Quick reference
You might be looking for...
- My talk page - for leaving me a message.
- My running log of what I'm working on. Also see weekly updates.
- My projects - to see what I'm working on, have worked on, or should/would-like-to work on.
- My braindumps - Thoughts in progress that are not yet fully formed or ready to go to main wiki. Probably inaccurate, half-baked, or some combination of the two. You have been warned.
- /Templates - things I've made that may be useful for wiki-users, including Firefox bookmark shortcuts
- /Sandbox - For testing wiki syntax, templates, etc.
- /About - obligatory bio thing
Who are you?
My name is Mel Chua, and I am an itinerant hack of all trades. I've been a QA/Support engineer at OLPC (in Boston) since September 2008. I'm also active as a community volunteer.
Volunteering interests include Support gang, OLPC Chicago, and the ILXO grassroots office in Illinois. I am an alumni from (and involved in the OLPC groups of) IMSA and Olin as well as University chapters and Grassroots in general. I ran the first Jam in Boston 2007 and continue to assist with coordinating and presenting at Jams and other events. On the technical side, I'm a wiki sysop and create documentation and templates on this wiki on a regular basis, tend to write Developer tutorials when I develop code, and generally like making it easy for new contributors to get started. More info about past, current, and future work is on my /Projects page.
You may also know me from the MIT Media Lab, Design Continuum, or The Open Planning Project. I'm an electrical and computer engineer by training, educator by passion, artist by hobby, journalist by accident, and everything else out of sheer curiosity. Pressed for a short job description, I would say that I engineer educations. More at
To find out where I am, check the Doppler badge on my blog. Leaving a message on my talk page or sending me an email (my first name at laptop dot org) is the best way to reach me 99% of the time. I usually respond within 48 hours. You can also find me on IRC (mchua) and skype (mel_chua). If something's truly urgent, text or call me at 847.970.8484 - please don't leave a voicemail though, as they're extraordinarily difficult for me to understand (I have a hearing loss).
Upcoming events I'll be at
None currently listed.
Let me know if you'd like help at your event; I might be able to pitch in or know someone who can.