ行ったのでしょうか? 未だにBuild 703後のアクティビティ・バンドルの正しいロード・プロセスに付いてある程度の誤解があるようです。アクティビティの大量ロードに関する正しい手順は Customization key をご覧下さい。

6. JS-Python Communication: K.S. Preeti has been working with Manusheel Gupta, Dan Bricklin, and Luke Closs to enable JS-Python communication using PyXPCOM. They have been successful in creating an XPCOM service in JavaScript that exposes the JS code to the Browser; and an XPCOM service in Python that exposes the Python code to the Browser. The aim for this week would be to synchronously call both these services from the same interface that will lead to communication between functions written in JS, and Python. The details on the implementation of XPCOM service have been updated (See JSPython). SocialCalc (Spreadsheet activity), written in JavaSript, will be ported to Sugar using this mechanism.

6. JS-Python Communication: K.S. PreetiはManusheel Gupta、Dan Bricklin、Luke Closs達と共にPyXPCOMを使ったJS-Python communicationを可能にする作業に取り込みました。彼らはBrowserにJSコードをさらすJavaScriptで書いたXPCOMサービス作成に成功、さらにBrowserにPythonコードをさらすPythonで書かれたXPCOMサービスでも成功しました。今週の目標は両方のサービスを同じインターフェースから同期的にコールしてJSとPythonで書かれた関数の間でのコミュニケーションへ導くことです。XPCOMサービス実装に関する詳細はアップデートされました (詳しくは JSPython をご覧下さい)。Javascriptで書かれたSocialCalc (Spreadsheetアクティビティ)はこのメカニズムを通してSugarにポートされます。

7. Educational Toolkit: Manusheel Gupta has been working with Deepank Gupta, Ross Light, and David Goulet to develop an Educational Toolkit. Use-case diagrams, and XML schema have been updated (See Educational toolkit). The implementation of Parse Module, supporting decoding of XML files; Viewer Module; and ConnectionManager module are in progress (See [10]).

7. Educational Toolkit (教育用ツールキット): Manusheel GuptaはDeepank Gupta、Ross Light、David Goulet達と共に教育用ツールキット作成に取り込んでいます。Use-case diagramsとXML schemaがアップデートされました (詳しくは Educational toolkit をご覧下さい)。Parse Module、XMLファイルのデコードをサポートする; Viewer Module; そして ConnectionManager moduleの実装はまだ進んでいます ( [11] をご覧下さい)。

8. More magic from Benjamin M. Schwartz: Ben has made a DOS Console activity based on Wine (See [12]). His goal is to provide a simple system for turning any Windows program into a Sugar activity. This is still a work in progress: in order for it to run, you must first add 'org.winehq.WineConsole' to the list of RAINBOW_CONSTANT_UID activities in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sugar/activity/activityfactory.py and it doesn't yet "play well with others." However, Chris Ball used already used it to installed the free-download Excel viewer (See [13]).

8. More magic from Benjamin M. Schwartz: BenはWineをベースにしたDOSコンソールを作成しました ( [14] をご覧下さい)。彼の目標はあらゆるWindowsプログラムをSugarアクティビティに変えるシンプルなシステムを作ることです。これはまだ未完成です: 起動されるには、まず最初に'org.winehq.WineConsole'を/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sugar/activity/activityfactory.pyにあるRAINBOW_CONSTANT_UIDのリストに加えまが、まだ他の物とはよく動かない様です。しかしながら、Chris Ballはこれを使いフリーダウンロードできるExcel viewerをインストールしました ( [15] をご覧下さい)。

9. David Hodge reports that ACM and Free Culture USC have partnered up for an upcoming "Code for a Cause" programming event next week at USC. The focus will be on open-source software and the OLPC platform. Student teams will be challenged over a week-long period to develop open-source software for the OLPC platform (See [16]).

9. David HodgeのレポートのよるとACMとFree Culture USCは来週USCで開かれる"Code for a Cause"プログラミング・イベントのためにパートナーシップを組みました。オープンソース・ソフトウェアとOLPCプラットフォームにフォーカスを置きます。学生チームは1週間に及びOLPCプラットフォーム用オープンソース・ソフトウェアを開発するチャレンジを受けます (詳しくは [17] をご覧下さい)。

10. Kurt Gramlich would like the OLPC community know about the latest LiveCD release (See LiveBackup XO-LiveCD). Aaron Kaplan talks about his port of Sugar to the Intel Classmate ([18]) using the LiveCD. Additional information is available (in German) on linux-user.com (See [19]).

