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Country=United States|
{{Country color status | green = green <!--| local_text = Estado actual: '''verde'''-->}}
Code=US |
Keyboard=[[OLPC_English_Keyboard|US Layout]]|
Spoken=English (en)|
Written=English (en)
The United States (U.S.) presents a special case to OLPC deployments.
* Most software is initially localized to the United States and so requires no additional localization.
* Most laptops deployed in the United States are from the [[G1G1 2007|2007]] and [[G1G1 2008|2008 Give One, Get One]] programs and not from school or government programs.
* The U.S. spends significantly more than many countries on education and has been a lower priority for deployment.
* Each of the fifty United States, plus associated territories, has great discretion on which tools it uses for education.

== News and Rumors ==
* 9 Jan 2008 The OLPC announced the foundation of a group, [[OLPC America]], to bring XO laptops to American students. Details are unavailable until a launch later in 2008.

* 28 April 2007 United States entered the list of 'green' countries, according to an [http://www.olpcnews.com/countries/usa/one_laptop_per_child_news.html article] of the unofficial [http://www.olpcnews.com/ OLPC News]. Also mentioned in by [[User:Walter Bender|Walter Bender]] in [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/community-news/2007-April/000055.html an email post].
Entered the list of 'green' countries through the [[news]] announcement of 2007-04-28 (which can be found in the [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/2e76a5a80bc36cbf85256cd700545fa5/1d54da039aebe1ff852572cb005aefae?OpenDocument archive]) and states:

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== Deployments and Trials ==
Maine and Georgia have similar programs using conventional laptops. As Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney called for XOs in MA schools. This is not part of his presidential campaign.

A prerequisite for wider deployment in the States is better compliance with the [[OLPC_United_States/CIPA|Children's Internet Protection Act]].
==US Virgin Islands==
We're ready to launch a pilot on the island of Saint John this fall (2007).

=== Give One, Get One (G1G1) ===
Should this prove successful, there's great interest from the government to purchase \\
The [[G1G1 2008|2008 Give One, Get One]] program is again available to people in the United States, and now also in [[XO Giving/G1G1EU|Europe]].
XOs for every elementary student in the US Virgin Islands, which also includes Saint Thomas and Saint Croix. \\
More information (and a video) can be found on the [http://waveplace.com Project Waveplace] site.

The [[G1G1 2007|2007 Give One, Get One]] program allowed people in the United States and some other areas to purchase laptops from the OLPC Foundation at cost in return for donating a laptop for a deployment to be named later. About 80,000 units were purchased in the United States with a matching number earmarked for future deployments outside the country (cite?). Logistics marred the program's success causing delayed deliveries and far more support calls than anticipated.
Please add yours if there is an active effort there.

=== Government and Official Groups ===
* [[OLPC America]] will be the official organization within the OLPC Foundation providing support to U.S. deployments.
I don't know whether CA is talking to OLPC, but I have started talking to politicians here. Assemblyman Ira Ruskin has a bill to fund a pilot project to encourage use of Free Textbooks in CA junior colleges. --[[User:Mokurai|Mokurai]] 17:49, 6 July 2007 (EDT)
* The OLPC Foundation is located in the United States.

=== States and Territories ===
==== US Virgin Islands - Waveplace ====
Said to have a program.
* ''Note the the Virgin Islands is a United States 'territory' not a state. This leads it to have an alternate [[Country_name|ISO country code]], VI''
* April 2008 - [[Waveplace]] completed a 10 week Virgin Islands ([[OLPC United States|US]]) pilot with the Guy Benjamin school's 4th grade class. ([http://waveplace.com/locations/usvi/ Movies] include [http://waveplace.com/locations/usvi/movie.jsp?id=45 scenes from pilot], [http://waveplace.com/locations/usvi/movie.jsp?id=44 student presentations])

