PO-laptop.org-top-level-it: Difference between revisions

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msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 01-08-2008 07:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-22 13:21-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 01-08-2008 07:05-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Tiziano Mengotti <tiziano.mengotti at gmail.com>\n"
"Last-Translator: bautroibaola <bautroibaola@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language-Team: tiếng Việt <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
Line 18: Line 18:

msgid "align"
msgid "align"
msgstr "_: the alignment (left or right) of your language goes here"
msgstr "left"

msgid "lang"
msgid "lang"
msgstr "it"
msgstr "vi"

msgid "xml:lang"
msgid "xml:lang"
msgstr "it"
msgstr "vi"

msgid "olpc"
msgid "olpc"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child - Un Laptop per Ogni Bambino (OLPC)"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC)"

msgid "titletext"
msgid "titletext"
msgstr "a low-cost, connected laptop for the world's children's education"
msgstr "Un computer portatile da 100$ per l'educazione dei bambini a livello mondiale"

msgid "description"
msgid "description"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC) è una nuova associazone non governativa dedicata alla ricerca e allo sviluppo di un laptop che costi 100$, una tecnologia che potrebbe rivoluzionare la maniera di educare i bambini a livello mondiale."
msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a new, non-profit association dedicated to research to develop a low-cost, connected laptop, a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children."

msgid "keywords"
msgid "keywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, Un Laptop per Ogni Bambino, laptop, educazione, volontariato, bambini, bambini esprimono, bambini esplorano, bambini imparano, risorse bambini, educazione, OLPC Wiki, OLPC visione educativa, programmi open source, organizzazione non-profit, progetto umanitario, fondazione OLPC."
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, educational proposition, volunteering, children, children expressing, children exploring, children learning, children resources, education, OLPC Wiki, OLPC learning vision, open source software, non-profit association, humanitarian project, OLPC foundation."

msgid "copyright"
msgid "copyright"
msgstr "Il contenuto è distribuito secondi i termini della licenza <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 2.5</a>"
msgstr "Content is available under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 2.5</a>"

msgid "copyrightnolink"
msgid "copyrightnolink"
msgstr "Il contenuto è distribuito secondo i termini della licenza Creative Commons Attribution 2.5"
msgstr "Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5"

msgid "skiplink"
msgid "skiplink"
msgstr "salta il contenuto"
msgstr "Skip to content"

msgid "logo"
msgid "logo"
msgstr "ritorna alla pagina principale"
msgstr "back to home page"

msgid "readmore"
msgid "readmore"
msgstr "leggi avanti"
msgstr "read more"

msgid "viewtimeline"
msgid "viewtimeline"
msgstr "vedi la cronologia"
msgstr "view timeline"

msgid "vision"
msgid "vision"
msgstr "visione"
msgstr "vision"

msgid "visionlink"
msgid "visionlink"
msgstr "link alla visione"
msgstr "link to vision"

msgid "mission"
msgid "mission"
msgstr "missione"
msgstr "mission"

msgid "missionlink"
msgid "missionlink"
msgstr "link alla missione"
msgstr "link to mission"

msgid "progress"
msgid "progress"
msgstr "progresso"
msgstr "progress"

msgid "progresslink"
msgid "progresslink"
msgstr "link alla sezione progresso"
msgstr "link to progress"

msgid "news"
msgid "news"
msgstr "novità"
msgstr "news"

msgid "newslink"
msgid "newslink"
msgstr "link alle novità"
msgstr "link to news"

msgid "people"
msgid "people"
msgstr "partecipanti"
msgstr "people"

msgid "members"
msgstr "membri"

msgid "peoplelink"
msgid "peoplelink"
msgstr "link ai partecipanti"
msgstr "link to people"

msgid "laptop"
msgid "laptop"
Line 93: Line 90:

msgid "laptoplink"
msgid "laptoplink"
msgstr "link alla sezione laptop"
msgstr "link to laptop"

msgid "hardware"
msgid "hardware"
Line 99: Line 96:

msgid "hardwarelink"
msgid "hardwarelink"
msgstr "link all'hardware"
msgstr "link to hardware"

msgid "software"
msgid "software"
Line 105: Line 102:

msgid "softwarelink"
msgid "softwarelink"
msgstr "link al software"
msgstr "link to software"

msgid "interface"
msgid "interface"
msgstr "interfaccia"
msgstr "interface"

msgid "interfacelink"
msgid "interfacelink"
msgstr "link alla sezione interfaccia"
msgstr "link to interface"

msgid "design"
msgid "design"
Line 117: Line 114:

msgid "designlink"
msgid "designlink"
msgstr "link alla sezione design"
msgstr "link to design"

