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One Laptop per Child is an education project, not a laptop project. While much of our effort over the last few years has been devoted to bringing the XO laptop into existence, the laptop is simply a means to an end-- a revolution in how we educate the world's children. Our goal is to provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment, and express themselves.

One Laptop per Child is an [[education]] project, not a laptop project. With connected laptops, learners are liberated to actively engage with others with similar interests in cultures of learning by doing without being limited by time or space. Children can learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners and freeing the teacher to focus her experience and expertise where most needed. (see also: [[education philosophy]]).
Already, hundreds of laptops have been distributed to children in pilot schools around the world. This summer, the final "B4" beta-test laptop will go out to another thousand children. The first official production run is estimated to be in the millions, and will increase from there. It's an exciting time to get involved with OLPC. This page is designed to help you get started.

Educators have long recognized that children learn best when they are active, when they pursue their own interests, and when they participate in cultures of knowledge and engagement. However, until now it has been logistically impossible, except for the elites, to create such learning environments. With 1-to-1 access to connected laptops, children actively engage in knowledge construction and are not limited to passive reception of information. Each child can pursue learning in areas of strong personal interest and the classroom is not limited to a pre-determined, one-size-fits-all approach.
With connected laptops, learners are liberated to actively engage with others with similar interests in cultures of learning by doing without being limited by time or space. In this way children can learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners and thereby liberating the teacher to focus her experience and expertise where most needed. Computers also facilitate appropriation of knowledge in domains difficult to comprehend with other static, non-connected materials. Domains that involve dynamics, complexity, high levels of abstraction, micro or macro size, and more become appropriable by children through expressive uses of computers. Teachers benefit as well as not only do they get to use the laptops at home for their own learning, but the connected laptop becomes a conduit for customized professional development enabling the teachers to gain access to expertise and colleagues, to pose and respond to practical questions.
{| border="0"
Moreover, with mobile, connected laptops the walls of the classroom open and the entire community becomes the classroom and virtually the whole world enters on demand. The children carry the classrooms and teachers of the world with them through the community and into their homes. Children can participate in the study of global issues while simultaneously using local context for understanding. They can fully participate as producers of knowledge and not just as consumers of materials produced by others.
Connected laptops also provide a means for new models of growth. Rather than needing to rely on a centralized, standardized reform, we can develop high-quality, localized models of improved practice, and utilize the network and rich media to create mechanisms for spread. A foundation is thus created for three distinct, but overlapping, phases: enabling powerful learning in and out of school; the positive change to specific school practices; and the transformation of schools from funnels of received information to engines of knowledge construction and appropriation.
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Brazil]]'''
<div style="border:5px solid #b2effd; margin:0px; padding:0px; font-size:100%;">
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Nigeria]]'''
''Laptops are the pencils for the digital age. The sooner we can provide high quality learning environments for all, the better and more cohesive our societies will become.''<br/> <span style="float:right; font-size:100%;">&nbsp; </span>
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Uruguay]]'''
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Thailand]]'''
|[[Image:Porto_alegre.jpg|thumb|Porto Alegre is the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]]
|[[Image:Galadima1.jpg|thumb|Galadima is a hamlet in Abuja, Nigeria]]
|[[Image:Cardal2.JPG|thumb|Villa Cardal is a small town in Uruguay]]
|[[Image:Hiking02.jpg|thumb|Ben Samkha is a rural village in northern Thailand]]

The OLPC Learning Team, led by Dr. Claudia Urrea and Dr. Antonio Battro, are currently working in Colombia, Rwanda and the US respectively and provide support to countries, teams, community and children engaged in the project. The team recently released [[Media:OLPCFundamentalIdeasonLearning.doc| OLPC Fundamental Ideas on Learning]]
''"Pupils go even beyond what I can teach in the class. It's a very interesting thing to use. I personally have a better idea about teaching... We discovered that giving them time to discover something and to do it in their own way, they feel more happy and they are so excited in using it that, 'Yes, I discovered it! Yes, I can get it!! Yes, I can do this on my own!!!' Teaching is getting more interesting and less stressful."'' — Mr. O., Galadima School, Abuja, Nigeria

