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msgid "participatep9"
msgid "participatep9"
msgstr "To participate in the Give One Get One program, which
msgstr "To participate in the Give One Get One program, which runs from November 12 6:00am ET to November 26, please visit"
runs from November 12 6:00am ET to November 26, please visit "

msgid "participatep10"
msgid "participatep10"

Revision as of 03:02, 12 November 2007

  This page is monitored by the OLPC team.
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This is one of the template files for the new—as of January, 2007—laptop.org website. Translators, please note that this is a template file. You should copy this file into a PO file specific to your target language rather than doing in-line edits here, e.g., PO-laptop.org-foundation-es for Spanish.

The PO files are organized by sections:

Basic terms common to many pages, and pages that represent the top level of the website hierarchy:


Individual sections:


Auxilliary pages:


#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-22 13:21-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# these pages are for the Foundation Section

#: purpose.html

msgid "purposetitle"
msgstr "Purpose: The OLPC Foundation is a tax-exempt, social-benefit organization"

msgid "purposedescription"
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation's mission to stimulate grassroots initiatives designed to enhance and sustain the effectiveness of laptops as learning tools for children living in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "purposeh1"
msgstr "purpose"

msgid "purposeh2"
msgstr "Mission"

msgid "purposep1"
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation's mission is to stimulate local grassroots initiatives designed to enhance and sustain over time the effectiveness of laptops as learning tools for children living in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "purposeh3"
msgstr "Organization"

msgid "purposep2"
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation is a tax-exempt (501c3) social-benefit organization chartered in the State of Delaware and headquartered at One Cambridge Center, Cambridge Massachusetts, 02142."

msgid "purposeh4"
msgstr "Board"

msgid "purposebullet1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte, Chairman"

msgid "purposebullet2"
msgstr ", President"

msgid "purposebullet3"
msgstr "Ashton Hawkins, Secretary"

msgid "purposebullet4"
msgstr "Robert D. Fadel"

msgid "purposebullet5"
msgstr "Calestous Juma"

#: program.html

msgid "programtitle"
msgstr "Program: Enhance learning among children in lesser-developed countries — OLPC Foundation"

msgid "programdescription"
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation identifies programs and initiatives consistent with its mission to enhance learning among children in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "programh1"
msgstr "The Foundation's Program — focus on grassroots innovations"

msgid "programp1"
msgstr "The mission of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) movement is to ensure that all school-aged children in the developing world are able to engage effectively with their own personal laptop, networked to the world, so that they, their families and their communities can openly learn and learn about learning."

msgid "programp2"
msgstr "The OLPC Association focuses on designing, manufacturing, and distributing laptops to children in lesser developed countries, initially concentrating on those governments that have made commitments for the funding and program support required to ensure that all of their children own and can effectively use a laptop."

msgid "programp3"
msgstr "Initial focus is on the launch of the One Laptop per Child program. In the future, the OLPC Foundation will focus on the grassroots, “bottom-up” aspects of the OLPC mission."

#msgid "programp4"
#msgstr "The Foundation is in the process of raising funds that will enable it, in the future, to #subsidize the cost of laptops to groups of children who will not be provided laptops by #governments because of the special nature of their circumstances."

#msgid "programp5"
#msgstr "Examples of these exceptional cases include programs for refugee children, for children #in isolated parts of a country who are not included in a government program, and for children #living in exceptionally poor countries. Support for such Special Laptop Programs will be #dependent upon funding from outside sources that can be used for this purpose."

#msgid "programp6"
#msgstr "Due to the current limitations of the Foundation's funding and to ensure highly #effective content and support for the initial phases of this program, the Foundation is not yet #accepting applications for the funding of Special Laptop Programs."

#: participate.html

msgid "participatetitle"
msgstr "Participate: Invest your money and your time in OLPC project"

msgid "participatedescription"
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation works to advance their initiative by raising money to purchase and distribute learning-driven laptops to children."

msgid "participateh1"
msgstr "contribute"

msgid "participatep1"
msgstr "The One Laptop per Child Foundation is supported by individuals, businesses and foundations. Contributions large and small are greatly appreciated and will be used to support grassroots learning innovations throughout the lesser-developed world. Contributions may be sent to: "

msgid "participatep2"
msgstr "or for credit card contributions"

msgid "participatep2a"
msgstr "Donate stock"

msgid "participatep2b"
msgstr "Instruct your broker to transfer stock to the OLPC Foundation through our broker, AG Edwards. DTC Clearing #0201. For the Benefit Of (FBO): OLPC Foundation; Account 70038685. Please email questions to stockdonation at laptop.org"

msgid "participateh2"
msgstr "OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service"

msgid "participatep3"
msgstr "As a part of its mission, the OLPC Foundation maintains a Web-based listing of individuals and organizations who are prepared to contribute their services and/or products in support of children in laptop programs throughout the world."