# please note that we are referring to the foundation as "participate" on the page, hence the mismatch between the id and the string below.
# please note that we are referring to the foundation as "participate" on the page, hence the mismatch between the id and the string below.
msgid "foundation"
msgid "foundation"
msgstr "partecipa"
msgstr "participate"

msgid "foundationlink"
msgid "foundationlink"
msgstr "link alla fondazione"
msgstr "link to participate"

msgid "purpose"
msgid "purpose"
msgstr "scopo"
msgstr "purpose"

msgid "purposelink"
msgid "purposelink"
msgstr "link allo scopo"
msgstr "link to purpose"

msgid "program"
msgid "program"
msgstr "programma"
msgstr "program"

msgid "programlink"
msgid "programlink"
msgstr "link al programma"
msgstr "link to program"

msgid "participate"
msgid "participate"
msgstr "condividi"
msgstr "participate"

msgid "participatelink"
msgid "participatelink"
msgstr "link alla fondazione"
msgstr "link to participate"

msgid "propose"
msgid "propose"
msgstr "proponi"
msgstr "propose"

msgid "proposelink"
msgid "proposelink"
msgstr "link a proponi"
msgstr "link to propose"

msgid "children"
msgid "children"
msgstr "bambini"
msgstr "children"

msgid "childrenlink"
msgid "childrenlink"
msgstr "link ai bambini"
msgstr "link to children"

msgid "olpcwiki"
msgid "olpcwiki"
Line 163: Line 160:

msgid "career"
msgid "career"
msgstr "carriera"
msgstr "career"

msgid "careerlink"
msgid "careerlink"
msgstr "link alla sezione carriera"
msgstr "link to career"

msgid "contact"
msgid "contact"
msgstr "contatti"
msgstr "contact"

msgid "contactlink"
msgid "contactlink"
msgstr "link alla sezione contatti"
msgstr "link to contact"

msgid "sitemap"
msgid "sitemap"
msgstr "mappa del sito"
msgstr "site map"

msgid "sitemaplink"
msgid "sitemaplink"
msgstr "link alla mappa del sito"
msgstr "link to site map"

msgid "languages"
msgid "languages"
msgstr "lingue"
msgstr "languages"

msgid "languageslink"
msgid "languageslink"
msgstr "link alle lingue"
msgstr "link to languages"

msgid "contribute"
msgid "contribute"
msgstr "dona un laptop"
msgstr "give a laptop"

msgid "contributelink"
msgid "contributelink"
msgstr "dona un laptop ad un bambino"
msgstr "donate a laptop to a child today"

msgid "gettingstarted"
msgstr "getting started"

msgid "activities"
msgstr "activities"

msgid "altlogo"
msgid "altlogo"
Line 196: Line 199:

msgid "altlogofoundation"
msgid "altlogofoundation"
msgstr "logo: fondazione one laptop per child"
msgstr "logo: one laptop per child foundation"

msgid "educationalproposition"
msgid "educationalproposition"
msgstr "proposta educativa"
msgstr "educational proposition"

msgid "FAQ"
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "domande poste di frequente"
msgstr "frequently asked questions"

msgid "designedby"
msgid "designedby"
Line 211: Line 214:

msgid "highlights"
msgid "highlights"
msgstr "novità"
msgstr "highlights"

msgid "features"
msgid "features"
msgstr "funzionalità"
msgstr "features"

msgid "specs"
msgid "specs"
msgstr "specifiche"
msgstr "specs"

msgid "benefici"
msgid "benefits"
msgstr "benefici"
msgstr "benefits"

msgid "principles"
msgid "principles"
msgstr "principi"
msgstr "principles"

msgid "demo"
msgid "demo"
Line 229: Line 232:

msgid "developers"
msgid "developers"
msgstr "sviluppatori"
msgstr "developers"

msgid "exploring"
msgid "exploring"
msgstr "esplorazione"
msgstr "exploring"

msgid "expressing"
msgid "expressing"
msgstr "espressioni"
msgstr "expressing"

msgid "learning"
msgid "learning"
msgstr "educazione"
msgstr "learning"

msgid "resources"
msgid "resources"
msgstr "risorse"
msgstr "resources"

msgid "December"
msgid "December"
msgstr "Dicembre"
msgstr "December"

msgid "November"
msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembre"
msgstr "November"

msgid "October"
msgid "October"
msgstr "Ottobre"
msgstr "October"

msgid "September"
msgid "September"
msgstr "Settembre"
msgstr "September"

msgid "August"
msgid "August"
msgstr "Agosto"
msgstr "August"

msgid "July"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Luglio"
msgstr "July"

msgid "June"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Giugno"
msgstr "June"

msgid "May"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maggio"
msgstr "May"

msgid "April"
msgid "April"
msgstr "Aprile"
msgstr "April"

msgid "March"
msgid "March"
msgstr "Marzo"
msgstr "March"

msgid "February"
msgid "February"
msgstr "Febbraio"
msgstr "February"

msgid "January"
msgid "January"
msgstr "Gennaio"
msgstr "January"

Line 286: Line 289:

msgid "visiontitle"
msgid "visiontitle"
msgstr "Vision: Children in the developing world are inadequately educated"
msgstr "Visione: I bambini nei paesi in via di sviluppo sono educati in modo indaeguato"

msgid "visiondescription"
msgid "visiondescription"
msgstr "Nearly two-billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated. The individual and societal consequences of this chronic global crisis are profound. Children are consigned to a life of poverty and isolation."
msgstr "All'incirca due miliardi di bambini nei paesi in via di sviluppo sono educati in modo indaeguato. Le conseguenze individuali e per la società di questa crisi globale sono croniche e profonde. I bambini sono letteralmente destinati a una vita povera e isolata."