Each Wednesday, 2pm GMT, learning representatives and other educational stakeholders from OLPC countries, led by Dr. Urrea, meet to discuss on relevant issues, updates from programs or for a presentation/discussion from a guest speaker. The chat is in Spanish, but can be translated. For a log of all chats, please see: [[Spanish_Chat]]

== Background for educators ==
The OLPC vision for learning is based on three basic beliefs:
<div style="clear:right;float:right;width:400px;margin:2em;">
|valign="top" | [[Image:cquote1.svg|20px]]&nbsp; || The most fundamental job of schools is to teach good citizenship, which includes the habit of helping others.&nbsp;[[Image:cquote2.svg|20px]]
<p style="font-size:smaller;line-height:1em;text-align: right"><cite style="font-style:normal;">—[ Why Schools Should Exclusively Use Free Software], [[w:Richard_Stallman|Richard Stallman]]</cite></p>
Some articles on constructionism, emergent design, high-quality education and 1:1 experiences:

* [[Media:Emergent Design, David Cavallo.pdf| Emergent Design]], by David Cavallo
#Learning and high-quality education for all is essential to provide a fair, equitable, economically and socially viable society;
* [[Media:Need for high quality education, Part 1.doc| "Need for high quality education", part 1]] and [[Media:Laptops and High-quality education part 2.doc|part 2]], by David Cavallo
#Access to mobile laptops on a sufficient scale provide real benefits for learning and dramatic improvement of education on a national scale;
* [[Media:Situating Constructionism.pdf| Situating Constructionism]], by Seymour Papert & Idit Harel
#So long as computers remain unnecessarily expensive, such potential gains remain a privilege for a select few.
* [[Media:2004-Constructing Knowledge.pdf| Constructing Knowledge and Transforming the World]], by Edith K. Ackermann
* [[Media:UrreaPHD.pdf| One to One Connections: Building a Community Learning Culture]], by [[user:Claudia Urrea|Claudia Urrea]]
* [| All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking) I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten], by Mitchel Resnick, MIT Media Lab
* [[Parent education courses]]

see [[OLPC_Research]] for research, papers on numerous OLPC projects across the globe
By providing our most powerful tool for knowledge creation, development, and discovery to children and their teachers with sufficient time and support to enable fluency, and development, and by providing high-bandwidth connectivity to enable the development of knowledge communities, we now have the means to address seemingly intractable and critically important educational issues.

In April 2011, the Learning Team also launched "Innovation in Evaluation," you can learn more here: [[Innovation_in_Evaluation]]
''Continue reading about our vision for learning [[Learning Vision|here]]...''

== Classroom Resources ==
<div style="clear:right;float:right;width:390px;margin:2em;">
The purpose of this community is to support teachers who are using XOs in their classrooms, and to involve educators of various backgrounds who are interested in contributing to the OLPC project.
|valign="top" | [[Image:cquote1.svg|20px]]&nbsp; || Kindermann (1993) found children's attitudes and engagement in school (i.e. connectedness to school) were highly predictive of the peer group they selected, and when children moved in an out of well-defined peer groups, each move resulted in the children identifying with the newly chosen group's attitude toward school. Conversely, even when interventions are intended to be helpful and facilitate prosocial behavior and attitudes, when antisocial or delinquent youth are aggregated, their goal of modeling one another's behavior's and attitudes can trump well-intended efforts of adults (Patterson, Dishion, & Yoerger; 2000).<br>Therefore, the attitudes that children bring to school or to an intervention program may lead to birds of a feather flocking together unless the context can be shaped (preferably by peers) to reward children, especially underachieving or delinquent children, for their academic successes and socially skilled (e.g. caring, empathic) behavior.&nbsp;[[Image:cquote2.svg|20px]]
<div style="font-size:smaller;line-height:1em;text-align: right">&mdash;{{cite book
|last = DuBois
|first = David L.
|coauthors = Michael J. Karcher
|title = Handbook of Youth Mentoring
|publisher = SAGE Publications Ltd
|location = Thousand Oaks, California
|year = 2005
|isbn = 0761929770
|url =
* OLPC Aprendizaje por Proyectos: Mi comunidad & Abuela Ruanda/Project Based Learning in the context of OLPC
**[[Media:ProjectBasedLearninginthecontextofOLPC.doc| both in Spanish & English]]

