User talk:Cryout

Revision as of 19:16, 16 October 2007 by Xavi (talk | contribs) (→‎Welcome!: about the moving)
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Thanks for translating! I moved the pages so that the naming will match all other translations of (also reachable through Category:Translations lang-bg):

The old page-names still work (they redirect to the new names) but sooner or later they'll probably be deleted. I also took the liberty of tagging your user page with a translators box, hope you don't mind. There are other OBXes that you can add (ie: languages, email, IRC, etc and any suggestions are welcome). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. --Xavi 16:46, 15 October 2007 (EDT)

follow up to User talk:Xavi#Bulgaria Translation
I've seen lots of pages not following the local idioms and thought those pages were just honest 'mistakes' instead of a staging point. Redirects are (mostly) invisible, so moving a page early on diminishes the chances of people linking to them and that they develop 'roots' (making them harder to correct later).
BTW, for unfinished or ongoing translations, we have the {{Ongoing Translation}} that allows marking them. And since the syncing is not automatic, you should notify Walter for them to be included (at least that was the procedure last time I checked). --Xavi 15:16, 16 October 2007 (EDT)