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I can't wait!<br /> |
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Great project, great energy. -- [[User:Skierpage|Skierpage]] 07:16, 12 November 2007 (EST) |
Great project, great energy. -- [[User:Skierpage|Skierpage]] 07:16, 12 November 2007 (EST) |
== 尖锐湿疣 == |
[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]潜伏期? |
HPV感染人体后能否发生[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]与多种因素有关。[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的临床表现主要有两种:一种是出现可见的典型的[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]损害,称为[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]显性临床表现即[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣];另一种是无明显可见的[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]损害,但通过放大镜观察或经醋酸试验后可观察到颗粒状损害,此称为[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]亚临床表现。此外有学者将无显性[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]临床表现和/或[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]亚临床表现而仅有HPV DNA检查阳性者列入[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的临床表现中,称之为HPV潜伏感染,作者认为欠妥,应予纠正。 |
从HPV感染人皮肤粘膜后到[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]损害出现需要一段时间,将这段时间称为[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]潜伏期。[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]潜伏期的长短因人而异,有些人的潜伏期短,有些人的潜伏期则较长。据调查[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的潜伏期为3周到8个月,平均2.8个月。大多数临床观察报道[color=#FF0000][http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]潜伏期一般为3个月左右[/color],潜伏期最短者3-4周,潜伏期最长者8-12个月左右。有学者认为产期感染HPV的婴儿到2岁都不可能有外[http://www.zgxbzlw.com/paozhen.asp 生殖器]疣的表现,但有57%的患儿在2岁时诊断为喉乳头瘤。作者曾见到1例男性[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]患者之女性性伴在与其性交后2周阴道口长出[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]损害,作者病例中的另一例男性患者是在与女性[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]患者性交接触1年半后才发病。此外,在作者的[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]病例中能明确尖锐湿疣发病潜伏期的有476例,其中男性243例,女性233例。在男性中,潜伏期1个月者8例,2个月者58例,3个月者68例,4个月者69例,5个月者12例,6个月者17例,7个月者8例,12个月者2例,1年3个月者1例;在女性中,潜伏期1个月者24例,2个月者62例,3个月者65例,4个月者49例,5个月者15例,6个月者8例,7个月者3例,8个月者2例,9个月者1例,10个月者1例,11个月者2例,12个月者1例。从作者上述调查结果进一步证实[http://www.zgxbzlw.com 尖锐湿疣]潜伏期多在2个月,占73.38%。上述结果还表明潜伏期在男女性间有差异,如女性潜伏期多较短,男性潜伏期较女性增长。作者还观察到男女性[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]潜伏期与患者局部环境有明显关系,如局部卫生差、潮湿、分泌物多者[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]潜伏期短,反之则潜伏期略长。 |
[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]有必要抽血化验吗? |
引起[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的病毒是HPV(人乳头瘤状病毒),这种病毒的一个显著特点是,病毒只生存在皮肤和粘膜的表皮层,即只在[http://www.zgxbzlw.com/paozhen.asp 生殖器]表皮上(通常在疣体和疣体周围的皮肤上)在身体内部和其他部位是没有这种病毒的。 |
一些患者经常提到在一些专科医院采用验血的方法检查病毒,实际上这些检查是没有意义的,验血只能检查出血液中HPV病毒的抗体,而不是这种病毒本身,一般仅仅只能作为参考价值。在诊断[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]和判断是否复发上不具有实际意义。 因为病毒感染和血液中出现抗体阳性并不是同步的,比如在最初感染病毒后即使已经长出可见的疣体,而化验结果却可能是抗体阴性(过了一段时间以后才能检查出抗体阳性)。而在[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]治疗后即使8个月没有复发,已经达到临床治愈,有的人却还能检查出抗体阳性(再过很长时间才能转变为阴性)。另外在很多健康人一生中的某段时间内也会检查出抗体阳性。所以不能根据抗体阳性来判断是否还需要治疗或者是否已经痊愈。 |
孕妇[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]临床特点? |
廖元兴等在1112例女性[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]中发现孕妇[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]126例,其发病率占女性[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的11.33%。在作者的1078,例[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]中发现孕妇[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]19例,其发病率占[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]病例的1.76%,占女性[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]病例中的3.35%。 |
妇女在妊娠期由于体内雌激素水平增加、细胞免疫功能降低、盆腔血供丰富等因素,一方面容易感染HPV、容易发生[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣],另一方面在发生[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]后病情发展迅速。 |
孕妇[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]损害大多数开始为多发性,少数为单发性,损害迅速增多、增大,尤其在妊娠中期,损害增长速度快,且容易形成弥漫性损害或较大[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]损害,造成[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]堵塞阴道、堵塞尿道,同时容易引起细菌或真菌等感染的发生。 |
有文献报道孕妇[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]可引起胎膜早破,引起羊膜绒毛膜炎,从而导致死胎等。 |
陈晓端等比较了孕妇与非孕妇[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的特点,认为妇女孕期[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]除具有与非孕期[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的共同特点外,还有以下几点不同:①病程短,病变发展迅速,大多数患者可明显感觉到病灶的扩大及新病灶的出现;②病变部位以外阴部多见,宫颈次之,损害多部位并发比例较高,有25.8%发生于2个部位以上,与非孕妇比较高10%-15%;③病变典型者多,孕期[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]形态多呈菜花状、鸡冠花状,常融合成片 |
此外,妊娠期妇女[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]亚临床表现高于非妊娠期妇女,这可能与妊娠期的内环境有利于病毒寄存和繁殖复制有关。 |
