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(not completed, backup)
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msgid "interfacetitle"
msgid "interfacetitle"
msgstr "Interface: OLPC is about to shake up things"
msgstr "Интерфейс: OLPC изменит рамки привычного"

msgid "interfacedescription"
msgid "interfacedescription"
msgstr "Начав с простого наблюдения Сеймура, о том что дети являются научными работниками, как и взрослые, но немного больше, мы решили что им нужен тип пользовательского интерфейса, ориентированный на их специфический тип научных занятий."
msgstr "Beginning with Seymour's simple observation that children are knowledge workers like any adult, only more so, we decided they needed a user-interface tailored to their specific type of knowledge work."

msgid "interfacekeywords"
msgid "interfacekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, Ноутбук Каждому Ребенку (One Laptop per Child), ноутбук, десктоп, персональный компьютер, дети, знания, пользовательский интерфейс, обучение, SUGAR, интерфейс, сообщество, обучающиеся, учителя"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, desktop, personal computer, children, knowledge, user-interface, learning, SUGAR, interface, community, learners, teachers"

msgid "interfaceh1"
msgid "interfaceh1"
msgstr "interface"
msgstr "интерфейс"

msgid "interfacep1"
msgid "interfacep1"
msgstr "Метафора рабочего стола настолько внедрилась в коллективное бессознательное пользователей персональных компьютеров, что очень просто забыть какой яркой и радикальной инновацией был Графический Пользовательский Интерфейс (GUI) и как он помог освободить компьютер от “профессионалов” который противостояли идее компьютера для всех."
msgstr "The desktop metaphor is so entrenched in personal computer users' collective consciousness that it is easy to forget what a bold and radical innovation the Graphical User Interface (GUI) was and how it helped free the computer from the “professionals” who were appalled at the idea of computing for everyone."

msgid "interfacep2"
msgid "interfacep2"
msgstr "OLPC революционизирует существующую концепцию компьютерного интерфейса."
msgstr "OLPC is about to revolutionize the existing concept of a computer interface."

msgid "interfacep3"
msgid "interfacep3"
msgstr "Начав с простого наблюдения Сеймура, о том что дети являются научными работниками, как и взрослые, но немного больше, мы решили что им нужен тип пользовательского интерфейса, ориентированный на их специфический тип научных занятий: обучение. Работая вместе с командами из Pentagram и Red Hat, мы создали SUGAR, “масштабируемый” интерфейс, который графически отображает их мир друзей-учеников и учителей как участников, подчеркивая связи внутри сообщества, между людьми и активностями."
msgstr "Beginning with Seymour Papert's simple observation that children are knowledge workers like any adult, only more so, we decided they needed a user-interface tailored to their specific type of knowledge work: learning. So, working together with teams from Pentagram and Red Hat, we created SUGAR, a “zoom” interface that graphically captures their world of fellow learners and teachers as collaborators, emphasizing the connections within the community, among people, and their activities."

msgid "interfacep4"
msgid "interfacep4"
msgstr "eToys (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>) running on the OLPC display"
msgstr "eToys (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>) выполняющиеся на экране OLPC"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar1"
msgid "interfacerightsidebar1"
msgstr "principles"
msgstr "принципы"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar2"
msgid "interfacerightsidebar2"
msgstr "demo"
msgstr "демо"

#: design.html
#: design.html

msgid "designtitle"
msgid "designtitle"
msgstr "Дизайн: Эволюция дизайна ноутбука"
msgstr "Design: Discover the laptop design evolution"

msgid "designdescription"
msgid "designdescription"
msgstr "Первоначально задумывалось, что ноутбук использует LCOS в форме проектора. Николас Негропонте продемонстрировал эту концепцию в начале 2005, используя набор палочек скользящих по рамке чтобы показать, как должна работать оптика."
msgstr "As first conceived, the laptop display used LCOS in the from of a projector. Nicholas Negroponte demonstrated the concept in early 2005, using a set of black sticks sliding across a frame to convey some sense of how the folding optics would work."

msgid "designkeywords"
msgid "designkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, Ноутбук Каждому Ребенку (One Laptop per Child), ноутбук, ноутбук XO, графический контроллер, гибкий дизайн, дизайн, визуальное различие, детский размер, внешний вид, учебник, конфигурации, стандартное использование ноутбука, чтение электронных книг, игры, резино-мембранная клавиатура"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, XO laptop, graphics controller, flexible design , design, visual distinction, kid-sized, appearance, textbook, configurations, standard laptop use, e-book reading, gaming, rubber-membrane keyboard"

msgid "designh1"
msgid "designh1"
msgstr "Эволюция дизайна ноутбука"
msgstr "Laptop design evolution"

msgid "designp1"
msgid "designp1"
msgstr "Первоначально задумывалось, что ноутбук использует LCOS (жидкий кристалл на кремнии) в форме проектора. Николас Негропонте продемонстрировал эту концепцию в начале 2005, используя набор палочек скользящих по рамке чтобы показать, как должна работать оптика."
msgstr "As first conceived, the XO laptop display used LCOS (liquid crystal on silicon) in the form of a projector. Nicholas Negroponte demonstrated the concept in early 2005, using a set of black sticks sliding across a frame to convey some sense of how the folding optics would work."

