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   Jabber: | Community Jabber Servers | Run a Jabber Server | Category:Jabber

If you're looking for how to run your own Jabber server for remote Mesh sharing, you want the Jabber server page.

If you would like to change which Jabber server that your XO (or emulated XO) is currently using, you want the Sugar Control Panel.

If you want to display your jabber contact details on your user profile to chat with other OLPCians, see Template:User_Jabber

Community Jabber Servers

There are a number of community jabber servers available for your XO. Visit Community Jabber Servers to see the full list.

Connecting to a community jabber server

Open Terminal, then type the following commands :

sugar-control-panel -s jabber jabber.server.url

replace jabber.server.url with the jabber server you with to use

then restart Sugar (warning: first close your activities to save them!) by pressing ctrl+alt+erase - then go to the neighborhood view and have fun!

Mixing OLPC and non-OLPC clients

Sometimes it can be very useful to mix OLPC and non OLPC xmpp clients. An easy way to do so is register with any XMPP client and then sent the following IQ:

 <iq type="set" id="18" from='dirkx@xochat.org'>
     <pubsub xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">
       <publish node="http://laptop.org/xmpp/buddy-properties">
           <properties xmlns="http://laptop.org/xmpp/buddy-properties">
             <property type="str" name="ip4-address">X.Y.Z.Z</property>
             <property type="bytes" name="key">AAAAB3Nz....WiHx5Rqfg=</property>
             <property type="str" name="color">#00bF00,#a0000</property>

This lets Sugar pick you up. Where X.Y.Z.Z. is your IP address; the Key is just about anything (but take the key from your ~/.ssh/*.pub file to stay within the spirit) and the colours are the usual RGB triples; one for the inside and one for the outside (i.e. the example is dark green with dark red.