Linux language support

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Linux localization is complex. Several major components, including Mozilla, KDE, and OpenOffice, provide their own localizations. When a distribution of Linux is released in a particular language, it may be a limited subset of applications and of documentation that is supported. A number of languages are routinely supported in most distributions, while for other languages there may be only one or very few distributions including it.

You can use the search page at Distrowatch to look for distributions for particular languages, and for other functions, such as Linux for the blind.


One of the best resources for language support is the L10n section of the Mandriva Linux Web site. Mandriva Linux Localization Teams includes groups working on the following languages. However, there are many Linux localization projects independent of any of the major distributions.

(ISO two-letter language codes) Language name
(af) Afrikaans (am) Amharic (ar) Arabic (az) Azerbaijani
(be) Belarussian (bg) Bulgarian (bn) Bengali (br) Breton
(bs) Bosnian (ca) Catalan (cs) Czech (cy) Cymraeg (Welsh)
(da) Danish (de) German (el) Greek (eo) Esperanto
(es) Spanish (et) Estonian (eu) Euskara (Basque) (fa) Farsi (Iranian)
(fi) Suomi (Finnish) (fr) French (fur) Furlan (ga) Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic)
(gl) Galician (he) Hebrew (hi) Hindi (hr) Croatian
(hu) Hungarian (hy) Armenian (id) Indonesian (is) Icelandic
(it) Italian (ja) Japanese (ka) Georgian (kn) Kannada
(ko) Korean (ku) Kurdish (ky) Kyrgyz (lo) Lao
(lt) Lithuanian (ltg) Latgalian (lv) Latvian (mk) Macedonian
(mn) Mongolian (ms) Malay (mt) Maltese (nl) Dutch
(nb) Norwegian Bokmål (nn) Norwegian Nynorsk (pa_IN) Punjabi (in gurmukhi script) (pl) Polish
(pt) Portuguese (Portugal)
(pt_BR) Brazilian Portuguese
(ro) Romanian (ru) Russian (sc) Sardinian
(sk) Slovakian (sl) Slovenian (sq) Albanian (Shqip) (sr) Serbian
(sv) Swedish (ta) Tamil (tg) Tajiki (th) Thai
(tk) Turkmen (tl) Filipino (Tagalog) (tr) Turkish (uk) Ukrainian
(ur) Urdu (uz) Uzbekian (vi) Vietnamese (wa) Walloon
(zh_CN) Chinese (simplified) (zh_TW) Chinese (traditional)


Another good source is IndLinux

Bengali Devanagari Gujarati Punjabi
Kannada Malayalam Oriya Tamil
Telugu Dzongkha (Bhutan) Assamese Nepalese
Sinhala (Sri Lanka)


Other Linux localization projects are listed on pages in this Wiki for the languages concerned. It would be useful to link to them from this page.

Here are some others.

See Also

See also Locales, Keyboard layouts