msgid "participatep4"
msgstr "All activities undertaken as a result of contacts made through this OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service must be done on a strictly volunteer basis and all intellectual property generated as a part of this Service will be considered in the public domain and therefore not subject to any royalty or copyright fees. Volunteers may not charge a fee for the time, effort invested, or ideas generated as a part of this service. In exceptional cases, volunteers may be reimbursed for direct out-of-pocket expenses, but only on the basis of prior written agreements with the related program(s). An executed, electronic copy the agreement must be provided in advance to the OLPC Foundation."

msgid "participatep5"
msgstr "The information provided in all applications will be reviewed and, if appropriate, will be posted on the OLPC Foundation Website. {You may be contacted.}"

msgid "participatep6"
msgstr "I have read the terms and conditions of the OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service listed above and agree that any service or product that I provide through this Service will be subject to these terms and conditions."

msgid "participatep7"
msgstr "Go to Application for OLPC Volunteer Service"

msgid "participatep8"
msgstr "You must agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding."

msgid "participateh3"
msgstr "Give 1 Get 1"

msgid "participatep9"
msgstr "To participate in the Give One Get One program, which runs from November 12 6:00am ET to November 26, please visit"

msgid "participatep10"
msgstr "more ways to give"

msgid "participatep11"
msgstr "For donations of 100 or more laptops, please visit"

msgid "participatep12"
msgstr "Perhaps your employer can match your generous donation?  We are a 501(c)(3) organization; our EIN# is 20-5471780."

#: propose.html

msgid "proposetitle"
msgstr "Propose: Special OLPC Programs and Grassroots Learning Intiatives"

msgid "proposedescription"
msgstr "Special OLPC Programs involve the purchase and delivery of laptops for use by children in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "proposerightsidebar1"
msgstr "grassroots learning innovations"

msgid "proposep1"
msgstr "Programmers and developers interested in volunteer opportunities:"

msgid "proposeindenta"
msgstr "(a) Online, open-source, wiki-textbooks, math and science projects, dictionaries, geographies, histories, social studies, health and nutrition courses, and translations into indigenous languages. These materials can be customized for a particular region or group of children or for more general use throughout the OLPC world; <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Content" target="_blank">Go to OLPC Content wikipage.</a>"

msgid "proposeindentb"
msgstr "(b) Software applications not otherwise available on laptops for children that will enhance the general usefulness of laptops in every location. This could be, for example, educational games; collaborative and archiving tools; or artistic, video and graphic tools; <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_Program" target="_blank">Go to OLPC Developers Program wikipage.</a>"

msgid "proposeindentc"
msgstr "(c) Other ways to participate can be found on this <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Getting_involved_in_OLPC" target="_blank">OLPC wikipage.</a>"

msgid "proposep2"
msgstr "All materials and peripherals developed with OLPC Foundation support must follow open source formats and standards and be available without fee for use by any child with an OLPC-provided laptop."

#: givemany.html

msgid "givemanyh1"
msgstr "many ways to give"

msgid "givemanyh2"
msgstr "Give 100+"

msgid "givemanyp1"
msgstr "$200 per laptop"

msgid "givemanyp2"
msgstr "• Donor designates where 60% of laptops are sent;<br/>• OLPC sends 40% of the laptops to children in a country of our designation."

msgid "givemanyh3"
msgstr "Give 1000+"

msgid "givemanyp3"
msgstr "$200 per laptop"

msgid "givemanyp4"
msgstr "• Donor designates where 80% of laptops are sent;<br/>• OLPC uses 20% of the laptops to children in a country of our designation."

msgid "givemanyh4"
msgstr "Give 10,000+"

msgid "givemanyp5"
msgstr "$200 per laptop"

msgid "givemanyp6"
msgstr "• Donor designates where 100% of laptops are sent."

msgid "givemanyp7"
msgstr "To give 100 or more laptops and direct them to a location you designate, send email to givemany at laptop.org"

msgid "givemanyp8"
msgstr "For general information about the many ways you can give laptops through the One Laptop per Child Foundation, please send email to service at laptopgiving.org"