it dosent have a proram i go to school in georgia
* November 2007 - Birmingham Mayor [http://www.informationbirmingham.com/birmingham-mayors-office.aspx Larry Langford] [http://www.al.com/news/birminghamnews/index.ssf?/base/news/1194945540247570.xml&coll=2 announced plans] to purchase 15,000 XO laptops for Birmingham schools. The district has about 28,000 students. See [[OLPC Birmingham]]
* April 2008 - The [http://birmingham.schoolinsites.com/?DivisionID='1332' Birmingham Board of Education] and Birmingham City Council [http://bhamweekly.com/blog/2008/04/03/council-boe-approve-laptop-pilot/ approved a pilot of 1,000 units]. This is expected to include the 762 Glen Iris Elementary School students. Pictures of the council meeting can found from [http://birmingham.schoolinsites.com/Default.asp?PN='News2'&SubP='DNewsStory'&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&NewsID=9426&ShowNav=&StoryGroup=Current this article]. The city has agreed to purchase 15,000 XO laptops for $3,000,000 USD. It is unclear what happens to these laptops if the pilot fails, and there is some pressure for the city to hold a competitive bid.
* Birmingham also hosts an active [[OLPC_Birmingham|user's group]] and a [[Repair_center_locations#Birmingham.2C_AL|repair center]].

* Some rumors that Georgia had a program requiring some sort of laptop, followed by several students denying such.
Said to have a program using Apple iBooks.

* Said to have program requiring conventional notebooks in schools.
* Said to have a program using Apple iBooks.

* Mitt Romney, then Massachusetts governor, [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney#Governor_of_Massachusetts.2C_2003.E2.80.932007 proposed] giving every middle and high-school student an XO in 2005. The proposal did not pass the legislature.

== User groups and unoffical groups ==

* There are many, many regional groups. See the list below or [http://olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?board=4.0 the OLPCNews forum] to find a local one.
* There are various unaffiliated groups promoting OLPC in the United States. [[Waveplace]] is one that is actually running pilot projects; another is [[Earth Treasury]], which is at an earlier stage.

=== Alabama ===
* [[OLPC Birmingham]]
** OLPC Birmingham has both a Grassroots group and a planned full scale implementation of 15,000 machines. On the grassroots side, their team of volunteers is experimenting with the School Servers and recently took part in BarCampBirmingham
::: We are a local group of XO laptop enthusiasts committed to co-learning, hacking, and expanding the One Laptop Per Child computational experience community.
::: Our members include
:::*Software developers interested in working on software for the XO.
:::*People interested in seeing what all the XO can do (and trying out all of the cool features.)
:::*Kids and parents who want to meet other kids and parents and do cool things together with their XOs.
:::For more information about this group and news about upcoming events, visit http://groups.google.com/group/birmingham-olpc-userinterest-group-al

=== Arizona ===
* [[AZ XO]]
** The Arizona XO user group has been meeting since February of 2008 and has over 10 members. They have their own forum, mailing list, and are starting to work with the local Global Literacy Foundation.

=== California ===
* [[OLPC California]], or [http://olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?board=11.0 XOCAL], has
** [[OLPC SanFranciscoBayArea]] is a group of OLPC enthusiasts in San Francisco and around, meets on the second Saturday or third of the month.
** [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Santa_Barbara OLPC Santa Barbara] is based in the University of California, Santa Barbara. It is a collabortion of students, faculty, staff, and external partners (including a pilot classroom in a Goleta elementary school).
**[http://groups.google.com/group/sv_olpc Silicon Valley OLPC Users' Group] Meets in South Bay Area, monthly on third Thursday evenings
::: 1/1/08 I'd like to start an OLPC group meeting around Mountain View, perhaps weekly for the short term while everyone gets up to speed, and then monthly later on. We'll likely meet at the Dana Street Cafe. It will be informal chit chat in the beginning. Send me your email address, and I'll add you to the list. -- carllinde the_usual_at_goes_here gmail.com
::: I'm hosting a hacking at my house on Saturday, December 22. A group will likely form off of the [http://baypiggies.org Bay Area Python Interest Group (BayPiggies)] --[[User:CharlesMerriam|CharlesMerriam]] 16:42, 19 December 2007 (EST)
** [[Projects/Southern_California_OLPC_Projects|Southern California]] has an ever growing variety of OLPC projects. Check them out! If you know of any that are missing, please add them to the list and map and join [http://twitter.com/sweetxogrannie SweetXOGrannie's] wonderful [http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-socal mailing list].