msgid "visionkeywords"
msgid "visionkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, educazione, educazione tradizionale, povertà, isolazione, educazione, costruire scuole, assumere maestri, comprare libri, esperienza educativa, computer, tool programmabile."
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, education, traditional education, poverty, isolation, learning, building schools, hiring teachers, buying books, educational experience, computer, programmable tool."

msgid "visionp1"
msgid "visionp1"
msgstr "“È un progetto educativo, non solo un semplice portatile.”"
msgstr "“It's an education project, not a laptop project.”"

msgid "visionp2"
msgid "visionp2"
Line 301: Line 304:

msgid "visionp3"
msgid "visionp3"
msgstr "Our goal: To provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves."
msgstr "La nostra missione: Dare ai bambini in tutto il mondo nuove opportunità per esplorare, sperimentare ed esprimersi."

msgid "visionp4"
msgid "visionp4"
msgstr "The project's origins go back more than four decades to the early days of computing, when most machines were still the size of small dinosaurs, and almost no one dreamed they would ever be suitable for children. But pioneering thinkers like Seymour Papert disagreed sharply, and over time led the long march from radical theory to reality proving the immense power of the personal computer as a learning tool for children."
msgstr "Le origini del progetto risalgono a più di quattro decadi fa, agli albori dell'era informatica, quando la maggior parte dei computer aveva dimensioni di piccoli dinosauri. Quasi nessuno sognava che un giorno queste macchine fossero adatte ai bambini. Ciò nonostante pensatori come Seymour Papert non erano d'accordo con questa previsione, e col tempo le loro idee cominciarono un lungo cammino, da teoria radicale fino a diventare realtà. Anche grazie a loro, il personal computer è ora a disposizione dei bambini come uno strumento educativo dalle potenzialità immense."

msgid "visionp5"
msgid "visionp5"
msgstr "The laptop generates a steady stream of international press coverage. Click below for the OLPC latest news, as well as for an extensive print and electronic press archive."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il progetto genera un flusso continuo di novità nella stampa internazionale. Clicca sotto sia per le ultimissime novità sul progetto OLPC, sia per per l'archivo stampa elettronico."

msgid "visionp6"
msgid "visionp6"
msgstr "Il progetto OLPC è stato fondato da Nicholas Negroponte con un nucleo di veterani del Media Lab, e ha presto coinvolto persone di talento e costanza eccezionali, provenienti dall'ambiente accademico, dalle belle arti e dalla comunità open source. Ogni individuo che partecipa porta con un insieme di capacità uniche, e una profonda passione per il progetto."
msgstr "OLPC was founded by Nicholas Negroponte with a core of Media Lab veterans, but quickly expanded to include a wide range of exceptionally talented and dedicated people from academia, industry, the arts, business, and the open-source community. Each individual involved brings a unique skill set, and a deep personal passion, to the project."

#: laptop.html
#: laptop.html

msgid "laptoptitle"
msgid "laptoptitle"
msgstr "Laptop: Uno strumento di educazione creato espressamente per i bambini dei paesi in via di sviluppo"
msgstr "Laptop: A learning tool created expressly for children in developing nations"

msgid "laptopdescription"
msgid "laptopdescription"
msgstr "The laptop is a potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children living in its most remote environments. The laptop was designed collaboratively by experts from both academia and industry."
msgstr "L'XO è un potente strumento di educazione creato espressamente per i bambini che vivono nei paesi più poveri e remoti. Il laptop è stato creato in collaborazione con esperti accademici e dell'industria."

msgid "laptopkeywords"
msgid "laptopkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, XO laptop, strumento educativo, progetto umanitario nonprofit, flessibile, prezzo ultra basso, efficiente consumo d'energia, reattivo, macchina affidabile, hardware, wireless router, schermo TFT, self-refreshing display, risoluzione, modalità trasmissione, modalità multicolore, modalità riflessiva, modalità a alta risoluzione, LCD, CPU, videocamera, porte esterne USB2.0, SD-card slot, memory, chipset, controller grafico, design flessibile , design, adatto ai bambini, batterie NiMH, ciclo di ricarica, metalli pesanti tossici, esperienza educativa, linux, open-source, FOSS."
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, XO laptop, learning tool, nonprofit humanitarian project, flexible, ultra low-cost, power-efficient, responsive, durable machine, hardware, wireless router, TFT screen, self-refreshing display, resolution, transmissive mode, full-color mode, reflective mode, high-resolution mode, LCD power consumption, CPU, video camera, external USB2.0 ports, SD-card slot, memory, chipset, graphics controller, flexible design , design, kid-sized, NiMH batteries, recharge-cycle, toxic heavy metals, learning experience, linux, open-source, FOSS."

msgid "laptoph1"
msgid "laptoph1"
Line 328: Line 330:

msgid "laptopp1"
msgid "laptopp1"
msgstr "A unique machine with features created specifically for children of the emerging world."
msgstr "Una macchina unica con caratteristiche specificamente create per i bambini."

msgid "laptoph2"
msgid "laptoph2"
Line 334: Line 336:

msgid "laptopp2"
msgid "laptopp2"
msgstr "We want the child to interact with the laptop on as deep a level as he or she desires. Children program the machine, not the other way around."
msgstr "Vogliamo che il bambino interagisca con XO al livello di profondità che desidera. I bambini programmano XO e non viceversa."

