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This collection of mailing lists almost certainly out-of-date by the time you read this. For a complete listing go to

See also Communication channels.

There are probably many community mailing lists out there.

Global Community mailing lists

Invite Lang Traffic Description URL
free en low The One Laptop Per Child Audio Group olpc audio
[[|]] []

Regional or National Community mailing lists

Invite Lang Traffic Description URL
AR free es olpc 06
AR free es yes Dedicada a Tuquito
Dedicated to Tuquito
Tuquito OLPC
BR free pt_BR laptop de olpc
BR YES unk unk Only for companies and or institutions related to OLPC Brazil olpc-brasil
NE free ne no A group to discuss on development and deployment issues of OLPC in Nepal olpcnepal
[[|]] []

Have an (open) community mailing list not listed here? Added it! (please?)

Official mailing lists

The official (read, hosted by) OLPC mailing lists (as of 2007-02-09) are:

argentina - OLPC in Argentina brasil - OLPC in Brasil
bugs - OLPC bugtracker mail commits-kernel - Commits list for OLPC kernel
community-news - weekend community news design - Private design list
devel - Software development mailing list devel-boards - OLPC Developer Machine mailing list
(announce only, for people with hardware)
devel-machines - OLPC Developer Machine mailing list
(announce only, for people with full systems)
eco - Change Orders for the OLPC first generation system
egypt - Discussion of open source in Egypt etoys - Discussion of the Etoys multi-media authoring environment on OLPC
games - Games for the OLPC hardware-announce - Hardware-announce
india - OLPC in India library - OLPC content discussions
linux-mm-cc - Compressed Caching for Linux networking - Networking the OLPC world
nigeria-opensource - Discussion of open source in Nigeria olpc-open - General OLPC community discussion and chit-chat
research - Research security - OLPC Security Discussion
sugar - Discussion of OLPC design, desktop platform and user experience

The current, all inclusive list can be found here.