XO Korea/XO Deployment

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환영합니다 | Portal | XO Korea | Deployment | Content | Hardware | Software | Mesh Network | Ethics | LOS | XO City | Accreditation | Consortium

This page is to show the progress of XO deployment in Korea (both South and North) from the aspects of physical distribution and architecure development.

Hardware Deployment & National Mesh Network

This is for physical distribution of XO and its variation machines, and for establishing Korean Mesh Network.

Overall Deployment

The regional status of XO deployment in Korea will be estimated by the availability of Korean Mesh Network.

  1. If residents in a particular region are fully covered by wireless mesh network composed of XO and its variations, the region is colored Green.
  2. If more than a half residents in a region is covered by wireless mesh network composed of XO and its variations, the region is colored Red.
  3. If some residents in a region is covered by wireless mesh network composed of XO and its variations, the region is colored Orange.
  4. If no residents in a region is yet covered by wireless mesh network composed of XO and its variations, the region is colored Yellow.
  5. If no residents in a region WILL BE covered, in a near future, by wireless mesh network composed of XO and its variations, the region is colored Gray, and currently the North part of Korea (North Korea) is.

From OLPC Viewpoint: How does the color/status scheme work?

If using the OLPC color scheme, Korean XO deployment may be described as;

Overall XO Deployment
Current Mesh Status

Basically regions in the Korea map are soon coded in four colors (plus a generic one):

green those regions we plan to pilot
red those regions we plan to include in the post-launch phase
orange those regions who have expressed interest at the Local-Ministry-of-Education (교육청) level or higher
yellow those regions who are currently seeking local governments' support
gray regions under the radar or that have not made contact with the XO Korea

For a larger image and textual list you can click on the image on the right, or see the status by Region page

Educational Deployment: Rabbiting

There are more than 30,000 schools, colleges, or other educational facilities in Korea. You can see rabbit ears at a school's location if the school deploys XO.

Pre-primary School 1. Seoul 2. Incheon 3. Daejeon 4. Gwangju 5. Daegu 6. Ulsan 7. Busan 8. Gyeonggi
Pre-primary School 9. Gangwon 10. Chungnam 11. Chungbuk 12. Gyeongbuk 13. Jeonbuk 14. Jeonnam 15. Gyeongnam 16. Jeju
Elementary School 1. Seoul 2. Incheon 3. Daejeon 4. Gwangju 5. Daegu 6. Ulsan 7. Busan 8. Gyeonggi
Elementary School 9. Gangwon 10. Chungnam 11. Chungbuk 12. Gyeongbuk 13. Jeonbuk 14. Jeonnam 15. Gyeongnam 16. Jeju
Middle School 1. Seoul 2. Incheon 3. Daejeon 4. Gwangju 5. Daegu 6. Ulsan 7. Busan 8. Gyeonggi
Middle School 9. Gangwon 10. Chungnam 11. Chungbuk 12. Gyeongbuk 13. Jeonbuk 14. Jeonnam 15. Gyeongnam 16. Jeju
High School 1. Seoul 2. Incheon 3. Daejeon 4. Gwangju 5. Daegu 6. Ulsan 7. Busan 8. Gyeonggi
High School 9. Gangwon 10. Chungnam 11. Chungbuk 12. Gyeongbuk 13. Jeonbuk 14. Jeonnam 15. Gyeongnam 16. Jeju
College 1. Seoul 2. Incheon 3. Daejeon 4. Gwangju 5. Daegu 6. Ulsan 7. Busan 8. Gyeonggi
College 9. Gangwon 10. Chungnam 11. Chungbuk 12. Gyeongbuk 13. Jeonbuk 14. Jeonnam 15. Gyeongnam 16. Jeju

Governmental Deployment

There are more than 10,000 states, cities, counties, or other governmental organizations in Korea. You can see rabbit ears at a government's location if the local government deploys XO for their residents.

At the end of year 2005, there were 931,025 governmental employees, and currently (June 1st, 2007) are about 960,000 employees.

We estimate there shall be about 50,000 Governmental Servers, each of which will do a role of virtual government. For functions to be loaded on each server, see Governmental Fuctions, composed of about 60,000 rough functions, each again being composed of 1~10 sub-functions.