=== Connecticut ===
* Connecticut has two XO User groups, a [[Yale Interest Group]] and a small test deployment [[Middletown Childrens Project]]
** [[Middletown Childrens Project]] - Dedicated to providing XO laptops and support to elementary children in this Urban Village
** [[Yale Interest Group]]

=== Florida ===
: Listen in Tally, FL would like to find out if any others in the area have gotten an XO laptop. It would be great to see how the XO works when there is more than one around.

: I would like to help contact the govt about getting involved in the OLPC program and supply these machines to kids/schools in FL. In fact I have just found a page that helps you do this: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC4USALobbying. We need more sample letters on here so that more people will write to their Reps.<br>Let Love Flow<br>affiliatelinks(at)goct.net

I'm in Santa Rosa Beach, not far from Tally... Interested in helping too. 30abchgrl@gmail.com

I would love to get a chapter going at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando, FL. If anyone is interested email me at: schultzium@gmail.com

I'm in New Port Richey, Florida, just northwest of Tampa. I am interested in helping however I can. I have been an active volunteer for Pasco County Schools since 2004, and I'm willing to speak with local officials. My email is tekmom@gmail.com.

=== Georgia ===
* [[Atlanta]] has a small ad-hoc user group. An elementary school in Fulton County is piloting a lending program with 10 XO laptops that arrived August '08. http://www.creekview.org, [http://wiki.laptop.org/images/d/db/Olpc-creekview.JPG image]

: [[User:tkau|Tat Au]] is interested in forming an XO Learning Club in the Atlanta, Georgia area to allow young XO owners to get together, explore and have fun with XO and learn about OLPC.

=== Illinois ===
* Chicago is the home of [[OLPC Chicago]] and [[ILXO]], with the [[IMSA]] campus chapter in Aurora
** [[OLPC Chicago]] is a grassroots group backing several initiatives, including the Illinois Low Cost Laptop Act
** [[IMSA]] is a Highschool campus chapter (Aurora), they have several XO's and are active in testing and debugging
** [[ILXO]] was a summer 2008 office of full-time OLPC volunteers; many are still active virtual community members.
** An XO User Group has been formed at Moraine Valley Community College (in Palos Hills, IL, a southwest suburb of Chicago). XO users from Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois (and beyond) are welcome to join. The first club meeting will be held on Saturday, January 26, 2008. Contact [[User:langellier|Larry Langellier]] for additional details.

=== Louisiana===
* [[OLPC New Orleans]]
** Organizing for a future deployment of XOs. If interested, contact adriennedu@hotmail.com (Adrienne Warren) for more details.

=== Massachusetts ===
* Massachusetts has several different active user groups: Lexington and Olin
** Lexington: [http://groups.google.com/group/lexo LeXO: Lexington XO Users Group] is focused on spreading information on OLPC
** Needham/Wellesley: [[Olin university chapter]] - is active, helps with tech support and is setting up a repair center
** [[OLPC Boston]] is an active XO Users group.
** There is an [http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6145848838 XO Owners, Cambridge/Boston area] group on Facebook

=== Michigan ===
* [[ellohay! West Michigan http://www.ellohay.org]]
** Interest has been expressed by future-nonprofit organization's executive director, Marie-Claire Camp, but no group has yet formed

=== Minnesota ===
[[User:Wmcteer|Bill McTeer]] The Minnesota Chapter of the Independent Computer Consultants Association is starting a group. We would love to link up with others in the area. We have a Google Group located here: http://groups.google.com/group/icca-mn-olpc

[[User:nklein|Patrick Stein]] Bought an OLPC for my son Isaac, but I intend to develop some apps for it soon.