10. Kurt GramlichはOLPCコミュニティに最新のLiveCDがリリースされたと伝えています。 (詳しくは LiveBackup XO-LiveCD をご覧下さい)。Aaron Kaplanは彼がポートしたLiveCDを通してインストールするIntel Classmate用Sugarに付いて次の所 ([20] ) で語っています。追加の情報はlinux-user.com (ドイツ語)を尋ねてください (詳しくは [21] をご覧下さい)。

11. Scott Ananian sends his thanks to everyone who participated in last week's mini conference and requests that you upload your slides to the wiki (Mini-conference). If anyone would like to volunteer to help with transcoding of the video archive of the conferenc, please contact Scott at laptop.org.

11. Scott Ananianは先週のミニカンファレンスに参加していただいた皆様に感謝しており、出きるならwikiにスライドをアップロードして欲しいと願っています (Mini-conference)。もしビデオ・アーカイブのトランスコードでお手伝いができるボランティア が居ればScott at laptop.orgまで連絡を取ってください。

12. Kevin Cole reports that the OLPC Learning Club DC (OLPC LCDC) held their second "Family Mesh" meetings at Gallaudet University in NW Washington, DC (See [22]).

12. Kevin Coleの報告では'OLPC Learning Club DC (OLPC LCDC)'は二回目の"Family Mesh"会議をNW Washington DCにあるGallaudet Universityで行いました (詳しくは [23] をご覧下さい)。

13. Richard Smith and SJ Klein will present the XO laptop and alternative power systems at two workshops at the Massachusetts Power Shift 2008 (MAPS) conference.

13. Richard SmithとSJ Kleinは'Massachusetts Power Shift 2008 (MAPS)'カンファレンスの二つのワークショップでXOラップトップと代替パワーシステムを紹介します。

14. Prakhar Agarwal reports progress on the typing tutor activity (See LetsType#Progress so far) and is soliciting feedback.

14. Prakhar Agarwalが報告するには'typing tutor'アクティビティの作業は進んでおり、ただ今フィードバックを求めています (詳しい内容は LetsType#Progress so far をご覧下さい)。

(( Translated text | 15. Dr. Habib Khan reports from Islamabad that the Pakistan Software Export Board has graciously provided OLPC Pakistan the services of an in intern, Ms. Iffat Saadia. Iffat is a developer; she is converting Biology of 8th grade into interactive ebook. | display = none }} 15. Dr. Habib Khanのイスラマバードからのレポートによるとパキスタン'Software Export Board'はOLPCパキスタンにインターンであるMs. Iffat Saadiaの手伝いをくだされました。彼女はディベロッパーであり、今は8年生用物理学をインターアクティブebookに転換しています。

A second pilot project is being prepared at the Mehfooz Shahid Dil Model School, located in a beautiful valley in the Islamabad, Capital Territory. The school has five grades with 170 children. On Monday a week of teacher preparation begins. The school was identified with help from the National Rural Support Program ([24]).

二番目のパイロットプロジェクトはイスラマバードの綺麗な谷にある'Mehfooz Shahid Dil Model School'で準備されています。その学校には学年級が五つあり170人の生徒がいます。月曜日に一週間にわたる教師の準備が始まります。その学校は'National Rural Support Program'の協力により見つけることができました ([25])。

16. Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos has been conducting more tests with Cerebro. File transfer and chat work consistently on a 30-node testbed. (Chris Ball modified the Chat activity; we now have a version that works with Cerebro and we are in the process of creating a build where Chat and Read will be using Cerebro. This build will be tested on the 100-node testbed to investigate the limits of simple mesh.)

16. Polychronis YpodimatopoulosはさらにCerebroでテストを続けています。ファイル転送とチャットは30ノードテストベッドでなにも異常なく作動しています。(Chris Ballはチャットアクティビティを改良しました; 現在Cerebroと一緒に動くバージョンは存在しており、ChatとReadがCerebroを利用するビルドを作成している最中です。このビルドは100ノードテストベッドでテストされ'simple'メッシュの限界を調査します。)


OLPC日本語コミュニティに関していろいろ知りたいとか参加したいとか思ったことはありませんか? 詳しくはここをご覧ください。

ラップトップ ニュース 日本語翻訳アーカイブ:
2月09日: News/2008/02-09/lang-ja
2月02日: News/2008/02-02/lang-ja
1月26日: News_2008-01-26/lang-ja
1月19日: News_2008-01-19/lang-ja
1月12日: News_2008-01-12/lang-ja

12月30日: News_2007-12-30/lang-ja
12月22日: News_2007-12-22/lang-ja

Laptop News is archived here and here.

