
< User:Sethwoodworth
Revision as of 03:44, 22 June 2008 by Sethwoodworth (talk | contribs) (+dt)
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This Week's Projects

  • Content Workflow
    • Finish the walk-though page ^
    • Sun Create Photo Walkthrough for content that consists if a bundle of images (Sunday)
    • Sun eve Create Content Licensing workflow "explicit process for asking upstream to change license" and start team to process tasks
      Jun 23 Add ALEX to the queue of ^
    • Make contact with the UN's OER wiki and set up a phone call.

  • Restarting the OLPC Health initiative
    • Emailing contacts from the Seattle Healthjam about participating
    • Shepherding dev laptops for PATH in Seattle and getting them to join our board
    • Making contact with Public Health Orgs from Norfolk Event to Participate
    • setting up new phone conference for Health Org's participation