据研究发现妊娠期[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]亚临床表现的影响因素有重度宫颈糜烂、念珠菌性阴道炎,以及配偶性病史和混乱的性关系是妊娠期[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]亚临床表现和高危因素。当阴道或宫颈上皮发生病变时,上皮和粘膜的损伤、局部抵抗力下降及雌激素作用有助于HPV基因的表达、复制和潜藏,为[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]亚临床表现提供了有利条件。 |
诊断[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的实验室检查? |
典型的[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]一般不需作实验室检查即可作出诊断。当患者症状不典型,部位不典型,特别是妇女,其阴道口可有类似于[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的假性湿疣,需作实验室检查以明确诊断。常用的实验室检查有如下的方法: |
(1)细胞学检查 取阴道、子宫颈等部位的[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 湿疣]组织作成涂片,作帕氏染色。在涂片中可以见到两种细胞,一种细胞的核周围有晕环,它占据了细胞浆的大部分,而将细胞浆压缩到边缘呈浓缩状,此种细胞称为空泡化细胞,它来源于浅层的鳞状上皮细胞;另一种细胞称为角化不良细胞,可单个或成堆分布,胞浆呈橙红色至淡黄色,核小而致密。在[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]病的的涂片中这两种细胞常可混合存在。 |
(2)组织病理变化 主要为角化不全,棘层高度肥厚,乳头瘤样增生。粒层和棘层上部细胞有明显的空泡形成。棘细胞基底细胞有相当数量之核分裂,颇似癌变,但细胞排裂规则,且增生上皮和真皮之间境界清楚。 |
(3)组织化学检查 取少量病损组织制成涂片,用特异性抗人类乳头瘤病毒的抗体作染色。如果病损中有病毒抗原,则抗原抗体结合,在用过氧化物酶抗过氧化物酶(奶头)方法中,核可被染成红色。此法特异性强且较迅速,对诊断有帮助。对[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的实验室检查,目前还很不成熟,组织学检查和组织病理检查都有一定的误诊率,需在条件好的医院检查。 |
我这种情况是不是[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]? |
[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]是[http://www.std999.com 性病]中最容易诊断的一种[http://www.std999.com 性病],一般不需要实验室检查,只需要根据外观特征并结合醋酸实验就可以做出明确诊断;当外[http://www.std999.com/szqbz-tuku.htm 生殖器疱疹]部位发现可疑增生物,而且增生物出现菜花状、鸡冠状、刺状外观形状特征,表面凹凸不平,就很可能是[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]。如果做醋酸实验疣体有发白的变化,就可以进一步判断为[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]。 |
醋酸白试验的方法:准备3%----5%的醋酸(食用白醋的浓度是4%――6%,可以作为[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]鉴别液使用)。将浸透白醋的纱布或纸巾,敷到长出来的增生物上,过3-5分钟后观察突起是否变白(肛门部位的疣体需要10-15分钟)。如果出现增生物明显的变白,就可以诊断为[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]。 |
出现下列情况可排除[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]? |
出现下列情况可排除[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]: |
男性珍珠疹:主要是长在冠状沟或龟头后缘,常沿冠状沟长一圈或一排,颜色呈白色或淡红色,表面光滑,像珍珠一样。用醋酸白试验不会变白。 |
女性假性[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 湿疣]:主要是长在在两侧小阴唇内侧,左右都有,数目众多且对称,每个突起的形态较规则,呈葡萄状或鱼子状。用醋酸白试验不会发白。 |
另外,女性在有妇科炎症的时候,外阴部出现外观像青春痘一样的小突起物。如果这些突起物在炎症得到控制后,突起物消失,那么可以认为不是[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 湿疣]。有些女性在月经前后也会出现类似的突起物,过一段时间突起物就会消失,这种情况也不是[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]。 |
对于个别患者增生物形态不够典型,醋酸白试验反应不明显,建议到医院做试验室检查。一般方法是在疣体上取一点组织,做病理检查,然后根据病例结果判断是不是[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]。但值得一提的是并不需要做抽血检查。 |
[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]与癌变的关系? |
关于[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]与癌的关系,我们常常能看到类似下面的介绍: |
“流行病学资料表明,[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]与[http://www.std999.com/szqbz-tuku.htm 生殖器]癌之间有着密切的关联。利用核酸杂交方法,在不同类型的[http://www.std999.com/szqbz-tuku.htm 生殖器疱疹]肿瘤中测到了人类乳头瘤病毒,同时在[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]病损的组织中也测到该病毒。有报告5%~10%的外阴、宫颈和肛周的[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]经过一段时期后可出现间变和发展为原位癌或浸润癌。还发现15%阴茎癌、5%女性外阴癌是在原[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的基础上发生的,特别是宫颈癌,发生恶变者尤其与HPV-16、18、31、33型有关。巨大[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]可继发癌变。许多实验室研究也进一步表明,HPV、[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]和[http://www.std999.com/szqbz-tuku.htm 生殖器]癌三者之间存在着因果关系。外阴、阴茎或肛周的 |
[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]可以转化为鳞状细胞癌。这种转化通常要5-40年。所以患[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]后,一定要及早治疗,彻底根治,不适当的治疗和刺激可加快恶变”。 |
看完这段介绍以后,相信有些人一定会吓得不轻。其实,这大可不必了。我想你一定也听说过吸烟会诱发癌症,可是你并不在意,甚至连戒烟的想法也没有,为什么会这样呢?因为吸烟会致癌,你可以通过常识会判断这个比例是多少,心里会有一个大致清析的概念,所以就不怕了,而[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]则不同了,这个病本身就让人心理紧张,再加上不良医院、媒体的误导,又不敢四处打听。所以一听到可能会癌变就心里直发毛。 |
我在这里想告诉大家,医学术语是讲给医生听的。对于不懂医学专业的人来说,同样的描述会有不同的理解,很容易因些而产生错误认识和想法。 |
[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]是可以诱发癌变,但这个比例很低。这和吸烟会导致癌变的比例和时间跨度都很相似(5-40年)。绝大多数 |
[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]并不会癌变,因此不必为此而整天忧心匆匆。另外未[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]的健康女性生殖系统中也有很大比例人群能查到HPV感染,HPV感染是目前较为常见的妇科感染,多数女性都在不知不觉中就过来了。 |
总之,[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]患者既不要心理过于恐慌,也不要不把它当回事,积极的科学治疗是唯一的选择,多次的激光强烈刺激或腐蚀性药物刺激都会加大癌变的可能,药物治疗时应选择药性温和的药物。 |
醋酸白试验的方法及原理? |
醋酸白试验的方法:准备3%-5%的醋酸(食用白醋的浓度是4%-6%,可以作为尖锐湿疣鉴别液使用)。将浸透白醋的纱布或纸巾,敷到长出来的增生物上,过3-5分钟后观察突起是否变白(肛门部位的疣体需要10-15分钟)。如果出现增生物明显的变白,就可以诊断为[http://www.std999.com/jrsy-tuku.htm 尖锐湿疣]。 |
醋酸白试验使不明显的疣变得肉眼可见,其作用机制尚未明确。一种理论认为,变白是蛋白凝固的结果,而这种蛋白质反映了HPV感染上皮的不正常细胞和细胞过多的特征。另一种理论假设HPV感染上皮与正常的未感染上皮的角蛋白不同,只有前者才能被醋酸致白。 |
Revision as of 04:26, 14 November 2007
First field test to evaluate network completed this Saturday
