OLPC Europe/Newsletter/Draft

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This is a draft for the OLPC Europe Grassroots Newsletter

What is OLPC Europe

OLPC Europe is nothing but than a communication layer and a networking platform. The aim is to make commonication easier, basically between local grassroots, but also with the MIT. This can result in less work for everyone, and in a stronger focus on our common efforts and goals. Good communication has enormous potential for collaboration on projects and general information exchange, and also supports smaller grassroot organisations not to get lost in the mess :) Read more our vision here: OLPC_Europe/Vision

At the moment there are between 10 and 20 people volunteering for the basic setup of this platform. Find the people here: OLPC_Europe/Community#Volunteers

Grassroots Organisations

These are groups, which feel part of OLPC Europe (add yours :)


  • The grassroots list is our mailing list
  • We mainly communicate via IRC in #olpc-europe, #olpc-groups (chat.freenode.net)
  • We meet all 2 weeks on IRC, mostly thursday afternoon. Find meetings here: OLPC_Europe/Meetings
  • We also try to meet in person, mostly at open-source/linux events in Europe.
    • Here we list the events, someone from OLPC Europe participates: OLPC_Europe/Events
    • The next event is FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developer European Meeting) in Brussels, lasting from 23. to 24. February
    • After that, plenty of people will be at the CeBIT in Hannover, which lasts from 4. to 9. of March

Pilot Projects

  • List
  • Status Quo
  • Future Ideas

Projects looking for volunteers

  • Project Statuses


  • Meeting informations (O-E and local groups)
  • Events