msgid "laptoph3"
msgid "laptoph3"
msgid "intefaccia"
msgid "interface"

msgid "laptopp3"
msgid "laptopp3"
msgstr "The laptop has a user interface that graphically embraces the spirit of the network. It is all about community and collaboration—working and playing together to learn, create and communicate."
msgstr "XO ha un'interfaccia grafica che va a braccetto con lo spirito della rete. È basato sui principi di comunità e collaborazione, in modo che da lavorare e giocare assieme per imparare, creare e communicare."

msgid "laptoph4"
msgid "laptoph4"
Line 346: Line 348:

msgid "laptopp4"
msgid "laptopp4"
msgstr "Questo laptop si distingue dagli altri; resistente, durevole ed amico dei bambini, sia dentro che fuori."
msgstr "This is a very distinctive machine; rugged, durable, and child-friendly, inside and out."

#: foundation.html
#: foundation.html

msgid "foundationtitle"
msgid "foundationtitle"
msgstr "Fondazione One Laptop per Child, Investi i tuoi soldi e il tuo tempo - Fondazione OLPC"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child Foundation, Invest your money and your time - OLPC Foundation"

msgid "foundationdescription"
msgid "foundationdescription"
msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership."
msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership."
msgstr "Scopri la missione della fondazione OLPC, la sua organizzazione e leadership."

msgid "foundationkeywords"
msgid "foundationkeywords"
msgstr "Fondazione OLPC, associazione senza scopo di lucro, associazione esente da tasse, missione, iniziative grass roots, strumenti educativi, educazione, bambini, Cambridge Center, Cambridge Massachusetts, Nicholas Negroponte, Ashton Hawkins, Robert D. Fadel, Calestous Juma."
msgstr "OLPC Foundation, non-profit association, tax-exempt social benefit organization, mission, grassroots initiatives, learning tools, education, children, Cambridge Center, Cambridge Massachusetts, Nicholas Negroponte, Ashton Hawkins, Robert D. Fadel, Calestous Juma."

msgid "giveagift"
msgid "giveagift"
msgstr "donazioni"
msgstr "give a gift"

msgid "foundationp1"
msgid "foundationp1"
msgstr "Scopri la missione della fondazione OLPC, la sua organizzazione e leadership. "
msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership. "

msgid "foundationp2"
msgid "foundationp2"
msgstr "Guarda i tipi di programmi presi in considerazione dalla Fondazione. "
msgstr "See the kinds of programs under consideration by the Foundation. "

msgid "foundationp3"
msgid "foundationp3"
msgstr "Get involved with One Laptop per Child by investing in one or more programs and volunteering your services. "
msgstr "Get involved with One Laptop per Child by investing in one or more programs and volunteering your services. "
msgstr "Prendi parte a One Laptop per Child investendo in uno o più programmi oppure prestando volontariato. "

msgid "foundationp4"
msgid "foundationp4"
msgstr "Proponi uno "Special Laptop Program" o una "Grassroots Learning Initiative". "
msgstr "Propose a Special Laptop Program or Grassroots Learning Initiative. "

#: children.html
#: children.html

msgid "childrentitle"
msgid "childrentitle"
msgstr "Children: Children actively engage in knowledge construction"
msgstr "Bambini: I bambini sono attivamente impegnati nella costruzione del sapere"

msgid "childrendescription"
msgid "childrendescription"
msgstr "Children actively engage in knowledge construction and are not limited to passive reception of information. They can learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners and thereby liberating the teacher to focus her experience and expertise where most needed."
msgstr "I bambini sono attivamente impegnati nella costruzione del sapere e non sono limitati alla ricezione passiva d'informazione. Possono imparare attraverso l'insegnamento, assistendo attivamente altri scolari e quindi permettendo all'insegnate di focalizzare la sua esperienza dove essa è più necessaria."

msgid "childrenkeywords"
msgid "childrenkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, educazione, povertà, isolamento, imparare, scuole, insegnanti, maestri, libri, materiale scolastico, mondo in via di sviluppo, computer, sapere, potenziale"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, education, poverty, children isolation, learning, schools, teachers, books, school equipment, developing world, computer, knowledge, potential"

msgid "childrenp1"
msgid "childrenp1"
msgstr "The laptop gives learners opportunities they have not had before. Tools such as a Web browser, rich media player, and e-book reader bring into reach domains of knowledge that are otherwise difficult-or impossible-for children to access."
msgstr "L'XO dà agli scolari possibilità e opportunità che non hanno mai avuto prima. Strumenti come un browser web, un lettore multimediale e un libro elettronico ampliano il raggio educativo in campi altrimenti inaccessibili per i bambini."

msgid "childrenp2"
msgid "childrenp2"
msgstr "The laptop helps children build upon their active interest in the world around them to engage with powerful ideas. Tools for writing, composing, simulating, expressing, constructing, designing, modeling, imagining, creating, critiquing, debugging, and collaborating enable children to become positive, contributing members of their communities."
msgstr "L'XO aiuta i bambini a seguire i loro interessi ed a vivere attivitamente nel mondo circostante in modo creativo. Strumenti per scrivere, comporre, simulare, costruire, disegnare, modellare, immaginare e strumenti collaborativi permettono ai bambini di diventare membri partecipi e importanti per le loro comunità".

