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== Art and such ==
[[Image:Alphaomega.jpg|thumb|200px|''"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."'' —Jesus (Rev. 22:13)]]
Hiya, your art looks fantastic! I'd love for you to get involved in [[Community:Art]] - there are a lot of open art projects at [[Art Wanted]] that could use a little love. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions or comments.
'''Jesus Christ''' is the only Son of [[God]] and prophesied [[Messiah]] who, at the appropriate time, was sent by his [[God the Father|Father]] and became a man to be the [[Propitiation|satisfaction]] for the [[anger of God]] toward us because of our [[sin]], and to reveal to us the nature of God through his human person (1 John 4:10; 2 Corinthians 5:19).

--[[User:Nlee|Nikki]] 18:35, 10 February 2008 (EST)
Jesus' major goal is to reveal his Father to those who will repent and trust in him as their only way of salvation from his Father's anger at them for their sin. Speaking to his disciples, Jesus says,
{{cquote|'''John 14:1-15'''<br /><u>Believers will be in his Father's house</u><br />Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. “And you know the way where I am going.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?”<br /><u>Jesus himself is the only way people can access his Father and his Father's house</u><br />Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.<br /><u>If you know Jesus, you know his Father</u><br />“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.” Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves. “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. “If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.}}

== Tue Feb 26 ==
By the power of the [[Holy Spirit]], Jesus was conceived in the [[womb]] of the virgin [[Virgin Mary|Mary]], and became man in an event known as the [[Incarnation]], as referred to in Isaiah 7:14. Indeed, the calendar itself reflects this truth, with the traditional calculation of Jesus’ birth marking the first century A.D., that is, "''in the year of Our Lord…''." The [[John the Apostle|apostle John]] wrote in his gospel the following regarding Jesus Christ: "''For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life''" (John 3:16).
When he was about thirty, Jesus was baptized by [[John the Baptist]], inaugurating his ministry. Jesus of [[Nazareth]] is the Christ or Messiah, prophesied in the [[Old Testament]] (Greek: Χριστός; [[Aramaic]]: 'משיחא'). Jesus proclaimed that “[t]he time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe in the Gospel.”<ref>Mark 1:14-15.</ref> As signs of these truths, Jesus performed various miracles.

Hello Diane,
However, not all who heard the Lord believed in him, and, because he “was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God”, some sought to put him to death.<ref>John 5:18.</ref> Jesus was handed over to the Roman governor [[Pontius Pilate]] and crucified. But it was through his redemptive death, as the [[Holy Scripture|scriptures]] had foretold, that Jesus reconciled mankind with God.<ref>Romans 5:10.</ref> And so, on the third day, in a truly historical event, Jesus physically rose from the dead, making possible salvation and eternal life for those who believe in him. Indeed, his very name, ''Yeshua'' (Hebrew 'יהושע') means "[[Salvation]]" and is the concatenated form of ''Yahoshua'', ‘[[YHWH]] is salvation’. After appearing to his disciples on various occasions, Jesus ascended to Heaven, where he acts as our mediator, assuring, by his constant intercession, the permanent outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The group would be welcome at our offices Tuesday after hours, say some time after 5:30.
== Jesus' Life ==
How many people do you expect? It helps us to have names in advance that we can leave for the desk downstairs. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 15:53, 18 February 2008 (EST)
=== Infancy ===
The [[Gospels]] tell us that Jesus was born in [[Bethlehem]] of [[Judea]] to a young virgin named [[Virgin Mary|Mary]], by the [[Holy Spirit]]. [[Gospel of Luke|Luke's account]] of the gospel relates that the angel [[Gabriel]] visited Mary in order to announce that she had been chosen to bear the Son of God (Luke 1:26–38). A survey of the [[Roman Empire]] was ordered by [[Augustus|Caesar Augustus]], which caused Mary and [[Joseph (father of Jesus)|Joseph]] to leave Nazareth and go to the home of Joseph's forebears - to the house of [[David|King David]]. After Jesus' birth, they were forced to use a [[manger]] for a crib because the town's inn was full. According to Luke 2:8–20, an [[angel]] spread word of Jesus' birth to several shepherds who came to visit the newborn. Matthew also tells of the "Magi" ([[Zoroastrianism|Zoroastrian]] priests) who brought many gifts to the infant Jesus (among which were [[gold]], [[frankincense]], and [[myrrh]])<ref>Note: This has led to the incorrect assumption that there were only three Magi, whereas the actual number is not given.</ref> after following a star which they believed was an indication that the [[Messiah]], or King of the Jews, had been born.

: sj, I don't know the total count and names yet, but last month there was about 15 people. I will get the info to you ASAP.--[[User:AuntiMame|AuntiMame]] 15:54, 18 Feb 2008
Jesus' early home was the town of [[Nazareth]] in [[Galilee]], and except for an escape to [[Egypt]] in early childhood to avoid [[Herod the Great|Herod's]] massacre of the other male infants, all other events in the Gospels take place in ancient Israel.

=== At Twelve Years Old ===
== Shirt screening ==
The account of Jesus' parents finding him in the temple impressing the "teachers" with his knowledge of the [[Old Testament|scripture]] is the only detailed event between Jesus' infancy and adult life that is known.
{{cquote|'''Luke 2:41–51'''<br />Now His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. And when He became twelve, they went up there according to the custom of the Feast; and as they were returning, after spending the full number of days, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. But His parents were unaware of it, but supposed Him to be in the caravan, and went a day’s journey; and they began looking for Him among their relatives and acquaintances. When they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem looking for Him. Then, after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. When they saw Him, they were astonished; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You treated us this way? Behold, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You.” And He said to them, “Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” But they did not understand the statement which He had made to them. And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and He continued in subjection to them; and His mother treasured all these things in her heart.}}

Depends on what we want to do - I've done events that involved silkscreening, and it's not generally a one day process. You have to prepare the screens ahead of time, get ahold of shirts, screen them, let them dry, and then distribute them. I'd also be careful with multicolored designs, since lining screens up can be tricky. However, if we get a small number of designs and people want to make shirts for themselves, that would be doable.
=== Ministry ===
==== Baptism ====
[[Image:Jesus' Baptism.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Jesus' Baptism]]
The [[gospel of Mark]] begins with the [[baptism]] of Jesus by [[John the Baptist]], which appears to be the beginning of Jesus' public ministry. Jesus came to the [[Jordan River|River Jordan]], where John was preaching and baptizing people in the crowd. After Jesus had been baptized, and had risen up out of the water, Mark states Jesus 'saw the heavens torn apart and the Holy Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from [[heaven]], 'You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased' (Mark 1:10–11). Luke adds the chronological anchor that John the Baptist had begun preaching in the fifteenth year of [[Tiberius]] Caesar, approximately in 28 AD (Luke 3:1) and that Jesus was thirty years old when he was baptized (Luke 3:23).

