
Revision as of 16:52, 18 February 2008 by Mchua (talk | contribs) (added local & virtual rows - I think grassroots groups should be somewhere...)
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Kids and Parents

There are plenty of opportunities for kids and parents alike to get involved in the OLPC project. You can:

Teachers and Educational Organizations

Are you a teacher or high school/college student? You can contribute by doing testing, development, mentoring, and more.


You don't have to code to contribute! There are plenty of ways that artists, writers, photographers, etc. can help out.


This is an global project; we ♥ people who can help translate wiki content, software, and content bundles.

Developers and Testers

Getting started is pretty easy for testers and developers. There is a strong developer community, as well as a developer support infrastructure.


There are lots of hardware opportunities, from alternative power brainstorming to peripheral development to XO repair.

Local opportunities

Help create changes in the community you live in - as well as ones you'd like to go to.

Virtual opportunities

There are plenty of ways to get involved online.

  • Help build and transform the information on this Wiki
  • Join the discussion on our Mailing lists
  • Chat with us on IRC

For an older overview of getting involved, see the more detailed page Getting involved in OLPC.