msgid "designp2"
msgid "designp2"
msgstr "Ноутбук начал эволюционировать в июне того года, когда Мэри Лу Джепсен, недавно назначенная исполняющей обязанности CTO, начала рассматривать возможность использования двух-режимного дисплея: один традиционный цветной LED экраи, и другой, читаемый на солнечном свете черно-белый экран для электронных книг. Эта концепция имеет большой смысл в развивающемся мире, где обычны классы без помещения и поставка учебников представляет основную статью расходов."
msgstr "The laptop began to evolve in June of that year, when Mary Lou Jepsen, newly named as acting CTO, began considering a dual-mode display: one a conventional color LED laptop screen, the other a sunlight-readable, black-and-white e-book. The concept made abundant sense for the developing world, where outdoor classes are common and the cost of shipping textbooks is a major expense."

msgid "designp3"
msgid "designp3"
msgstr "На встрече совета директоров в Июле, Design Continuum представил несколько инновационных прототипов дизайна, которые привели в ноябре 2005 к известной "зеленой машине", с отличительной желтой рукояткой, которая была представлена миру Генеральным Секретарем ООН Кофи Аннаном на Мировом Саммите по Информационному Обществу в Тунисе."
msgstr "At a July board meeting, Design Continuum presented an array of innovative prototype designs that would lead, by November 2005, to the famous “green machine”, with its distinctive pencil-yellow crank, which was unveiled to the world by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at the World Summit on the Information Society at Tunis."

msgid "designp4"
msgid "designp4"
msgstr "Желтая рукоятка, хотя и очень симпатичная, оказалась непрактичной; она превратилась в AC адаптер который объединился с одним или несколькими типами устройств работающих от мускульных усилий. Статус иконы для OLPC теперь заняли антенны mesh-сети, или “уши.” В то же время, Quanta Computer, наш ODM, приложил усилия для создания трансформируемого ноутбука, преобразующегося из классического ноутбука в игровое устройство или устройство для чтения электронных книг. Весной 2006, Йвез Бехар, известный индустриальный дизайнер из Сан-Франциско, присоединился к проекту для завершения окончательного дизайна XO Первого Поколения."
msgstr "The yellow crank, while cute, in the end proved impractical; it migrated to the AC adapter as it also morphed into one or more other types of human-power devices. Its status as an icon for OLPC would be supplanted by the mesh-network antennas, or “ears.” At the same time, Quanta Computer, our ODM, made a strong case for fitting the laptop with a so-called transformer hinge to simplify the machine's transformations from classic laptop, to game device, to e-book reader. In the spring of 2006, Yves Behar, the noted San Francisco industrial designer, came aboard to complete the final design of the Generation-One XO."

msgid "designp5"
msgid "designp5"
msgstr "In November of 2006, the first XO test machines, the B1 (Beta1), rolled off the Quanta assembly line in Shanghai."
msgstr "В ноябре 2006, первые тестовые машины XO, B1 (Бета1), вышли с линии сборки Quanta в Шанхае."

msgid "designp6"
msgid "designp6"
msgstr "В начале 2007, итерация XO B2, болеее прочная, с небольшим увеличением угла открытия, была готова к выходу. B3 последовали в мае 2007, и B4 машины были доставлены в офисы OLPC 6-го июля 2007."
msgstr "In early 2007, the B2 iteration of XO, stronger, sturdier, with a slight increase in tilt, was ready for its debut. B3 followed in May 2007, and pallets of B4 machines arrived in OLPC offices on July 6, 2007."