* Lesson Plan Ideas from the OLPC Team based in Rwanda
===Haven't been here before?===
** [[Media:Lesson Plan, Creating a business TO PRINT.doc| Creating a Business, grade 6]] (doc)
** [[Media:Lesson Plan, Decimals 1.docx| Decimals, grade 4]] (doc)

*Lesson Plan Ideas from Sdenka Salas of Peru
*'''[ Create an account]''' on the OLPCWiki!
** [[Media:Sdenka_Salas_-_The_XO_Laptop_in_the_Classroom.pdf| XO in the Classroom]] (doc)
*'''Add yourself''' to the educator [[Educators/Roll Call|Roll Call]] page.
*'''New to wiki editing?''' [ Here's a good tutorial] to help you get started.

===What should I do first?===
** [| XO in the Classroom]
*Read about the OLPC '''[[Learning Vision]]''', to learn more about why we think children in developing countries need laptops and what we think laptops will enable them to do.
*Learn about our '''pilot programs'''-- read our reports from [[Galadima|Nigeria]] and [[OLPC_Thailand/Ban_Samkha|Thailand]], visit the [ OLPC Ceibal] blog, and explore the wiki pages created by [[:Category:OLPC_Brazil|OLPC Brazil]].
*Familiarize yourself with OLPC's vision for [[content|content and collaboration]], and the various [ Creative Commons licenses], since we want educational material produced for / connected with the project to be free and open source.
*Read some of the [ comments from teachers and children] involved in the project.

* [[Media:EToys Book.docx|Creating a storybook in Etoys]]
===And then what?===

For additional manuals, please see: [[Manuals]]

Resources developed by community groups: from [ Hello Laptop], from [[Plan Ceibal]], from [[OLPC Peru|Peru]].

=== Recent Learning Team Activities ===
{| style="background:#b2effd;"
|- valign="top" style="background:#b12cffd;"
| Seminario, July 2012
| Delegates from Mexico, Uruguay, Colombia, Costa Rica and Canada met to discuss the status of their projects and explore innovation in evaluation
| [[Seminario_OLPC_July2012]]

|- valign="top" style="background:white;"
*[[Learning Vision]]
| Scratch@MIT 2012
*[[Educational content ideas]]
| A bi-annual meeting of educators using [[Scratch]]. OLPC held a panel on the ways [[Scratch]] is being used on the XO laptop in Colombia, Costa Rica, Rwanda and Uruguay.
[[ 2012]]
|- valign="top" style="background:#b12cffd;"
| Constructing Modern Knowledge
| The OLPC learning team supported and participated in Dr. Gary Stager's annual conference which brings together teachers, administrators and academics for a week of pragmatic learning and constructing in the 21st century.
| [[| CMK]]
|- valign="top" style="background:white;"
| PBL World, June 2012
| Dr. Claudia Urrea opened the conference by asking "what's worth learning?"
| [[| Edutopia Article]]
| [[| PBL World site]]

== How can I get involved? ==
'''[ Create an account]''' on the OLPCWiki and [[talk:educators|leave us questions or comments]]!

Read about the OLPC '''[[Learning Vision]]''' to learn more about why we think children in developing countries need laptops and what we think laptops will enable them to do. Familiarize yourself with our ideas about '''[[content|content and collaboration]]''', and the various [ Creative Commons licenses]. As a rule, we want educational materials produced for and connected with OLPC to be free and open source.
:''We need a big-picture paragraph describing:''
:*where is potential content discussed
:*who creates content
:*how it gets collected an curated
:*how it gets distributed
:*and how people can contribute to these steps
::[[User:MitchellNCharity|MitchellNCharity]] 13:19, 23 June 2007 (EDT)

* If you or your school want to work with XOs in the classroom (and don't yet have any), see the page for [[Interested schools]].
*[[OLPC Nigeria/Galadima]]
*[[OLPC Thailand/Ban Samkha/trial-200705]]

* Visit our [[participate]], [[contributors program]], and [[projects]] pages, and see if others are working on a project that interests you. There is also a page specifically for '''[[education projects]]'''.
::''what else? [[User:MitchellNCharity|MitchellNCharity]] 13:19, 23 June 2007 (EDT)''

* Visit our sister organization, [ '''Sugar Labs'''], and join their [ wiki].

* '''Add yourself''', or your organization, to the educator [[Educators/Roll Call|Roll Call]] page.
=== Jump right in! ===
Never used a wiki before? Wikipedia has a [ tutorial].

* Add an '''[[Template:Educator|educator user box]]''' to your user page, which will add you to [[:Category:Educators]].
*[[:Category:Education_Tasks|List of some education-related tasks]]

* Create an '''[[Educational organization template|educational organization page]]''' for your organization, group, or school.
=== Projects ===

'''Contribute content'''
*[[Synthesizing info from pilot programs]]
* Read about the '''[[content repository]]''' that will reside on the school servers.
*[[Expand presence of educators on wiki]]
* Add to the '''[[Educational content ideas|list of ideas]]''' for content that should be included in the repository.
*[[Educational bundle as part of each release]]
* '''Contribute your content''' directly to OLPC by following [[contributing content|these instructions]] and writing to <tt>content</tt>@<tt></tt>.
*[[Reactivate educators mailing list]]
*[[Educational activity guidelines]]
*[[Educator Jam]]
*[[Meta-indexing for library]]
*[[Towards Collaborative Constructionism]]
*[[Educational toolkit]]
*[[Content guidelines]]

'''Create activities and collections'''
=== Project Ideas ===
* Read the '''[[educational activity guidelines]]''' to learn about the features of the XO that pertain directly to educators.
[[Activating educators]] is a brainstorming space for organizational principles and new project ideas.
* Explore our '''repository of [[:Category:Learning_Activities|activity outlines and lesson plans]]'''.
* Contribute to our collection of story-based '''[[learning activities]]'''.
* '''Create a new activity,''' either based on one of our [[sample learning activities]] or entirely from scratch.
* Upload your activity or collection to the Sugar Labs [ activities database].

== Guidelines and Tutorials ==
== School stories and case studies ==
*[[Educational activity guidelines]]
*[[Collaboration guidelines]]

We need more tutorials!

{| border="0"
==Frequently Asked Questions==
! [[OLPC Brazil/Porto Alegre|Porto Alegre]]<br>[[OLPC Brazil]]
! [[OLPC Nigeria/Galadima|Galadima]]<br>[[OLPC Nigeria]]
! [[OLPC Thailand/Ban_Samkha/trial-200705|Ban Samkha]]<br>[[OLPC Thailand/Ban_Samkha/trial-200705|OLPC Thailand]]
|- valign="top"
|[[Image:Porto_alegre.jpg|thumb|Porto Alegre is the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]]
|[[Image:Galadima1.jpg|thumb|Galadima is a hamlet in Abuja, Nigeria]]
|[[Image:Hiking02.jpg|thumb|Ban Samkha is a rural village in northern Thailand]]
|- valign="top"
! [[OLPC Uruguay/Cardal|Cardal]]<br>[[OLPC Uruguay]]
! [[OLPC Peru/Arahuay|Arahuay]]<br>[[OLPC Peru]]
! [[Khairat school]]<br>[[OLPC India]]
|- valign="top"
|[[Image:Cardal2.JPG|thumb|Villa Cardal is a small town in Uruguay]]
|[[Image:007_Arahuay_2nd_Photo.JPG|thumb|Arahuay is a small town in Peru]]
|[[Image:India.JPG|thumb|Khairat is a remote village in Maharashtra, India]]

== Comments ==
Ask a question and someone will try to answer it.
''"Pupils go even beyond what I can teach in the class. It's a very interesting thing to use. I personally have a better idea about teaching... We discovered that giving them time to discover something and to do it in their own way, they feel more happy and they are so excited in using it that, 'Yes, I discovered it! Yes, I can get it!! Yes, I can do this on my own!!!' Teaching is getting more interesting and less stressful."'' — Mr. O., Galadima School, Abuja, Nigeria

==Comments and Discussion==

Please leave comments on the Educators '''[[Talk:Educators|talk page]].'''

==== Join the community ====
*Add an '''[[Template:Educator|educator user box]]''' to your user page.
*Create an '''[[Educational organization template|educational organization page]]''' for your organization, group, or school.
*Start to '''[[Participate]]'''.

==== Contribute content ====
*Read about the '''[[content repository]]''' that will reside on the school servers.
*Add to the '''[[Educational content ideas|list of ideas]]''' for content that should be included in the repository.
*'''Contribute your content''' directly to OLPC by following [[contributing content|these instructions]].

==== Create activities ====
*Read the '''[[educational activity guidelines]]''' to learn about the features of the XO that pertain directly to educators.
*Contribute to our collection of story-based '''[[learning activities]]'''.
*'''Create a new activity,''' either with an [[activity template]] or entirely from scratch.

== Jump In ==

== Categories from ==

'''Play''' to learn
- creative games
- science sims
- casual games

'''Learn''' to build
- designing
- programming
- multimedia

'''Explore''' together
- my planet
- in class
- at home

'''Exchange''' ideas
- for peace
- kids gallery
- community blog

[[Category:Pedagogical ideas]]

Latest revision as of 00:30, 24 July 2013

  This page is monitored by the OLPC team.
  english | español | italian | 日本語 | 한글 | português | русский | 中文(简体) HowTo [ID# 289381]  +/-  

One Laptop per Child is an education project, not a laptop project. With connected laptops, learners are liberated to actively engage with others with similar interests in cultures of learning by doing without being limited by time or space. Children can learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners and freeing the teacher to focus her experience and expertise where most needed. (see also: education philosophy).

Educators have long recognized that children learn best when they are active, when they pursue their own interests, and when they participate in cultures of knowledge and engagement. However, until now it has been logistically impossible, except for the elites, to create such learning environments. With 1-to-1 access to connected laptops, children actively engage in knowledge construction and are not limited to passive reception of information. Each child can pursue learning in areas of strong personal interest and the classroom is not limited to a pre-determined, one-size-fits-all approach. With connected laptops, learners are liberated to actively engage with others with similar interests in cultures of learning by doing without being limited by time or space. In this way children can learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners and thereby liberating the teacher to focus her experience and expertise where most needed. Computers also facilitate appropriation of knowledge in domains difficult to comprehend with other static, non-connected materials. Domains that involve dynamics, complexity, high levels of abstraction, micro or macro size, and more become appropriable by children through expressive uses of computers. Teachers benefit as well as not only do they get to use the laptops at home for their own learning, but the connected laptop becomes a conduit for customized professional development enabling the teachers to gain access to expertise and colleagues, to pose and respond to practical questions. Moreover, with mobile, connected laptops the walls of the classroom open and the entire community becomes the classroom and virtually the whole world enters on demand. The children carry the classrooms and teachers of the world with them through the community and into their homes. Children can participate in the study of global issues while simultaneously using local context for understanding. They can fully participate as producers of knowledge and not just as consumers of materials produced by others. Connected laptops also provide a means for new models of growth. Rather than needing to rely on a centralized, standardized reform, we can develop high-quality, localized models of improved practice, and utilize the network and rich media to create mechanisms for spread. A foundation is thus created for three distinct, but overlapping, phases: enabling powerful learning in and out of school; the positive change to specific school practices; and the transformation of schools from funnels of received information to engines of knowledge construction and appropriation.

Laptops are the pencils for the digital age. The sooner we can provide high quality learning environments for all, the better and more cohesive our societies will become.