--[[User:Nlee|Nikki]] 15:06, 19 February 2008 (EST)
'''The meaning of Baptism for Jesus:'''

== "includeonly" categories in templates ==
Jesus insisted over the protests of John that He be baptized at the hands of John. John's protests are natural enough as John's baptism was for those who were sinners, and implied in baptism was the understanding that the baptizer was somehow greater than the one baptized. John believed that he needed to be baptized by Jesus and not the other way around. But Jesus' understanding of His being baptized was two-fold:"Baptism" meant suffering unto death, and it implied that His impending mission was to be in behalf and in place of the real sinners, the humanity for whom He would die. Jesus would later use "baptism" in the first sense when he said to disciples, " Can you be baptized with the baptism which I will undergo?" The Spirit coming down on the Son in the form of a Dove (Yonah = "Jonah" in Hebrew), and the voice of the Father, "This is My Beloved Son" was the Divine empowerment, and authorization for Jesus' mission to come entailing His sacrificial death, three days, not in the belly of the fish, but in the bowels of the earth, and after that, resurrection. As Baptism for Jesus meant, looking forward, His joining sinful humanity to the point of bearing their sins to the death of the cross, so the later New Testament understands, looking backward, that sinners believing in Jesus are also to join Him in His death through the waters of baptism "in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" - according to the command of the Risen Christ.
So that the template does not get listed as a "boston area user", but everyone who includes that template on their userpage does, there is a category that is bracketed within "< includeonly >" tags. You left the <tt>Category:</tt> out of its title. [ here's the diff]. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 15:21, 27 February 2008 (EST)

==== Temptation ====
== Next Boston meetup? ==
After this baptism, according to Matthew, Jesus was brought into the desert by God where he fasted for forty days nights. During this period, the [[Satan]] appeared before him and tried three times to tempted Jesus into demonstrating his supernatural powers as a proof of his divine status; each temptation was refused by Jesus, with a scriptural quote from the Book of [[Deuteronomy]].

Hi Diane, I'm talking to Rachel Hunt who is planning a service trip for her scohol to Costa Rica in mid-April and thinking about bringing some XOs along. She'd like to get input from the community and from people who have their own ideas, or have brought their XOs into local schools. If there's a boston meetup before April 12 or so that would be perfect; otherwise perhaps we could get a few interested people together... what do you think? --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 17:25, 23 March 2008 (EDT)
Jesus then began to preach. [[Gospel of John|John]] describes three different [[passover]] feasts that Jesus attended, thus implying that his ministry lasted three years.

== XO Repair Shops -- graphical guidelines / icons / templates ==
'''The reason behind the Temptation:'''
You are good at this! (Just from looking at your user page).<br>
And in some email of yours to some mailing list I believe I saw you mention your affinity to hardware / repair / spare parts (you also mentioned a web shop).<br>
Could you please click on [[Art_wanted]] and have a look at the new XO Repair Shop line item?<br>
The Birmingham Shop will be opening for business on April 21st. The last conference call with Adam indicated that there will be more comming and all could benefit from some corporate design elements.

[[User:TTown|Stefan]] 13:30, 27 March 2008 (EDT)<br>
The Temptation occured just as told in the Gospels. But behind the happening, another message lies revealing the identity of Jesus to a people who would understand it. At the foothill of Mt. Hermon, inbetween the servile Roman enfatuated people of Tiberius to the south west of the Sea of Galilee, and the rabidly nationalistic, anti- Roman Zealots of Gamla to the north east, Jesus asked His disciples who He was. The Messiah, the Son of the Living God, was the answer. And Jesus explained who He was and why he had come in terms that fit their experience - not to rule and throw out the Romans, nor to uphold their ways and laws but rather something on a different plane all together - to give His life settling it on the cross.

Thank you, your work got incorporated. You may want to give<br>{{Template:User blank|[[Image:repair1_40x40.png]]|This user runs an XO Repair Shop.}}<br><br><br>a trial run in your olpc userbox section. Adapt as you like. Here you can find a [[media:XO_Repair_Flyer.odt|sample flyer]].<br>[[User:TTown|Stefan]] 22:54, 4 May 2008 (EDT)
To a later believing people, those who were not Jewish, who He was would be understood in terms fitting to who they were - He had come the Second Adam, to give His life and to provide new life to those who were not Jewish, but also including the Jews, to all the lost and wandering children of Adam.

== ILXO ==
In the Temptation, it is the those who knew the Old Testament, the physical children of Abraham primarily, who could see in the long range, and not primarily dictated to by the political passions of the moment, and who could wonder who they were and where they had gone wrong, and wonder also who would be the One to take them out. It is they, Israel, who had been in the wilderness for 40 years, and they that had succumbed to the temptations of selling out for food and drink, though they were a "Son" whom God with a strong arm and outstreched hand had taken out of the bondage of Egypt, they had turned traitor, driven by their own lust and pride. And here now, in Jesus, was One who resisted the devil in the wilderness, also "for forty", prefering the will of God as His food rather than all the world could offer, Who was He? He was Israel! The only true one left, the faithful remnent spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, the servant true to the end. As the letter to the Hebrews saw, "Though He were a Son yet learned He obedience by the things He suffered, and being made perfect, He become the author of Eternal life...". This is the understanding of the Gospel of Matthew, in interpreting a passage from Hosea which was manifestly speaking of Israel the people and applying it to Jesus who also came out of Egypt with His parents at the death of Herod, " Out of Egypt have I called my Son". Who was Jesus? He was Israel who had ''not'' failed come to redeem Israel who had, and also out of all the peoples of the world.