=== Mississippi ===
* [[Picayune Interest Group]]
** Interest has been expressed but no group has yet formed

=== Missouri ===

[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC-STL OLPC Saint Louis]
A Saint Louis Public Education OLPC awareness program looking for volunteers for School District wide fundraisers, events, and donations to the OLPC Organization from all the local schools. This is for Regional,local, and charter school districts as well as providing XO's for worldwide students. Find me @ [http://www.ZacharyJamesKraft.com ZacharyJamesKraft] or @ my [zjk@zacharyjameskraft.com E-mail] and also on facebook and twitter under the same name.

* The Grassroots projects in Missouri have two different mailing lists, but no groups yet.
**[[xo-stl|XO-StL]] (USA, Missouri, Saint Louis) &mdash; [http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/xo-stl/tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/xo-stl/ list1]
** [[xo-kc|XO-KC]] (USA, Missouri, Kansas City) &mdash; [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/xo-kc list2]

: Andrew Jensen is looking for others with XO laptops in the St. Louis Area, with the goal of sharing resources and seeing how they work together. Contact at PlatonicJensen(at)yahoo.com.

* [[Native Ascent]] (USA, Bozeman, MT) http://www.abaetern.com/nativeascent
** Is working with Ft. Belknap Indian Resevation in Montana and the Marsabit District in Northern [[Kenya]]

===New Mexico===
* [[Santa Fe Complex OLPC Community]]
** The Santa Fe community contains several members from the [[WorldVistA]] project and work in several [[Health]] projects.

=== New York ===
* Three areas in New York are organizing Local User Groups
** New York Metro Area is meeting: [[OLPC NYC]] [[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]]
** [[Long Island]] is still in the process of organizing
** [[OLPC_Rochester%2C_NY|OLPC Rochester, NY]] is a community group that evolved at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The RIT team has evolved into http://foss.rit.edu/.

=== North Carolina ===
* [[North Carolina]]
** This group is centered among Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and can be reached at their [http://groups.google.com/group/olpc-rdu mailing list]

=== Ohio ===
* Cincinnati contains both a [http://groups.google.com/group/xohio user's group] and a [[OLPCinci|repair center]]

=== Oregon ===
* [[Oregon]] is home to two user groups, one in Portland and one in [[Eugene XO User Group|Eugene]]
** The [[Portland]] group is managed by users: [[user:mburns|mburns]] and [[User:znmeb|Ed Borasky]] PDX-OLPC Users (or PDXO): http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-olpc-users
** The [[Eugene XO User Group]] had around 10 members, but is no longer meeting.
: Jane Krauss began the group on November 16. Here's a link to our [[Eugene XO User Group | Eugene XO Users Workspace]]. Jane hosts an [http://classroom20.ning.com/group/xo XO educator group in Classroom 2.0] also. --[[User:Mhorney|Mark]] 14:29, 21 November 2007 (EST)
** Oregon State University has a group of OLPC users and developers who meet regularly and are developing a few XO-specific projects, including the [[Helix media player]]. Contact mburns.

=== Pennsylvania ===
* [[OLPC Pennsylvania]]
** This state has a couple of interested members on our wiki, but haven't yet formed as a group.
* [[Student Technology Outreach]] is part of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.
: Philadelphia/Delaware Valley: Any interest in a local user group? Give me a holler and we'll set something up! [[User:Ike9898|Ike9898]] 09:48, 9 January 2008 (EST)

=== Rhode Island ===
* Rhode Island
** A Rhode Island group formed for a few meetings, and appears to have a couple [[user:bjepson|avid contributors]], but seem to not have continued as a grassroots group.

=== South Carolina ===

* [[South Carolina|http://wiki.laptop.org/go/South_Carolina]] Groups in South Carolina have been talking to OLPC for years.

=== Texas ===
* [[xo-austin|XO-Austin]]

* Dallas has [http://dfwxo.blogspot.com DFWXO], Dallas FortWorth Area XO users group

* In Houston, Texas, Robert Nagel has started an XO User Club. See http://www.olpcnews.com/use_cases/community/start_xo_user_club_houston.html and http://www.imaginaryplanet.net/weblogs/idiotprogrammer/?p=83399673 for more information. The first meeting is on a Saturday the 2nd or 3rd week of January.

