OLPC Europe

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"It's an education project, not a laptop project."

Welcome to this lists of grassroots organisations, which feel somewhat part of OLPC Europe.
Please add yours :-)

There's one special one and that is that on the European territory, OLPC has an official legal entity near Brussels: the European Headquarters of OLPC.

The lemma Europe on en.Wikipedia.org.

OLPC Europe/Languages

Algunas de las páginas que ilustran sobre la visión, misión y objetivos de la OLPC. On the first meeting, we basically agreed on these points (discussion still open):

1 OLPC Europe

We recognize, that under certain situations a european 
platform can make life easier for local OLPC 
grassroots, also for the newly starting ones, and for 
the people at the MIT. This platform shall under no 
circumstances be meddling with the local grassroots but 
instead help them to grow and flourish.

We propose the following very simple and basic common 
guidelines which shall help in forming this platform:

1.1 OLPC Europe IS

	1. a Forum / Platform for exchange between local 
	2. groups, towards MIT and back, European institutions 
	   and with other groups worldwide
	3. helping in organizing XOs for the local groups
	4. supporting and cherishing the autonomy of local groups
	5. focusing on rough consensus and running code

1.2 OLPC Europe IS NOT
	1. going to do a local pilot in your country
	2. going to tell you what you are allowed to do

1.3 Structure
	For being successful we propose the following 
	minimalistic structure:

	* a yearly rotating chair (> one person?)
	* a secretary (employed)
	* members
	* once per year a voting (at or after a to be defined 
	  open source conference)

1.4 Benefits for members
	* Better information
	* Being part of a European contributor / developer network
	* Calendar of events
	* Help in getting XOs

1.5 Obligations of members
	* Send out a regular newsletter of your achievements 
	  and your activities
	* Companies shall pay for membership

1.6 About
	We do hope that this minimalistic structure combines 
	best of both worlds: a little bit of structure for 
	being effective and the highest degree of autonomy of 
	local groups.


Get involved

The "Une Ecole Par Enfant/One Laptop Per Child - Initiative" has so many doors of entrance, one for just about every player in society:

  1. the ICT landscape obviously. You are an ICT teacher and you're looking for a great multi-disciplinary or specialized project your students can link-up with and put develop their ict skills: olpc community is there for you. You were an ICT student and you didn't contribute in Humanities'largest Educational Endeavour ever? That awkward feeling when your kid asks you that question and you realize you missed a boat or at least you're on the wrong ship?
  2. the Education landscape, pedagogy university departments obviously, but also cabinets of education interested to link up their educational landscape with the open source and open hardware community to give some resistance against the Microsoft's, Acer's, Toshiba's, Apple's, eBoard manufacturers, telecom operators obviously all eager to make money and hook up our students, parents and kids as nice compliant consumers ;) OLPC and the OLPC Community, the XO-XS laptop tablet: Welcome linking up in the largest educational effort ever undertaken
    1. Really, stop drafting these courses in your own little corner, join other teams in your discipline making the best ever eBook on your discipline ... imagine you get hired to personalise the version for a specific language/region or explain how to make such books and how they become interactive books in the OLPC XO-XS laptop/tablets ! When was the last time you checked if your Ministry of Education or the EU Directorate of Education has funds and calls for proposals to pay you for doing all this ?
  3. but also the industry interested in generating CO2e certificates via OLPC deployments, or for their CSR programs = Corporate Social Responsibility
  4. the health sector will be very interested in the OLPC link Health-teams with wonderful projects s.a. telemedicine, usb plug in eStetoscopes, eMicroscopes, eEchography for pregnant women
  5. economy students: econometry, by how much the gdp or wealth and happiness rises by implementing an OLPC deployment in a region
  6. Statistics: Dear statisticians, how does the OLPC deployments help in collecting data. Relevant, real time data that is comparable whatever the country.
  7. marketing: do you love the OLPC advertisements as much as we do ? Check out youtube or the OLPC logo creation team
  8. volunteers / retired but still loads to share: join bed-time story reading grandma's, enlist yourself so kids/OLPC community members can contact you when they are in need of help. The OLPC kids and families can television's you real time over their internet, using their OLPC XO-XS laptop-tabled that is equipped with wifi video cam + speakers and a microphone - what's not going as planned and you can what's going on, how to repair, how it will work, ...
  9. ...

In short, the spirit of OLPC includes one core thing: the community. This includes everyone, from the children and their families to their teachers and everyone who is collaborating towards the success of the project. Make sure you'll be able to tell your kids, grand-kids you were part of this great initiative. The largest, most comprehensive educational effort ever undertaken by Humanity, and you were part of it! Congratulations! Create a login, start writing who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, what you don't want to do anymore, how much time you have available, etc. Soon others will link up to you and start interacting. You'll be coached, trained as you are doing. Hey and since the OLPC community is worldwide, the OLPC help and help channels are there 24h/24h - 365 days a year !

How to get in touch
* #olpc-europe (and #olpc-groups) on freenode.net
* #olpc on freenode.net (as there is so little english speaking olpc community in Europe -collapsed- and even world wide, it's better to link here) --SvenAERTS 22:59, 30 April 2013 (UTC)
* Grassroots mailing list.
How to get involved
There are various forms of participation, including:

I proposed people to have a look at the update Europe page and invited them for a Skype svenaerts call. The result: the next day not a single person has contacted me, nor on my Skype profile, nor here in the discussion pages. --SvenAERTS 19:19, 22 January 2014 (UTC)

Yes, I expected that. There are very few users of this Wiki now, as judged by server logs and RecentChanges. Most active users are technical. Some of the Wiki accounts may not have e-mail addresses. All you have done is made a lot of edits, and perhaps I was the only person to notice. It goes to show that you should use alternate methods to reestablish community, and if the Wiki does not win this competition, so be it. --Quozl 06:27, 24 January 2014 (UTC)


  1. You can apply for a xo laptop with a project idea here
  2. * Brussels Harbor Group Order


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regional | germany | austria
OLPC Europe/News

This is the new portal for OLPC Europe. Feel free to leave comments on the talk page. See also the blog planet & site at http://olpceurope.org .
