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Etoys corriendo en la pantalla OLPC

Etoys Squeak fué inspirado por LOGO, PARC-Smalltalk, Hypercard, y starLOGO. Este es una ambiente medial muy completo con un sencillo y poderoso modelador script de objetos para muchas clases de estos mismos creados por el usuario final que tambien son posiblemente ejecutados en varias plataformas, tambien es software libre y de open source. Etoys incluye graficos en 2D y 3D, imagenes, texto, particulas, presentaciones, paginas web, videos, sonido, MIDI etc. Incluye la capacidad de compartir escritorios con otros usuarios Etoys en tiempo real, hay muchos tutoriales y juegos que pueden ser hechos atraves de internet. Es multilenguaje y corre en mas de 20 plataformas en bits iguales, Etoys ha sido usado exitosamente en USA, Europa, Sur America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina), Asia (Japon, Korea, India, Nepal), y en otros lugares del mundo.

Información mas detallada en:

Etoys running on the OLPC display

Squeak Etoys was inspired by LOGO, PARC-Smalltalk, Hypercard, and starLOGO. It is a media-rich authoring environment with a simple, powerful scripted object model for many kinds of objects created by end-users that runs on many platforms, and it is free and open source. It includes 2D and 3D graphics, images, text, particles, presentations, web-pages, videos, sound and MIDI, etc. It includes the ability to share desktops with other Etoy users in real-time, so many forms of immersive mentoring and play can be done over the Internet. It is multilingual, runs on more than 20 platforms bit-identically, and has been successfully used in the USA, Europe, South America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina), Asia (Japan, Korea, India, Nepal), and elsewhere.

Further reading:

Lista de correo

Hay una lista de correo especifica para la discusión de Etoys en el ambiente OLPC en etoys(at) Por favor subscribete y mantente al tanto.

There is a mailing list specifically discussing Etoys in the OLPC environment: etoys(at) Please subscribe to keep in touch!

Para profesores y estudiantes

El documento que describe Etoys en la XO es este.

There is a document describing eToys on the XO here.

Para diseñadores de Etoys

La mejor forma de ejecutar Etoys es usar la imagen actual de OLPC. Sin embargo usando la versión de autorizada deberia ser compatible tambien. Recuerda que la pantalla de las maquinas son pequeñas aún cuando tengan una resolución de 1200x900.

Estamos planeando hacer un concurso para el mejor etoys diseñado para trabajar en las maquinas OLPC. Los ganadores se incluiran en los repositorios distribuido con 5 millones de maquinas el proximo año. Los criterios exactos y el formato para las subidas se están trabajando, pero una buena entrada debe ser divertida, conveniente para niños pequeños (texto no tan complejo), hackeable (codigo elegante), compacto (el espacio en disco es importante), y debe ilustrar aspectos creativos del uso de Etoys. Por su puesto los mejores ejemplos pueden ser reescritos de los etoys existentes para un muy bonito trabajo en las maquinas.

To build etoys, the best thing would be to use the actual OLPC image. However, etoys authored using the version should be fairly compatible. Remember that the actual screen of the kids' machines will be very small, even though it has a 1200x900 resolution!

We are planning a contest for the best etoys designed to work on the OLPC machines. The winners will be included in the repository distributed with 5 million machines next year. Precise criteria and the format for submissions are being worked on, but a good entry should be fun, suitable for younger kids (text shouldn't be too complex), hackable (code should be elegant), compact (disk space is precious), and should illustrate some creative aspects of using Etoys. Of course the best examples might be existing etoys rewritten to work nicely on the laptops.

Come back to this page in a few days for more information.

Para desarrolladores

La versión actual de OLPC está basado en la imágen de Esta es ejecutada en la ultima Maquina Virtual VM de Squeak con el codigo de unión de Sugar.

Las imágenes pueden ser descargadas en, aunque "Tin Lizzie" es un proyecto diferente.

  • contiene dev imágen+cambios (usa esto para cambios en el sistema)
  • contiene solo la imágen, y las preferencias son configuradas para el despliegue (usa esto para la construcción de proyectos)

Recuerda actualizar tu imagen!

Codigo de la Actividad:

git clone git:// 

Se puede encontrar un mirror del ultimo arbol git en

RPMs: La VM de Squeak y actividad Etoys pueden ser empaquetadas como RPMs. La forma mas facil de hacerlo es con yum:

cp olpc-etoys.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum install etoys 

Para tenerlo actualizado, se hace:

yum update etoys squeak-vm

Sugar: Para ejecutarlo dentro de el emulador de Sugar, usa sugar-jhbuild:

./sugar-jhbuild buildone squeak
./sugar-jhbuild buildone etoys

Etoys es construido por omisión con la ultima sugar-jhbuild.

