Support Gang/RTFM

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XO Support

RTFM reworking

The purpose of this page is to allow collaborative reworking of the RTFM template responses by the support gang crew.

The sections below (one per topic) all have this structure.

  • Comment This is where comments like merge with #22 or out-dated, delete should go
  • CLASS = (OLPCFAQ or Volunteer) I don't think we are using these effectively
  • OLD TITLE = This is the title as it exists
  • OLD TITLE2 = Some have sub-titles that can be important in picking between similar, but different responses
  • OLD TEXT = The text that currently exists
  • NEW TITLE = Some titles could use reworking to be more standard or more informative
  • NEW TEXT = Some topics need to be reworded entirely.

Top-level reorg ideas

NEW TITLE's for all entries

  • using a BIGCATEGORY / Subinformation / detail structure.
  • The currently proposed big categories are
    • OLPC
    • G1G1
    • USAGE
    • RMA

Listing of RTFMs

Deleting these as comments get transferred to RTFM

RTFM #46

  • Comment Compare to 71, 53, get rid of subtitle
  • OLD TITLE = RMA process for duplicate XO shipments
  • OLD TITLE2 = use fpr donors who want to send back laptops unopened
  • OLD TEXT = "For those who received extra XOs shipped and want to return them promptly use the following address:

Brightstar Product Recovery Center Attn: RMA0030070 2000 USG Drive Libertyville IL 60048

Or use the Prepaid Fedex Labels shipped out to such people in the 2nd half of January. Please return these laptops unopened or in their original packaging.

Finally, if you would prefer to make another $399 donation to acquire this additional laptop, email which can make arrangements to bill your credit card. "

  • NEW TITLE = RMA: Duplicate: Duplicate shipments
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #47

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Font size enlargement
  • OLD TEXT = "Currently there is no way to change the font uniformly, however there is

a feature request at , and it may be implemented in a later version. In the meantime, the font can be zoomed in the Browse, Write, and Read activities using the (+) and (-) hourglass buttons. "

  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Fonts: enlarging font sizes
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #48

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = How do I ship an RMA from Canada to Libertyville, IL?
  • OLD TEXT = "OLPC pays for shipping of the replacement or repaired laptop back to the donor, after the defective laptop is received and processed in Libertyville, IL.

First the donor must ship their defective laptop (after receiving approval with an RMA number) to the Libertyville, IL address. Here's one great recommendation for Canadians to keep costs down.

Go to your local Canada Post office and ask for ""Expedited Parcel USA"" and the total ought to be about $16.61 for the default $100 coverage (that Canada Post includes automatically), or about $17.81 if you want the full $200 coverage.

Specifically, a 4"" x 10"" x 10"" box that weighs just under 2kg should cost about $15.45 to send to Libertyville, IL. With $1.16 fuel surchage the total is $16.61. That should include a tracking number, which you should keep to provide a basic data trail for accountability.

Finally for basic insurance covaerage, Canada Post says it costs $1.20 extra if you choose to increase the coverage from $100 to $200. Since $200 is generally considered the market value of the actual XO laptop, this would bring the grand total up to about $17.81 Canadian Dollars. "

  • NEW TITLE = RMA: Canada: Shipping from Canada
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #49

  • Comment get rid of subtitle
  • OLD TITLE = We can't give you a laptop
  • OLD TITLE2 = People asking for laptop handouts - refers to GMGM and the Developers program
  • OLD TEXT = "You've reached the OLPC volunteer help desk, which provides support to people who are trying to use the XO laptops they already have.

(Don't forget to check the TO: address in RT. Email to is also being forwarded to RT so the above statement may not necessary be true)

While we realize that many people would benefit from having these computers and may not be able to afford them, we can not give out free laptops to individuals - there simply aren't enough resources to be able to help everyone we'd like to. Our focus is on deploying laptops to schoolchildren in the developing world, one entire community at a time.

If you'd like to purchase a laptop, the only current option is Give Many, which requires a minimum order of 100. Details are here:

If you are an engineer or developer and want to contribute to a part of the project that requires access to hardware (the vast majority of development can be done through software emulation), you can apply for a loaner unit through our developers' program:

Otherwise, we would encourage you to look on the wiki ( for local grassroots groups and others in your community who may be involved with OLPC.

