XO Giving/Users

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A question was asked on the question page about local user groups for owners of the "get 1" half of the "give 1 get 1" program. This page is a list of known user groups.

Infrastructure that can be used in forming groups:

This isn't an exhaustive list.

Groups might also set up their own Jabber server, since there isn't one set up for the owners as a whole, due to scale and cost issues.

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Kaohsiung, Taiwan

A XO user group is starting at Games Cafe in Kaohsiung on Saturday afternoons. We're only on emulators now, but hopefully will be getting the real thing soon. Contact Tobey (at) Playgames (dot) tw for more info.



Mine arrived today. Great machine, I wished you could buy them through regular channels.


I have one now in the South Dublin area. Does anyone else in Ireland have one? Feel like getting geeky in a pub?


I have one in Mallorca. Is there anybody else here with an XO?


I have ordered 2 XO laptops through G1G1. When the laptops arrive to me it will be possible to look and feel them at Stockholm Linux User Group http://stockholm.lug.se/


Has anybody else in Switzerland or elsewhere in Europe ordered an XO through "Give 1 Get 1" (through a friend in 'North America', obviously...) ? Leave a note here to network (and to discuss how to advance this with our ministery of education...). Vorburger 15:05, 25 November 2007 (EST)

Duh, self-talk, future visitors, see OLPC_Switzerland! ;-) Vorburger 18:49, 4 January 2008 (EST)

United Kingdom

I have ordered a laptop to be delivered to my home (in Vermont) Hopefully I'll have it and am based in Leeds UK now anyone else getting one?

Update Still waiting on arrival. In theory it would have been delivered to home on January 15th, but as of the 17th still no laptop. Will update once it finally arrives. Seeing as I am based in Leeds without any means of transportation it looks like I'll only be able to meetup with DanielDrake --Koolkat 07:15, 18 January 2008 (EST)

London here, if there is any other please get in touch! --Fbrutsch 11:16, 1 January 2008 (EST)

I live in Bournemouth but am in Reading and London most weeks. --Dave Crossland 12th January 2008

I have one, studying in Manchester but at home in Hertfordshire (nr London) during the holidays. -DanielDrake 06:50, 18 January 2008 (EST)

Another student I know at the university (Manchester) has ordered a G1G1 which should be arriving soon. -DanielDrake 05:47, 19 January 2008 (EST)

Mine has arrived in Chicago, and will very shortly be en route to me in the UK --Robert Baskerville 19th January 2008

Still waiting for one to be delivered to Houston before being forwarded to Aberdeen. Anyone else outside of England getting an XO? -Clawrie 11:01, 17 February 2008 (EST)

Mine arrived on Thursday 5 June 2008, after a gruelling 6 month wait - part waiting for OLPC to deliver to the US, and part waiting for my friend in the US to forward it on to me. I live in South Yorkshire and would love to speak to other XO users locally and in the UK. --Dave Lee 18:02, 6 June 2008 (EDT)


There are a several groups forming on Facebook.

- :) Ben Nardone::My Talk::Internship::G1G1::Software::Peru::Nigeria 09:12, 22 November 2007 (EST)

XO Educator Group in Classroom 2.0

Here's a link to Classroom 2.0 XO Educator Group a space where we can collect materials, pictures, meeting agendas/notes.