This Saturday, professor Luiz Claudio Schara Magalhães and students from UFF's Telecommunications Engineering and Computer Science departments went to Itapuaçu, an oceanic beach in Niterói, Brazil, to run the phase one tests, which include range, throughput and latency between two XO's and one XO and one access point, using the AP standard antenna and an 18dbi omnidirectional antenna which may be installed at schools to extend range. Further tests are planned for this Friday, and results will be posted as they become available.
Universidade Federal Fluminense is evaluating XO's mesh network implementation
The mesh network evaluation is being done under the auspices of Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP - [1]), the Brazilian organization funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education. RNP is responsible for providing Internet access to academic and research institutions and it is funding Midiacom Labs ([2]) to develop a low cost mesh network solution. Information about the pilot, which provides free Internet access to students in the vicinity of the Engineering Campus at UFF, can be found at [3]. This technology may be used to create the infrastructure to bring Internet access to the Brazilian schools. Current information on the XO's mesh network tests will be found at [4].
Please add: OLPC-Youth initiative: http://it4yi-wiki.skn.wsinf.edu.pl/YouthandtheOLPCinitiative
$4 million order from Nigeria, Brazil, Argentina, and Thailand: http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS7131519895.html
- The OLPC spokesperson was misquoted: no agreement had been signed. We continue to cooperate with Thailand, Brasil, Argentina, and Nigeria, but no one has committed to purchase laptops nor has OLPC asked anyone to sign a purchase agreement yet. We apologize for any confusion.Walter 21:50, 1 August 2006 (EDT)
Milestone missing
This page has a list of Milestones. Shouldn't it mention this one?
1. We have reached an important milestone this week: the dual-mode now display works in prototype! We have been counting on Mary Lou Jepsen's new approach to LCD displays to help us achieve our price and power consumption targets and enable our expected models of indoor and outdoor use, while also rapidly achieving mass production. We now have a display that can readily be mass produced in standard LCD factories, with no process changes. Our display has higher resolution than 95% of the laptop displays on the market today; approximately 1/10th the power consumption; 1/50rd the price; sunlight readability; and room-light readability with the backlight off.
Costa Rica Press Article
Please add the following press article on Costa Rica's press regarding the OLPC initiative. Includes an interview with Prof. Cavallo.
-Adrian Garcia
Mesoamerica www.mesoamerica.com
Colombia Press Article
The New York Times among others is reporting that Libya is getting 1.2 million laptops along with servers and support, etc. for $250 million. Is this an order, or just an indication of intention to place an order?
Also the article quoted "Mr. Negroponte" as saying that Windows was not being used for price reasons, which sounded a bit odd. I thought that it was to let the students experament with the OS, etc.
- The quote regarding Windows was inaccurate. --Walter 14:17, 11 October 2006 (EDT)
This is also on Al-Jazeera Mx44 11:18, 13 October 2006 (EDT)
Please date news
Please include dates in news items. It is impossible to tell what the pace of development is, or even how hot the latest development is.--Mokurai 04:27, 16 October 2006 (EDT)
- The News is updated every weekend. There is a dated archive available at http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news and it is safe to assume anything reported in the current news section is at most one week old. --Walter 17:44, 16 October 2006 (EDT)
I agree with Mokurai. A date at the top of the page showing the date of the most recent news update would be helpful.
Broken Link
Probably at thier end
6 Oct. 2006 Washington Post | $100 Laptop May Be at Security Forefront
New News item
OLPC received Popular Science's Innovation of the Year Grand Award:
New York Times
New York Times /2006/11/30/ For $150, Third-World Laptop Stirs a Big Debate
Generic introduction good writing, some quotes, no real news, lots of reader comments.
I see there's a mailing list about OLPC How about you make some sort of news page with RSS? Right now, my only news source for OLPC is [Christopher Blizzard's blog..] - Luckluster
- I agree with providing an RSS feed for this page, with a orange button for easy subscription. It would sure beat having to support the rants and FUD from olpcnews_dot_com to get this information.