Government Deployment National Government Local Governments Governmental Subsidiaries

Public Deployment

There are more than 30,000 governmental corporations, foundations, associations, or other public organizations in Korea. You can see rabbit ears at a public entity's location if the entity deploys XO.

XO Korea/health care

XO Korea/ngo

Local Governments

For a network game; XO City

This article is to present the development of governmental modulesfor a local government. See Open Enterprise Architecture.

The Organization of Local Government



Financial Information

Governmental Corporations and Affiliated Agencies

XO Korea has set XO deployment plans for governmentally owned or operated entities, based on their organizational architectures, workflows, legal backgrounds, employees, productivities, organizational efficiencies, financial information and other various issues; each organization established for public services, its divisions and their desks.

Type I: Organizations where the Central Government owns the majority of shares

Name Employees Page Link
Kangnung National University Dental Hospital Go to
Kangwon National University Dental Hospital Go to
Kyeongbuk National University Hospital Go to
Gyeongsang National University Hospital Go to
National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences Go to
Korea Research Council of Public Science and Technology Go to
Korea University of Science and Technology Go to
Korea Scientists & Engineers Mutual-aid Association Go to
Science & Technology Policy Institute Go to
Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology Go to
Korea Automobile Testing & Research institute Go to
Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control Go to
Korea National Park Service Go to
National Cancer Center Go to
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements Go to
Korea Labor Welfare Corporation Go to
Kibo Technology Fund Go to
Korea Research Institute for Fundamental Science & Technology Go to
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology Go to
Daedeok Innopolis Go to
Korea Institute for International Economy Policy Go to
Road Traffic Safety Authority Go to
Busan National University Hospital Go to
Korea Testing Laboratory Go to
Korea Research Council for Industry Science & Technology Go to
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade Go to
Workers Accident Medical Corporation Go to
Seoul National University Hospital Go to
Seoul National University Dental Hospital Go to
Korea Reclamation Corp Go to
Korea Software Financial Cooperative Go to
Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Go to
Korea Energy Economics Institute Go to
Korea Energy Management Corp. Go to
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology Go to
Overseas Koreans Foundation Go to
Korea Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations Go to
Jeonnam National University Hospital Go to
Jeonbuk National University Hospital Go to
Institute for Information Technology Advancement Go to
Korea Information Society Development Institute Go to
Jeju Free International City Development Center Go to
Jeju National University Hospital Go to
Small Business Corporation Go to
Chungnam National University Hospital Go to
Chungbuk National University Hospital Go to
Korea Institute for National Unification Go to
Korea Education & Research Information Science Go to
Korea International Cooperation Agency Go to
Korea Development Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Construction Technology Go to
Korea Institute Science & Technology Go to
Korea Advanced Institute Science & Technology Go to
Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information Go to
Korea Science & Engineering Foundation Go to
Korea Educational Development Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation Go to
Korea Transport Institute Go to
Korea Institute for Defense Analyses Go to
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials Go to
Korea Basic Science Institute Go to
Korea Labor Education Institute Go to
KERI Go to
Korea Legislation Research Institute Go to
Korea Institute for Health & Social Affairs Go to
Korea Health Industry Development Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation and Planning Go to
Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency Go to
Human Resource Development Service of Korea Go to
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology Go to
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Go to
Consumer Protection B Go to
Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency Go to
Korea Export Insurance Corporation Go to
Korea Infrastructure Safety & Technology Corp Go to
Korea Food Research Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Energy Research Go to
Korean Women's Development Institute Go to
Korea Nuclear Energy Foundation Go to
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Go to
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Go to
Korea Eletrotechnology Research Institute Go to
National Information Society Agency Go to
Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute Go to
Korea Specially Chemical Industry Association Go to
Korea Agency Digital Opportunity&Promotion Go to
Korea Information Security Agency Go to
Korea Institute of Public Finance Go to
Korea Housing Finance Corp Go to
Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources Go to
Korea Research Institute of Vocational Education and Training Go to
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Go to
Korea Railroad Research Institute Go to
Korea Rail Network Authority Go to
Korea Institute for Youth Development Go to
Korea Container Terminal Authority Go to
Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science Go to
Korea Research Foundation Go to
The Academy of Korean Studies Go to
Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine Go to
Korea Aerospace Research Institute Go to
KMI Go to
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute Go to
Korea Institute of Public Administration Go to
The Korean Institute of Criminal Justice Policy Go to
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Go to
Korea Environment Institute Go to
Environmental Management Corp Go to
Korea Employment Information Service Go to

