이 페이지는 OLPC 팀을 모니터링합니다.
- This is an on-going translation
It may be easiest at the moment for developers to get involved. You can
We expect to have monthly releases for a short while, followed by three-month update cycles; with activity developers soon able to follow their own cycles.
We also host regular Jams to code activities of various sorts. Games and News activities have been topics of recent events.
Are you a Grade School Student?
If you are a student, you can:
- Make an account here on the wiki, and write about what projects you are working on
- Start a new project with a friend, or suggest one you want to start
- Test the laptops with others; join a review squad, or set up a review session with their class.
- Communicate with other students around the world. (A penpals program is in the coming; see ePals for a related activity.)
Make things; share what you know!
Everyone can
Can you translate? Can you read?
We ♥
We are looking for help translating this wiki, our most-used core software, and the many activities and content bundles being made.
For educational organizations
Educational organization can help out too. Like individual teachers, your organization can
- Adapt materials for the XO laptops,
- Review existing materials and interfaces,
- Connect groups of students and teachers with one another,
- Provide expert guidance to student groups
We are building open projects and open source tools and materials in every field. To sign up, see the Curators and coordinators page.
For an older overview of getting involved, see the more detailed page Getting involved in OLPC. Some other links are included here for quick perusal:
OLPC 공동체 문서들
온라인 커뮤니티 채널
- 이 위키, 활발한 최근의 변경 사항을 위해서
- 메일링 리스트, 주제별로 묶인 토론을 위하여
- IRC 채널, 생생한 반응을 위하여
- 포럼, 토론 게시판 상호작용을 위하여
- OLPC에 참여하기, for large-scale project descriptions (needs cleanup badly!)
우리의 공동체에는 교육자, 개발자, 작가, 예술가, 번역자, 학부모, 초기 장비의 사용자들이 포함됩니다. 부디 동참하여 전세계 교육에 대한 OLPC의 영향력에 공헌해주십시오.
관련된 몇가지 피드
OLPC 블로그와 메일링 리스트로부터
일감 찾기
공개된 일감을 찾기 위한 탐색 방법:
- 시간.
- 기술.
- 열람!
See also our FAQ and Ask OLPC a Question, which always need active pruning and archiving. This is a task which lets you review the tasks and project ideas of others.
Help finding a task.
일감 보태기
일감을 보태는 방법:
- 새로운 일감 문서를 만듭니다..
- Categorize it according to the task template (included on task page).
- Add a link and description on the Projects or Activities page (if relevant).
Help adding a task.