msgid "childrenp3"
msgid "childrenp3"
msgstr "The laptop takes learners beyond instruction. They are actively engaged in a process of learning through doing. Children also learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners."
msgstr "L'XO porta gli scolari al di là della semplice istruzione. I bambini sono parte attiva del processo di formazione grazie all'interazione offerta dal computer. I bambini imparano insegnando e assistendo attivamente gli altri scolari."

msgid "childrenp4"
msgid "childrenp4"
msgstr "The laptop not only delivers the world to children, but also brings the best practices of children and their teachers to the world. Each school represents a learning hub; a node in a globally shared resource for learning."
msgstr "L'XO non solo apre ai bambini un nuovo mondo da esplorare, ma porta anche un insieme di pratiche educative per gli insegnanti. Ogni scuola diventa un centro educativo, un nodo in un insieme globale di risorse dedicate all'insegnamento."

Line 406: Line 407:

msgid "contacth1"
msgid "contacth1"
msgstr "Come contattare l'OLPC"
msgstr "How to get in touch with OLPC"

msgid "contactp1a"
msgstr "Because we are a small, non-profit organization—and the response to the XO laptop has been so great—we regret we will not be able to reply to all inquiries. Many of your questions are answered in our list of frequently asked questions. Please read them here before contacting us:"

msgid "contactp1b"
msgstr "For questions not answered in the FAQ, please allow at least one week for a response. Thank you for your interest and your patience."

msgid "contacth2"
msgid "contacth2"
msgstr "Informazioni generali:"
msgstr "General information:"

msgid "contacth3"
msgid "contacth3"
msgstr "For <b>all</b> press and media inquiries:"
msgstr "Richieste stampa:"

msgid "contacth4"
msgid "contacth4"
msgstr "Hardware, software e considerazioni tecnologiche:"
msgstr "Hardware, software, and technology issues:"

msgid "contacth5"
msgid "contacth5"
msgstr "Informazioni specifiche su di un paese:"
msgstr "For government inquiries:"

msgid "contacth6"
msgid "contacth6"
msgstr "Domande sul contenuto:"
msgstr "Inquiries about donating content:"

msgid "contacth7"
msgid "contacth7"
msgstr "Opportunità per volontari:"
msgstr "Volunteer opportunities:"

msgid "contacth8"
msgid "contacth8"
msgstr "Donazioni all'OLPC:"
msgstr "More ways to give:"

msgid "contactp8a"
msgstr "For information about other ways to donate to OLPC, please email: "

msgid "contactp8b"
msgstr "For donating stocks, please email: "

msgid "contacth9"
msgstr "Give Many:"

msgid "contactp9a"
msgstr "For donations of 100 or more laptops for which you may designate the recipient, please visit"

msgid "contactp9b"
msgstr "For general questions about Give Many, please email: "

msgid "contactp9c"
msgstr "Or, please phone: 1-800-379-7017"

msgid "contacth10"
msgstr "Give One Get One:"

msgid "contactp10a"
msgstr "Our Give One Get One program concluded on 31 December 2007. If you participated in Give One Get One, thank you! A child in need will receive an XO laptop because of your generosity. We hope you enjoy the XO that you receive. Please note that some orders are still being filled, so please be patient for your XO to arrive."

msgid "contactp10b"
msgstr "If you have a question about your Give One Get One order, please visit <a href="http://www.laptopgiving.org" target="_blank">laptopgiving.org</a> or email <a href="mailto:service@laptopgiving.org">service at laptopgiving.org</a>."

msgid "contactp10c"
msgstr "(When you email <a href="mailto:service@laptopgiving.org">service at laptopgiving.org</a>, please make sure that you get a “bounce-back” reply soon after emailing. If you do not see this email, please check the “bulk” or “spam” folder in your email program to see if the reply was caught there. A Give One Get One customer-service representative will get back to you with an answer to your inquiry within a few business days.)"

msgid "contactp10d"
msgstr "If you have a <b>technical</b> question about your XO laptop, please refer to the links below; if you are still having trouble, please email <a href="mailto:help@laptopgiving.org">help at laptopgiving.org</a>."

msgid "contactp10e"
msgstr "Helpful technical links:<br/><a href="http://laptop.org/start">getting started</a><br/><a href="http://laptop.org/start/troubleshooting.shtml">troubleshooting</a><br/><a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Support_FAQ" target="_blank">Support FAQ</a>"

#: languages.html
#: languages.html

msgid "languagesh1"
msgid "languagesh1"
msgstr "Aiutaci a tradurre le pagine dell'OLPC nella tua lingua madre"
msgstr "Help us translate the OLPC website into your native language"

msgid "languagesp1"
msgid "languagesp1"
msgstr "Per favore comincia dalla struttura che trovi nel nostro wiki (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Localization/www.laptop.org" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Localization/www.laptop.org</a>)."
msgstr "Please start from the POT template found in our wiki (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Localization/www.laptop.org" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Localization/www.laptop.org</a>)."

