User talk:Xavi

Revision as of 02:32, 28 March 2007 by Php5 (talk | contribs) (→‎Thanks)
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A belated welcome :)

Green and white machine.jpg

Welcome to the One Laptop per Child wiki. Please make yourself at home; read through the Table of Contents and FAQ, and take a look around.

Other pages of interest:

Feel free to leave me a note on my talk page if you have further questions or need help finding your way around.

Cheers, Sj


hi, Xavi thanks for your kind-enough assistance. - user:php5


Hello, I just registered , a place to list and release OLPC related videos. I wonder if you would be interested and if you would have time to join me on that site as a moderator. You can email me at <charbax AT/EN charbax PUNTO/DOT com> if you are interested. I plan not only to have all the videos listed at Video of the OLPC (which I think I mostly have been updating and that page which I created about a year ago on this wiki), I plan to also regularly search youtube and Google Video for new OLPC related videos, also ask OLPC staff to produce more videos, and have a feature where any user can submit videos which a group of moderators can check and release on the video feed. Charbaax posted this.

Wiki Input

Xavi, thank you for all of your input and wiki organization. To answer some of your implicit questions: subpages just create backlinks to their parent pages up top. And yes, we need to turn on interwiki links.... Sj talk

Thanks! I just hope that my signal:noise ratio is within the accepted limits :) So any feedback (go, stop, deviate, focus here, forget that, etc.) will be more than appreciated!! We all have our perks and personal interests... we just have to find the best way for the project!
One thing I would like about interwiki linking is to have an icon (similar to the offsite link) that would denote to which wiki that'll take you.
Another thing, would be the capability of including images from external (wikipedia's mostly) sites. That is to avoid having to upload them to this site (although I don't know what policies would apply to 'divert' traffic to external repositories). Cheers. --Xavi 11:59, 27 December 2006 (EST)
And again, thanks for your oversight of newbie contributions. External images... I'll look into that. Better -- and safer from a standpoint of imagers not breaking in future -- is still to upload them here.

OLPC Colombia

Xavi, thanks a lot for helping me complement OLPC Colombia, i think that we have to help each other like latinoamericans in this proyect.--RafaelOrtiz 21:05, 29 December 2006 (EST)

Un placer! Creo que hay un montón de cosas sobre las cuales podemos trabajar juntos. Lo mio (por el momento) son estadisticas y otros aspectos no-informáticos. Una posible veta para explorar es ver a latinoamérica en su conjunto, no solo como países aislados... te prendes?
I'm assuming from your name and working area in the wiki that you're colombian (thus a native spanish speaker) if that's not the case, please let me know, and I'll swap languages! :) --Xavi 21:17, 29 December 2006 (EST)

Xavi me le pego de una vez, todo lo que pueda hacer lo hare, deberiamos crear una pagina especial para latinoamerica, con links de noticias y proyectos...?, ademas tambien me gustaria ayudar a organizar las paginas de paises como nepal y laos asi como nuevos paises que esten iniciando en el proyecto.--RafaelOrtiz 11:48, 30 December 2006 (EST)

Rafael, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la 'zona latinoamericana'... y ya hubiera generado la página inicial, pero me cuesta encontrar el nombre correcto...
  • OLPC Latin America - incluye a Brasil, que ya tiene suficiente coherencia interna como país, y la idea es (para mí) integrar a los países de habla castellana en el continente americano (todo bien con Brasil :)
  • OLPC LA - son demasiadas letras (y nunca falta el que piense en Los Angeles ;)
  • OLPC Hispanic America - por motivos 'ideológicos' no me gusta... :( aunque en cierto modo, creo que es el más 'correcto'
Tambien habia pensado en 'OLPC Sudaca' - que si bien para algunos es despectivo, también otorga identidad (aunque algo rebelde e irreverente... ;)
Por el momento voy a arrancar con OLPC Spanish America (cualquier cosa despues la movemos). Sugerencias o ideas? --Xavi 07:17, 31 December 2006 (EST)
  • El nombre Spanish america me parece acertado, lastima lo de Brasil pero entiendo las razones y no hay lio, podriamos poner un mapa en la pagina con los paises involucrados o que tengan algun proceso en cuanto a este proyecto, tal vez un link a country status por ejemplo...