- John Pilfor
I third this request! RSS would be a great way to keep up with the project and share update with others! - Paul Russell
- There is an excellent OLPC aggregator site with an RSS feed, http://planet.laptop.org/ , but it does not currently include the weekly laptop news that appears here and at http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news -- Skierpage 00:02, 27 February 2007 (EST)
OLPC Uruguay
Read in the paper version of El Observador (an uruguayan newspaper) in its December 7, 2006 edition (pg 13) about an announcement of the Uruguayan President, Tabaré Vázquez, at the openning of Integra TICs stating that they will hopefully have an OLPC for each child and teacher by 2009 (some 400,000).
Uruguay is officialy participating in the OLPC project with 400.000 units. This was confirmed on December 14th, 2006 by an announcement made by the Uruguayan President (translated version).
- Cool! Great news!! Do you know of an official press release? I mean, afaik, the current minimum order is one million laptops, more than twice the number mentioned... are they piggybacking on somebody else's order, or getting enough for 2+ years?
- Netiquette-wise, please don't change links, add yours... I'm reverting El Observador's and noting your Observa post here - they seem to be related, but have no clue why they would use two domains... --Xavi 17:07, 15 December 2006 (EST)
- Xavi, the newspaper name is "El Observador", but their online site it's called Observa (www.observa.com.uy). They also have MiO (www.mio.com.uy), I don't really know why, but they are all owned by "El Observador". Sorry about it, I changed it because that news article is what you were talking about, the announcement at the IntegraTICs.
- English speakers: please improve this article. tuxie_ 20:10 GMT -2, 17 December 2006
AP story on OLPC
Jan 1, 2007: [Yahoo] and [CNN] have an AP wire story about student oriented aspects of OLPC. It also said that the Palestinian territory is scheduled to receive laptops and that more African countries might sign up soon.
- I don't know who wrote the comment above, but related to this, why are slashdot and AP/Yahoo! way ahead of laptop.org in news about OLPC? -- David W Hogg 15:53, 1 January 2007 (EST
News Story on BBC news
there is a new story today January 10th on BBC news "$100 laptop could sell to public" 13:34, 10 January 2007 (EST)
- Contrary to recent reports, OLPC is not planning a consumer version of its current laptop. It will be made available to governments in very large quantities to be given to all children free, as part of their education. Many commercial schemes have been considered and proposed that may surface in 2008 or beyond, one of which is "buy one for the price of two." In addition, OLPC is launching OLPC Foundation later this month, specifically to accommodate the huge goodwill and charity that has surfaced around the idea of a $100 laptop. --Walter 02:32, 11 January 2007 (EST)
New Article for your Wiki-page
Here is an article from Mr. Saffo. He tried out the OLPC and found it wonderful. Well, have a look at the article: "Saffo journal"
Windows & Office for our Laptops? says Bill Gates
Here is an article from ? http://www.itjungle.com/two/two042507-story05.html
says: The digital divide can be a horrible place. On the one side are Westerners who go into withdrawal at the slightest hiccup in their mobile e-mail service. On the other are the majority of Earth's inhabitants, an estimated five billion people who don't use computers, let alone have "crackberry" addictions. To help narrow this digital divide and spread IT's tremendous bounty across a level playing field, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates announced plans last week to sell a software package that includes Windows XP and Office 2007 for only $3.
- The Microsoft announcement has resulted in some confusion in the press. It is being suggested that because of the Microsoft announcement, OLPC will be switching from Linux to Windows. On the contrary, OLPC remains steadfast in its dedication to FOSS and has no plans to distribute Windows. However, we have consistant and public with our position that the spirit of openness and freedom; everyone, including software engineers at Microsoft, are welcome to develop for the machine. The fact that Microsoft has been making efforts to bring the price of Windows within reach of children in the developing world gives those children more choices. -- 04:05, 28 April 2007 (EDT)
wrong link in news
Different 'news' same article Media:Technology_Review_Security_Model_Released_for_the_$100_Laptop.pdf
- 12 Feb. 2007 | Silicon.com
- 8 Feb. 2007 | MIT: Technology Review
inclusion of extracted pages
I think it would be better to have the milestones, press & Video of the OLPC pages included here... we can control how much is included or not with the <nowinclude> directives... and then only one version or place to update is needed (instead of two as currently is). I volunteer to do it. --Xavi 11:01, 21 April 2007 (EDT)
I did the extraction in the News/lang-es and Milestones/lang-es pages to test. Any idea why I shouldn't do it for the english version? (which I assume will impact on other translations too)... --Xavi 01:37, 22 April 2007 (EDT)
- I am not sure who split the pages up to begin with. I don't see any reason for it except to keep the size of the page manageable. I you think it won't negatively impact the translation efforts, why not? --Walter 01:55, 22 April 2007 (EDT)
- It was getting a bit big that page... I don't mind it being split :)
- Anyway, it's done. I think it'll work fine also for translation (although it may be tricky if you don't understand the 'noinclude') the good thing is that translators now have the choice to just use the english version too (summarized) or do the whole thing. It could prove useful for other pages too, specially other 'list-like' pages. Cheers, --Xavi 02:24, 22 April 2007 (EDT)
Laptop News link doesn't always work
The Laptop News link doesn't always work. Sometimes you get a media lab login page. Works upon reloading. Not a new problem - I recall encountering it months ago as well. Perhaps the link should be annotated with 'if it doesnt work, reload'. MitchellNCharity 10:24, 22 April 2007 (EDT)
- Thanks for pointing this out. The current news can be found in this wiki: Current events. The archive is for legacy reasons stored on an MIT machine. I will move it when I get a chance. --Walter 11:34, 22 April 2007 (EDT)
AP News article
Apr 26, 5:45 PM (ET)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - The founder of the ambitious "$100 laptop" project, which plans to give inexpensive computers to schoolchildren in developing countries, revealed Thursday that the machine for now costs $175, and it will be able to run Windows in addition to its homegrown, open-source interface.