#: meshdemo.html
#: meshdemo.html

Revision as of 21:03, 22 July 2007

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#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-22 13:21-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Maxim Osipov <maxim.osipov@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <ru@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# These pages are for the Laptop Section

#: hardware.html

msgid "hardwaretitle"
msgstr "Ноутбук: Обучающий инструмент, созданный специально для детей развивающихся стран"

msgid "hardwaredescription"
msgstr "XO это эффективный образовательный инструмент, созданный специально для беднейших детей, живущих в наиболее удаленных уголках мира. Ноутбук был разработан совместно экспертами из академических кругов и индустрии."

msgid "hardwarekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, Ноутбук Каждому Ребенку (One Laptop per Child), ноутбук, XO ноутбук, обучающий инструмент, аппаратное обеспечение, безпроводный маршрутизатор, TFT экран, само-обновляющийся дисплей, разрешение, передающий режим, полноцветный режим, отражающий режим, режим высокого разрешения, потребление энергии LCD, ЦПУ, видео камера, внешние порты USB2.0, слот SD-карт, память, чипсет, графический контроллер."

msgid "hardwaresubcontenttitle"
msgstr "mesh демо"

msgid "hardwareh1"
msgstr "аппаратное обеспечение"

msgid "hardwarep1"
msgstr "XO это эффективный образовательный инструмент, созданный специально для беднейших детей, живущих в наиболее удаленных уголках мира. Ноутбук был разработан совместно экспертами из академических кругов и индустрии, привнесшими экстроординарный талант и многие десятилетия коллективного опыта для каждого аспекта этого некоммерческого гуманитарного проекта. Результатом стала уникальная гармония формы и функциональности; гибкий, сверх-дешевый, энергосберегающий, надежный ноутбук с которым народы развивающихся стран могут скачком преодолеть десятилетия развития - моментально изменив качество и содержание обучения для своих детей."

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar1"
msgstr "достижения"

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar2"
msgstr "возможности"

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar3"
msgstr "спецификации"

#: software.html

msgid "softwaretitle"
msgstr "Программное Обеспечение: XO построен на базе открытого и свободного ПО"

msgid "softwaredescription"
msgstr "XO построен из открытого и свободного ПО. Наша приверженность к свободному ПО дает детям возможность использовать ноутбук на своих собственных условиях."

msgid "softwarekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, Ноутбук Каждому Ребенку (One Laptop per Child), ноутбук, ноутбук XO, обучающий инструмент, опыт обучения, открытое программное обеспечение, ноутбуки, открытые форматы документов, учителя, FOSS, свободное программное обеспечение"

msgid "softwareh1"
msgstr "программное обеспечение"

msgid "softwarep1"
msgstr "XO построен из открытого и свободного ПО. Наша приверженность к свободному ПО дает детям возможность использовать ноутбук на своих собственных условиях. Мы не ожидаем что каждый ребенок станет программистом, но мы не хотим накладывать никаких ограничения на тех детей, которые хотят изменить свои машины. Мы используем открытые форматы документов по той же причине: прозрачность и возможности. Дети - и их учителя - будут иметь возможность изменить, переписать и по-новому применить их программное и аппаратное обеспечение, а также содержимое."

#: interface.html

msgid "interfacetitle"
msgstr "Интерфейс: OLPC изменит рамки привычного"

msgid "interfacedescription"
msgstr "Начав с простого наблюдения Сеймура, о том что дети являются научными работниками, как и взрослые, но немного больше, мы решили что им нужен тип пользовательского интерфейса, ориентированный на их специфический тип научных занятий."

msgid "interfacekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, Ноутбук Каждому Ребенку (One Laptop per Child), ноутбук, десктоп, персональный компьютер, дети, знания, пользовательский интерфейс, обучение, SUGAR, интерфейс, сообщество, обучающиеся, учителя"

msgid "interfaceh1"
msgstr "интерфейс"

msgid "interfacep1"
msgstr "Метафора рабочего стола настолько внедрилась в коллективное бессознательное пользователей персональных компьютеров, что очень просто забыть какой яркой и радикальной инновацией был Графический Пользовательский Интерфейс (GUI) и как он помог освободить компьютер от “профессионалов” который противостояли идее компьютера для всех." 

msgid "interfacep2"
msgstr "OLPC революционизирует существующую концепцию компьютерного интерфейса."

msgid "interfacep3"
msgstr "Начав с простого наблюдения Сеймура, о том что дети являются научными работниками, как и взрослые, но немного больше, мы решили что им нужен тип пользовательского интерфейса, ориентированный на их специфический тип научных занятий: обучение. Работая вместе с командами из Pentagram и Red Hat, мы создали SUGAR, “масштабируемый” интерфейс, который графически отображает их мир друзей-учеников и учителей как участников, подчеркивая связи внутри сообщества, между людьми и активностями."

msgid "interfacep4"
msgstr "eToys (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>) выполняющиеся на экране OLPC"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar1"
msgstr "принципы"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar2"
msgstr "демо"

#: design.html

msgid "designtitle"
msgstr "Дизайн: Эволюция дизайна ноутбука"

msgid "designdescription"
msgstr "Первоначально задумывалось, что ноутбук использует LCOS в форме проектора. Николас Негропонте продемонстрировал эту концепцию в начале 2005, используя набор палочек скользящих по рамке чтобы показать, как должна работать оптика."