We're looking for space in the Chicagoland area - any ideas or tips on how to find/negotiate-for a great short-term (3 month) lease? I'm new to this... [[User:Mchua|Mchua]] 21:46, 12 May 2008 (EDT)
==== Disciples and Apostles ====
[[Image:Jesus5.jpg‎|thumb|left|100px|Jesus Christ (Conceptualization)]]
The larger part of this was directed towards his closest followers, the [[apostles]], although all of his followers were considered [[disciples of Jesus|disciples]]. At the highest point of his ministry, Jesus attracted disciples and audiences numbering in the thousands; in particular in the area of Galilee. Many of Jesus' most well-known teachings were given during the [[Sermon on the Mount]], such as the [[Beatitudes]] and the [[Lord's Prayer]]. Jesus often used parables in his rhetorical technique, such as the [[Parable of the Good Samaritan]] and the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats; these teachings encouraged unconditional self-sacrificing [[Shema|love for God]] and [[Agape|for all people]]. During these sermons, he also discussed service and humility, forgiveness of sins, how faith should be applied, the [[Golden Rule]], and the necessity of following the spirit of the law as well as its wording.

== thanks for cleaning up wad's speech! ==
'''Their choosing and their purpose:''' Among the many who came to Jesus, from afar and from the surrounding villages of the north shore of the Sea of Galilee, were those moved by his insight into the nature of life, or touched deeply by His seemingly knowing them from the inside, by His intimacy with the God and Father they had only known "about", or impressed by the miracles done before their very eyes, and many, by His deep compassion for the people, so evident in all that He did. Jesus would sprinkle His words upon them as seed in a path, some to take root, and some to be blown away by the wind. But to those who heard and wanted more, they would get that more, receiving explanation, and move closer to His association. Those that would not, would receive only that which was commensurate to not wanting - more parables, silence. Never the revealing of the "Secrets of the Kingdom". Yet, there was no prohibition and no limit for getting closer to Jesus. Those that did, became His "learners" - the disciples, understanding the meanings of His word by the demonstration of His life and putting them into practice. Among these were another group, some that had been with Him from from early on, possibly some from the time of His baptism at the hands of John. These He would hold in His mind for an additional and different reason.

I was way too tired of staring at my screen afterwards to go back and catch typos, so thanks for doing that. :) [[User:Mchua|Mchua]] 22:23, 22 May 2008 (EDT)
Then one night, he ascended a hill praying about them, and came down knowing who they were to be. 12 in number, chosen not because of their virtue, or even what He would do in them in the future, but rather solely chosen by His Father to be deputized, delegated, or commissioned by Jesus to be sent out for a mission. He gave them the name "Shaliach" (meaning all that), which was translated into Greek as "apostolos" and so our Apostles.

== interested in stocking parts? ==
The mission of the Apostles was to do all that they saw Jesus was doing, healing the sick, raising the dead, and with all this, to tell about the fast coming Kingdom of Heaven, the rule of His Father, and urge people to repent and get ready for it. He gave them His power and authority to do all this. But it was to be 12 in number, not more and not less, that number surviving even the suicide of one of them, Judas from the village of Kyriot, requiring an "election" to bring back the number from 11 to 12. And that was because the special additional reason for their appointment was to sit on the the 12 thrones of the 12 tribes of Israel (the sons of Jacob) and lead them by whatever it takes - that is the meaning of the biblical term "Judge" (Shofet). For the community of the "little ones"., was to be, in some sense, an Israel within Israel, or a new Israel, a sort of beachhead for the onslaught of the Kingdom of God in its invasion (or sometimes, infiltration into) into and onto the Kingdom of the unjust occupier and enemy of all Goodness, the Devil, to overthrow him and all his works. This truer and newer Israel, He called His "Called Out ones" (Eklessia=Church) against whose onslaught the Fortified city of Hell with its defensive bars to its massive gates, would not prevail. Many captives would be released. The Church, then, was the community counterpart to what was known as the "Synagogue" (Greek), meaning "gathered together ones" (Beit Knesset - house of the gathering, Hebrew). It was the Synagogue of Jesus the King and Messiah, and aligned with and the focal point of the Prophetically promised and hoped for Kingdom of God and the rule of Heaven on Earth. And the disciples and apostles of Jesus all had their place in the unfolding of it all.

Thanks for the offer, Diane! Can you put that info into the survey so we have it all in one place when Adam, Kim, and I go through things next week? [[User:Mchua|Mchua]] 09:53, 23 May 2008 (EDT)
==== Social Outcasts ====
Jesus also often conversed with social outcasts, such as the publican ([[Rome|Roman]] tax collectors who were unpopular for their practice of extorting money).

==== Miracles ====
Throughout his ministry, Jesus performed many miracles including healing the sick and possessed, feeding 5000, and even raising from the dead.

== Getting a Boston Pilot Started ==
==== His Preaching was Offensive to the Established Authority ====
As He preached, Jesus ran afoul of the [[Sanhedrin]], the recognized Jewish religious authorities, who were allowed to have considerable religious, political and monetary influence under Roman rule. Jesus chastised them, accusing them of making laws for the people to follow that were the laws of men, not God. The Sanhedrin tried to set traps for Jesus by asking Him questions to either discredit Him with the people or get Him in trouble with the Roman authorities, but all of their efforts failed and they gave up. They lacked the means to stop Jesus until [[Judas Iscariot]] came to them and offered to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. He would tell them where Jesus would be that night so they could seize Him.

