Advocacy meetings/2010-0224

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Wednesday February 24, 1500 EST


  1. Messaging update: hardware, software, people, timeline
    • Country updates: Peru sidebar, Haiti, Afghanistan, Nicaragua
    • Updating
    • XO 1.5 pages - story, specs, hardware. Separate XO 1, 2.0, 3.0 pages.
    • Website tickets ==> Lynn
  2. Newsletter text and site, OLPC:News update, stories needed by Friday, Feb 26
    • Public campaigns: preparing calls to action and donation language
    • News and other text for: Activities (revised for 10.1.0 activities), Nicaragua, Testing, archive design (Christian available again for this)
  3. Ethiopia office plans: calendar, targets, upcoming events.
    • Getting reliable internet access
    • E. African MOU
  4. Haiti plan of record: Corps and related FAQs. Almost 2000 XOs in Dallas.
  5. Other countries
    • Afghanistan: Calendar, timeline; funding/tech/content needs. Story development. Follow-up w/ Ebtihaj.
    • US and Canada
  6. Calendar (team cal) updates. Coordination with calendars for Corps (Gaza, Haiti, and other), Interns, summer interns @ 1CC, and our move upstairs.
    • Upcoming conferences and events (Roadshows, Tech & Advo & Int'l & other)
  7. Website meeting recap: target audience priorities, input from Claudia, marketing v. other website uses.
  8. Causes & partnerships: update from Mike & Amy (Roberta to help w/CRM)


  1. Process for making/reviewing announcements -- SJ/Kalil/Lynn meeting Thursday
  2. Wiki updates -- find an intern for accessibility and freshness
  3. Tech updates -- find a tech intern for advo support. Push for weekly infrastructure changes.

New business

  1. Upcoming announcements
    • Association announcement
    • Peru/1.5
    • Sugar 0.88 release & testing
    • 2 millionth activity download
    • 1.75 development underway (for March)
  2. OLPC Oceania update
    • UNICEF update, learning materials? 1.5 interest from David L.