msgid "designkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, Ноутбук Каждому Ребенку (One Laptop per Child), ноутбук, ноутбук XO, графический контроллер, гибкий дизайн, дизайн, визуальное различие, детский размер, внешний вид, учебник, конфигурации, стандартное использование ноутбука, чтение электронных книг, игры, резино-мембранная клавиатура"

msgid "designh1"
msgstr "Эволюция дизайна ноутбука"

msgid "designp1"
msgstr "Первоначально задумывалось, что ноутбук использует LCOS (жидкий кристалл на кремнии) в форме проектора. Николас Негропонте продемонстрировал эту концепцию в начале 2005, используя набор палочек скользящих по рамке чтобы показать, как должна работать оптика."

msgid "designp2"
msgstr "Ноутбук начал эволюционировать в июне того года, когда Мэри Лу Джепсен, недавно назначенная исполняющей обязанности CTO, начала рассматривать возможность использования двух-режимного дисплея: один традиционный цветной LED экраи, и другой, читаемый на солнечном свете черно-белый экран для электронных книг. Эта концепция имеет большой смысл в развивающемся мире, где обычны классы без помещения и поставка учебников представляет основную статью расходов."

msgid "designp3"
msgstr "На встрече совета директоров в Июле, Design Continuum представил несколько инновационных прототипов дизайна, которые привели в ноябре 2005 к известной "зеленой машине", с отличительной желтой рукояткой, которая была представлена миру Генеральным Секретарем ООН Кофи Аннаном на Мировом Саммите по Информационному Обществу в Тунисе."

msgid "designp4"
msgstr "Желтая рукоятка, хотя и очень симпатичная, оказалась непрактичной; она превратилась в AC адаптер который объединился с одним или несколькими типами устройств работающих от мускульных усилий. Статус иконы для OLPC теперь заняли антенны mesh-сети, или “уши.” В то же время, Quanta Computer, наш ODM, приложил усилия для создания трансформируемого ноутбука, преобразующегося из классического ноутбука в игровое устройство или устройство для чтения электронных книг. Весной 2006, Йвез Бехар, известный индустриальный дизайнер из Сан-Франциско, присоединился к проекту для завершения окончательного дизайна XO Первого Поколения."

msgid "designp5"
msgstr "В ноябре 2006, первые тестовые машины XO, B1 (Бета1), вышли с линии сборки Quanta в Шанхае."

msgid "designp6"
msgstr "В начале 2007, итерация XO B2, болеее прочная, с небольшим увеличением угла открытия, была готова к выходу. B3 последовали в мае 2007, и B4 машины были доставлены в офисы OLPC 6-го июля 2007."

#: meshdemo.html

msgid "meshdemop1"
msgstr "You need the latest Flash plug-in to see the mesh demo. <a href="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" target="_blank">Click here</a> to download it."

#: hardwarehighlights.html

msgid "hardwarehighlightstitle"
msgstr "Laptop with a video/still camera, 3 external USB2.0 ports and a SD-card slot"

msgid "hardwarehighlightsh1"
msgstr "XO unlike any laptop ever built"

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp1"
msgstr "XO creates its own mesh network out of the box. Each machine is a full-time wireless router. Children in the most remote regions of the globe—as well as their teachers and families—will be connected both to one another and to the Internet."

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp2"
msgstr "It features a 7.5 inch, 1200×900 pixel, TFT screen and self-refreshing display with higher resolution (200 DPI) than 95 percent of the laptops on the market today. Two display modes are available: a transmissive, full-color mode, and a reflective, high-resolution mode that is sunlight readable. Both consume very little power: the transmissive mode consumes one watt—about one seventh of the average LCD power consumption in a laptop; the reflective mode consumes a miserly 0.2 watts."

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp3"
msgstr "The laptop selectively suspends operation of its CPU, which makes possible even more remarkable power savings. The laptop nominally consumes less than two watts—less than one tenth of what a standard laptop consumes—so little that XO can be recharged by human power. This is a critical advance for the half-billion children who have no access to electricity."

#: hardwarefeatures.html

msgid "hardwarefeaturestitle"
msgstr "Discover the XO laptop features"

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp1"
msgstr "Design factor was a priority from the start: the laptop could not be big, heavy, fragile, ugly, dangerous, or dull. Another imperative was visual distinction. In part, the goal is to strongly appeal to XO's intended users; but the machine's distinctive appearance is also meant to discourage gray-market traffic. There is no mistaking what it is and for whom it is intended."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp2"
msgstr "XO is about the size of a textbook and lighter than a lunchbox. Thanks to its flexible design and “transformer" hinge, the laptop easily assumes any of several configurations: standard laptop use, e-book reading, and gaming."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp3"
msgstr "The laptop has rounded edges. The integrated handle is kid-sized, as is the sealed, rubber-membrane keyboard. The novel, dual-mode, extra-wide touchpad supports pointing, as well as drawing and writing."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp4"
msgstr "XO is fully compliant with the European Union's RoHS Directive. It contains no hazardous materials. Its NiMH batteries contain no toxic heavy metals, plus it features enhanced battery management for an extended recharge-cycle lifetime. It will also tolerate alternate power-charging sources, such as car batteries."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp5"
msgstr "In addition, —for use at home and where power is not available—the XO can be hand powered. It will come with at least two of three options: a crank, a pedal, or a pull-cord. It is also possible that children could have a second battery for group charging at school while they are using their laptop in class."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp6"
msgstr "Experience shows that laptop components most likely to fail are the hard drive and internal connectors. Therefore, XO has no hard drive to crash and only two internal cables. For added robustness, the machine's plastic walls are 2mm thick, as opposed to the standard 1.3mm. Its mesh network antennas, which far outperform the typical laptop, double as external covers for the USB ports, which are protected internally as well. The display is also cushioned by internal “bumpers.”" 

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp7"
msgstr "The estimated product lifetime is at least five years. To help ensure such durability, the machines are being subjected to factory testing to destruction, as well as in situ field testing by children."

#: hardwarespecs.html

msgid "hardwarespecstitle"
msgstr "Discover the XO laptop specs"

msgid "hardwarespecsh1"
msgstr "Specifications"

msgid "hardwarespecsh2"
msgstr "Physical dimensions:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp1"
msgstr "Dimensions: 242mm×228mm×32mm (approximate—subject to change)" 

msgid "hardwarespecsp2"
msgstr "Weight: Less than 1.5 KG (target only—subject to change)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp3"
msgstr "Configuration: Convertible laptop with pivoting, reversible display; dirt- and moisture-resistant system enclosure"

msgid "hardwarespecsh3"
msgstr "Core electronics:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp4"
msgstr "AMD Geode LX-700@0.8W (<a href="http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/DownloadableAssets/33358e_lx_900_productb.pdf"  target="_blank">datasheet</a>)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp5"
msgstr "CPU clock speed: 433 Mhz"

msgid "hardwarespecsp6"
msgstr "Compatibility: Athlon instruction set (including MMX and 3DNow! Enhanced) with additional Geode-specific instructions (X86/X87-compatible)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp6a"
msgstr "North Bridge: PCI and Memory Interface integrated with Geode CPU"

msgid "hardwarespecsp7"
msgstr "Chipset: AMD CS5536 South Bridge (<a href="http://www.amd.com/files/connectivitysolutions/geode/geode_lx/33238f_cs5536_ds.zip" target="_blank">datasheet</a>)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp8"
msgstr "Graphics controller: Integrated with Geode CPU; unified memory architecture"

msgid "hardwarespecsp9"
msgstr "Embedded controller (for production), <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:KB3700-ds-01.pdf" target="_blank">ENE KB3700</a>"

msgid "hardwarespecsp10"
msgstr "DRAM memory: 256 MiB dynamic RAM"

msgid "hardwarespecsp11"
msgstr "Data rate: Dual — DDR333 — 166 Mhz"

msgid "hardwarespecsp12"
msgstr "Open Firmware bootloader; 1024KB SPI-interface flash ROM"

msgid "hardwarespecsp13"
msgstr "Mass storage: 1024 MiB SLC NAND flash, high-speed flash controller"

msgid "hardwarespecsp14"
msgstr "Drives: No rotating media"

msgid "hardwarespecsh4"
msgstr "Display:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp15"
msgstr "Liquid-crystal display: 7.5” Dual-mode TFT display"

msgid "hardwarespecsp16"
msgstr "Viewing area: 152.4 mm × 114.3 mm"

msgid "hardwarespecsp17"
msgstr "Resolution: 1200 (H) × 900 (V) resolution (200 DPI)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp18"
msgstr "Mono display: High-resolution, reflective monochrome mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp19"
msgstr "Color display: Standard-resolution, quincunx-sampled, transmissive color mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp20"
msgstr "Special “DCON” chip, that enables deswizzling and anti-aliasing in color mode, while enabling the display to remain live with the processor suspended."