msgid "languagesp2"
msgid "languagesp2"
msgstr "Abbiamo traduzioni in cantiere per le seguenti lingue: Arabo, Bengali, Catalano, Danese, Tedesco, Greco, Inglese (US), Farsi (Persiano), Finlandese, Francese, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesiano, Igbo, Italiano, Giapponese, Lao, Nepalese, Norvegese, Olandese, Polacco, Portughese, Russo, Spagnolo, Svedese, Telugu, Turco, Tailandese, Ucraino, Vietnamita, Yoruba, Cinese tradizionale e Cinese semplificato."
msgstr "We have on-going translation projects in Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Danish, German, Greek, English (US), Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Lao, Nepali, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Telugu, Turkish, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Yoruba, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese."

Revision as of 00:15, 1 August 2008

  This page is monitored by the OLPC team.
  Traduzione di PO-laptop.org-top-level-en-US originale  
  el | en | eo | es | fi | fr |hu | id | is | it | ja | ko | ne | nl | pl | pt | ro | ru | sr |sw | zh (s) modifiche  

This is one of the template files for the laptop.org website.
Translators, please note that the EN version is a template file. You should edit the PO file specific to your target language rather than doing in-line edits on the EN page, e.g., PO-laptop.org-auxiliary-es for Spanish. If you would like to add a new language, please copy the EN page, using the appropriate suffix for your language. Also, please "watch" this page for changes.

The PO files are organized by sections:

Basic terms common to many pages, and pages that represent the top level of the website hierarchy: PO-laptop.org-top-level-it PO-laptop.org-top-level-en-US
Individual sections: PO-laptop.org-vision-it PO-laptop.org-vision-en-US
PO-laptop.org-laptop-it PO-laptop.org-laptop-en-US
PO-laptop.org-foundation-it PO-laptop.org-foundation-en-US
PO-laptop.org-children-it PO-laptop.org-children-en-US
Auxilliary pages: PO-laptop.org-auxiliary-it PO-laptop.org-auxiliary-en-US
PO-laptop.org-bio-it PO-laptop.org-bio-en-US
PO-laptop.org-gettingstarted-it PO-laptop.org-gettingstarted-en-US
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 01-08-2008 07:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 01-08-2008 07:05-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: bautroibaola <bautroibaola@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: tiếng Việt <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# general terms and content used on many pages

msgid "align"
msgstr "_: the alignment (left or right) of your language goes here"

msgid "lang"
msgstr "vi"

msgid "xml:lang"
msgstr "vi"

msgid "olpc"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC)"

msgid "titletext"
msgstr "a low-cost, connected laptop for the world's children's education"

msgid "description"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a new, non-profit association dedicated to research to develop a low-cost, connected laptop, a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children."

msgid "keywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, educational proposition, volunteering, children, children expressing, children exploring, children learning, children resources, education, OLPC Wiki, OLPC learning vision, open source software, non-profit association, humanitarian project, OLPC foundation."

msgid "copyright"
msgstr "Content is available under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 2.5</a>"

msgid "copyrightnolink"
msgstr "Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5"

msgid "skiplink"
msgstr "Skip to content"

msgid "logo"
msgstr "back to home page"

msgid "readmore"
msgstr "read more"

msgid "viewtimeline"
msgstr "view timeline"

msgid "vision"
msgstr "vision"

msgid "visionlink"
msgstr "link to vision"

msgid "mission"
msgstr "mission"

msgid "missionlink"
msgstr "link to mission"

msgid "progress"
msgstr "progress"

msgid "progresslink"
msgstr "link to progress"

msgid "news"
msgstr "news"

msgid "newslink"
msgstr "link to news"

msgid "people"
msgstr "people"

msgid "peoplelink"
msgstr "link to people"

msgid "laptop"
msgstr "laptop"

msgid "laptoplink"
msgstr "link to laptop"

msgid "hardware"
msgstr "hardware"

msgid "hardwarelink"
msgstr "link to hardware"

msgid "software"
msgstr "software"

msgid "softwarelink"
msgstr "link to software"

msgid "interface"
msgstr "interface"

msgid "interfacelink"
msgstr "link to interface"

msgid "design"
msgstr "design"

msgid "designlink"
msgstr "link to design"

# please note that we are referring to the foundation as "participate" on the page, hence the mismatch between the id and the string below.
msgid "foundation"
msgstr "participate"

msgid "foundationlink"
msgstr "link to participate"

msgid "purpose"
msgstr "purpose"

msgid "purposelink"
msgstr "link to purpose"

msgid "program"
msgstr "program"

msgid "programlink"
msgstr "link to program"

msgid "participate"
msgstr "participate"

msgid "participatelink"
msgstr "link to participate"

msgid "propose"
msgstr "propose"

msgid "proposelink"
msgstr "link to propose"

msgid "children"
msgstr "children"

msgid "childrenlink"
msgstr "link to children"

msgid "olpcwiki"
msgstr "olpc wiki"

msgid "olpcwikilink"
msgstr "link to OLPC wiki"

msgid "career"
msgstr "career"

msgid "careerlink"
msgstr "link to career"

msgid "contact"
msgstr "contact"

