One Laptop per Child/lang-zh

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麻省理工学院多媒体实验室开展了一个研究项目,其内容是开发100美元的笔记本电脑。这项技术可能为我们对下一代的教育带来革命性的变化。为了达到这个目的,我们建立了一个全新的、独立于麻省理工学院的非赢利性组织,名称为One Laptop per Child(每个儿童一台笔记本电脑),简称为OLPC。






Design Continuum设计的绿色机型, 在2005年突尼斯举办的世界信息社会峰会上由联合国秘书长安南和OLPC主席Nicholas Negroponte揭幕。


我们的多个开发小组正在调研不同的动力装置选项,包括手摇曲柄、脚踏板和一组滑轮装置。我们的目标是达到1:10的发电/使用比率,即发电一分钟能够使电脑工作十分钟。我们已经得出结论,直接与笔记本电脑相连的手摇曲柄效率太低,不实用。单独的人力发电效果较好。关于动力系统的详情,我们会随时更新。目前你可以在 这里查看现有的人力发电设备。




为本机开发软件并不复杂,但你需要注意一些软件开发相关问题。我们的软件开发合作伙伴是Red Hat




电子图书功能讨论 是关于传统以及非传统的电子图书功能及其与不同读者关系的讨论页面。

Wiki电子图书阅读器 的讨论议题是使用wiki作为电子图书媒介的适用性,以及这一做法为何与100美元电脑所试图解决的问题相一致。


OLPC is based on constructivist theories of learning pioneered by Seymour Papert and later Alan Kay, as well as the principles expressed in Nicholas Negroponte's book 'Being Digital'. Some background on our approach can be gleaned from David Cavallo's essay, "Models for growth—towards fundamental change in learning environments"


The laptops will be sold to governments and issued to children by schools on a basis of "one laptop per child." Discussions are ongoing with China, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Nigeria, and Thailand. In addition, a modest allocation of machines will be used to seed developer communities in a number of other countries. A commercial version of the machine will be explored in parallel.

See Category: Countries for a list of pages for countries that have OLPC groups.

Pictures from the Country Task Force Meeting are now available.


There is a page in this wiki dedicated to Getting involved in OLPC, an OLPC Idea Pool page, an IRC channel (, #OLPC), mailing lists for generic OLPC discussions not specific to any Linux distribution, and a Jobs at OLPC page.

There is a Fedora Project for OLPC, where you can get the Fedora software for the OLPC hardware and join Fedora OLPC related mailing lists.

We have had significant quantities of prototype electronics built for people who need early access to the hardware for device driver, power management, wireless, distribution and UI work. The beginnings of notes on using the OLPC developer boards contain information that may be useful to those working on this early hardware. Please get involved in the Developers Program if you have the time, energy and ability to help.

Also, we are doing a OLPC Google Summer of Code.


Help us translate the OLPC website into your native language; please start from either the POT or XLIFF template. We have translations in Arabic, Bengali, Danish, German, Greek, Finnish, French, Hausa, Hindi, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Lao, Nepali, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Telugu, Turkish, Thai, Vietnamese, Yoruba, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.


The official FAQ is on the project website; a more extensive collection of questions (and answers) is here: OLPC FAQ. Please feel free to pose additional questions here: Ask OLPC a Question. There is also a collection of OLPC myths.

A separate page has been created for the History of OLPC to collect information about the genesis of the project.