The official OLPC FAQ on this subject is located here: "

  • NEW TITLE = OLPC: Free Laptops: No, you can't have a free laptop
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #50

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = hidden ssid
  • OLD TEXT = "If you have a hidden SSID, your hotspot dot will not be visible. We recommend the use of a non-hidden SSID as it's much easier to work with through the Sugar interface.

If you must have a hidden SSID, the network can be manually added using the iwconfig command through the Terminal Activity (type the following)

su -l /sbin/iwconfig eth0 mode managed essid /sbin/iwconfig eth0 mode managed /sbin/iwconfig eth0 channel /sbin/dhclient eth0 exit


su -l creates a root process; iwconfig connects to your hidden network (of course, substitute the name of your access point for the in the above example, and your channel number for ); dhclient will ask for an IP address from the access point.

More on "

  • NEW TITLE = WIRELESS: Hidden SSID: Dealing with a hidden SSID
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #51

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = no instruction book/manual
  • OLD TEXT = "Our Constructionist model emphasizes learning-by-doing, exploration, and self-discovery - we don't want the kids getting these laptops to just do what people tell them to do (you learn more and it's a lot more fun that way). See for more links on our learning philosophy.

However, community volunteers have been compiling their own guides - here are some links to get you started. (You're welcome and encouraged to contribute!) printable!

The very basics are also explained by phone here:

+1 800-269-1347

In general, when you want to do something with your laptop, explore. Search the internet, search the wiki (, ask volunteers for help on the live chat ( or forums (, and if none of these routes can find you an answer, email us here at HELP@LAPTOP.ORG and our volunteer support team will do their best.

Have fun exploring your XO!

-- OLPC Support, Volunteer-Driven ( "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: No manual: No instruction book
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #52

  • Comment Maybe get rid of subtitle
  • OLD TITLE = WEP encryption key via terminal
  • OLD TITLE2 = iwconfig eth0 key <passphrase>
  • OLD TEXT = "To set your WEP encryption key via the Terminal (useful for hidden SSIDs) use ""iwconfig eth0 key "" as in...

iwconfig eth0 key 0123-4567-89 iwconfig eth0 key s:thisismypassword

If your key is hex, just enter the key in hex digits as XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX or XXXXXXXX. You can also enter the key as an ASCII string by using the s: prefix. "

  • NEW TITLE = WIRELESS: manual WEP key: How to manually enter a WEP key
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #53

  • Comment Compare to 71, 46, get rid of subtitle
  • OLD TITLE = How to return extra shipped XO
  • OLD TITLE2 = send to donors who have asked to return extra XO
  • OLD TEXT = "We understand that you have received one or more XO laptop(s) that were shipped at the time of your paid order.

We appreciate your honesty and willingness to return it.

You may have received an email about a pre-paid Fedex shipping label, which you can attach to the unopened or re-sealed box. This should arrive at your designated shipping address in very late January.

If you do not get this pre-paid RMA label and are willing to take the XO box to a shipping service ( or perhaps USPS ) then use this address:

Brightstar Product Recovery Center Attn: RMA0030070 2000 USG Drive Libertyville, IL 60048

Please respond to this email message with the tracking number of your returning product.

Of course, if you want to keep the laptop you can contact Donor Services at or call at 1-800-201-7144 to arrange payment.

Thanks for supporting OLPC! "

  • NEW TITLE = RMA: Duplicate return: How to return duplicate XO
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #54

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Updated Fulfillment and Shipping
  • OLD TEXT = "We apologize for the problems we have caused in getting your laptop to you and are taking steps to fix each and every order. This is the volunteers' support line, and we recommend:

1) Tracking your order's details using its 10-digit reference number, by entering it here: Or use the email address you originally used to place your order.

2) If you require a basic shipping address change or are requesting a refund for your undelivered XO, call 1-800-883-8102 (open 24 hours).

3) If you require billing/shipping investigations, please be patient and call 1-800-201-7144 (9am - 8pm Eastern Time, Mon to Fri). Alternatively, you can email all the key details of your order to:

Your email right here (to may also help us track orders, thanks to a growing number of community support volunteers, dedicated to carefully guiding donors through the process.