The OLPC Learning Team, led by Dr. Claudia Urrea and Dr. Antonio Battro, are currently working in Colombia, Rwanda and the US respectively and provide support to countries, teams, community and children engaged in the project. The team recently released OLPC Fundamental Ideas on Learning

Each Wednesday, 2pm GMT, learning representatives and other educational stakeholders from OLPC countries, led by Dr. Urrea, meet to discuss on relevant issues, updates from programs or for a presentation/discussion from a guest speaker. The chat is in Spanish, but can be translated. For a log of all chats, please see: Spanish_Chat

Background for educators

Cquote1.svg  The most fundamental job of schools is to teach good citizenship, which includes the habit of helping others. Cquote2.svg

Why Schools Should Exclusively Use Free Software, Richard Stallman

Some articles on constructionism, emergent design, high-quality education and 1:1 experiences:

see OLPC_Research for research, papers on numerous OLPC projects across the globe

In April 2011, the Learning Team also launched "Innovation in Evaluation," you can learn more here: Innovation_in_Evaluation

Classroom Resources

Cquote1.svg  Kindermann (1993) found children's attitudes and engagement in school (i.e. connectedness to school) were highly predictive of the peer group they selected, and when children moved in an out of well-defined peer groups, each move resulted in the children identifying with the newly chosen group's attitude toward school. Conversely, even when interventions are intended to be helpful and facilitate prosocial behavior and attitudes, when antisocial or delinquent youth are aggregated, their goal of modeling one another's behavior's and attitudes can trump well-intended efforts of adults (Patterson, Dishion, & Yoerger; 2000).
Therefore, the attitudes that children bring to school or to an intervention program may lead to birds of a feather flocking together unless the context can be shaped (preferably by peers) to reward children, especially underachieving or delinquent children, for their academic successes and socially skilled (e.g. caring, empathic) behavior. Cquote2.svg
DuBois, David L.; Michael J. Karcher (2005). Handbook of Youth Mentoring. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications Ltd. ISBN 0761929770. 
  • OLPC Aprendizaje por Proyectos: Mi comunidad & Abuela Ruanda/Project Based Learning in the context of OLPC

For additional manuals, please see: Manuals

Resources developed by community groups: from Hello Laptop, from Plan Ceibal, from Peru.

Recent Learning Team Activities

Seminario, July 2012 Delegates from Mexico, Uruguay, Colombia, Costa Rica and Canada met to discuss the status of their projects and explore innovation in evaluation Seminario_OLPC_July2012
Scratch@MIT 2012 A bi-annual meeting of educators using Scratch. OLPC held a panel on the ways Scratch is being used on the XO laptop in Colombia, Costa Rica, Rwanda and Uruguay.


Constructing Modern Knowledge The OLPC learning team supported and participated in Dr. Gary Stager's annual conference which brings together teachers, administrators and academics for a week of pragmatic learning and constructing in the 21st century. [CMK]
PBL World, June 2012 Dr. Claudia Urrea opened the conference by asking "what's worth learning?" [Edutopia Article] [PBL World site]

How can I get involved?

Create an account on the OLPCWiki and leave us questions or comments!

Read about the OLPC Learning Vision to learn more about why we think children in developing countries need laptops and what we think laptops will enable them to do. Familiarize yourself with our ideas about content and collaboration, and the various Creative Commons licenses. As a rule, we want educational materials produced for and connected with OLPC to be free and open source.

  • If you or your school want to work with XOs in the classroom (and don't yet have any), see the page for Interested schools.
  • Add yourself, or your organization, to the educator Roll Call page.

Contribute content

  • Read about the content repository that will reside on the school servers.
  • Add to the list of ideas for content that should be included in the repository.
  • Contribute your content directly to OLPC by following these instructions and writing to

Create activities and collections

School stories and case studies

Porto Alegre
OLPC Brazil
OLPC Nigeria
Ban Samkha
OLPC Thailand
Porto Alegre is the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Galadima is a hamlet in Abuja, Nigeria
Ban Samkha is a rural village in northern Thailand
OLPC Uruguay
Khairat school
OLPC India
Villa Cardal is a small town in Uruguay
Arahuay is a small town in Peru
Khairat is a remote village in Maharashtra, India


"Pupils go even beyond what I can teach in the class. It's a very interesting thing to use. I personally have a better idea about teaching... We discovered that giving them time to discover something and to do it in their own way, they feel more happy and they are so excited in using it that, 'Yes, I discovered it! Yes, I can get it!! Yes, I can do this on my own!!!' Teaching is getting more interesting and less stressful." — Mr. O., Galadima School, Abuja, Nigeria