Bugs: Por favor envié los tickets a, seleccione el componente "Etoys".

The current Etoys version for OLPC is based on the image. It runs on the latest Squeak VM with minimal Sugar glue code.

Images can be downloaded at, though "Tin Lizzie" is a different project.

Remember to update your image!

Activity Source:

git clone git://

There is a mirror of the latest git tree at

RPMs: The Squeak VM and Etoys activity are packaged as RPMs. The easiest way to get them is with yum:

cp olpc-etoys.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum install etoys

To stay up-to-date, just do

yum update etoys squeak-vm

Sugar: For running inside the Sugar emulator, use sugar-jhbuild:

./sugar-jhbuild buildone squeak
./sugar-jhbuild buildone etoys

Etoys are built by default in the latest sugar-jhbuild.

Bugs: Please submit tickets at, select the "Etoys" component.

Ejecutando Etoys de la OLPC si no tienes una maquina aún - Para Profesores/Probadores/Creadores de contenido

Si tú, como la mayoria de nosotros, no tienes una laptop OLPC, puedes hacer parte del desarrollo con contenido en el Etoys de OLPC. Habrán pocos puntos de integración perdidos (Camara etc), pero la mayoria de contenido y pruebas pueden permanecer presentables. Esta sección describe como alcanzar esto.

If you, as most of us, do not have the OLPC laptop, you can still develop OLPC Etoys content. There will be a few minor integration points missing (Camera etc), but most content and testing can still be performed. This section describes how to achieve this.

Method 1 (Easiest) - Use Squeakland installation and the OLPC image

The idea behind this method is to install, on your favorite operating system, the Squeakland Etoys system, and download the OLPC Etoys image and content. Then use the Squeakland virtual machine to run the OLPC image.

How to install OLPC Etoys on your system? (Skip Step 1 and 2 below if you already have Squeak installed.)

  • On Windows
    1. Download and install Etoys from Squeakland. Go to the Squeakland link; in the middle of the page, click on the "Download Squeak" button. On the next page, click on the "Download Squeak" link. Click "Open" on the browser dialog asking you to open or save the SqueakPluginInstaller.exe.
    2. A Squeak Plugin Installer installation dialog will come up; click on "Next", then "Close". This will install Squeak on your system, and create an item on your desktop named Squeak, which looks like this: Squeak Desktop Item
    3. Now Download the OLPC version of Etoys. The latest version can be downloaded from this site. You will need an extract program (such as PKZip, WinZip, or 7Zip) to extract this. Create a folder named "C:\Etoys-OLPC" or similar, and extract the contents of the downloaded into the newly created folder.
    4. Running OLPC Etoys: Now we are ready to run OLPC Etoys downloaded in Step 3, using the Squeak desktop item created in Step 2. The simplest way to run OLPC Etoys is to drag the file etoys.image from the "C:\Etoys-OLPC" folder you created in Step 3 on top of the Squeak icon created in Step 2. Try it - it works! You should see the OLPC Etoys menu page: OLPC Etoys menu, and are ready to create OLPC Etoys content, test, or just play.
  • On Linux: todo
  • On Mac: todo

Method 2 - Use emulation

Emulation allows to "pretend" you have the OLPC laptop - essentially the OLPC laptop runs "inside" your system. You can achieve this on any common operating system you have. Please follow instructions here for descriptions on how to do it using Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, or MacOS.

Method 3 - Install RPMs (Linux Only)

If you are on any reasonably recent version of Linux, there are pre-built RPMs that you can install on your system (convert to apt first if applicable). Look on the Etoys page for instructions and a link to the RPM download.



Feel free to edit below.

Programming for the OLPC using Etoys Squeak

We are beginning a tutorial series about programming using the OLPC Squeak -- not for kids, but for programmers trying to create activities inside the Etoys environment. We have also a customized kit for the installation of a Windows version of the emulator having Fedora+Sugar+Etoys. One click only... Read how to use it at the tutorials.

Unfortunately, the tutorials are currently only in brazilian portuguese. The link is here. The pages are in the format to be accessed, in the future, by the OLPC browser.

V-toys, a visual programming language built with E-toys

Mostly in French, but since the language is visual, you can download projects and learn by examples. A visual language for comments will be used so that v-toys will be independent of language in the future.

I'll put some references to English examples in this page : v-toys English

See also