OLPC groups

Introduce yourselves, tell us what you're up to, link to cool stuff. Be warned, though, new community members may turn up in very short order. See also regional groups.
User groups
There are a number of user groups around the world. Large groups that have their own mailing lists and other public faces are listed here; see also regional groups for any org that has registered here on the wiki and meets from time to time.
North America
for details, see OLPC North America
- also see OLPC USA
- Boston, MA, USA
- see OLPC Boston; contact SJ.
- Chicago, IL, USA
- see OLPC Chicago; contact Ian.
- Dallas, TX USA
- - Interactive Users Group, also see the DFW-XO.
- Los Angeles, CA, USA
- see XOCAL Users Forum
- New York, NY, USA
- contact Lauren.
- Oregon, USA
- Oregon State University has a group of OLPC users and developers who meet regularly and are developing a few XO-specific projects, including the Helix Media Player. Contact Michael.
- Washington, DC
- Washington state
- contact isforinsects
- more ad hoc groups
- see the OLPCnews forums, with links to local groups, and a member map.
- see Canada
- See OLPC Mexico. There is a group of students and educators in Monterrey, and pilot projects starting.
for details, see OLPC Europe
for details, see OLPC Africa
- South Africa
- See OLPC South Africa
- Nigeria
- See OLPC Nigeria - there is a trial school in Abuja
- Rwanda
- See OLPC Rwanda
- Ethiopia
- See OLPC Ethiopia - there is a trial in Addis Ababa
- Mozambique
South America
- Brasil - two trial schools
- Chile -
- Argentina- some trials?
- Peru - one trial, initial deployment
- Uruguay - full deployment underway
see OLPC Asia
- Korea
- see USer:Php5
- China
- India
- see Khairat school trial
- Japan
- Nepal
- Philippines
- Thailand
- see the Bann Samkha school
- Mongolia
- Pakistan
- Russia
Middle East
see OLPC Middle East
- Libya
- not active
Australia & Oceania
see OLPC Oceania
- Australia
- See OLPC Australia
- Solomon Islands
- See OLPC Oceania
- New Zealand
- See OLPC New Zealand
Give 1 Get 1 PDF Fliers:
- File:OLPCflyerV4PRINT.pdf - for office copiers and inkjet printers
- File:OLPCflyerV4PRESS.pdf - just in case anyone wants to do a larger run on a printing press.
Give 1 Get 1 Flyers from San Francisco State University:
- http://opensource.sfsu.edu/files/g1g1-ads.pdf - Six ads. Print well at 8.5 x 11. Not sure if it will scale up.
- http://opensource.sfsu.edu/files/g1g1-ads.odp - Same as above. Original in Open Document Format. Under a CC license.
Change your Wi-Fi ESSID
- I have changed my Wi-Fi ESSID (sometimes called network name) to laptopgiving.org in the hopes that my neighbors will see it and get curious! My Wi-Fi node is open (no WEP etc.) but even if your Wi-Fi node is encrypted and you don't want others to use it, simply set the ESSID to laptopgiving.org as an advertisement. Remember, every additional G1G1 customer means two additional laptops! --Sverma 18:50, 6 December 2007 (EST)
Other groups
- Earth Treasury
- http://www.onevillagefoundation.org/ Onevillage Foundation
- http://www.wiserearth.org/ Wiser Earth
Textbook Writers
- Ken Iverson, Arithmetic, Algebra, Calculus, all in executable notation
- See also Librarian Chick's listings of free textbooks
Activity creation
Related issues
We need research on education, economics, health, sustainable development, microfinance, appropriate technology, and more. See also the research mailing list. --Mokurai 14:07, 13 November 2007 (EST)
Hardware and Software
System Software : Linux, OFW, drivers Sugar: Interface Activity creation : see #Activity creation, above.
- see Anne Gentle and Mokurai
Localization and languages
- see Translation