Nicholas Negroponte, the former director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab who now heads the nonprofit One Laptop Per Child project, updated analysts and journalists on where the effort stands, saying "we are perhaps at the most critical stage of OLPC's life."
Looks like the AP reporter decided to make money and M$ the lead instead of the meeting. Bob calder
Green laptop?
The May 5 lead item (Green laptop would save tons of power, etc) is so much hokum. If every computer was switched to an OLPC, the world would burn a lot less power but no computer on earth would be able to compile a Linux kernel. Or open and view two web pages AT THE SAME TIME! I also suspect that those power calculations were done based on "projected" power rather than the power that XOs actually burn at this point in time; let's see those calculations, please. Please keep this kind of useless fluff out of the news page.
- Your opinion is certainly welcome, but please use less derisive language: "so much hokum." Hiding behind an anonymous post and using such a tone is not within the spirit of a constructive discourse. In regard to your assertions: (1) the Linux kernel can be compiled on the XO; (2) the current browser can maintain multiple open pages, but SUGAR currently only lets you view one at a time (if you want to view multiple windows at one, you can either (a) load a different window manager; (b) use Opera; (c) add that functionality to the browser--it is open source; or (d) wait a few weeks until our tab interface is working); and (3) the estimate is based on actual measurments from our B3 hardware. --Walter 12:41, 9 May 2007 (EDT)
Windows based laptop? Really?
I suspect that it'd be useful to debunk the widespread press coverage saying "the OLPC will run Windows!" The impression I get is that OLPC, Inc will continue to develop a Linux-based software load for the machines. Countries will be free to run experimental Windows ports on it, supplied by Microsoft no doubt, but OLPC won't be running, maintaining, or supporting that software. If there's something different than that going on, please let the open source community know, so we can stop helping you build Wintel machines. If there's nothing different than that going on, please post a prominent clue to educate everyone who believes what they read in the newspaper.
- I think this has been "debunked" in the Ars Technica article, among others. And, really, if the open source community doesn't want to help everyone — including people with Wintel machines — they probably shouldn't publish their source code. ;) —Joe 11:14, 8 May 2007 (EDT)
Remove NOTOC tag?
I never noticed the olpc video collection until it was mentioned in a magazine. Never really saw the article's Video section due to a personal "news page gets boring as you go down" heuristic. It may just be me. But, perhaps remove the NOTOC tag? The TOC is short, and not unattractive. Especially if "OLPC PRESS RELEASES" became "Press Releases" (there don't seem to be any direct links to the section). I'd be happy to do the change, but given high profile of the page, it seemed worth talk'ing. MitchellNCharity 10:02, 10 May 2007 (EDT)
- Reasonable request. But I do take issue with the assertion that it is "not unattractive." Need to do some skin hacking... --Walter 12:03, 10 May 2007 (EDT)
OLPC News 2007 05 12
Shouldn't Uruguay's section refer to 'Villa Cardal' as the town? Ceibal is the 'local name' for OLPC. See http://olpc-ceibal.blogspot.com/ --Xavi 14:22, 12 May 2007 (EDT)
3D Human Interface Techniques
Please see an outdated document at http://remedials.org/#11 that fully explans how to produce a 3d human interface system using the onboard camera and a ball... This technique should be implemented as camera code/hardware on the device; we have implemented devices in half XO's cost using a graphics 3d chip controlled system and camera-ball based interface with no other frivilties; easily 8 comfortable humans using any single device.
Can YOU find a ball in a picture?
- I believe that you can do it. What do you do with it? A UI means feedback - just a series of 3d points flowing in one direction isn't enough. Also, this would impact power requirements, probably by a significant amount - keeping the camera on and processing it. Not to be negative, just trying to stimulate the dialogue - how do you imagine using this? Homunq 13:54, 28 July 2007 (EDT)
Removed "Press Releases" section
All the links in the Press Releases section were broken, so I removed the section. The sites may still have the content available under different urls, so if someone wanted to search for it... MitchellNCharity 21:01, 12 May 2007 (EDT)
= Press Releases=
Jan. 2007 | OLPC has No Plans (broken link) to Commercialize XO Computer. |
Jan. 2007 | OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer. |
Jan. 2007 | Rwanda Commits to One Laptop per Child Initiative. |
Dec. 2006 | Low Cost Laptop Could Transform Learning. |
Letter to the Editor
Written in response to Technology Guardian (Front Page) - Thursday May 31, 2007 [Which laptop per child?]
From: Jerry Goldstein
To: tech@guardian.co.uk
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 3:11 AM
Subject: OLPC Article May 31st
The articles misses the key issue, which is that the OLPC laptop is, from beginning to end, designed for children and designed to be an educational instrument. It is definitely not designed to be a simple cheap laptop whose basic purpose is to teach children to run Microsoft Office. Thus, the OLPC laptop is ruggedized to withstand serious drops, water spills, heat, dust, high humidity and to operate in extreme climates. It is specifically designed to withstand the abuse a 9 year old child is bound to give it. For every OLPC machine returned for repair or disposal, there would be fifty times as many Intel machines. The OLPC machine can be read in sunlight outdoors, where many children have classes or study, not so the Intel device. The OLPC machine can operate in energy saving black and white as well as colour, can be used as an ebook by swivelling the screen, and is equipped, uniquely, with mesh networking so all children in a village are networked with each other automatically, as well as with their school, and if one child is on the net, they all are. The OLPC machines have security features which may be the best in the world. None of this obtains with the Intel computer.