Finally, a rich archive of wiki documentation and community resources about OLPC and the XO can be found within: "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Fulfillment: Request information on fulfillment
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #55

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Ripped Keyboard
  • OLD TEXT = "Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you yet. Several people have

damaged their keyboard membrane. I know of one that was caused by a cat digging in...

I'm sure we will have a fix or a repair referral for you, at some point. But I wanted you to know that your issue has been noted and I've been assigned to your case. I will let you know as soon as I have more information.

In 2008 replacement parts should become available. In the mean time this is the only solution I've found for your problem:

The 6th post on this thread details one person's solution. "

  • NEW TITLE = HARDWARE: Keyboard: Ripped keyboard
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #56

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Recover from loss of Journal activity issue
  • OLD TEXT = "The FAQ will attempt to restore Journal activity without a full restore. If this doesn't work, the only recovery strategy is to do a full restore

1. Switch display to Developers terminal Press CTRL/ALT/NEIGHBORHOOD

2. Hit Enter

3. Type root and hit Enter

4. Enter rm /home/olpc/.sugar/default/datastore/store/index/config; reboot

Thanks to neuralis and Phil_Bordelon for this suggestion "

  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Journal loss: Loss of Journal activity
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #57

  • Comment Get rid of subtitle
  • OLD TITLE = Sound debugging guide
  • OLD TITLE2 = If no audio, try this first
  • OLD TEXT = "(Determine if the sound issue is due to the user trying to browse one of the evil Flash-based game sites. Many ""I can't hear sounds"" end up being this cause)

Let's see if we can get your XO playing music here - first we need to figure out what the problem is, so if you could walk through these steps for me and let me know what the output is, that would be great.

  • Has your XO always been this way? (Did the sound suddenly stop working, or has it never worked at all?)
  • Does your laptop play music on startup? Is this the startup sound you're hearing? (Does it sound different, distorted... strange in any way?)
  • Turn off your XO, then boot it while holding down the left rocker key (the round pad on the left side of the screen - hold the left side of that pad). It should run through a number of diagnostic tests, including a speaker test. You should hear a note sweeping low-to-high, linearly and continuously, from both speakers. Does this happen? Is there any interruption or volume change in the sound?
  • Try several different applications - good ones for testing sound output are TamTam and the Audio record/playback section in the Record activity.
  • Make sure alsamixer is working. In the Terminal activity, type ""alsamixer"" (no quotes) then hit enter. You should get a screen with

""volume bars"" labeled things like ""Master,"" ""PCM,"" ""Headphones,"" and so on. Use the right and left arrow keys to move between the bars, and the up and down arrow keys to raise and lower the bars (in this case, raise them to 100 - as high as you can). You can also press Tab to cycle between screens. Turn everything up as high as it will go. Hit escape to exit. Then try TamTam/Record again

  • If that didn't do the trick, try upgrading or reflashing your software with olpc-update ( to the latest version and see if that changes any of the above test results.

That should start helping us figure out where the problem lies. "

  • NEW TITLE = HARDWARE: No Sound: Debugging no sound
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #58

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Content filtering
  • OLD TEXT = "The XO doesn't come with content filters because we believe it should be up to the teachers and parents of a child what things they are allowed to access (in other words, it's a cultural/social issue and we didn't want to presume one technological solution would work for everyone).

There aren't any software packages you can download at the moment for easy content filtering on the XO. Most good content filters in this kind of situation are ISP-based rather than installed directly on individual computers; I'd contact your internet provider and ask them what kind of filtering they can do for you.

By the way, the Browse activity doesn't allow pop-ups - it displays them as normal links that you can choose to click on and go to like normal webpages if you want to, but won't automatically show them on your screen.

It's theoretically possible to write a patch for Browse that will block some websites, but no programmers have picked up on it yet (and nobody seems immediately interested in doing so, but if you'd like to do it or find a local coder to implement it, go for it!)

The best solution by far is to have a conversation with the kids about responsible internet browsing. Talk to them about what is and isn't appropriate and why, and work together to set some guidelines for surfing that both of you can agree with. Ultimately, smart kids can find ways around pretty much any filter - if nothing else, by going to a friend's house and using /their/ computers - and they'll have to learn how to use technology responsibly someday, so why not start now? "

  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Content Filtering: Filtering unwanted content
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #59

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = What's my MAC address
  • OLD TEXT = "1. Open Terminal activity 2 Enter su -l 3. Enter ifconfig eth0

The MAC address is located after the HWAddr: tag.

Depending on circumstances, you might want to mention that using MAC address filtering is not a secure method of protecting a network. It is at most good to keep out casual users. "

  • NEW TITLE = HARDWARE: MAC Address: finding MAC address
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #60

  • Comment
  • CLASS = Volunteers
  • OLD TITLE = How to contribute
  • OLD TEXT =
  • NEW TITLE = (delete this one)
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #61

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Backup and Restore
  • OLD TEXT = "Do the following in the terminal activity.

To back up: tar -czf /media//backup.tar.gz /home/olpc/

To restore: rm -rf /home/olpc tar -xzf /media//backup.tar.gz /home/olpc/

The OS does not need backing up, as the reinstallation process takes only a few minutes, and it can be reinstalled via "

  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Backup: How to back up and restore
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #62

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Update.1 software, may resolve issue.
  • OLD TEXT = "Recent pre-release candidates of Updates to the XO operating system software may resolve the issue you are discovering.

If you are comfortable with pre-release software, the Terminal Activity, and interested in testing to see if latest updates will resolve the issue.

$ olpc-update Update.1-694 (or newer)

For further details, please refer to:


  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Update: Installing update.1
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #63

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = RMA, followup on outstanding ticket (&resolve)
  • OLD TEXT = "Dear OLPC XO Laptop Supporter,

We haven't heard back from you in awhile, and just wanted to follow up with your situation, to assure resolution.

How did the RMA process go, and did you successfully receive a replacement XO Laptop in return?

Please let us know if you have any further questions, and keep us updated on your progress.

If there are remaining problems, please send us an email with your RMA number.

Thanks for your continuing support of OLPC educational program,

OLPC Support Volunteer Online Help: Online FAQ: Online docs: "

  • NEW TITLE = RMA: Followup: Followup on outstanding ticket
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #64

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = 9 - Closure and thanks.
  • OLD TEXT = "Please let us know if you have any further questions, and keep us updated on your progress.

Thanks for your continuing support of OLPC educational program,

OLPC Support Volunteer Online docs: Online Help: "

  • NEW TITLE = OLPC: Closure: Thanks (delete?)
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #65

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = letter from chairman negroponte
  • OLD TEXT = "I wanted to make sure you saw this letter, which was sent out by our chairman, Nicholas Negroponte, to donors who have not yet received their laptops.


>>>>>SUPPORT-GANG--MEMBER-NAME<<<<< support-gang volunteer

Dear donors,

Please accept my apologies for the delay in receiving your XO laptop. Give One Get One was such a phenomenal success that we over-taxed our order processing and payment systems. Demand exceeded supply.

Additional XO laptops are being built now and will be delivered in 45 to 60 days. If you wish to reconsider your contribution in the face of this delay, we will issue a refund to you. We have set up a dedicated phone line for these requests. The number is 1-800-883-8102. In the meanwhile, please know that laptops are in the process of going to Mongolia, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Rwanda and Haiti as part of the ""give one"" side of the equation. Fortunately, OLPC's mission of getting laptops to the children in these countries has not been delayed. In Mongolia , the children are already enjoying themselves and learning new things with their XO laptops. Please see:

Eliminating poverty through learning is gaining wider acceptance thanks to support like yours.


Nicholas Negroponte Chairman OLPC Foundation "

  • NEW TITLE = OLPC: NN letter: letter from NN
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #67

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Tax receipt
  • OLD TEXT = "Any receipt you have received is a tax receipt. If you have lost your receipt, or never got one, please call 800-201-7144. Then use OLPC's EIN 20-5471780.

See: "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Tax receipt: Tax receipt
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #68

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = questions on how to run a pilot
  • OLD TITLE = for people with machines - for those who don't, also tell them to write a proposal
  • OLD TEXT = "We're glad to hear you'd like to run a pilot!

There is no step-by-step pilot program how-to or training program; however, the independent pilots (like yours) springing up are swapping ideas on the grassroots list (, so I'd introduce yourself and ask for help there, and whether other people who have started pilots of their own would be willing to talk with you about what it's taken to get going.

If there are specific things you're trying to learn how to do with the laptops, try searching the wiki ( - if that doesn't work, ask for help in the chatroom ( and wait a while, and one of the volunteers there will come around and help you out.

Hope this helps, and best of luck. "

  • NEW TITLE = OLPC: Pilot: Running a pilot program
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #69

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = G1G1 fulfillment and shipping update
  • OLD TITLE2 = Use this if both records can be completed and a database lookup has been done. 3/11
  • OLD TEXT = "Very sorry for such a delay in resolving these complex fulfillment,

shipping, and then recently inventory problems.

The good news is that inventory has been replenished, databases issues mostly resolved and your order is on the books with following tracking sources:

reference number:

originating email:

Please let me know if you have any other questions. "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Fulfillment: Shipping update (delete? dupe?)
  • NEW TEXT = [ archive use only, not useful July 2008]

RTFM #70

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Summer of Code
  • OLD TEXT = "We're glad you're thinking of contributing to OLPC through the Summer of Code program!

Some helpful links:

Talking to the community, getting to know people, and asking them for feedback on your project proposal is always a good idea. You can ask on the IRC ( channels #olpc and #olpc-content, or on the grassroots and devel mailing lists (

Best of luck! "

  • NEW TITLE = OLPC: Summerofcode: Summer of code
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #71

  • Comment 53, 46 [ hopefully this is just archival info ]
  • OLD TITLE = Recent duplicate XO shipments
  • OLD TITLE2 = what to do with recent duplicate XO shipments 3/30, note RT ticket # in address
  • OLD TEXT = "If you have the package unopened, you can return it to any Fedex place

and ""refuse delivery"" and we at community support can track its return.

If that is not easy for you to do, you can ship the package to:


Very sorry, OLPC's vendors have had continued problems with coordinating their databases.

Let us know if this solves the issue.

note use RTxxxx in address "

RTFM #72

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = What to do when you get your XO
  • OLD TEXT = "Excellent article on getting starting using your XO. Includes good contact information, testing and burn in information, etc. Also includes sources for Ethernet-USB adapters, external mouse and keyboards and 12 volt adapter parts

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. "

  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Getting started: getting started
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #73

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Opt out of Automatic Updating
  • OLD TEXT = "OLPC has started to force XOs (a small number right now) to update when the XO phones home. To opt out of automatic updating, follow this procedure:

1.Open a Terminal activity and enter these commands:

su -l echo none > /security/update-stream

To restore automatic updating

su -l rm /security/update-stream/none "

  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: AutoUpdate: Opting out of autoupdate
  • NEW TEXT =

  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #74

This forum thread has a detailed discussion on how to restore a bricked XO due to the D6 firmware error caused by loss of power to motherboard battery.

This is not a newbie process and requires technical and mechanical skills as well as the purchase of auxiliary hardware. "

  • NEW TITLE = HARDWARE: Unbrick: Unbricking XO
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #75

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = technical support for XO?
  • OLD TEXT = "Please note: as a non-profit association, One Laptop per Child is unable to provide direct technical support. A key goal of the project is that children learn to troubleshoot the XO laptop themselves and subsequently use their experiences to help others. This support process is already underway in our international deployments; we also encourage you to participate in this informal ""Community Support Volunteer"" network.

Information and answers to these types of questions can be found online: 1. on our Support wiki: 2. on the Forum: 3. over Live Chat: 4. The very basics are also explained by phone here: +1 800-269-1347

In-person community support clubs are also available in many cities here:

We also recommend taking a look at the most frequently asked questions, or Support ""FAQ"", to see a rapidly expanding knowledge base. We encourage you to contribute!

Have fun exploring your XO! "

  • NEW TITLE = OLPC: Tech support: Tech support overview
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #76

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = RMA to Donor Services
  • OLD TEXT = "In order to request an replacement machine you will need to contact Donor Services for an ""RMA"". They can be contacted at or by phone at 1-800-201-7144. If possible, please have the original name, email address and order number (typically looks like 70000xxxxx or 80000xxxxx) available when you call.

Donor Services will be able to provide you with the RMA number and shipping address. Please note that it typically takes about a month to process the RMA once the laptop has been received by OLPC. "

  • NEW TITLE = RMA: Donor contact: how to contact donor services for rma
  • NEW TEXT = [ archive use only, use RTFM 27 July 2008 ]

RTFM #77

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Windows + G1G1
  • OLD TEXT = "Current XO laptops cannot run Windows. Windows on XO was a special project created by Microsoft after they developed special software and drivers.

Countries which are purchasing future XO laptops will have the option of contracting with Microsoft directly for this special version. The XO laptops will be able to run XO software (Sugar) as well as Windows XP.

OLPC does not currently offer Microsoft Windows to G1G1 participants. "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Windows: Running windows
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #78

  • Comment [ Just use the first paragraph below for individuals or small orders ]
  • OLD TITLE = Give1Get1 2008
  • OLD TEXT = "We are not selling individual XO laptops at this time. However, OLPC plans to run another Give One Get One program sometime later in 2008 -- in the USA, Canada and hopefully select European countries too. Please keep an eye on our websites as details emerge:

If you are interested in buying 100 to 10,000 or more XO laptops at this time, and have a thoughtful deployment/support plan in place, please see: "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: 2008: 2008 program information
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #79

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Developer Key Request, no internet access
  • OLD TEXT = "Please do the following to request a developer key:

1. Download and and are identical, but secure boot will use one or the other depending on your laptop's activation status, which we may not know. So include both. 2. Put these files in a directory called 'boot' on a FAT-formatted or FAT32-formatted USB memory stick.

Most memory sticks use FAT or FAT32 when you buy them (except ""U2"" memory sticks which probably won't work; they contain ugly DRM stuff). 3. So your USB memory stick will contain these files (and nothing else in the boot directory):

boot/ boot/ boot/ Now, for each laptop that you want to get a Developer Key for (maybe only one):

1. Insert the 'Collection stick' in one of the USB ports on the laptop. 2. Power it on with the power key.

This will put your Serial Number and UUID into the laptops.dat file on the 'Collection stick' (it creates the file if it needs to). 3. It will display a pretty ""XO"" screen and then a short message like ""SHFxxxxxxxx nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn; Laptop data recorded successfully"". After a few seconds it will power itself off. 4. When the machine powers itself off, remove the 'Collection stick'.

Reply to this email with the ""laptops.dat"" file.


  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Developerkey offline: getting a developer key offline
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #80

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Return for a refund?
  • OLD TEXT = "Refunds are not issued after the box has been opened. If you are having

a specific issue, I can help you with that. Also, if you would like to simply donate your laptop (tax deductible), please reply and I can give you the information. "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Refund: No refund after opened
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #81

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Non-Warranty Repairs
  • OLD TEXT = "If your laptop has broken or been damaged after the initial 30 days of use, you will need to get in contact with a volunteer or professional XO repair center. Information on spare parts and repair centers can be found here:

Warranty information from your initial donation to OLPC can be found here: "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Repairs: Getting repairs
  • NEW TEXT =

==RTFM #82== [ I wonder how many Adam actually gets that use this auto process...AND the font needs to be larger in this auto set up! ]

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Developer Key Request
  • OLD TEXT = "To request a developer key, start up your XO laptop and make sure you have a connection to the internet.
  • Open the Browse activity, and click on the 'books' link on the left.
  • Next click on 'troubleshooting' in the upper right.
  • Click on 'developers' on the left.
  • Read the section called 'How do I get a Developer's key', and submit the form.
  • The rest of the instructions on in the text.

You need to wait 24 hours to get a key, which will be provided in the same link where you submit the form. "

  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Developer key: Requesting a key
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #83

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Donate XO
  • OLD TITLE2 = [ enter RTxxxxx in exact return address for shipping to 1CC ]
  • OLD TEXT = "Thank you for offering to donate your XO back to OLPC! Please repackage the laptop, battery and charger in the the original packaging (if possible) or pack safely in a box and send to this exact address:


Thank you for your support of OLPC! Thank you for your dedication to helping children worldwide! "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Donate XO: Donating XO to OLPC
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #85

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Da Uno Recibe Uno (G1G1 for Mexico)
  • OLD TEXT = "En este momento no es posible comprar un XO de OLPC. Sin embargo, hay planes para otro programa, ""Da Uno Recibe Uno"" (""Give One Get One"" o G1G1) mas tarde en el 2008. Si tiene contactos en los estados unidos, es posible que ellos puedan obtener un XO para Ud.. Ellos pueden comprarle a Ud. y mandarle a Ud.

Es una buena idea dar una mirada a menudo a estos sitios de web para ver las noticias sobre esto:

Translation: It is not possible to buy an XO from OLPC at this time. But, there are plans for another ""Give One Get One"" program later in 2008. If you have contacts in the USA it is possible they could get one for you and send it to you. Keep an eye on these websites for more news about this: "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Spanish 2008
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #86

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Replacement AC Adapter
  • OLD TEXT = "OLPC does not sell spare parts at this time. However, you can purchase

AC power adapters from a third party, such as (OLPC is unaffiliated with this site). "

  • NEW TITLE = HARDWARE: Adapter: Replacing AC Adapter
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #87

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = OLPC does not have laptops to give away
  • OLD TITLE2 = Similar to #49 but mentions G1G1 2008
  • OLD TEXT =
  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Free laptops: No, you can't have one
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #88

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = Activity Packs for G1G1
  • OLD TITLE2 = How to install the G1G1 activity pack if you've lost all activities upon upgrade to build 703
  • OLD TEXT = "Download the G1G1 Activity Pack (from ) and unzip it in the base (root) directory of a USB flash drive.

You should see two directories (boot and bundles, and a file called customization-2) in the base directory.

Commands such as ""extract here"" in ubuntu / windows will sometimes create a directory with the same name as the zip file, placing the unzipped files within it. If this happens, you will have to move the files to the base directory in order for your XO to see them on boot. (Note that the ""boot"" directory will contain two zip files, and This is normal; these files do not need to be unzipped) --


  • NEW TITLE = USAGE: Activities: 703 re-install activities
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #89

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = DCR - Oh hey I run a repair center BTW
  • OLD TEXT = "I run a repair center for XO laptops, and can offer replacement parts (and optional repair) for your laptop. We charge for parts and shipping, but not labor.

We follow the pricing recommended by OLPC, it is as follows:

For a tested screen: $70 Battery: $20 ALPS Touchpad: $20 Keyboard: $18 Power adapter: $15 In addition, the following services can be provided (5USD flat fee plus S/H):

Fix bad motherboard batteries and the bricking that occurs because of it. Upgrading to the software build of your choice (656, 703, and the joyride builds) (may cause loss of data) Replacing the backplate of your XO to the colors of your choice Shipping/handling not included.

Shipping estimates:

In the past, one way shipping for items under 20 USD (including insurance) through the lower 48 states has been 6.45, but it varies depending on the weight of the package. If you're interested, reply to this email with your address and preferred method of payment. (cheque or paypal, please do _not_ send your credit card information via email ) "

  • NEW TITLE = OLPC: Repair center offer
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #90

  • Comment
  • OLD TITLE = DCR - D6 intro
  • OLD TEXT = "I run an XO repair center based out of Washington, DC.

We have the equipment on hand to resolve the issue you are having, and, if you are willing to cover shipping both ways (as well as a 5USD service charge), we can promptly resolve your problems.

The repair will take approximately fifteen minutes, so, depending upon my schedule for its date of arrival, I should have the XO mailed the next day after receiving it. The repair is outlined at

In order to prevent this error from occurring again, I typically update the firmware to a later version and secure the battery with either a dab of hot-glue or a few drops of melted wax.

Shipping estimates:

In the past, one way shipping for entire laptops through the lower 48 states has been 14USD, but it varies depending on the weight of the package. If you're interested, reply to this email with your address and preferred method of payment. (paypal or cheque)

Let me know if you're interested. Best of luck and best of wishes

Links "

  • NEW TITLE = (personal intro?)
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #91

  • Comment
  • CLASS = Volunteers
  • OLD TITLE = Revisiting ancient ticket
  • OLD TEXT =
  • NEW TITLE = (delete)
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM #92

  • Comment Use #17 for a while until turn-off confirmed
  • OLD TITLE = T-Mobile, too late to sign up now
  • OLD TEXT =

I am very sorry, but the window of eligibility for activating the T- Mobile offer expired on June 30th, 2008. There is nothing that OLPC can do for you at this time other than thank you again for participating in the G1G1 program.