Hey Diane, I met you at the Cosi meet up tonight. Let me know when we can meet up towards the end of this week, or beginning of next week. Send me an email at firstname.lastname[at]
=== Last Days of Jesus' Life ===
==== Lord's Supper ====
'''God and man at table are sat down:'''

francesca slade
It happened before - "Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu. and seventy elders of Israel. They saw the God of Israel...they gazed on God. They ate and they drank." Exodus 24: 9-11

== dah! sorry for the typo. ==
It would happen after - "Now while He was with them at table, He took the bread and said the blessing, then He broke it and handed it to them. And their eyes were opened and recognized Him. But He had vanished from their sight. Then they said to each other, Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us on the road, and explained the Scriptures to us?"Luke 24: 30-32

Thanks for correcting the name. ;) It's been a long, long day... [[User:Mchua|Mchua]] 10:03, 10 June 2008 (EDT)
Eating before the Lord or with the Lord, would be used as the hightest form of friendship - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any one hears My voice and opens the door I will come in to him and share my meal with him, side by side.". Rev. 3:20.

== One Velociraptor Per Child ==
At the [[Passover Seder]], the last meal the Lord would eat with His followers, His presence so permeated the atmosphere, and what He said and did at that special time, and especially they having received His command to do just what He was doing before them at this time, whenever they would meet together, the Apostles of the Lord and the Gospels after them could not speak of bountiful and miraculous times of the Lord's gracious giving of food feeding the multitudes, without mentioning that which otherwise would not have been mentioned - ''He took the bread, looked up to heaven blessing the bread, He broke the bread, and He gave it to them.'' That is what the Lord did before them, and that is what Hie commanded them to do after Him, and thus provided for them, and for the Church after them, the one of two universal services - the [[Lord's Supper]], or [[Eucharist]], or [[Holy Communion]].

Can you get shirts printed with the OVPC design on them? It's becoming quite popular, and a lot of people have shown interest (the ILXO office is pretty unanimously interested, for starters).
But in addition, He gave His own particular understanding to the unleavened bread of the Passover and ceremonial cup of wine, the 3rd and "Thanksgiving cup" of wine drunk immediately after the Passover meal was eaten. In slightly varying words, the Gospels and the Church after would perpetuate that understanding by repeating what the Lord Himself said at that Last Supper - "This is My Body which is given for you... This is My blood, the blood of the New Covenant which is shed for you, and for the many. Do this as my own Remembrance". And so He signified to His followers that His life would be given in sacrifice for them and for their benefit. How this benefit would be effected, would be explained by Jesus by other sayings, "Do not think that I have come in order to be served. I have not come to be served but rather to serve, and to give my life as a ransom for many."

--[[User:Nlee|Nikki]] 21:13, 25 June 2008 (UTC)
But His presence remained with them at the continual celebration of this new Christian [[Passover]] of the Communion. Though He had vanished from their eyes as He would return to the Father, yet through the Spirit which He had promised to be in His stead, He was there with them to remain- "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I!"..." Even so, Come Lord Jesus!"

== vandal-bot ==
Note: The word Maranatha, comes from the Greek word which is translating the Aramaic which comes in two forms according to the accent given. Marana tha - "O our Lord, come!", and Maran atha - "Our Lord has come". This appears in the earliest liturgies of the Eucharist, and was used either as an invocation for the Lord to come, a sort of invite, or as an exclamation that the Lord has indeed come, just as He said He would. In either case, it was a witness to the belief that the Lord was indeed with them when they participated in the Remembrance which He had commanded.

Looks to me like a bot that looked at recent changes and hit the talk and user pages on any recent editor. In any event, that IP is blocked for now and all vandalism is un-done. [[User:Cjl|Cjl]] 17:19, 1 July 2008 (UTC)
==== Garden of Gethsemane ====
[[Image:Jesus in Gethsemane.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Jesus in Gethsamane]]
Jesus knew that His time was short and that He was about to be betrayed into the hands of sinners. He had His last supper with his disciples and went with them to the [[Garden of Gethsemane]] and prayed vehemently knowing what was about to come.

== Source? ==
==== Tried before Jewish Authorities ====
Jesus was betrayed by Judas into the hands of the Jewish religious authorities who took Him away and secretly put Him on trial during the night, trying to find justification for their desire to have Him killed. Finally, they convicted Him of blasphemy.

What did you create those PDF's in? It would be nice to have your source doc's so they could be more easily edited. Inkscape? [[User:Sethwoodworth|Seth]] 12:44, 2 July 2008 (UTC)
==== Tried before Roman Authorities ====
As they did not have the authority to put a man to death, they took him to [[Pontius Pilate]], the Roman governor of Palestine, with their charges and demanded his execution. Pilate avoided the issue by sending him to [[Herod Antipas|King Herod]] since Jesus was a Galilean, but Herod sent him back to Pilate. Pilate at first tried to release Jesus with a flogging, and then gave the crowd a choice to either spare Jesus or a criminal called [[Barabbas]] as part of the passover tradition. The crowd chose to free Barabbas and Pilate washed his hands to signify that he bore no responsibility for Jesus' death before ultimately condemning Him to [[crucifixion]].<ref>Matthew 27: 15-44</ref>

==== Scourging ====
== XFCE on XO ==

I saw that your friend that you're setting up dual boot with was looking for XFCE. (Keith?). The latest joyrides actually include XFCE as well as Sugar. This is really new as of something like 2230. Which is pretty exciting news IMO. [[User:Sethwoodworth|Seth]] 07:21, 6 August 2008 (UTC)
==== Death on a Cross ====
:Actually it's the [ faster] builds with XFCE, not joyride. --[[User:Morgs|morgs]] 12:11, 12 August 2008 (UTC)
[[Image:David Christ on the Cross.jpg|right|thumb|Christ on the Cross by [[Jacques Louis David]].]]
Jesus died after suffering and giving up his spirit.

== 08/08/2008 - StarChart documentation page changes ==
Behind the Cross was the sum total of all the maladies of mankind, that the Old Testament unveiled : Pesh'a - conscious and "high handed" rebellion, for which , under the Old Covenant, there was no forgiveness provided, Khet - an unintended "missing of the mark", as in the deviation from the bull's eye of the bowman, Shigi'a - the mistakes, some causing great harm to others, which come about by plain ignorance, and 'Avon "iniquity" or distortion - the inner twistedness, that causes failure and suffering, seemingly from the very structure of our persons regardless of our intent. These were the sins Godwards as well as towards man, and these are all, Scripture revealed, repugnant to the nature and standard of a Holy God.