The purpose of the OLPC machine is to allow children to learn to learn with their laptop, both by accessing educational material on the machine itself, on the school server (also being specified by OLPC), and on the internet. Children who had access to a teacher only sporadically, who have no school books (or one to a class), in climates where books disintegrate, will be able to access all the information in the world from a village with only intermittent electricity, and when that fails, will be able to recharge the batteries themselves. The Intel machine cannot do any of that. For the first time in human history, children with no access to information and education, will be able on their own initiative, to access everything. The power of a village child being able to look up a subject important to him, on say Wikipedia, is unimaginable.
The truth about Intel came out in Mr. Barrett's outburst on 60 Minutes, when he was confronted with his own letter to the government of Nigeria attacking the OLPC machine, and said that's the way business worked. Intel sees this all as a business. OLPC sees it as an educational project, and education being the only way to lift children in incredibly under developed areas, out of poverty. To OLPC, this is a humanitarian project passionately pursued with the commitment to reduce cost to nations as scale delivers savings.Barrett sees it as a business plan.
In the end, Intel vs. AMD is all immaterial, as I am sure OLPC would agree. They key is education, and OLPC has that, and only that, in its DNA. The Intel machine has nothing more than a Wintel ambition to protect the margins of its user base.
Jerry Goldstein
1 Loukianou Street
Athens 106 75
Armenia - Help Children
Dear All
I am Samvel Movsisyan from Armenia. I am "Future is Open" educational non-governmental organization's president. We have 90 and more volunteers in our Organization. I learn about your OLPC project. It is really great and big project for human beings. I would like to do this project in Armenian in volunteering basis for Orphanages, Special type of schools, children from street(poor children) and normal schools children. Please if it is possible write me email sam_movsisyan@yahoo.com . For more information about us you can find in our web sites www.fio.am and www.helpthechildren.am .
thanks and God Bless You and Your Big Work.
Supply chain for product line up.
News item 4 of 2007-06-09 lists 5 products to be shipped this fall.
Product 3 is multi-battery charger. Omitted are:
Batery packs. Initial rollout should include at least as many additional battery packs as there are charging positions on each gang charger. Normal mode for charging operations would be for a freshly charged battery to be swapped one for one with a battery that needs to be charged. This should be clearly established as a norm for following reasons:
1. Avoids XO downtime while batteries are charged.
2. Simplifies operations and provides the only effective accountability mechanism protecting against battery theft as particular individuals (teachers and children) are the only ones responsible for handling batteries and both they and the XO owners have a clear transparent procedure. As well as possible resale value, individual children or teachers are otherwise likely to "accidentally acquire" a spare battery with confusion when charging them and may then find it is quite convenient to have an extra battery at home since that will enable longer periods without re-charging.
3. Enables longer and slower charging (due to reason 1). This optimizes Reserve Capacity Minutes of the lead acid batteries because of Peukert's Law
4. When deploying to areas with no electricity at home a plausible norm would be for children to arrive at school with batteries that need charging, swap them for fresh batteries on arrival and swap them again after having heavily used the batteries in full colour mode while at school, to take home freshly charged batteries. This would require larger numbers of gang charger positions.
Over time there will be substantial orders for both additional and replacement battery packs so these should be considered a "product line" with appropriate supply chain management (including suitable markings of both the battery pack cases and individual cells to deter theft, localized if possible).
While I am at it, another product line from the start should be flash ram cards for the MMC/SD slot. Bulk supply chain would be able to provide far better pricing than local retail purchases or even national educational ministry purchases and choice of appropriate sizes and speeds etc based on better understanding of flash ram market trends over time. Again custom markings to deter theft could be useful.
Also please see strong argument for an additional immediate product line, of Teacher XOs with VGA connectors also explained under XO Teachers. (This would just be some batches of ordinary XO-1s with the VGA connector added in the same production line but might require that the injection moulds for cases enable it).
PS 1. "This fall" is a North American english expression less meaningful than a range of months for an international project. I'm assuming this fall means September to December 2007?
2. Typo: the number (4) was missing.
3. The explanation of (4) "Active Antennas" product in the following news item 5 is confusing. What does this mean "use with a mesh portal will double the network throughput"? There should be a wiki page specifically for this product line and the related solar powered WiFi repeater product.
News update 2007-06-16
On item [#3. Taking the heat], wording would seem to indicate that there's a picture somewhere ("but shown is a laptop, ... in the oven night and day.") Is there? (Or am I reading something wrong?) --Xavi 01:37, 17 June 2007 (EDT)
Interested in comments regarding this from Slashdot:
An anonymous reader writes "In a move going largely unnoticed by developers, the OLPC project now requires all submissions to be hosted in the RedHat Fedora project. While this may not seem like a big deal, the implications are interesting. First, contributors have to sign the Fedora Project Individual Contributor License Agreement. By being forced to submit contributions to the Fedora repository they automatically fall under the provisions of US export law. So, no OLPC for Cuba, Syria and the like. Ever."