Type II: Organizations Supported by the Central Government based on the related law

Name Employees Page Link
88 Country Club Go to
Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corp Go to
Korea Rural Community & Agriculture Corp Go to
Korea Resources Corp Go to
Korea Coal Corp Go to
Jugong Go to
Korea Housing Guarantee Co. Go to
Busan Port Authority Go to
Incheon International Airport Go to
Incheon Port Authority Go to
Industrial Bank of Korea Go to
Korea Gas Corporation Go to
Korea Appraisal Board Go to
Korea Airports Corp Go to
Korea Tourism Organization Go to
Educational Broadcasting System Go to
Korea Highway Corp Go to
Korea Broadcasting System Go to
Korea Development Bank Go to
Korea National Oil Corp Go to
Korea Water Resources Corp Go to
Korea Eximbank Go to
Korea Asset Management Corp Go to
Korea Electric Power Corp Go to
Korea Institute of Lighting Technology Go to
Korea Minting and Security Printing Corp Go to
Korea District Heating Corp Go to
Korea Railroad Go to
Korea Land Corp Go to
Korea Investment Corp Go to

Type III: Organizations of which more than half the revenue comes from the Central Government

Name Employees Page Link
Livestock health Control Association Go to
Health Insurance Review Agency Go to
Government Employee Pension Corp Go to
The Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies Go to
Korea National Ballet Company Go to
The National Opera of Korea Go to
The National Chorus of Korea Go to
National Health Insurance Corp Go to
The National Council of Sport for All Go to
N Pension Service Go to
Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation Go to
Korea Center for International Finance Go to
The Korea International Broadcasting Foundation Go to
Korea Institute for Military Affairs Go to
Financial Supervisory Service Go to
Management of Agriculture Policy Fund Go to
The Korean National Tuberculosis Association Go to
Korea Legal Aid Corp Go to
KPHA Go to
Korean Alliance to Defeat AIDS Go to
The Republic of Korea N Red Cross Go to
Korea Cadastral Survey Corp Go to
Korea Sports Council Go to
The Independence Hall of Korea Go to
Korea Classics Research Institute Go to
Korea Democracy Foundation Go to
ASPO Go to
Busanport Pier Management Corp Go to
The Korea Teachers Pension Go to
Seoul Performing Arts Company Go to
Korea Society of Ship Inspection & Technology Go to
Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corp Go to
Korea Press Ethics Commission Go to
Korea Arbitration Commission Go to
Korea Media Rating Board Go to
Korea Deposit Insurance Corp. Go to
Incheon Port Management Corp. Go to
Copyright Commission for Deliberation and Conciliation Go to
Jongdong Theater Go to
Korea Internet Safety Commission Go to
Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises Go to
Animal Products Grading Service Go to
Korea Eco-products Institute Go to
Program Deliberation and Mediation Committee Go to
Korea Gas Safety Corp. Go to
Korea Publication Ethics Commission Go to
Korea rehabilitation Agency Go to
Korea Game Development and Promotion Institute Go to
Korea Silk Research Institute Go to
The Korean Academy of Science & Technology Go to
Korea Science Foundation Go to
Korea International Labor Foundation Go to
Korea Database Promotion Center Go to
Korea Institute of Design Promotion Go to
Korea Racing Association Go to
Korean Association Against Drug Abuse Go to
Korea Radio Promotion Agency Go to
Korea Literature Translation Institute Go to
Korea Culture & Tourism Policy Institute Go to
Arts Council Korea Go to
Korea Culture and Content Agency Go to
Korea Broadcasting Advertising Corp. Go to
Korea Broadcasting Institute Go to
National Health Personnel License Examination Board Go to
Korea Veterans Welfare & Healthcare Corp. Go to
Korea Material & Components Industry Agency Go to
Korea Foundation for the Promotion of Private School Go to
Korea National Council on Social Welfare Go to
Korea Industrial Complex Corp. Go to
Korea Institute of Petroleum Quality Go to
Korea Fire Equipment Inspection Corp. Go to
Korea Seafarer's Welfare & Employment Center Go to
Korea Elevator Safety Institute Go to
Korea Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education Go to
Korea Federation for HIV/AIDS Prevention Go to
Korea Film Archive Go to
Bank of Korea Go to
National Internet Development Korea Go to
Korea Welfare Promotion Association for the Disabled Go to
Korea Electrical Safety Corp. Go to
Korea Power Exchange Go to
Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce Go to
The National Council of Youth Organization in Korea Go to
Korea Youth Consulting Institute Go to
National Youth Center of Korea Go to
Fashion Center Korea Go to
Korea Port Training Institute Go to
Korea Maritime Dangerous Goods Inspection Center Go to
Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology Go to
Korea Orphan Drug Center Go to
Korea-Japan Cooperation Foundation for Industry and Technology Go to
Korea Sports Association for the Disabled Go to
Korea Newspaper Circulation Service Go to
Korea Exchange Go to
Korea Institute of Construction & Transportation Technology Evaluation and Planning Go to
Korea Commission for Press Go to
Arts and Culture Education Go to

