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Latest revision as of 06:30, 19 March 2008


Post your pictures or links to pictures here - Mel has a number of images she'll be posting when she returns to her computer in Boston.


Thank you!

Thank you for coming out and participating in the first ccTaiwan/OLPC Jam in Taipei - it was a great success, and we were able to create a lot of educational materials that will go out to children in the developing world. It was also a tremendous learning experience for us - your feedback, thoughts, and comments throughout the Jam were very helpful in showing us what we need to do in order to improve the development experience, and what things we need to create so that teachers and students will be able to use the laptop more effectively in their classrooms.


Thanks to your efforts during the Jam, we now have:

  • Chinese language input on the laptops! (Also Japanese and Arabic and other languages we did not have before.) You can now type in Chinese on the XOs instead of only in English!
  • A mathematics game (PlusPlus) written in Python running on the laptops - especially impressive because the PlusPlus team had never written in Python before, which means they learnt a new language *and* built a computer game in it from scratch in less than 24 hours.
  • A music library from Jamendo with a great collection of open-licensed songs from all 5 countries where the laptop is being piloted - before, we only had a single song in the library (the Brazilian National Anthem, which sounds nice, but becomes tiring if it is the only music you have to listen to on your computer). Sylvain Z. from Jamendo has created some packaging scripts so that anybody can upload their open-licensed music to the Jamendo community and create library bundles with playlists they want to share with students, and is getting his community of enthusiastic volunteers to do just that.
  • Some fantastic ideas from teachers on various sensor peripherals and science activities students might be able to do with the Measure activity, along with valuable feedback on Squeak and Etoys.
  • An astronomy game (Image in the Sky) to teach children about constellations through a cool interface that has them drawing pictures with stars in a virtual sky
  • A growing collection of appropriate technology resources (Appropedia) that children can share with their families; this

contains instructions on how to purify water, prevent diseases, make houses stronger, and other reference information that could dramatically improve the quality of life of children in remote areas. Chris W. from Appropedia is mobilizing the community to create many more content bundles and build an extensive collection of information, in cooperation with other appropriate technology projects and organizations, so that children and their families will have even more helpful materials to access on how to improve their quality of life.

  • A short picture-book for children drawn entirely on an OLPC laptop.
  • A way (Ksana) for children to quickly browse and search Wikipedia and other reference materials without having to be connected to the internet... and in Chinese too!
  • and you - new contributors joining the ranks of OLPC developers.

What to do now

  • If you have written material, pictures, books, stories, or music, please make them into a content bundle and upload them following the instructions on
  • If you developed a computer game, please contact Mel so we can work with you to complete your game and package and test it for the laptop.
  • If you worked on a software patch, please join the devel list at and send them an email describing what you've made, and the people there will help you get it into the git repository.
  • If you have ideas and feedback for what we can do in classrooms, with students and teachers - or ideas for other projects and tools it would be helpful to have on the laptop, please post them to the wiki or email Mel.
  • If you have comments on the Jam itself and how we can improve the Jam experience for participants next time, please let us know! Contact Bob Chao and Mel Chua. We would like to do this again, so we want to find out how we can make things better.

I want to keep volunteering

Finally, if you would like to continue volunteering for the project, we are in need of artists, teachers, writers, students, musicians, translators, programmers, engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists, historians, film-makers, community organizers, and more. Create an account on, read the page, and email Mel at with a description of what you are interested in - we were really impressed with the enthusiasm and talent at the Jam and would like to form a local OLPC Taiwan group, so please get in touch with us if you or your organization might be interested in joining (or leading!) such a group. (More information coming about this later!)



本次活動已經圓滿結束,我們共有 20 位夥伴共襄盛舉,最後由 Jamendo 及 Plus Plus 兩隊勝出,Jamendo 可參與 Summer of Content 活動、而 Plus Plus 則獲得 OLPC T-shirt 及美學書籍一本。


  • Appropedia:線上環保百科,提供小朋友以 MediaWiki 打造的環保資訊。
  • Image in the Sky:認識星座的互動課程。
  • Jamendo:以創用 CC 授權的音樂網站,包裝後可讓小朋友可由 OLPC 「Browse」處下載音樂聆聽。
  • Ksana - 剎那維基百科離線搜尋:快速搜尋、查閱維基百科全文,無須連線。
  • Love:關於愛的繪本故事書,以內建的 Write 及 Paint 繪成。
  • OLPC CJK 包裝檔:安裝後一次解決 OLPC 原先無法閱讀、輸入各國語言的問題
  • Plus Plus:含有 RPG 成份的數學遊戲。

當天的評審由在劍潭青年活動中心參加夏令營的五位小朋友組成,最後有派員在場的 Plus Plus、Jamendo、Image int the Sky 及 Appropedia 參與最後評鑑。在經過實際使用、討論及投票後,以音樂吸引小朋友的 Jamando 及含遊戲成份的數學遊戲 Plus Plus 成功脫穎而出,獲得這次活動的大獎。

對於這次的活動,小朋友們覺得這些教學課程大部分都蠻有趣,有些需要減少字數、有些需要改進畫面,才能吸引他們注意;參賽者則大多建議 OLPC Foundation 能多提供其內建硬體的函式庫,方便他們利用各種按鍵及視訊設備與小朋友互動。


Thank-you letter

Hello, everybody!

非常感謝您參加這次 OLPC Free Content Jam!在這次活動中,有二十位夥伴針對 OLPC 實作了數學遊戲、星座認知等教學項目,同時也認識了最具話題的百元電腦、了解其功能及限制、幫助小朋友利用這台機器學習。

這次的活動最後由 Jamendo 及 Plus Plus 兩隊勝出,另外 OLPC 的中文能力也有所增強,這都是因為有您的支持與努力得來的成果,但還沒結束!接下來我們邀請您為自己的作品選擇授權方式、將資料包裝好後上傳至,真正將成果與全世界分享!

  • 首先,請先考慮您要使用何種條款授權他人使用您的作品,我們推薦您使用創用 CC 授權條款,您可到 簡單回答幾個問題、網站會為您選出合適的授權方式

  • 接著,您必須先將自己所產出的內容包裝為「bundle」,這是一個 ZIP 格式壓縮、副檔名為 xol


  • 如果您使用創用 CC 授權條款,別忘了把剛剛回答問題後得到的程式碼「貼」到 bundle 的 index.html 上!
  • 最後,請將這個 xol 檔案上傳到 而後通知柏強。詳細步驟如下:
    • 登入那個 Wiki 網站,若您尚未註冊,請按下右上方的「」進行註冊
    • 按下左方導覽列的「Upload file」,按說明上傳 xol 檔案。
    • 前往


這樣就成啦!如果您熟悉 Wiki 的操作方式,這對您一定不成問題;當然,若您在包裝時需要協助,請別客氣,馬上按下「回覆」聯絡柏強吧!

作為世界第二場 OLPC Jam,此次活動對 OLPC 團隊及台灣「創用CC」都是相當好的經驗。OLPC 團隊正努力在世界舉辦各種不同面向的 OLPC Jam,幫助小朋友打造免費、自由的學習資源;台灣「創用CC」也將繼續推廣開放授權及開放內容,與您一同為「分享」的文化而努力。由於我們在世界各地還會繼續舉辦這樣的 OLPC Jam,所以如果您對這次的活動有任何建議,歡迎寄信給我們( 及,幫我們改善活動品質!

如果您需要更多關於 OLPC 或創用 CC 的資訊,請參考我們的網站:


OLPC 團隊 Mel Chua & 創用 CC 趙柏強

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