As stated in the terms and conditions of the G1G1 offer:

"G1G1 participants may elect to be eligible for one year of T-Mobile HotSpot service, provided without charge by T-Mobile USA. T-Mobile estimates the value of this service at more than $350. OLPC Foundation assumes no responsibility for any goods or services offered or made available by any third party to participants in the G1G1 initiative."

With Regret,

OLPC Support Volunteer Staff

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: T-Mobile, too late to sign up now
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM proposed new (no number yet)

  • Comment Use to replace 83
  • OLD TITLE = Donate my Get one (to a child)
  • OLD TEXT = "

Thank you for you interest in seeing that your Get One XO laptop gets put to good use and for offering to donate your XO back to OLPC!

Please repackage the laptop, battery and charger in the the original packaging (if possible) or pack safely in a box and send to:


We cannot guarantee that your laptop will go to a child, in part because we would like every child to have the same joy of opening a brand new XO laptop of theirvery own that we hope you felt. This is also in part because the cost of re-shipping a single laptop to a deployment site is much greater (per laptop) than the cost of bulk shipments direct from the factory. In addition, many of our deployments are getting laptops with specially designed local language keyboards and your laptops have the US International Keyboard layout silk-screened on the membrane.

We have a special plan for "pre-loved" Get One XO laptops like yours that come back in from the Give One - Get One program. We call it our Developers Program. We started this program off with a small number of prototype XO laptops and the need for laptops has been growing as more and more highly qualified developers have stepped forward to donate their time to write new programs that take advantage of the unique features of the XO laptop.

In the Developers Program, your XO laptop will go to a carefully-screened applicant that has described to us exactly how they would use it to create new software for the XO laptop that they will donate back to the OLPC effort and that we will share with our deployment partners worldwide. In this way, your donated Get One XO laptop will not only help one deserving child (as your Give One will), it will help all children that currently have (or will get) an XO laptop. We think that is a pretty special job for one little laptop and we hope you will be happy knowing that your gift will be one that keeps on giving.

Thank you for your support of OLPC and for your dedication to helping children worldwide! "

  • NEW TITLE = G1G1: Donate XO : Donate laptop back to OLPC
  • NEW TEXT =

RTFM Laptops for Nepal, no number yet

  • Comment no number yet, not in RTFM at the moment
  • NEW TITLE = OLPC: Laptops for Nepal
  • NEW TEXT =

Thank you for your interest in OLPC and for your efforts to bring XO laptops to more children in Nepal.

Please see this page on our web-site for more information on obtaining large numbers of laptops through our Give Many program. You have reached the volunteer help line, but we are happy to try to help get you more information.

I would like to point you to some of the information available on the OLPC wiki. There is a great deal of very exciting activity going on in Nepal:

I would also encourage you to join the e-mail discussion list on Nepal that we host and introduce yourself to the members of that list in an e-mail:

There is also a discussion group on starting grassroots efforts that may be of interest:

In order to achieve it's mission worldwide, OLPC works to assist grassroots efforts and encourages them to work together and share their experiences. There is a very strong grassroots community organization that is making much of the current activity in Nepal happen, Open Learning Exchange Nepal (OLE Nepal).

OLE Nepal is conducting several pilot deployements in Nepal:

I would like to encourage you to make contact with OLE Nepal, they are a terrific group of people and they are doing excellent work. I am sure they would be more than willing to discuss their efforts with you. I suspect that might be far more helpful to you than anything a volunteer like myself in the U.S. could have to offer in terms of advice. OLE Nepal has developed (and shares) training materials and educational materials in Nepali, we are actually quite excited about getting them translated into English and other languages for the benefit of other pilot deployments.

I hope this information will help you in accomplishing your goal of helping the children of Nepal.

OLPC Support Volunteer.