Contributors program/meetings

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Meetings used to be on #olpc-meeting at 1400 EST/EDT Fridays to review and referee the latest Contributors Program project proposals. We strive for consensus -- but meetings should be fast! For Europeans: 1400 EST = Brussels (Belgium) 20:00:00 CEST.

Anybody can join instantly at if you then type the full command:

/join #olpc-meeting

Agenda Favorites:

  • Scouting for grant forms to pay for an OLPC lab - road tour in your region --SvenAERTS 08:52, 26 April 2013 (UTC)
  • Reviving / adding capacity / encouraging / coaching OLPC XO-XS deployments, trying to understand why they don't spin out in nation wide deployments and trying to find ways around whatever is preventing that --SvenAERTS 08:52, 26 April 2013 (UTC)
  • "Starter Kits" of 2 XO-1s for promising volunteers who've posted to
  • Blogging/syndicating requirement for proven social entrepreneurs seeking 10 XOs
  • Local XO pool/lending library updates, reports and effectiveness
  • New processes for triaging, publishing and mentoring projects
  • Scarcity of newer models like the XO-1.5, the new very low power (ARM-based) XO-1.75, XO-3 tablet prototypes and program guidelines maximizing collaboration!
  • OLPC's 5 Principles and OLPC Australia's 2 more!
  • ...

Please post here, and also contact our Support Gang and Grassroots mailing list if you have suggestions!

Past meetings