Type IV: Organizations owned by a Type I, II or III Organization

Name Employees Page Link
Kwangwon Land Go to
Kyeongbuk Tourism Development Corp. Go to
Kibo Technology Advancing Capital C Go to
IBK Credit Information Corp. Go to
IBK SG Asset Management Go to
Korea Southeast Power Corp. Go to
Korea Southern Power Corp. Go to
Farmland Improve and Modernization Go to
Korea East west Power Corp. Go to
Visacash Go to
KDB Asset Management Corp. Go to
KDB Capital Go to
Korea Western Power Corp. Go to
IBK Tech Corp. Go to
Incheon Total Energy Corp. Go to
KTX Family Card Go to
Resolution & Finance Corp. Go to
Korea Housing Management Corp. Go to
Korea Gas Technology Corp. Go to
Small Business Development Corporation Go to
Business Incubation and Certification Center Go to
Korail ADcomm Go to
Korea Railroad Industry Development Go to
Korail Service Net Go to
Korail Engineering Go to
KNR Logistics Information System Go to
Pabalma Go to
Korea Construction Management Corp. Go to
Korea Enterprise Data Go to
The New Seoul Country Club Go to
KL Net Go to
Korea Venture Investment Corp. Go to
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Corp. Go to
Korea Nuclear Fuel Corp. Go to
Korea Infrastructure Investments Asset Management Corp. Go to
Korea Asset Investment Trust Corp. Go to
Korea Power Engineering Company Go to
Korea Midland Power Corp. Go to
Korea District Heating Engineering Corp. Go to
Korail Development & Construction Corp. Go to
Korea Railroad Facilities Industry Corp. Go to
Korvans Go to
한국철도전기시스템 Go to
Korea Railroad General Service Go to
한국철도통합지원센터 Go to
Korea Sports Industry Corp. Go to
Korea Real Estate Investment Trust Corp. Go to
Korea Plant Service & Engineering Corp. Go to
Korea Electric Power Data Network Corp. Go to
e-KBS Go to
KBS Media Go to
KBS Business Go to
KBS Sky Go to
KBS Art Vision Go to
KBS Internet Go to
KTX Tour & Leisure Corp. Go to

Type V: Organizations owned by a Type II Organization and supported by the Central Government

Name Employees Page Link
Korea Institute for Advanced Study Go to
Korea Polar Research Institute Go to
Korea Agricultural R&D Promotion Center Go to
Korea Human Resource Development Institute for Healthcare and Welfare Go to
Korea Institute of Toxicology Go to
Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences Go to
Korea University of Technology and Education Go to
Korea Polytechnic College Go to

Type VI: Other Government-related Organizations

Name Employees Page Link
Seoul Arts Center Go to
The War Memorial of Korea Go to
Korea Foundation Go to
The Foundation for the Preservation of Cultural Properties Go to
Korea Press Foundation Go to
Korea Research Institute for Local Administration Go to

Business Deployment

XO Korea classifies all business sectors in Korea into about 150,000 categories based on United Nation Standard Product & Service Classification, and has set very detailed plans to deploy Larger XO onto business sections. See XO Korea/business overview about detailed economic features of Korea, such as GDP, GNP, Gloss Income per Household etc.

XO Korea/business deployment

Architecture Development

This is to show the status of establishing Open Enterprise Architecture and its applications on Course Development, Governmental Services, and Business Application.

Open Enterprise Architecture

Course Deployment