I see you made some changes to the StarChart activity documentation page [[StarChart]]. It appears that the result didn't quite go as planned: in addition to a nicely-formatted form, there's a lot of "trash" just above it.
On the Cross, in a way which is unfathomable to man, but nontheless believable, the repugnance fell upon Jesus, the Son of God, and again in a way not fully understandable to us, but believable nonetheless, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not considering us the sinners but rather His own dear Son who had no taint upon Himself. A great transaction had taken place by the imposition of Himself of Christ in our place, absorbing, as if He were a blotter, all the reaction of a Holy God upon Himself, in our place, that we might go free. Unfair to Him, Mercy to us. Yet Jesus was not forced to do it. He did it both in His great love for us and in His obedience to the way that the Father had decided. "No one takes my life from me. I have power to take it and I have power to lay it down..I lay down my life for the sheep". Peter would say, "The Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God." Paul would say, "He was made to be sin, He who did not "know" sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him".That was Friday.

Is this supposed to be a new style for activiy documentation? Is there a "user guide" for this?
On Saturday, when all were at Sabbath's rest, Jesus was not. His body dead, He passed in spirit to those that had died before, those in the period of Noah, and proclaimed, as Peter taught, what He had done. On Sunday, the first day of the week, He would rise from the dead.

== 09/03/2008 - Solitare for the XO ==
The Cross of Christ, and the atonement He accomplished on it, is the very grounds that anyone who will be saved can be saved. The shedding of His blood brings salvation, to anyone who will respond, according to the ability that they have, that is given them. That brings forgiveness to the murderer such as Paul, the adultress such as the "woman taken in adultery", the tax-collecting extortioner, a seeker in the night turned believer, as hopefully Nicodemus proved to be, people that just know that they are sinners without any "grave sin" to specify, and also the "fetus" whose life was cut off in the womb as a "thing", and the severly retarded child banging his head in the institution he finds himself. All, according to the light given them, and repentence and turning to God given to them, will one day know just what was the basis for their salvation - the Cross of Christ. Those who reject, will also one day know the basis by which they could have been saved if they had not rejected - the Cross of Christ

I use PySol on my XO. It provides a number of games, but I find FreeCell the most addictive. It's not Sugar-coated, but it runs fine from Terminal. It's a little tricky to install because it needs a library. Instructions:
=== Resurrection ===
:''See main article: [[Resurrection of Jesus Christ]]''
* drop to Terminal
On the third day after his death, Jesus [[resurrection of Jesus Christ|rose bodily from the dead]].
* #su -l
* #yum install
* #yum install PySolFC
Then when you want to play,
* drop to Terminal
* #PySol
=== Updated 10/20/2008 ===
Delete the command
* #yum install
It is no longer necessary with 8.2.0 (in fact, it fails).

== bot assisted categorization, 7c ==
In recent history, Dr. [[Gary Habermas]] is considered the foremost [[Christian apologetics|Christian apologist]] for defending the [[Resurrection of Jesus Christ|resurrection of Jesus]]. Other notable defenders of the resurrection include: [[William Lane Craig]], [[Ben Witherington]], [[Lee Strobel]], [[Josh McDowell]], [[Edwin M. Yamauchi]], [[N.T. Wright]], and [[Michael Horner]].<ref>
*</ref> In addition, much has been written defending the resurrection of Christ in the field of [[Christian Legal Apologetics|Christian legal apologetics]].

you may want to use something like Twinkle to help you make bulk edits... and you may want to set up a bot account for doiong these sorts of updates if it becomes a habit. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 02:30, 8 September 2008 (UTC)
=== Ascension into Heaven ===
: Sorry, you can install twinkle js libraries to help you edit... I don't think they are bots, that was just a misread. Getting an account marked as a bot just takes a request at [[OLPC:requests]], at which point its edits are hidden by default from RC. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]]

More on categorization: you should pop into wikimedia commons and see why they don't use their format categories like very much... also, you may want to unify naming conventions with them for ease of sharing. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 17:23, 13 September 2008 (UTC)
== Historical Analysis ==
=== Dating Jesus' Birth ===
Modern historians generally place the actual date of Jesus' birth between 7 and 4 B.C., due to problems reconciling the Roman and Jewish calendars with the [[Gregorian Calendar]] which is in use today throughout the industrialized world.

=== Historicity of Jesus ===
== janitorship approved ==
Occasionally, non-historians deny the [[historicity of Jesus]] (Having to do with the question of whether Jesus was in fact a real person who had a real life on earth), but few scholars take this seriously. [[Tacitus]], a Roman historian, wrote about Jesus in A.D. 115,<ref></ref> and [[Josephus]], a Jewish historian who did not believe in Jesus' divinity, wrote about him.<ref></ref> Dr. [[Gary Habermas]] wrote an extensive analysis of the historicity of Jesus in his work ''The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ'', which discusses many historical sources that mention Jesus.

Dear Aunti, you are now a bonafide wikijannitor. Congrats; please keep an eye on [[OLPC:Administrators|the admins page]] and use your mop and bucket in good faith. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 08:48, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
[[Lee Strobel]]'s book ''[[The Case for Christ]]'' contains a number of interviews with experts on the historical Jesus and a defense of Jesus's resurrection, and is a good resource on this subject.

== Design gang proposed file structure ==
== Jesus' Name ==
=== ''Jesus'' ===
The bible doesn't tell us much about the meaning of the name ''Jesus'', but does tell us who gave the name, when the name was given, and a reason the name was given. Luke 2:21 tells us that his name was given (1) "by the angel," (2) and it was given "before He was conceived in the womb." The reason for naming him Jesus seems to be given in Matthew 1:21, which says, " shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."

Just took a look at [[OLPC:Design gang/proposed file structure]] - whoa. That's awesome. Some thoughts:
==== Hebrew Origin ====
The Greeks derived the name from the late Hebrew or Aramaic name Yoshua, today’s version of which is “Joshua”. The earlier Aramaic form was Jehoshua (Y’hoshua) or Joshua., deriving from Hebrew Yah, short for Yahweh, and Aramaic y’shuoh meaning “salvation”. The name thus meant “Jah is salvation”. Both Joshua and Jehoshua were common names in the time of Jesus.

* We now have SMW installed - the hierarchy as it stand now doesn't take advantage of it, but it might make some work easier. For instance, instead of "Image PNG" and "Image GIF" categories, have "PNG" and "GIF" categories and make that a subcategory of "Image" (because all things of those two file formats are obviously images, etc.) In addition, instead of having categories "Library-en", we could have category "Library" and category "en" and then search for the intersection of the two (which would in effect be "Library-en" without the overhead of manually creating more categories). Seth has been doing some explorations of using the wiki in this way, iirc.
=== ''Christ'' ===
* I particularly love the image by location/school and "beautyshot" categories, and the sorting by screenshots of activities - these are things we super-need but don't have. Rock on!
* Similarly, the PR-ish images... I think there's been some talk of putting together better (mostly this means "easier to use") media packages because of the upcoming G1G1 - will check and see how the two efforts can dovetail together.

Yay for Diane! [[User:Mchua|Mchua]] 21:19, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
== Teachings of Jesus ==

== Design gang proposed structure ==
The Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ are found in the four [[Gospels]] and other holy documents.

Looks pretty good to me - I don't really have any comments beyond anything [[User:Mchua|Mel]] brought up.
[ '''Sermon on the Mount'''] This is the greatest sermon Jesus ever preached. It contains the Lord's prayer, the beatitudes, the golden rule, and practical advice for Christian living.

On a side note, have you been frequenting the Saturday OJs at the MIT Museum? I'm trying to wrangle some free time to drag Olin chapter members down there.

--[[User:Nlee|Nikki]] 01:53, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
'''The Lord's Prayer'''

== Design Gang proposed media upload file structure ==
Our Father who art in heaven,

>> Per: [[OLPC:Design_gang/proposed_file_structure]]
Hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come.

One suggestion is to reference "media:" instead of "image:" for multi-use readability. :)
Your will be done,

ok, so where would my own images of the XO laptop world traveling with me... be categorized ?
On earth as it is in heaven.

(See my User page for image examples at bottom. :)
Give us this day our daily bread.

Thanks for all you do! :)
And forgive us our debts,
--[[User:Ixo|ixo]] 08:50, 15 September 2008 (UTC)

== M.A.M.E. ==
as we also have forgiven our debtors.

ok.. so I just have to say this MAME came to mind when i saw your name. :)
And do not lead us into temptation,
* [ Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator]. . . . .

but deliver us from evil.
== Some newbie questions from davewa ==
* I want to reorganize the documentation wiki page for StarChart. Can I create a couple of additional pages for supplementary information?
* These pages would be for things like a "change log" and a "bug tracking" page? What is the polite way to do this and what kind of names would make sense? (e.g.: could I create "StarChart/Change_log" and "StarChart/Bug_tracking" or would the names have to be something entirely different?)
* I want to include screen-shot images in the instructions. Do I have permission to place these in "Images" and what's the procedure for uploading them?

== Countervandalism ==
For Yours is the kingdom

Thanks for the revert on my talk page. IMHO, an infinite block on these anon IPs is not warranted and so I modified it to a three month block. The thing is, the next time this vandal is back, it will be under another IP, so infinite block will only potentially block someone else and do little good. [[User:Cjl|cjl]] 04:01, 27 September 2008 (UTC)
and the power
:P.S. keep an eye out for the kids from Uruguay (usually IP ranges starting with 200 and 201). They leave little comments in Spanish (usually fairly harmless). Usually, I would fix any problems they caused, but generally do not block them at all. In [[Image_talk:Curley-camera-thumbnails.png| this case]], I gave Walter the chance to post a reply :-) [[User:Cjl|cjl]] 20:38, 29 September 2008 (UTC)

== User:AuntiMameBot? ==
and the glory forever.
To clean up recentchanges a bit... how about creating a new user for image cleanup tasks? We can clarify that the 'bot' account is used by a human sometimes, but it would definitely help :-) . --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 23:52, 28 September 2008 (UTC)
: rock on. Now a bot... --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 23:58, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

== Why [[:Category:Software ideas]] in [[:Category:Screenshots by type]] ? ==

Hey, why is [[:Category:Software ideas]] a subcategory of [[:Category:Screenshots by type]]? That makes a whole bunch of pages that aren't anything to do with screenshots have a complicated category tree

Media > Pictures and Images > Pictures and Images by content > Screenshots by type > Software ideas
See [[The Lord's Prayer]] for the Greek and the interlineal transliterated Aramaic and Hebrew versions.

Odd. -- [[User:Skierpage|skierpage]] 11:01, 20 November 2008 (UTC)

== Unwanted Upload ==
'''The golden rule:'''

Hello,<br />
"Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!"
I accidentally uploaded a file with the wrong name and I can't seem to find a way to delete it. Is there any way I can delete it? If not the image is Turtle-activity-3.0.svg and I don't need/want it. Thanks for you're help! [[User:Loser|loser]] 23:26, 24 November 2008

==hi antimame:)==
'''Prayer To Receive Him Now '''
typing on my xo; sorry4typoes. i believe i met you at a cosi meetup a while ago. i'd llike to chat with you inre: 1- couple of special orders, solar and a couple other bits perhaps, and 2: your thoughts on best way to find an xo intern-like helper to do some work-for-hire projects a la those on my user page, mostly centered around creating cutom boot images that are flashed to some xo(s) i'm planning on making part of a restaurant's ambiance.