msgid "hardwarespecsh5"
msgstr "Integrated peripherals:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp21"
msgstr "Keyboard: 70+ keys, 1.2mm stroke; sealed rubber-membrane key-switch assembly"

msgid "hardwarespecsindent1"
msgstr "Keyboard layout details"

msgid "hardwarespecsindent2"
msgstr "Keyboard layout pictures - <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_english.jpg" target="_blank"> international</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_thai.jpg" target="_blank">Thai</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_arabic.jpg" target="_blank">Arabic</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_spanish.jpg" target="_blank">Spanish</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_portuguese.jpg" target="_blank">Portuguese</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_west_africa.jpg" target="_blank">West Africa</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_urdu.jpg" target="_blank">Urdu</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_azerty.jpg" target="_blank">French</a>"

msgid "hardwarespecsp22"
msgstr "Cursor-control keys: five-key cursor-control pad; four directional keys plus Enter"

msgid "hardwarespecsp23"
msgstr "Touchpad: Dual capacitance/resistive touchpad; supports written-input mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp24"
msgstr "Audio: Analog Devices AD1888, AC97-compatible audio codec; stereo, with dual internal speakers; monophonic, with internal microphone and using the Analog Devices SSM2211 for audio amplification"

msgid "hardwarespecsp25"
msgstr "Wireless: Marvell Libertas 88W8388+88W8015, 802.11b/g compatible; dual adjustable, rotating coaxial antennas; supports diversity reception"

msgid "hardwarespecsp26"
msgstr "Status indicators: Power, battery, WiFi; visible lid open or closed"

msgid "hardwarespecsp27"
msgstr "Video camera: 640×480 resolution, 30FPS"

msgid "hardwarespecsh6"
msgstr "External connectors:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp28"
msgstr "Power: 2-pin DC-input, 10 to 20 V usable, –50 to 39 V safe, one-time fuse for excessive input"
msgid "hardwarespecsp29"
msgstr "Line output: Standard 3.5mm 3-pin switched stereo audio jack"

msgid "hardwarespecsp30"
msgstr "Microphone: Standard 3.5mm 2-pin switched mono microphone jack; selectable sensor-input mode"
msgid "hardwarespecsp31"
msgstr "Expansion: 3 Type-A USB-2.0 connectors; MMC/SD Card slot"
msgid "hardwarespecsp32"
msgstr "Maximum power:  1 A (total)"

msgid "hardwarespecsh7"
msgstr "Battery:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp33"
msgstr "Pack type: 4 or 5 Cells, 6V series configuration"

msgid "hardwarespecsp34"
msgstr "Fully-enclosed “hard” case; user removable"

msgid "hardwarespecsp35"
msgstr "Capacity: 22.8 Watt-hours"

msgid "hardwarespecsp36"
msgstr "Cell type: NiMH (or LiFeP)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp37"
msgstr "Pack protection: Integrated pack-type identification"
msgid "hardwarespecsp38"
msgstr "Integrated thermal sensor"

msgid "hardwarespecsp39"
msgstr "Integrated polyfuse current limiter"

msgid "hardwarespecsp40"
msgstr "Cycle life: Minimum 2,000 charge/discharge cycles (to 50% capacity of new, IIRC)."

msgid "hardwarespecsp41"
msgstr "<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Power_Management" target="_blank">Power Management</a> will be critical"

msgid "hardwarespecsh8"
msgstr "BIOS/loader"

msgid "hardwarespecsp42"
msgstr "Open Firmware is used as the bootloader."

msgid "hardwarespecsh9"
msgstr "Environmental specifications:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp43"
msgstr "Temperature: somewhere in between typical laptop requirements and Mil spec; exact values have not been settled."

msgid "hardwarespecsp44"
msgstr "Humidity: Similar attitude to temperature. When closed, the unit should seal well enough that children walking to and from school need not fear rainstorms or dust."

msgid "hardwarespecsp45"
msgstr "Altitude: –15m to 3048m (operating), –15m to 12192m (non-operating)"
msgid "hardwarespecsp46"
msgstr "Shock: 125g, 2ms, half-sine (operating) 200g, 2ms, half-sine (non-operating)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp47"
msgstr "Random vibration: 0.75g zero-to-peak, 10Hz to 500Hz, 0.25 oct/min sweep rate (operating); 1.5g zero-to-peak, 10Hz to 500Hz, 0.5 oct/min sweep rate (nonoperating)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp48"
msgstr "2mm plastic walls (1.3mm is typical for most systems)."

msgid "hardwarespecsh10"
msgstr "Regulatory requirements:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp49"
msgstr "The usual US and EU EMI/EMC requirements will be met."
msgid "hardwarespecsp50"
msgstr "The laptop and all OLPC-supplied accessories will be fully UL and is RoHS compliant."

#: softwareprinciples.html

msgid "softwareprinciplestitle"
msgstr "Principles: The XO Laptop will bring children technology"

msgid "softwareprinciplesh1"
msgstr "principles"

msgid "softwareprinciplesp1"
msgstr "The XO Laptop will bring children technology as a means to freedom and empowerment. The success of the project in the face of overwhelming global diversity will only be possible by embracing openness and by providing the laptop's users and developers a profound level of freedom."

msgid "softwareprinciplesp2"
msgstr "As the children grow and pursue new ideas, the software and the tools need to be able to grow with them and provide a gateway to other technology."

msgid "softwareprinciplesp3"
msgstr "<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_on_open_source_software" target="_blank">wiki: OLPC on open source software</a>"

#: softwarebenefits.html

msgid "softwarebenefitstitle"
msgstr "Principles: The XO Laptop will bring children technology"

msgid "softwarebenefitsh1"
msgstr "benefits"

msgid "softwarebenefitsp1"
msgstr "Learning is our main goal; we do not focus on computer literacy, as that is a by-product of the fluency children will gain through use of the laptop for learning. Children—especially young children—do not need to learn about IT and certainly do not need to be fluent users of WORD, EXCEL and POWERPOINT. They are not office workers. However, picking up these skills, having grown up with a laptop, will be readily accomplished."

msgid "softwarebenefitsp2"
msgstr "Epistemologists from John Dewey to Paulo Freire to Seymour Papert agree that you learn through doing. This suggests that if you want more learning, you want more doing. Thus OLPC puts an emphasis on software tools for exploring and expressing, rather than instruction. Love is a better master than duty. Using the laptop as the agency for engaging children in constructing knowledge based upon their personal interests and providing them tools for sharing and critiquing these constructions will lead them to become learners and teachers."

msgid "softwarebenefitsp3"
msgstr "As a matter of practicality and given the necessity to enhance performance and reliability while containing costs, XO is not burdened by the bloat of excess code, the “featureitis” that is responsible for much of the clumsiness, unreliability, and expense of many modern laptops. XO will start up in an instant and move briskly through its operations. We accomplish this by focusing on only those features that children need for learning."

#: softwarespecs.html

msgid "softwarespecstitle"
msgstr "Specs: We are using components of the Linux operating system"

msgid "softwarespecsh1"
msgstr "specs"

msgid "softwarespecsp1"
msgstr "We are using components from Red Hat's Fedora Core 6 version of the Linux operating system; we are tracking the main kernel fairly closely."

msgid "softwarespecsp2"
msgstr "We will support five programming environments on the laptop: (1) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Python" target="_blank">Python</a>, from which we have built our user interface and our activity model; (2) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Javascript" target="_blank">Javascript</a> for browser-based scripting; (3) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/CSound" target="_blank">Csound</a>, a programmable music and audio environment; (4) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Squeak" target="_blank">Squeak</a>, a version of Smalltalk embedded into a media-rich authoring environment; and (5) <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/LOGO" target="_blank">Logo</a>. We will also provide some support Java and Flash."

msgid "softwarespecsp3"
msgstr "Applications will include a web browser built on <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Xulrunner" target="_blank">Xulrunner</a>, the run-time environment used by the Firefox browser; a simple document viewer based upon <a href="http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/" target="_blank">Evince</a>; the <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Write" target="_blank">AbiWord</a> wordprocessor, an <a href="http://penguintv.sourceforge.net" title="PenguinTV" target="_blank">RSS reader</a>, an email client, chat client, VOIP client; a <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines#Journaling" target="_blank">journal</a> a wiki with WYSIWYG editing; a multimedia authoring and playback environment; a music composition toolkit, graphics toolkits, games, a shell, and a debugger."

msgid "softwarespecsp4"
msgstr "Libraries and plugins used by OLPC include <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/" target="_blank">Xul</a>, <a href="http://www.gtk.org/" target="_blank">GTK+</a>, <a href="http://projects.o-hand.com/matchbox" target="_blank">Matchbox</a>, <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar" target="_blank">Sugar</a>, <a href="http://www.pango.org/" target="_blank">Pango</a>, <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/" target="_blank">ATK</a>, <a href="http://cairographics.org/" target="_blank">Cairo</a>, <a href="http://x.org" target="_blank">X Window System</a>, <a href="http://avahi.org/" target="_blank">Avahi</a>, and <a href="http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/" target="_blank">gstreamer</a>."