アーカイブされたラップトップ ニュース(英語版)は ここここです。

You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the laptop.org mailman site.

OLPCコミュニティ・メーリングリスト(英語版)に署名したい方々はこのlaptop.org mailman siteページを尋ねてください。

Press requests: please send email to press@racepointgroup.com

報道関係リクエスト: press@racepointgroup.com宛にメールしてください。


Latest milestones:

Nov. 2007 Mass Production has started.
July. 2007 One Laptop per Child Announces Final Beta Version of its Revolutionary XO Laptop.
Apr. 2007 First pre-B3 machines built.
Mar. 2007 First mesh network deployment.
Feb. 2007 B2-test machines become available and are shipped to developers and the launch countries.
Jan. 2007 Rwanda announced its participation in the project.

All milestones can be found here.


You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the laptop.org mailman site.

The contents of this page are considered outdated and some of the information may be stale. Please use information here with caution, or update it.

To contribute a story or news idea, see the OLPC newsroom.

For coverage of recent OLPC updates, see our twitter feed and OLPC blog.

This page historically hosted announcements and news about OLPC, along with the Sugar Labs current events page.

Upcoming pieces

Learning Chat piece: 278 words, ready now. File:Learning Chat.docx
Making Learning Visible: Claudia's (& Walter) original is 25 pages. Submitted to a journal. w/o OLPC Background it is down to 12-15 pages w/ screenshots.
This can become a 4-part series.
Homo docens: 500+ words, Antonio approved my edits. File:Homo docens JLedits.docx
Further work: we can definitely ask him to contribute on a quarterly basis but I've found that I have to be very specific as to what I am asking to do and he has to be comfortable that it is consistent with his academic work.
Ask for a new piece on the epidemiology of learning
Ometepe - A beautiful piece with wonderful images. RAH posted a personal and lengthy version (1500+ words) that he shared with his private distribution list. I made an edited version (1200 words) that could be shared publicly. Must check with RAH on this. File:Ometepe articulo por Rodrigo Arboleda.pdf File:Ometepe by Rodrigo Arboleda (3).pdf
I had hoped that we could do a video series with Rodrigo but the budget hasn't been approved. Giulia - can we get an answer on this?
Rwanda case studies
Ceri Whatley - summary of importance of headmasters - confirm subset to reuse
Social mapping project - 1- or 2-part piece - check w/ Julia
Grandmother project - 2- or 3-part piece - check w/ Julia (and is there more to that awesome series?)
Other Africa
So. Africa case studies
Peru and Uruguay
Oscar B's piece on the IADB study?
You said that Uruguay and Peru produce a ton of content on a continuous basis. I'm struggling a bit with how we can easily get the content and translate it into English. Giulia - could Olga help? I don't want to burden her with more work. Maybe we do this every 2-3 months.
Other LatAm
Colombia: Sandra's quarterly? newsletter and website could feed into this. Plus english translations.
Nicaragua: Regular update, beyond Ometepe?
Paraguay: Contact ParaguayEduca
Mexico: Ask Mariana @ OLPCMexico
OLPC Australia
Great text and videos.
OLPC Europe
Quarterly update from them?
OLPC Oceania
Quarterly updates from Mike Hutak
OLPC Jamaica
Quarterly update from Sameer, good videos.
North America
Miami - David! and a story from Chester
Canada - Jennifer Martino, Q

News archives

Weekly OLPC News postings to the community-news mailing list give updates on recent work. Weekly summaries were also posted on-wiki during 2008. Weekly postings to the list were put on hold at the start of 2009, and started again in 2010.

Archives: 2005-2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009-10


Sporadic translations of news archives from 2008 and earlier can be found here:

German | Spanish | Japanese | Korean

OLPC videos

For a history of videos about OLPC and the XO, see olpc.tv and OLPC:Videos.

Sugar news

Walter continues to post summaries of Sugar development on his blog.


For an archive of OLPC media coverage, see the 2005-2008 press archives.

Past announcements

Developed through 2011 by the Racepoint Group, OLPC's pro bono PR firm.

More articles can be found here.


Miscellaneous videos of the laptop can be found here.