msgid "contactlink"
msgstr "link to contact"

msgid "sitemap"
msgstr "site map"

msgid "sitemaplink"
msgstr "link to site map"

msgid "languages"
msgstr "languages"

msgid "languageslink"
msgstr "link to languages"

msgid "contribute"
msgstr "give a laptop"

msgid "contributelink"
msgstr "donate a laptop to a child today"

msgid "gettingstarted"
msgstr "getting started"

msgid "activities"
msgstr "activities"

msgid "altlogo"
msgstr "logo: one laptop per child"

msgid "altlogofoundation"
msgstr "logo: one laptop per child foundation"

msgid "educationalproposition"
msgstr "educational proposition"

msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "frequently asked questions"

msgid "designedby"
msgstr "Designed by"

msgid "poweredby"
msgstr "Powered by"

msgid "highlights"
msgstr "highlights"

msgid "features"
msgstr "features"

msgid "specs"
msgstr "specs"

msgid "benefits"
msgstr "benefits"

msgid "principles"
msgstr "principles"

msgid "demo"
msgstr "demo"

msgid "developers"
msgstr "developers"

msgid "exploring"
msgstr "exploring"

msgid "expressing"
msgstr "expressing"

msgid "learning"
msgstr "learning"

msgid "resources"
msgstr "resources"

msgid "December"
msgstr "December"

msgid "November"
msgstr "November"

msgid "October"
msgstr "October"

msgid "September"
msgstr "September"

msgid "August"
msgstr "August"

msgid "July"
msgstr "July"

msgid "June"
msgstr "June"

msgid "May"
msgstr "May"

msgid "April"
msgstr "April"

msgid "March"
msgstr "March"

msgid "February"
msgstr "February"

msgid "January"
msgstr "January"

# These pages (vision, laptop, foundation, and children) are used for the top level of the hierarchy

#: vision.html

msgid "visiontitle"
msgstr "Vision: Children in the developing world are inadequately educated"

msgid "visiondescription"
msgstr "Nearly two-billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated. The individual and societal consequences of this chronic global crisis are profound. Children are consigned to a life of poverty and isolation."

msgid "visionkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, education, traditional education, poverty, isolation, learning, building schools, hiring teachers, buying books, educational experience, computer, programmable tool."

msgid "visionp1"
msgstr "“It's an education project, not a laptop project.”"

msgid "visionp2"
msgstr "— Nicholas Negroponte"

msgid "visionp3"
msgstr "Our goal: To provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves."

msgid "visionp4"
msgstr "The project's origins go back more than four decades to the early days of computing, when most machines were still the size of small dinosaurs, and almost no one dreamed they would ever be suitable for children. But pioneering thinkers like Seymour Papert disagreed sharply, and over time led the long march from radical theory to reality proving the immense power of the personal computer as a learning tool for children."

msgid "visionp5"
msgstr "The laptop generates a steady stream of international press coverage. Click below for the OLPC latest news, as well as for an extensive print and electronic press archive."

msgid "visionp6"
msgstr "OLPC was founded by Nicholas Negroponte with a core of Media Lab veterans, but quickly expanded to include a wide range of exceptionally talented and dedicated people from academia, industry, the arts, business, and the open-source community. Each individual involved brings a unique skill set, and a deep personal passion, to the project."

#: laptop.html

msgid "laptoptitle"
msgstr "Laptop: A learning tool created expressly for children in developing nations"

msgid "laptopdescription"
msgstr "The laptop is a potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children living in its most remote environments. The laptop was designed collaboratively by experts from both academia and industry."

msgid "laptopkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, XO laptop, learning tool, nonprofit humanitarian project, flexible, ultra low-cost, power-efficient, responsive, durable machine, hardware, wireless router, TFT screen, self-refreshing display, resolution, transmissive mode, full-color mode, reflective mode, high-resolution mode, LCD power consumption, CPU, video camera, external USB2.0 ports, SD-card slot, memory, chipset, graphics controller, flexible design , design, kid-sized, NiMH batteries, recharge-cycle, toxic heavy metals, learning experience, linux, open-source, FOSS."

msgid "laptoph1"
msgid "hardware"

msgid "laptopp1"
msgstr "A unique machine with features created specifically for children of the emerging world."

msgid "laptoph2"
msgid "software"

msgid "laptopp2"
msgstr "We want the child to interact with the laptop on as deep a level as he or she desires. Children program the machine, not the other way around."

msgid "laptoph3"
msgid "interface"

msgid "laptopp3"
msgstr "The laptop has a user interface that graphically embraces the spirit of the network. It is all about community and collaboration—working and playing together to learn, create and communicate."

msgid "laptoph4"
msgid "design"

msgid "laptopp4"
msgstr "This is a very distinctive machine; rugged, durable, and child-friendly, inside and out."

