
Revision as of 01:00, 23 April 2007 by Php5 (talk | contribs)
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This is the Intro page for Localization of the OLPC. This needs filling out.

English | espanol | Korean

Current l10n projects

library exchange

activities (include links to upstream localization where appropriate)

  • camera — en | es | ko | pt
  • web?
  • read?
  • write?
  • blockparty?

Country groups and descriptions

Korean-based Nations and Regional Communities using Korean

Korea map.gif

People using Korean as their native language are those in South Korea (한국인) and North Korea (조선인). Some Chinese and those with other nationalities, living in the Nothern part of Korea also are using Korean as their second language, because of some historical issues. They are called as 고려인(Korea-in) and 조선족 (Chosun-zok or Korean Chinese) respectively.

Currently OLPC Korea (or XO Korea) is covering all those nations and regions. In a near future, we hope there will be regional XO groups for those.

There's also a matrix to keep track of Translated pages.