Por otro lado no se si tenemos soporte interwiki.. tu sabes si hay o lo has utilizado..? --RafaelOrtiz 03:50, 6 January 2007 (EST)


Xavi, I've made you a wiki admin; please use your newfound power for good -- be careful in banning users, and in protecting or deleting pages. Sj talk 17:58, 9 January 2007 (EST)

I'm flattered. Thanks! I'll use the new powers carefully.
BTW, is there a page (besides OLPCWiki:Community Portal and some other notes here and there) for admins to flock around and coordinate things?
I guess my days as careless contributor are over... now I'll have to watch over myself! :) --Xavi 08:51, 10 January 2007 (EST)


Xavi, thanks for categorizing language methods.. please check wixi which wants to replace twext.. todo bien? gracias .. pd.. me puedes responder en mi talk page and feel free de borrar este pregunta..

Country Tables

'Afternoon, Xavi. Please email me at, I have some questions about the country reference tables you use for articles like OLPC Nigeria and Libya. Thanks :)

Skype much?

Hi Xavi, are you on skype? If so, drop me a line : metasj

Cheers, Sj

Writing to learn

Thanks for adding the category to Writing to learn, I was about to do it... Good luck, I will be back sometimes on this website ! Astirmays 18:39, 30 January 2007 (EST)

seti at home et al.

Firstly, the reference to Seti at home and other screensavers was inserted in an inappropriate place and the educational use of such things was not explained. It was ADVERTISING.

Secondly, Seti At Home and other screensavers don't work on computers that have no Internet connection. They also don't work on slow computers like OLPC laptops and they don't work on computers that are regularly shut down or put to sleep.

Thirdly, this background calculation software is in direct conflict with the OLPC's goal of low and controlled power consumption. Engineers have put a lot of effort into making the OLPC laptops consume less electricity than a commercial laptop.


Hi Xavi,

I just left a message on his talk page, but didn't ask him before diving in. I'm planning to delete some of those (now redirect) pages, because they really gum up the main namespace. Pages like keyboard and interface should not be about this random javascript nonsense, but rather about the actual laptop keyboard, and interface.

Over the next few days/weeks, I'm going to be trying to do a massive cleanup and reorganization of the wiki, deleting or merging lots of pages, and trying to put relevant information where regular people can find it. I have to talk to SJ and Nia about this a bit more, but I'll definitely be glad to hear your thoughts on what the organization should look like, etc. You've done an amazing job tending this wiki. Lord knows it needs a lot more serious attention than even one or two people can give.

--Jacobolus 20:46, 13 February 2007 (EST)

Totally agree on the redirects and the gumming up on the namespace. I was basically postponing it, afraid of messing up somebody's vision (especially after so much effort by User:Adamascj). But yes, the wiki needs a lot of work... again, a bit of a chicken myself to 'edit boldly' as the wiki-user-manual says...
Well, with some authority from SJ, Nia, and Walter, I'm going to hopefully be very bold in the next few days/weeks.
Some approaches I tried with more or less success / consistency were
  • homogeneous structure (particularly I tried with some languages, alphabets and countries)
    Yes, and here the goal is going to be to *really* homogenize things as much as possible, including aligning wiki pages with a re-organized main website, and merging lots of individual wiki pages together
  • the FAQ needs better organization and content (I doubt the reorganization into Ask OLPC ... about XXX by itself made a dent in the barrage of questions)
    No argument there. I'm not even going to worry about the FAQ at first though. I think once both and the wiki have made useful content easy to find, a lot of the questions will be answered.
Areas that need plenty of work (imho) is content and related academic stuff... I find it hard to determine either structure or usability of some content. Not to mention the multi-language issues. Needless to say that I'm all ears to give a hand! :) --Xavi 21:43, 13 February 2007 (EST)
Yes, and hopefully SJ knows about that stuff, being the "director of content". Hopefully itself can get a "content" section as well. --Jacobolus 21:58, 13 February 2007 (EST)

Pedagogical Ideas

Hi Xavi ! As you are the only person who was contact me, you are the only person that I think to ask a question. :-) Do you know if there is a person or a team is particulary interested in pedagogical ideas, educational ideas, etc. (all subjects about education) in OlpcWiki ? I would present him, her or them the OlpcProject:Educational ideas to take their commentaries. (Could you give me your commentaries ?) I would more implicate me but I would connect to ideas are already in this wiki and respect them. Can you help me ? Thanks -- Zyacat 17:51, 15 February 2007 (EST)

Low-level projects

It's a fine thing to add low-level projects to software projects (including bios- and firmware-related projects) -- some fall under more than one category. We should also have hardware projects, though there aren't many yet [the laptop design itself, firmware and mmx-specific projects perhaps, hand-chargers, school server design]. Sj talk 16:27, 21 February 2007 (EST)

API Links

Xavi, As you can see, I'm trying to figure out the Sugar API by tracing my way through the code. Can I help you by adding API links to the HIG? Thanks, -Jeff 16:51, 5 March 2007 (EST)

Xavi, I'm working on both linking the HIG to the APIs, and fleshing out the APIs. Can you help me build up a standard API Template for Python Packages & Modules? Thanks, -Jeff 14:14, 7 March 2007 (EST)

Translation to brazilian portuguese

Hi Xavi,

Thanks for you message about the portuguese translation of HIG. The structure you created for tranlations of documents is very nice. It makes my life much easyer when tranlating a document. I got the idea of how it works in a few minutes and started the translation of the HIG. Maybe could be a good idea to write a Guide to Translators article in the Community portal. Thanks for the help --Juliano

User Interface for the illiterate

Xavi, I just read Literacy_Programs, and the anonymous user had an interesting point. Can we develop a section of the sugar human user interface to help children become literate? A special mode that reads stories aloud while highlighting the text & a decent voice synthesizer? -Jeff 17:12, 7 March 2007 (EST)

translation hints

Hi Xavi,

Thanks for the translation hints. I really have some problems to understand some templates. But I'm using your spanish translation as a reference, and things are getting more clear to me.



Questions =

Hola, Xavi,

Thanks for the welcoming note - a couple of questions -

De vez en cuando están usando la palabra "portatil" en vez de usar "laptop." ¿Eso es a propósito o no? (o sea, ¿es variación local?)

Tambien - ¿Es "Una Laptop por Niño" o "Una Laptop por Chico"? Tambien estoy viendo las dos versiones.

Lo que me da un poco de lástima es que las dos palabras "Niño" y "Chico" inevitablemente tengan atribución masculina. Pero francamente no puedo pensar en otra palabra que no la tenga.

Thnx - let me know if there's somewhere else I should have asked questions.


Laptop vs. Portátil y Cosas de Género

Hola Xavi,

Originalmente de Venezuela, pero hace muchos años en EE.UU.(Boston, Seattle, Rhode Island)

Yo también prefiero ´laptop´.

Lo del género, me interesa lo que dices de que el asunto (o al menos la sensibilidad hacia el asunto) fuese importado de EE.UU. Te digo que desde niño en Venezuela me parecía una injusticia fundamental que un grupo de niñas se tuviesen que convertir en niños con la llegada de un chico.

Pero que se hace, son las injusticias del idioma.

¿Chic@? ¡Que forma de aprovecharse de la indefensa arroba, que ya tiene su rol en el internet!

(y te lo imaginas - "what the heck is a "Chickat"?)

No sé si hay solución, al menos dentro de los marcos de este proyecto. En serio son muchos años desde la última vez que pensé de esto.

Pero aún me entristece.

Y si existiera alguna solución práctica, (like ´child´), trataría de utilizarla.

Saludos desde New England, seguiré haciendo exploración por estos lados.


colors and translation

I'll try to sort through the css file for the wiki and make the default colors consistent with the logo colors where possible. Meanwhile, I am close to having the new translation system in place. A few more changes to the PO file and then I'll move it out of User:Felice.



Page deletion

Hi Xavi!

Thanks for all the things you've done for me, lil' French newbie. I have a question for you : Is it possible to delete a page from the Wiki ? Or to ask the OLPC Team for the deletion of a page ?

--EdX 17:59, 21 March 2007 (EDT)

RAE Online

Hola Xavi,

Pues fíjate que no me había dado cuenta que la RAE tenia el diccionario online.¡Que bien! A browsear se ha dicho.

Tambien, ¿está bien cambiar las páginas de ´portatil´a ´laptop´?

Tal vez valdría la pena construir una pagina de convenciones para la traducción. Asi el asunto es mas fácil.


wiki abuse

First we have User:Hunter and User:Bakersdz, who behave somewhat like bots. They are referenced from this spammy page, created by Special:Contributions/ Then there is the junkbox page, which seems to tie those to "users" to the address range that ARIN assigned to MetTel in New York. (addr mask, covering the addresses from to

Then there is User:Php5 and his OLPC_Smartphone article, among others. Wow, I didn't know OLPC would release a smartphone with a 15.4" display (phone??? 15.4"???) by May 15th. That's only 2 months away, and it might even be non-x86? Either this is a shocking and well-kept secret, or somebody likes Photoshop. I think I recognize the phone as a leaked mock-up of Apple's iPhone. While I do often defend humor, IMHO it is really nasty to be misleading people like this.

Well, this is one time I'm glad to not be the admin. You get to sort this weirdness. :-)

AlbertCahalan 21:28, 27 March 2007 (EDT)