=== Vermont ===
* [[OLPC Vermont]] Vermont Development and Grassroot Group.
** The Vermont group is focusing on emulating the [[Sugar] UI and is spreading info about OLPC locally.

=== Washington ===
* Washington is home to two distinct XO user communities; [[SeaXO]] and [[OLPC Bellingham]]
** [[SeaXO]] The Seattle XO User Group meets once a month to help support local users and is very active in [[Health|OLPC Health]]
:::Check http://www.SeaXO.com for the latest information. As we're all waiting for our XO computers, there's not very much to announce just yet. Certainly, a meetup and a chance to try out the Mesh network capabilities will be high on everybody's list. In the next few weeks more will be added to the site.
:::Meanwhile if you'd like to receive any announcement and meeting information, email your contact information and interest to mailto:SeattleXO@gmail.com , or go to the SeaXO.com contact page[http://www.seaxo.com/page1/page1.php].
** [[OLPC Bellingham]] is a small user group run by [[User:Ixo|Iain Davidson]] and contains a [[Local Repair Center]]
** On Bainbridge Island (near Seattle) , the XOBI Group
::: There appear to be a few people in our community with XO laptops - we'd love to find more, so created the XOBI google group at http://groups.google.com/group/xobi

=== Washington, DC ===
* [[OLPC Learning Club D.C.]]
** The OLPC Learning Club has several very active members, including Mike Lee and Luke Faraone. The group gives educational demonstrations, contributes to various content projects and develops software for the XO, such as [[GASP]].
::The [http://www.olpcnews.com OLPC News] team is organizing a [http://www.olpclearningclub.org OLPC Learning Club] for the DC Metro area. We'll be having our first meeting on December 18 with guest speakers and (hopefully) a mass XO mesh. Come by and co-learn!
::*[http://www.olpclearningclub.org Blog]
::*[http://www.wayan.com/mail/mail.cgi/list/OLPC_LCDC/ Listserv]

== Peer-reviewed educational content to implement in your classroom ==

* '''Come and explore:''' [http://www.pio-pio.de/html/0.Contents.htm Interactive online schoolbook] A cool new typ of textbook for XO. Please try out.

* '''We love to learn:''' [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Einstein.school Einstein.School 2.0] The interactive schoolbook that you can edit, update and improve. It makes passion the primary tool for learning.

This peer-reviewed [http://www.pio-pio.de/html/R_wissenschaftler.htm] [http://www.online-educa.com/audio-video-28] educational content [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Online_Schoolbook_%22GOLD_DUST%22] is written under an open license [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/] and gives everyone the freedom to use or modify the material to suit his or her own needs.

== See also ==
* [[OLPC G1G1]] for the "deployment" of XO laptops to Give One, Get One donors
* [[OLPC Birmingham]] for the deployment of XO laptops in Birmingham, AL
* [[Regional groups]] for the many user groups in the USA.

[[Category:Countries|United States]]

Latest revision as of 20:26, 20 July 2016


United States

 Country Information
 ISO Country Code US
 Wikipedia Article Wikipedia Link
 Government Support Low and OLPC Priority
 Deployment Wide adoption (over 5000 machines)
 Keyboard Layout US Layout
 Written English (en)
 Spoken English (en)
 Secondary Written None
 Secondary Spoken None

The United States (U.S.) presents a special case to OLPC deployments.

  • Most software is initially localized to the United States and so requires no additional localization.
  • Most laptops deployed in the United States are from the 2007 and 2008 Give One, Get One programs and not from school or government programs.
  • The U.S. spends significantly more than many countries on education and has been a lower priority for deployment.
  • Each of the fifty United States, plus associated territories, has great discretion on which tools it uses for education.

News and Rumors

  • 9 Jan 2008 The OLPC announced the foundation of a group, OLPC America, to bring XO laptops to American students. Details are unavailable until a launch later in 2008.

3. OLPC added a new country this week: the USA. This move will engage a wider developer community, impacting and improving software and content. Please note that such a move into schools and learning in the USA is not necessarily a commercial machine.

Deployments and Trials

A prerequisite for wider deployment in the States is better compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act.