#: softwaredevelopers.html

msgid "softwaredeveloperstitle"
msgstr "Developers: Get the latest stable build of our image"

msgid "softwaredevelopersh1"
msgstr "developers"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp1"
msgstr "One Laptop Per Child Development site:<br /> <a href="http://dev.laptop.org/" target="_blank">http://dev.laptop.org/</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp2"
msgstr "Developers program:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_program</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp3"
msgstr "BTest Software Note:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/BTest-2_Release_Notes" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/BTest-2_Release_Notes</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp4"
msgstr "Autoreinstallation image:<br /> <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image</a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp5"
msgstr "The latest stable build of our image is always found here:<br /> <a href="http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST" target="_blank">http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/ streams/development/LATEST</a>"

#: interfaceprinciples.html

msgid "interfaceprinciplestitle"
msgstr "Principles: The laptop focuses children around activities"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh1"
msgstr "principles"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh2"
msgstr "Activities"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp1"
msgstr "There are no software applications in the traditional sense on the laptop. The laptop focuses children around “activities.” This is more than a new naming convention; it represents an intrinsic quality of the learning experience we hope the children will have when using the laptop. Activities are distinct from applications in their foci—collaboration and expression—and their implementation—journaling and iteration."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh3"
msgstr "Presence"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp2"
msgstr "Everyone has the potential for being both a learner and a teacher. We have chosen to put collaboration at the core of the user experience in order to realize this potential. The presence of other members of the learning community will encourage children to take responsibility for others' learning as well as their own. The exchange of ideas amongst peers can both make the learning process more engaging and stimulate critical thinking skills. We hope to encourage these types of social interaction with the laptops."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp3"
msgstr "In order to facilitate a collaborative learning environment, the laptops employ a mesh network that interconnects all laptops within range. By exploiting this connectivity, every activity has the potential to be a networked activity. We aspire that all activities take advantage of the mesh; any activity that is not mesh-aware should perhaps be rethought in light of connectivity. As an example, consider the web-browsing activity bundled with the laptop distribution. Normally one browses in isolation, perhaps on occasion sending a friend a favorite link. On the laptop, however, a link-sharing feature integrated into the browser activity transforms the solitary act of web-surfing into a group collaboration. Where possible, all activities should embrace the mesh and place strong focus on facilitating such collaborative processes."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh4"
msgstr "Expression"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp4"
msgstr "Starting from the premise that we want to make use of what people already know in order to make connections to new knowledge, our approach focuses on thinking, expressing, and communicating with technology. The laptop is a “thing to think with”; we hope to make the primary activity of the children one of creative expression, in whatever form that might take. Thus, most activities will focus on the creation of some type of object, be it a drawing, a song, a story, a game, or a program. In another shift in the language used to describe the user experience, we refer to objects rather than files as the primary stuff of creative expression."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp5"
msgstr "As most software developers would agree, the best way to learn how to write a program is to write one, or perhaps teach someone else how to do so; studying the syntax of the language might be useful, but it doesn't teach one how to code. We hope to apply this principle of “learn through doing” to all types of creation, e.g., we emphasize composing music over downloading music. We also encourage the children to engage in the process of collaborative critique of their expressions and to iterate upon this expression as well."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp6"
msgstr "The objectification of the traditional file system speaks more directly to real-world metaphors: instead of a sound file, we have an actual sound; instead of a text file, a story. In order to support this concept, activity developers may define object types and associated icons to represent them."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh5"
msgstr "Journaling"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp7"
msgstr "The concept of the Journal, a written documentation of everyday events, is generally understood, albeit in various forms across cultures. A journal typically chronicles the activities one has done throughout the day. We have chosen to adopt a journal metaphor for the file system as our basic approach to file organization. While the underlying implementation of such a file system does not differ significantly from some of those in contemporary operating systems, it also holds less importance than the journal abstraction itself."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp8"
msgstr "At its core, our journal concept embodies the idea that the file system records a history of the things a child has done, or, more specifically, the activities in which a child has participated. Its function as the store of the objects created while performing those activities is secondary, although also important. The Journal naturally lends itself to a chronological organization (although it can be tagged, searched, and sorted by a variety of means). As a record of things a child has done—not just the things a child has saved—the Journal will read much like a portfolio or scrapbook history of the child's interactions with the machine and also with peers. The Journal combines entries explicitly created by the children with those that are implicitly created through participation in activities; developers must think carefully about how an activity integrates with the Journal more so than with a traditional file system that functions independently of an application. The activities, the objects, and the means of recording all tightly integrate to create a different kind of computer experience."

#: interfacedemo.html

msgid "interfacedemotitle"
msgstr "Interface Demo"

msgid "interfacedemoh1"
msgstr "demo"

msgid "clickfornextslide"
msgstr "Click for next slide"

msgid "next"
msgstr "next"

msgid "previous"
msgstr "previous"

#: activities.html

#: designdevelopers.html

#: stories.html

#: designprinciples.html