- I'm no lawyer or OLPC official, but I think the Slashdot article is making a big deal over a non-event. If the U.S. export laws apply to anything from the Fedora repository, then they already apply to the OLPC, since it runs on a modified version of Fedora—never mind any restrictions on the actual hardware. In fact, the export laws probably apply to every philanthropic or commercial enterprise based in the U.S. One might as well bemoan "no Intel microchips for Cuba, Syria and the like," or "no SourceForge software". The OLPC doesn't have direct control over the issue, and changing the host of some RPMs doesn't affect this state of affairs in any way. The "move" is going largely unnoticed because it's irrelevant.—Joe 20:30, 28 June 2007 (EDT)
- (1) OLPC does not require "all submissions" to be hosted in the RedHat Fedora project; only those submissions that are to be part of the OS build. Activities do not have to be submitted or hosted in the Fedora project; (2) We are reviewing the CLA and if necessary, we will ask that amendments be made. Can you be more concrete about your specific objections? In regard to the provisions of the US export law, we are looking into it; it is not at all obvious that OLPC can (or should) circumvent those laws. --Walter 20:31, 28 June 2007 (EDT)
Not quite true...
"14. Environmental testing: Four XOs have been running in an oven at temperatures above 45C for a continuous period of 6 days; they are running perfectly. This test is more extreme than real-life conditions, where at night the temperature generally goes down. A room humidifier has been placed in the oven, where is has been running continuously. None of the XOs show any problem."
Actually, varying temperature (and thus dew) is more of a challenge than a constant temperature, esp. for a device that does not really generate much of its own heat.
Lots of great news, though. Keep it up!
http://laptop.media.mit.edu/ out of date
The news archive site, http://laptop.media.mit.edu/ could use an update to its images. All its graphics are showing the early crank prototype instead of the latest version of the XO-1. --IanOsgood 13:57, 16 October 2007 (EDT)
- Does anyone ever goto that page anymore? I double-checked that the link to the archive goes directly to the list of articles. --Walter 14:42, 16 October 2007 (EDT)
just Gave one, got one!
http://www.laptopgiving.org/en/give-one-get-one.php is up and running, I paid through PayPal, the process worked fine.
I can't wait!
Great project, great energy. -- Skierpage 07:16, 12 November 2007 (EST)