Give One, Get One (G1G1)

The 2008 Give One, Get One program is again available to people in the United States, and now also in Europe.

The 2007 Give One, Get One program allowed people in the United States and some other areas to purchase laptops from the OLPC Foundation at cost in return for donating a laptop for a deployment to be named later. About 80,000 units were purchased in the United States with a matching number earmarked for future deployments outside the country (cite?). Logistics marred the program's success causing delayed deliveries and far more support calls than anticipated.

Government and Official Groups

  • OLPC America will be the official organization within the OLPC Foundation providing support to U.S. deployments.
  • The OLPC Foundation is located in the United States.

States and Territories

US Virgin Islands - Waveplace



  • Some rumors that Georgia had a program requiring some sort of laptop, followed by several students denying such.


  • Said to have program requiring conventional notebooks in schools.
  • Said to have a program using Apple iBooks.


  • Mitt Romney, then Massachusetts governor, proposed giving every middle and high-school student an XO in 2005. The proposal did not pass the legislature.

User groups and unoffical groups

  • There are many, many regional groups. See the list below or the OLPCNews forum to find a local one.
  • There are various unaffiliated groups promoting OLPC in the United States. Waveplace is one that is actually running pilot projects; another is Earth Treasury, which is at an earlier stage.


  • OLPC Birmingham
    • OLPC Birmingham has both a Grassroots group and a planned full scale implementation of 15,000 machines. On the grassroots side, their team of volunteers is experimenting with the School Servers and recently took part in BarCampBirmingham
We are a local group of XO laptop enthusiasts committed to co-learning, hacking, and expanding the One Laptop Per Child computational experience community.
Our members include
  • Software developers interested in working on software for the XO.
  • People interested in seeing what all the XO can do (and trying out all of the cool features.)
  • Kids and parents who want to meet other kids and parents and do cool things together with their XOs.
For more information about this group and news about upcoming events, visit http://groups.google.com/group/birmingham-olpc-userinterest-group-al


  • AZ XO
    • The Arizona XO user group has been meeting since February of 2008 and has over 10 members. They have their own forum, mailing list, and are starting to work with the local Global Literacy Foundation.


1/1/08 I'd like to start an OLPC group meeting around Mountain View, perhaps weekly for the short term while everyone gets up to speed, and then monthly later on. We'll likely meet at the Dana Street Cafe. It will be informal chit chat in the beginning. Send me your email address, and I'll add you to the list. -- carllinde the_usual_at_goes_here gmail.com
I'm hosting a hacking at my house on Saturday, December 22. A group will likely form off of the Bay Area Python Interest Group (BayPiggies) --CharlesMerriam 16:42, 19 December 2007 (EST)



Listen in Tally, FL would like to find out if any others in the area have gotten an XO laptop. It would be great to see how the XO works when there is more than one around.
I would like to help contact the govt about getting involved in the OLPC program and supply these machines to kids/schools in FL. In fact I have just found a page that helps you do this: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC4USALobbying. We need more sample letters on here so that more people will write to their Reps.
Let Love Flow

I'm in Santa Rosa Beach, not far from Tally... Interested in helping too. 30abchgrl@gmail.com

I would love to get a chapter going at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando, FL. If anyone is interested email me at: schultzium@gmail.com

I'm in New Port Richey, Florida, just northwest of Tampa. I am interested in helping however I can. I have been an active volunteer for Pasco County Schools since 2004, and I'm willing to speak with local officials. My email is tekmom@gmail.com.


  • Atlanta has a small ad-hoc user group. An elementary school in Fulton County is piloting a lending program with 10 XO laptops that arrived August '08. http://www.creekview.org, image
Tat Au is interested in forming an XO Learning Club in the Atlanta, Georgia area to allow young XO owners to get together, explore and have fun with XO and learn about OLPC.