== Link for your store ==
''"Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Thank you for coming to Earth and dying so that I could have eternal life. Please forgive all my sins. I am going to follow You with my life now. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and direct my steps. In Jesus' name, [[Amen]]."'' <ref> [ Prayer To Receive Him Now]</ref>

If I saw that [[XO_Solar#Supplier|you supply these solar panels]], I might want to buy them, but I cannot find how... :-) would you care to make a link to your store, or give it to me so I put it in the wiki, or whatever you see as appropriate, please? Thanks <span style="background:#FFFFFF; padding:1px; margin-left:20px; font-size:75%;">[[Image:red.png]][[User:Yamaplos|<span style="color:#000091;cursor:" title="Executive Director, OLE Bolivia"> Yamaplos </span>]]</span> 21:40, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
== See also ==
*[[Andrew the Apostle]]
*[[Byzantine Empire]]
*[[Lazarus (brother of Mary)]]
*[[Lazarus (Parable)]]
*[[New Testament understanding through the Jewish perspective]]
*[[Passover Seder]]


== External links ==
* [ Summary of the Life of Jesus]
* [ Teachings of Jesus]
* [ Sermons of Jesus Christ]
* [ Who is Jesus? Is Jesus Christ God?]
* [ Jesus Background] Bible History on line.
* [ C. S. Lewis Society of California].
* [ The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus, by William Lane Craig].
* [ Christian Origins and the Resurrection of Jesus: The Resurrection of Jesus as a Historical Problem, by N. T. Wright].
* [ Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, by William Lane Craig].
* [ Doing Justice to Jesus: A Response to J.D. Crossan: "What Victory? What God?", by N. T. Wright].
* [ The Historical Jesus and Christian Theology, by N. T. Wright].
* [ The Wright Quest for the Historical Jesus, by Ben Witherington, III].

[[Category:Christian History]]
[[Category:Biblical Persons]]
[[Category:Divine Beings]]

Latest revision as of 15:53, 1 January 2012

Art and such

Hiya, your art looks fantastic! I'd love for you to get involved in Community:Art - there are a lot of open art projects at Art Wanted that could use a little love. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions or comments.

--Nikki 18:35, 10 February 2008 (EST)

Tue Feb 26

Hello Diane,

The group would be welcome at our offices Tuesday after hours, say some time after 5:30. How many people do you expect? It helps us to have names in advance that we can leave for the desk downstairs. --Sj talk 15:53, 18 February 2008 (EST)

sj, I don't know the total count and names yet, but last month there was about 15 people. I will get the info to you ASAP.--AuntiMame 15:54, 18 Feb 2008

Shirt screening

Depends on what we want to do - I've done events that involved silkscreening, and it's not generally a one day process. You have to prepare the screens ahead of time, get ahold of shirts, screen them, let them dry, and then distribute them. I'd also be careful with multicolored designs, since lining screens up can be tricky. However, if we get a small number of designs and people want to make shirts for themselves, that would be doable.

--Nikki 15:06, 19 February 2008 (EST)

"includeonly" categories in templates

So that the template does not get listed as a "boston area user", but everyone who includes that template on their userpage does, there is a category that is bracketed within "< includeonly >" tags. You left the Category: out of its title. here's the diff. --Sj talk 15:21, 27 February 2008 (EST)

Next Boston meetup?

Hi Diane, I'm talking to Rachel Hunt who is planning a service trip for her scohol to Costa Rica in mid-April and thinking about bringing some XOs along. She'd like to get input from the community and from people who have their own ideas, or have brought their XOs into local schools. If there's a boston meetup before April 12 or so that would be perfect; otherwise perhaps we could get a few interested people together... what do you think? --Sj talk 17:25, 23 March 2008 (EDT)

XO Repair Shops -- graphical guidelines / icons / templates

You are good at this! (Just from looking at your user page).
And in some email of yours to some mailing list I believe I saw you mention your affinity to hardware / repair / spare parts (you also mentioned a web shop).
Could you please click on Art_wanted and have a look at the new XO Repair Shop line item?
The Birmingham Shop will be opening for business on April 21st. The last conference call with Adam indicated that there will be more comming and all could benefit from some corporate design elements.

Stefan 13:30, 27 March 2008 (EDT)

Thank you, your work got incorporated. You may want to give

Repair1 40x40.png This user runs an XO Repair Shop.

a trial run in your olpc userbox section. Adapt as you like. Here you can find a sample flyer.
Stefan 22:54, 4 May 2008 (EDT)


We're looking for space in the Chicagoland area - any ideas or tips on how to find/negotiate-for a great short-term (3 month) lease? I'm new to this... Mchua 21:46, 12 May 2008 (EDT)

thanks for cleaning up wad's speech!

I was way too tired of staring at my screen afterwards to go back and catch typos, so thanks for doing that. :) Mchua 22:23, 22 May 2008 (EDT)

interested in stocking parts?

Thanks for the offer, Diane! Can you put that info into the survey so we have it all in one place when Adam, Kim, and I go through things next week? Mchua 09:53, 23 May 2008 (EDT)

Getting a Boston Pilot Started

Hey Diane, I met you at the Cosi meet up tonight. Let me know when we can meet up towards the end of this week, or beginning of next week. Send me an email at firstname.lastname[at]

francesca slade

dah! sorry for the typo.

Thanks for correcting the name. ;) It's been a long, long day... Mchua 10:03, 10 June 2008 (EDT)

One Velociraptor Per Child

Can you get shirts printed with the OVPC design on them? It's becoming quite popular, and a lot of people have shown interest (the ILXO office is pretty unanimously interested, for starters).

--Nikki 21:13, 25 June 2008 (UTC)


Looks to me like a bot that looked at recent changes and hit the talk and user pages on any recent editor. In any event, that IP is blocked for now and all vandalism is un-done. Cjl 17:19, 1 July 2008 (UTC)


What did you create those PDF's in? It would be nice to have your source doc's so they could be more easily edited. Inkscape? Seth 12:44, 2 July 2008 (UTC)


I saw that your friend that you're setting up dual boot with was looking for XFCE. (Keith?). The latest joyrides actually include XFCE as well as Sugar. This is really new as of something like 2230. Which is pretty exciting news IMO. Seth 07:21, 6 August 2008 (UTC)

Actually it's the faster builds with XFCE, not joyride. --morgs 12:11, 12 August 2008 (UTC)

08/08/2008 - StarChart documentation page changes

I see you made some changes to the StarChart activity documentation page StarChart. It appears that the result didn't quite go as planned: in addition to a nicely-formatted form, there's a lot of "trash" just above it.