HPV感染人体后能否发生尖锐湿疣与多种因素有关。尖锐湿疣的临床表现主要有两种:一种是出现可见的典型的尖锐湿疣损害,称为尖锐湿疣显性临床表现即尖锐湿疣;另一种是无明显可见的尖锐湿疣损害,但通过放大镜观察或经醋酸试验后可观察到颗粒状损害,此称为尖锐湿疣亚临床表现。此外有学者将无显性尖锐湿疣临床表现和/或尖锐湿疣亚临床表现而仅有HPV DNA检查阳性者列入尖锐湿疣的临床表现中,称之为HPV潜伏感染,作者认为欠妥,应予纠正。 从HPV感染人皮肤粘膜后到尖锐湿疣损害出现需要一段时间,将这段时间称为尖锐湿疣潜伏期。尖锐湿疣潜伏期的长短因人而异,有些人的潜伏期短,有些人的潜伏期则较长。据调查尖锐湿疣的潜伏期为3周到8个月,平均2.8个月。大多数临床观察报道[color=#FF0000]尖锐湿疣潜伏期一般为3个月左右[/color],潜伏期最短者3-4周,潜伏期最长者8-12个月左右。有学者认为产期感染HPV的婴儿到2岁都不可能有外生殖器疣的表现,但有57%的患儿在2岁时诊断为喉乳头瘤。作者曾见到1例男性尖锐湿疣患者之女性性伴在与其性交后2周阴道口长出尖锐湿疣损害,作者病例中的另一例男性患者是在与女性尖锐湿疣患者性交接触1年半后才发病。此外,在作者的尖锐湿疣病例中能明确尖锐湿疣发病潜伏期的有476例,其中男性243例,女性233例。在男性中,潜伏期1个月者8例,2个月者58例,3个月者68例,4个月者69例,5个月者12例,6个月者17例,7个月者8例,12个月者2例,1年3个月者1例;在女性中,潜伏期1个月者24例,2个月者62例,3个月者65例,4个月者49例,5个月者15例,6个月者8例,7个月者3例,8个月者2例,9个月者1例,10个月者1例,11个月者2例,12个月者1例。从作者上述调查结果进一步证实尖锐湿疣潜伏期多在2个月,占73.38%。上述结果还表明潜伏期在男女性间有差异,如女性潜伏期多较短,男性潜伏期较女性增长。作者还观察到男女性尖锐湿疣潜伏期与患者局部环境有明显关系,如局部卫生差、潮湿、分泌物多者尖锐湿疣潜伏期短,反之则潜伏期略长。
引起尖锐湿疣的病毒是HPV(人乳头瘤状病毒),这种病毒的一个显著特点是,病毒只生存在皮肤和粘膜的表皮层,即只在生殖器表皮上(通常在疣体和疣体周围的皮肤上)在身体内部和其他部位是没有这种病毒的。 一些患者经常提到在一些专科医院采用验血的方法检查病毒,实际上这些检查是没有意义的,验血只能检查出血液中HPV病毒的抗体,而不是这种病毒本身,一般仅仅只能作为参考价值。在诊断尖锐湿疣和判断是否复发上不具有实际意义。 因为病毒感染和血液中出现抗体阳性并不是同步的,比如在最初感染病毒后即使已经长出可见的疣体,而化验结果却可能是抗体阴性(过了一段时间以后才能检查出抗体阳性)。而在尖锐湿疣治疗后即使8个月没有复发,已经达到临床治愈,有的人却还能检查出抗体阳性(再过很长时间才能转变为阴性)。另外在很多健康人一生中的某段时间内也会检查出抗体阳性。所以不能根据抗体阳性来判断是否还需要治疗或者是否已经痊愈。
廖元兴等在1112例女性尖锐湿疣中发现孕妇尖锐湿疣126例,其发病率占女性尖锐湿疣的11.33%。在作者的1078,例尖锐湿疣中发现孕妇尖锐湿疣19例,其发病率占尖锐湿疣病例的1.76%,占女性尖锐湿疣病例中的3.35%。 妇女在妊娠期由于体内雌激素水平增加、细胞免疫功能降低、盆腔血供丰富等因素,一方面容易感染HPV、容易发生尖锐湿疣,另一方面在发生尖锐湿疣后病情发展迅速。
典型的尖锐湿疣一般不需作实验室检查即可作出诊断。当患者症状不典型,部位不典型,特别是妇女,其阴道口可有类似于尖锐湿疣的假性湿疣,需作实验室检查以明确诊断。常用的实验室检查有如下的方法: (1)细胞学检查 取阴道、子宫颈等部位的湿疣组织作成涂片,作帕氏染色。在涂片中可以见到两种细胞,一种细胞的核周围有晕环,它占据了细胞浆的大部分,而将细胞浆压缩到边缘呈浓缩状,此种细胞称为空泡化细胞,它来源于浅层的鳞状上皮细胞;另一种细胞称为角化不良细胞,可单个或成堆分布,胞浆呈橙红色至淡黄色,核小而致密。在尖锐湿疣病的的涂片中这两种细胞常可混合存在。
(2)组织病理变化 主要为角化不全,棘层高度肥厚,乳头瘤样增生。粒层和棘层上部细胞有明显的空泡形成。棘细胞基底细胞有相当数量之核分裂,颇似癌变,但细胞排裂规则,且增生上皮和真皮之间境界清楚。
(3)组织化学检查 取少量病损组织制成涂片,用特异性抗人类乳头瘤病毒的抗体作染色。如果病损中有病毒抗原,则抗原抗体结合,在用过氧化物酶抗过氧化物酶(奶头)方法中,核可被染成红色。此法特异性强且较迅速,对诊断有帮助。对尖锐湿疣的实验室检查,目前还很不成熟,组织学检查和组织病理检查都有一定的误诊率,需在条件好的医院检查。
尖锐湿疣是性病中最容易诊断的一种性病,一般不需要实验室检查,只需要根据外观特征并结合醋酸实验就可以做出明确诊断;当外生殖器疱疹部位发现可疑增生物,而且增生物出现菜花状、鸡冠状、刺状外观形状特征,表面凹凸不平,就很可能是尖锐湿疣。如果做醋酸实验疣体有发白的变化,就可以进一步判断为尖锐湿疣。 醋酸白试验的方法:准备3%----5%的醋酸(食用白醋的浓度是4%――6%,可以作为尖锐湿疣鉴别液使用)。将浸透白醋的纱布或纸巾,敷到长出来的增生物上,过3-5分钟后观察突起是否变白(肛门部位的疣体需要10-15分钟)。如果出现增生物明显的变白,就可以诊断为尖锐湿疣。
出现下列情况可排除尖锐湿疣: 男性珍珠疹:主要是长在冠状沟或龟头后缘,常沿冠状沟长一圈或一排,颜色呈白色或淡红色,表面光滑,像珍珠一样。用醋酸白试验不会变白。
关于尖锐湿疣与癌的关系,我们常常能看到类似下面的介绍: “流行病学资料表明,尖锐湿疣与生殖器癌之间有着密切的关联。利用核酸杂交方法,在不同类型的生殖器疱疹肿瘤中测到了人类乳头瘤病毒,同时在尖锐湿疣病损的组织中也测到该病毒。有报告5%~10%的外阴、宫颈和肛周的尖锐湿疣经过一段时期后可出现间变和发展为原位癌或浸润癌。还发现15%阴茎癌、5%女性外阴癌是在原尖锐湿疣的基础上发生的,特别是宫颈癌,发生恶变者尤其与HPV-16、18、31、33型有关。巨大尖锐湿疣可继发癌变。许多实验室研究也进一步表明,HPV、尖锐湿疣和生殖器癌三者之间存在着因果关系。外阴、阴茎或肛周的 尖锐湿疣可以转化为鳞状细胞癌。这种转化通常要5-40年。所以患尖锐湿疣后,一定要及早治疗,彻底根治,不适当的治疗和刺激可加快恶变”。 看完这段介绍以后,相信有些人一定会吓得不轻。其实,这大可不必了。我想你一定也听说过吸烟会诱发癌症,可是你并不在意,甚至连戒烟的想法也没有,为什么会这样呢?因为吸烟会致癌,你可以通过常识会判断这个比例是多少,心里会有一个大致清析的概念,所以就不怕了,而尖锐湿疣则不同了,这个病本身就让人心理紧张,再加上不良医院、媒体的误导,又不敢四处打听。所以一听到可能会癌变就心里直发毛。 我在这里想告诉大家,医学术语是讲给医生听的。对于不懂医学专业的人来说,同样的描述会有不同的理解,很容易因些而产生错误认识和想法。 尖锐湿疣是可以诱发癌变,但这个比例很低。这和吸烟会导致癌变的比例和时间跨度都很相似(5-40年)。绝大多数 尖锐湿疣并不会癌变,因此不必为此而整天忧心匆匆。另外未尖锐湿疣的健康女性生殖系统中也有很大比例人群能查到HPV感染,HPV感染是目前较为常见的妇科感染,多数女性都在不知不觉中就过来了。 总之,尖锐湿疣患者既不要心理过于恐慌,也不要不把它当回事,积极的科学治疗是唯一的选择,多次的激光强烈刺激或腐蚀性药物刺激都会加大癌变的可能,药物治疗时应选择药性温和的药物。