  • Chicago is the home of OLPC Chicago and ILXO, with the IMSA campus chapter in Aurora
    • OLPC Chicago is a grassroots group backing several initiatives, including the Illinois Low Cost Laptop Act
    • IMSA is a Highschool campus chapter (Aurora), they have several XO's and are active in testing and debugging
    • ILXO was a summer 2008 office of full-time OLPC volunteers; many are still active virtual community members.
    • An XO User Group has been formed at Moraine Valley Community College (in Palos Hills, IL, a southwest suburb of Chicago). XO users from Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois (and beyond) are welcome to join. The first club meeting will be held on Saturday, January 26, 2008. Contact Larry Langellier for additional details.


  • OLPC New Orleans
    • Organizing for a future deployment of XOs. If interested, contact adriennedu@hotmail.com (Adrienne Warren) for more details.




Bill McTeer The Minnesota Chapter of the Independent Computer Consultants Association is starting a group. We would love to link up with others in the area. We have a Google Group located here: http://groups.google.com/group/icca-mn-olpc

Patrick Stein Bought an OLPC for my son Isaac, but I intend to develop some apps for it soon.



OLPC Saint Louis A Saint Louis Public Education OLPC awareness program looking for volunteers for School District wide fundraisers, events, and donations to the OLPC Organization from all the local schools. This is for Regional,local, and charter school districts as well as providing XO's for worldwide students. Find me @ ZacharyJamesKraft or @ my [zjk@zacharyjameskraft.com E-mail] and also on facebook and twitter under the same name.

  • The Grassroots projects in Missouri have two different mailing lists, but no groups yet.
Andrew Jensen is looking for others with XO laptops in the St. Louis Area, with the goal of sharing resources and seeing how they work together. Contact at PlatonicJensen(at)yahoo.com.


New Mexico

New York

  • Three areas in New York are organizing Local User Groups

North Carolina



Jane Krauss began the group on November 16. Here's a link to our Eugene XO Users Workspace. Jane hosts an XO educator group in Classroom 2.0 also. --Mark 14:29, 21 November 2007 (EST)
    • Oregon State University has a group of OLPC users and developers who meet regularly and are developing a few XO-specific projects, including the Helix media player. Contact mburns.


Philadelphia/Delaware Valley: Any interest in a local user group? Give me a holler and we'll set something up! Ike9898 09:48, 9 January 2008 (EST)

Rhode Island

  • Rhode Island
    • A Rhode Island group formed for a few meetings, and appears to have a couple avid contributors, but seem to not have continued as a grassroots group.

South Carolina


  • Dallas has DFWXO, Dallas FortWorth Area XO users group


  • OLPC Vermont Vermont Development and Grassroot Group.
    • The Vermont group is focusing on emulating the [[Sugar] UI and is spreading info about OLPC locally.


  • Washington is home to two distinct XO user communities; SeaXO and OLPC Bellingham
    • SeaXO The Seattle XO User Group meets once a month to help support local users and is very active in OLPC Health
Check http://www.SeaXO.com for the latest information. As we're all waiting for our XO computers, there's not very much to announce just yet. Certainly, a meetup and a chance to try out the Mesh network capabilities will be high on everybody's list. In the next few weeks more will be added to the site.
Meanwhile if you'd like to receive any announcement and meeting information, email your contact information and interest to mailto:SeattleXO@gmail.com , or go to the SeaXO.com contact page[1].
There appear to be a few people in our community with XO laptops - we'd love to find more, so created the XOBI google group at http://groups.google.com/group/xobi

Washington, DC

  • OLPC Learning Club D.C.
    • The OLPC Learning Club has several very active members, including Mike Lee and Luke Faraone. The group gives educational demonstrations, contributes to various content projects and develops software for the XO, such as GASP.
The OLPC News team is organizing a OLPC Learning Club for the DC Metro area. We'll be having our first meeting on December 18 with guest speakers and (hopefully) a mass XO mesh. Come by and co-learn!

Peer-reviewed educational content to implement in your classroom

  • We love to learn: Einstein.School 2.0 The interactive schoolbook that you can edit, update and improve. It makes passion the primary tool for learning.

This peer-reviewed [2] [3] educational content [4] is written under an open license [5] and gives everyone the freedom to use or modify the material to suit his or her own needs.

See also