#: foundation.html

msgid "foundationtitle"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child Foundation, Invest your money and your time - OLPC Foundation"

msgid "foundationdescription"
msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership."

msgid "foundationkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC Foundation, non-profit association, tax-exempt social benefit organization, mission, grassroots initiatives, learning tools, education, children, Cambridge Center, Cambridge Massachusetts, Nicholas Negroponte, Ashton Hawkins, Robert D. Fadel, Calestous Juma."

msgid "giveagift"
msgstr "give a gift"

msgid "foundationp1" 
msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership. "

msgid "foundationp2"
msgstr "See the kinds of programs under consideration by the Foundation. "

msgid "foundationp3"
msgstr "Get involved with One Laptop per Child by investing in one or more programs and volunteering your services. "

msgid "foundationp4"
msgstr "Propose a Special Laptop Program or Grassroots Learning Initiative. "

#: children.html

msgid "childrentitle"
msgstr "Children: Children actively engage in knowledge construction"

msgid "childrendescription"
msgstr "Children actively engage in knowledge construction and are not limited to passive reception of information. They can learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners and thereby liberating the teacher to focus her experience and expertise where most needed."

msgid "childrenkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, education, poverty, children isolation, learning, schools, teachers, books, school equipment, developing world, computer, knowledge, potential"

msgid "childrenp1"
msgstr "The laptop gives learners opportunities they have not had before. Tools such as a Web browser, rich media player, and e-book reader bring into reach domains of knowledge that are otherwise difficult-or impossible-for children to access."

msgid "childrenp2"
msgstr "The laptop helps children build upon their active interest in the world around them to engage with powerful ideas. Tools for writing, composing, simulating, expressing, constructing, designing, modeling, imagining, creating, critiquing, debugging, and collaborating enable children to become positive, contributing members of their communities."

msgid "childrenp3"
msgstr "The laptop takes learners beyond instruction. They are actively engaged in a process of learning through doing. Children also learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners."

msgid "childrenp4"
msgstr "The laptop not only delivers the world to children, but also brings the best practices of children and their teachers to the world. Each school represents a learning hub; a node in a globally shared resource for learning."

# These pages are linked from all pages

#: contact.html

msgid "contacth1"
msgstr "How to get in touch with OLPC"

msgid "contactp1a"
msgstr "Because we are a small, non-profit organization—and the response to the XO laptop has been so great—we regret we will not be able to reply to all inquiries. Many of your questions are answered in our list of frequently asked questions. Please read them here before contacting us:"

msgid "contactp1b"
msgstr "For questions not answered in the FAQ, please allow at least one week for a response. Thank you for your interest and your patience."

msgid "contacth2"
msgstr "General information:"

msgid "contacth3"
msgstr "For <b>all</b> press and media inquiries:"

msgid "contacth4"
msgstr "Hardware, software, and technology issues:"

msgid "contacth5"
msgstr "For government inquiries:"

msgid "contacth6"
msgstr "Inquiries about donating content:"

msgid "contacth7"
msgstr "Volunteer opportunities:"

msgid "contacth8"
msgstr "More ways to give:"

msgid "contactp8a"
msgstr "For information about other ways to donate to OLPC, please email: "

msgid "contactp8b"
msgstr "For donating stocks, please email: "

msgid "contacth9"
msgstr "Give Many:"

msgid "contactp9a"
msgstr "For donations of 100 or more laptops for which you may designate the recipient, please visit"

msgid "contactp9b"
msgstr "For general questions about Give Many, please email: "

msgid "contactp9c"
msgstr "Or, please phone: 1-800-379-7017"

msgid "contacth10"
msgstr "Give One Get One:"

msgid "contactp10a"
msgstr "Our Give One Get One program concluded on 31 December 2007. If you participated in Give One Get One, thank you! A child in need will receive an XO laptop because of your generosity. We hope you enjoy the XO that you receive. Please note that some orders are still being filled, so please be patient for your XO to arrive."

msgid "contactp10b"
msgstr "If you have a question about your Give One Get One order, please visit <a href="http://www.laptopgiving.org" target="_blank">laptopgiving.org</a> or email <a href="mailto:service@laptopgiving.org">service at laptopgiving.org</a>."

msgid "contactp10c"
msgstr "(When you email <a href="mailto:service@laptopgiving.org">service at laptopgiving.org</a>, please make sure that you get a “bounce-back” reply soon after emailing. If you do not see this email, please check the “bulk” or “spam” folder in your email program to see if the reply was caught there. A Give One Get One customer-service representative will get back to you with an answer to your inquiry within a few business days.)"

msgid "contactp10d"
msgstr "If you have a <b>technical</b> question about your XO laptop, please refer to the links below; if you are still having trouble, please email <a href="mailto:help@laptopgiving.org">help at laptopgiving.org</a>."

msgid "contactp10e"
msgstr "Helpful technical links:<br/><a href="http://laptop.org/start">getting started</a><br/><a href="http://laptop.org/start/troubleshooting.shtml">troubleshooting</a><br/><a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Support_FAQ" target="_blank">Support FAQ</a>"

#: languages.html

msgid "languagesh1"
msgstr "Help us translate the OLPC website into your native language"

msgid "languagesp1"
msgstr "Please start from the POT template found in our wiki (<a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Localization/www.laptop.org" target="_blank">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Localization/www.laptop.org</a>)."

msgid "languagesp2"
msgstr "We have on-going translation projects in Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Danish, German, Greek, English (US), Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Lao, Nepali, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Telugu, Turkish, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Yoruba, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese."