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"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-22 13:21-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Shankar Pokharel <shankar@olpcnepal.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Nepali <LL@li.org>\n"
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# These pages are for the bios
msgid "biop1"
msgstr "ब्यक्तिको सुचिको लागि पछाडि जानुहोस् "

msgid "bio2"
msgstr "याटोनियो ब्याट्रोले एमडि एंव विद्यावारिधी दुबै र ' द डेभेलपमेन्ट अफ बेसिक कग्निटिभ एण्ड पर्सेपचुअल प्रसेस् इन चिल्ड्रेन् एण्ड अडोलेस्यन्टस्' (the development of basic cognitive and perceptual processes in children and adolescents) मा  विशेषज्ञ्ाता हासिल गर्नुभएको हो। उँहाले साउथ अमेरिकाका थुप्रै विद्यालयहरुमा कम्पुटर र संचार उपकरण परिचित गराउनु भएको छ र यसका साथै असक्त ब्यक्तिहरुका लागि डिजिटल बिकल्पमा कम्पुटरको प्रयोग बारे प्रब्र्धन गर्नुभएको थियो। उँहा नँया स्नायु-शिक्षा, दिमाग,मस्तिक,र शिक्षा वीचको अन्तरक्रियाका क्षेत्रमा एक विश्व नेताका रुपमा मानिनु हुन्छ।ब्याट्रो एक अर्जेनटिनि नागरिक हुनुहुन्छ र पोन्टिफिकल अक्याडमि अफ सायन्स् का अा-जीवन सदस्य हुनुहुन्छ ।"

msgid "bio9"
msgstr "Chuck Kane brings a wealth of experience to OLPC including as CFO at RSA Security (recently acquired by EMC), and CFO at Aspen Technology. Prior to joining Aspen Technology, Kane served as president and chief executive officer at Corechange, Inc., an enterprise software company purchased by Open Text, Inc. Kane previously served in executive management roles at Informix Software and Ardent Software; and he held senior financial management positions at Stratus Computer Inc., Prime Computer Inc. and Deloitte and Touche."

msgid "bio5"
msgstr "David Cavallo is the co-head of the Media Lab's Future of Learning group, which focuses on the design and implementation of new learning environments and on the design of new technologies that will change the way we think about “learning” and “school.” Prior to joining the Media Lab, he led the design and implementation of medical informatics at Harvard University Health Services, was a software engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation's Artificial Intelligence Technology Center, founded and led the Advanced Technology group for Digital's Latin American and Caribbean region. Cavallo has advised numerous heads of state and ministries of education on the adoption of advanced technologies for learning and the reform of educational institutions. He received his BS in computer science from Rutgers University, and MS and PhD in media arts and sciences from MIT."

msgid "bio11"
msgstr "Ivan Krstic is a software architect and researcher currently on leave from Harvard University. Prior to joining OLPC, he served as director of research at the Medical Informatics Laboratory at Zagreb Children's Hospital, developing software infrastructure for wide-scale digital healthcare. He is deeply involved in open-source and free software, notably as an administrator of the Ubuntu Server Team and co-author of the best-selling Official Ubuntu Book, and specializes in architecture and security of large distributed systems. He has consulted on both matters for some of the largest websites on the Internet."

msgid "bio6"
msgstr "Jim Gettys is interested in open-source systems for education on very inexpensive computers. He was previously at HP's Cambridge Research Lab working on the X Window System with Keith Packard, both on desktops and embedded systems such as the HP iPAQ. He helped to start the handhelds.org project and has also contributed to freedesktop.org efforts. Gettys has served on the X.org Foundation board of directors and served until 2004 on the Gnome Foundation board of directors. Gettys worked at W3C from 1995-1999; he is the editor of the HTTP/1.1 specification (now an IETF Draft Standard). He is one of the principal authors of the X Window System, edited the HTTP/1.1 specification for the IETF, and is one of the authors of AF, a network transparent audio server system."

msgid "bio7"
msgstr "Khaled Hassounah's experience has been primarily focused on establishing large-scale, distributed organizations spanning the United States, India, the Middle East, and China. Most recently, he was a founding member of IMlogic, an enterprise instant messaging company which was acquired by Symantec in early 2006. Hassounah was raised in Jordan and holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Jordan. He is interested in technology solutions for education in developing countries: he assists in establishing the needed relationships with government officials and NGOs, and stimulating the spread of information to the general public about the project and its goals. He also engages with the open source community and content providers, focusing on the benefit of maximizing their contribution to the project and its success. Hassounah also helps with content creation and sharing, instant messaging communication, and other deployment infrastructure."

msgid "bio8"
msgstr "Mary Lou Jepsen has been a pioneer in developing display technologies—from flat-panel televisions, to holography, to laser displays and day-lighting. She was most recently director of technology development in Intel's Display Division. Previously, she co-founded the MicroDisplay Corporation and served as its CTO. Her recent emphasis has been on single-panel LCoS systems, and her leadership in this area has brought her worldwide recognition as a top innovator in the industry. Jepsen also contributed to several breakthroughs in diffractive optics and holographic display technology, including building the world's first holographic video system, and the largest hologram in the world, one that spanned a city block (in Cologne). Jepsen holds a PhD in optics, a BS in electrical engineering, and a BA in studio art, all from Brown University. She also holds an MS from MIT, where she studied in the Media Lab's Spatial Imaging group."

msgid "bio4"
msgstr "Michail Bletsas was director of computing at the MIT Media Laboratory. He designed and deployed most of the Internet network infrastructure systems at the Media Lab. His research involves experimenting with wireless networks that are implemented using off-the-shelf, low-cost components to provide broadband Internet access to underserved areas. Before joining the Media Lab, he was a systems engineer at Aware, Inc., where he designed and wrote high-performance software libraries for Intel's distributed-memory parallel supercomputers, and was involved in the development of one of the first ADSL Internet-access test beds. He holds a diploma in electrical engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and an MS in computer engineering from Boston University."

msgid "bio1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte is founder and chairman of the One Laptop Per Child non-profit association. He is currently on leave from MIT, where he was co-founder and director of the MIT Media Laboratory, and the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Technology. A graduate of MIT, Negroponte was a pioneer in the field of computer-aided design, and has been a member of the MIT faculty since 1966. Conceived in 1980, the Media Laboratory opened its doors in 1985. He is also author of the 1995 best seller, <i>Being Digital</i>, which has been translated into more than 40 languages. In the private sector, Nicholas Negroponte serves on the board of directors for Motorola, Inc. and as general partner in a venture capital firm specializing in digital technologies for information and entertainment. He has provided start-up funds for more than 40 companies, including <i>Wired</i> magazine."

msgid "bio3"
msgstr "Walter Bender is former executive director of the Media Lab. After receiving his BA from Harvard University, he joined the Architecture Machine Group at MIT, and received his MS from MIT. Bender was a founding member of the Media Lab. He studies new information technologies, particularly those that affect people directly; much of this research addresses the idea of building upon the interactive styles associated with existing media and extending them into domains where a computer is incorporated into the interaction. He has participated in much of the pioneering research in the field of electronic publishing and personalized, interactive multimedia."

msgid "bio10"
msgstr "Samuel Klein has spent many years developing collaborative communities. He is an advocate for free universal access to knowledge and tools, and a veteran Wikipedian, founding the project's first newsletter and translator network, and organizing last year's international Wikimedia conference in Cambridge. Previously he has worked to develop software and supporting communities for machine-assisted human translation, and to set up free education centers. Klein is interested in local and sustainable knowledge development, and structures and principles that help this flourish. He establishes ties with teachers, game developers, and publishers, helping them to understand the need and uses for free and open materials, and to work with the global community around open education."

msgid "bio13"
msgstr "Robert Fadel is a skillful financial and administrative professional with more than 10 years experience in various research labs at MIT. Prior to joining OLPC he served as the director of finance at the Media Lab leading its financial, contracts and intellectual property operations while focusing on improving the quality of services and the reliability of reporting. During this time he has served on various Institute advisory committees and task forces aimed at creating better business practices and improving organizational performance. Robert has been both a Fellow and a Business Process Coach in MIT's Leader-to-Leader Fellowship Program. He holds an MBA from Boston College and masters degree in Energy and Environmental Policy from Boston University."