OLPC:News/2008/Week 23

< OLPC:News‎ | 2008
Revision as of 16:31, 7 June 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs)
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^ Overview

  • Community: Cambridge plays host to its first Open Jams, bringing local community members together to work on projects and describe them for others to join. The Yale OLPC chapter is formed.
  • OLPC Europe: Holger Levsen oversaw the OLPC presence at LinuxTag in Berlin, one of Europe's largest hacker conferences. A project application contest led to 70 of 100 XOs being given away. Christoph Derndofer is visiting through early Wednesday for the bootcamp
  • Contributors' program : Over the past two weeks, in addition to the XOs given to developers @ LinuxTag, 50 machines have gone out to developers, and another 65 have begun the shipping process.
  • Interns: Alex Levenson started work this week, focusing on setting up a demo machine to highlight the capabilities of the XO. He is publishing images for others to try; the idea is that a pair of machines running this image should be able to demonstrate any of a few dozen use cases and features, with minimal startup time. Suggestions and feedback welcome about what should be demonstrated; as is testing of this image.
  • Wiki: a number of parts of the wiki are being actively updated. Cjl and Francesca have been categorizing and organizing lists of deployment countries, activities, and partner organizations. Contributors from Oceania have been highly active over the past week, rapidly organizing pages about their sites and proposing a number of related software and activity projects.

x Connections

opportunities, people, engagements

· Artefacts

projects, events, news, materials

= Fundament

status, deadlines, assumptions, processes

  • Next week : the Grassroots bootcamp comes to 1CC -- 10 community members from active local OLPC groups are coming to Boston to discuss best practices for organizing local communities and connecting them with ongoing OLPC trials. The guests will be in the office from Monday through Thursday working on drafting and refining existing guides, materials and support networks.
  • Local grassroots office updates : ILXO and ilxo.org. Work planned on XO Accessibility and other projects. Proposed small XO projects : Cambridge Friends School Pilot

+ Priorities

milestones, sequences, first and next

o Reflection

review, updates, analysis, feedback

Grassroots ideas : Grassroots experimentation