Is this supposed to be a new style for activiy documentation? Is there a "user guide" for this?

09/03/2008 - Solitare for the XO

I use PySol on my XO. It provides a number of games, but I find FreeCell the most addictive. It's not Sugar-coated, but it runs fine from Terminal. It's a little tricky to install because it needs a library. Instructions:

  • drop to Terminal
  • #su -l
  • #yum install
  • #yum install PySolFC

Then when you want to play,

  • drop to Terminal
  • #PySol

Updated 10/20/2008

Delete the command

  • #yum install

It is no longer necessary with 8.2.0 (in fact, it fails).

bot assisted categorization, 7c

you may want to use something like Twinkle to help you make bulk edits... and you may want to set up a bot account for doiong these sorts of updates if it becomes a habit. --Sj talk 02:30, 8 September 2008 (UTC)

Sorry, you can install twinkle js libraries to help you edit... I don't think they are bots, that was just a misread. Getting an account marked as a bot just takes a request at OLPC:requests, at which point its edits are hidden by default from RC. --Sj talk

More on categorization: you should pop into wikimedia commons and see why they don't use their format categories like very much... also, you may want to unify naming conventions with them for ease of sharing. --Sj talk 17:23, 13 September 2008 (UTC)

janitorship approved

Dear Aunti, you are now a bonafide wikijannitor. Congrats; please keep an eye on the admins page and use your mop and bucket in good faith. --Sj talk 08:48, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

Design gang proposed file structure

Just took a look at OLPC:Design gang/proposed file structure - whoa. That's awesome. Some thoughts:

  • We now have SMW installed - the hierarchy as it stand now doesn't take advantage of it, but it might make some work easier. For instance, instead of "Image PNG" and "Image GIF" categories, have "PNG" and "GIF" categories and make that a subcategory of "Image" (because all things of those two file formats are obviously images, etc.) In addition, instead of having categories "Library-en", we could have category "Library" and category "en" and then search for the intersection of the two (which would in effect be "Library-en" without the overhead of manually creating more categories). Seth has been doing some explorations of using the wiki in this way, iirc.
  • I particularly love the image by location/school and "beautyshot" categories, and the sorting by screenshots of activities - these are things we super-need but don't have. Rock on!
  • Similarly, the PR-ish images... I think there's been some talk of putting together better (mostly this means "easier to use") media packages because of the upcoming G1G1 - will check and see how the two efforts can dovetail together.

Yay for Diane! Mchua 21:19, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

Design gang proposed structure

Looks pretty good to me - I don't really have any comments beyond anything Mel brought up.

On a side note, have you been frequenting the Saturday OJs at the MIT Museum? I'm trying to wrangle some free time to drag Olin chapter members down there.

--Nikki 01:53, 15 September 2008 (UTC)

Design Gang proposed media upload file structure

>> Per: OLPC:Design_gang/proposed_file_structure


One suggestion is to reference "media:" instead of "image:" for multi-use readability. :)

ok, so where would my own images of the XO laptop world traveling with me... be categorized ?

(See my User page for image examples at bottom. :)

Thanks for all you do! :) --ixo 08:50, 15 September 2008 (UTC)


ok.. so I just have to say this MAME came to mind when i saw your name. :)

Some newbie questions from davewa

  • I want to reorganize the documentation wiki page for StarChart. Can I create a couple of additional pages for supplementary information?
  • These pages would be for things like a "change log" and a "bug tracking" page? What is the polite way to do this and what kind of names would make sense? (e.g.: could I create "StarChart/Change_log" and "StarChart/Bug_tracking" or would the names have to be something entirely different?)
  • I want to include screen-shot images in the instructions. Do I have permission to place these in "Images" and what's the procedure for uploading them?


Thanks for the revert on my talk page. IMHO, an infinite block on these anon IPs is not warranted and so I modified it to a three month block. The thing is, the next time this vandal is back, it will be under another IP, so infinite block will only potentially block someone else and do little good. cjl 04:01, 27 September 2008 (UTC)

P.S. keep an eye out for the kids from Uruguay (usually IP ranges starting with 200 and 201). They leave little comments in Spanish (usually fairly harmless). Usually, I would fix any problems they caused, but generally do not block them at all. In this case, I gave Walter the chance to post a reply :-) cjl 20:38, 29 September 2008 (UTC)


To clean up recentchanges a bit... how about creating a new user for image cleanup tasks? We can clarify that the 'bot' account is used by a human sometimes, but it would definitely help :-) . --Sj talk 23:52, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

rock on. Now a bot... --Sj talk 23:58, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

Why Category:Software ideas in Category:Screenshots by type ?

Hey, why is Category:Software ideas a subcategory of Category:Screenshots by type? That makes a whole bunch of pages that aren't anything to do with screenshots have a complicated category tree

Media > Pictures and Images > Pictures and Images by content > Screenshots by type > Software ideas

Odd. -- skierpage 11:01, 20 November 2008 (UTC)

Unwanted Upload

I accidentally uploaded a file with the wrong name and I can't seem to find a way to delete it. Is there any way I can delete it? If not the image is Turtle-activity-3.0.svg and I don't need/want it. Thanks for you're help! loser 23:26, 24 November 2008

hi antimame:)

typing on my xo; sorry4typoes. i believe i met you at a cosi meetup a while ago. i'd llike to chat with you inre: 1- couple of special orders, solar and a couple other bits perhaps, and 2: your thoughts on best way to find an xo intern-like helper to do some work-for-hire projects a la those on my user page, mostly centered around creating cutom boot images that are flashed to some xo(s) i'm planning on making part of a restaurant's ambiance. best,


Link for your store

If I saw that you supply these solar panels, I might want to buy them, but I cannot find how... :-) would you care to make a link to your store, or give it to me so I put it in the wiki, or whatever you see as appropriate, please? Thanks Red.png Yamaplos 21:40, 20 March 2009 (UTC)