XO Korea/central government/Prime Minister/Office for Government Policy Coordination/lang-ko

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  번역근원 XO Korea/central government/Prime Minister/Office for Government Policy Coordination 원문  
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Yet Another OLPC: One Local e-Government Per Community.

See Overview of governmental servers; what they are for, how and by whom they are established, and other issues.

Also, see YAWL and Writing e-Government before starting to write Python codes for any governmental function.

Screenshot editor.jpg

Briefly speaking, the e-Government project of XO Korea is to establish an web-based government system commonly usable by hundreds of nations with different cultural, political, economic, and historic backgrounds.


It may need tens of years to grow hundreds of thousands of highly educated governmental officers, but, in some cases, a sophisticated e-Government system will surely provide the same (or even better) governmental services to citizens.

Furthermore, developing nations under short governmental budgets can afford to buy XO laptops for their children, by reducing governmental expenses, especially ordinary expenses such as salaries for governmental employees, those who otherwise should be newly recruited .

[Tier 1] Server No.11 일반공공행정

XO Korea/government server/ No.11 General lang-ko

[Tier 2] Server No.111 국정운영

XO Korea/government server/Presidential Affairs/lang-ko

[Tier 3] Server No.1113 정책조정

[Tier 3] Server No.1114 정부업무평가

[Tier 3] Server No.1115 규제개혁

[Tier 3] Server No.1116 국가적 중장기과제 추진지원

[Tier 3] Server No.1117 경제인문사회연구회 운영

[Tier 3] Server No.1118 국무조정실 행정지원

[Tier 3] Server No.1119 복권기금 운영(일반)

[Tier 2] Server No.116 지방행정·재정 지원

XO Korea/government server/ Local Finance/lang-ko

[Tier 3] Server No.1120 복권기금 운영(지자체법정지원)

XO Korea/government server/ No.1120 Lottery Fund Operation (supporting local governments) /lang-ko

[Tier 1] Server No.14 사회복지

XO Korea/government server/No.14 Social Welfare lang-ko

[Tier 2] Server No.117 취약계층지원

XO Korea/government server/Social Weak/lang-ko

=[Tier 3] Server No.1121 복권기금 운영('==[Tier 2] Server No.117 취약계층지원

XO Korea/government server/Social Weak/lang-ko ) === XO Korea/government server/ No.1121 Lottery Fund Operation (supporting weak people) /lang-ko

[Tier 2] Server No.118 보 훈

XO Korea/government server/Veterans Affairs/lang-ko

[Tier 3] Server No.1122 복권기금 운영(보훈복지법정지원)

XO Korea/government server/ No.1122 Lottery Fund Operation (supporting veterans etc.) /lang-ko

[Tier 2] Server No.119 사회복지 일반

XO Korea/government server/Social Welfare/lang-ko

[Tier 3] Server No.1123 복권기금 운영(사회복지법정지원)

XO Korea/government server/ No.1123 Lottery Fund Operation (supporting social welfare) /lang-ko

[Tier 1] Server No.15 문화체육관광

XO Korea/government server/No.15 Culture, Sports, & Tourism lang-ko '==[Tier 2] Server No.120 문화재== XO Korea/government server/Cultural Asset/lang-ko

[Tier 3] Server No.1124 복권기금 운영(문화재보전)

XO Korea/government server/ No.1124 Lottery Fund Operation (supporting the preservation of Cultural Asset) /lang-ko

[Tier 1] Server No.16 농림해양수산

XO Korea/government server/No.16 Agriculture, Maritime, & Fishery lang-ko

[Tier 2] Server No.121 임업·산촌

XO Korea/government server/Forest/lang-ko

[Tier 3] Server No.1125 복권기금 운영(산림환경법정지원)

XO Korea/government server/ No.1125 Lottery Fund Operation (supporting the preservation of forests and environments) /lang-ko

[Tier 1] Server No.17 공공질서 및 안전

XO Korea/government server/No.17 Public Order & Safety lang-ko

[Tier 2] Server No.122 재난방재·민방위

XO Korea/government server/ Emergency Plan/lang-ko

[Tier 3] Server No.1126 복권기금 운영(재해재난긴급구호)

XO Korea/government server/ No.1126 Lottery Fund Operation (supporting emergency treatment) /lang-ko