OLPC Europe
"It's an education project, not a laptop project."
—Nicholas Negroponte
"Welcome to Europe - the Innovation Union. Is there room for an open source AND open hardware laptop annex tablet in the EU Educational Landscape? About ALL kids in Uruguay,Peru,Rwanda,several Island States have an XO-XS. While some EU kids may have an iPad class, may all be missing the boat? Lifelong learning: olpc bringing open source programming, open hardware and open robotics back to our schools: learning kids to learn."
—More: skype SvenAERTS - OLPC Community Brussels
Country Information | |
ISO Country Code | EU |
Wikipedia Article | Union Wikipedia Link |
Government Support | Low and not OLPC Priority |
Deployment | Demonstration (under 50 machines) |
Languages | |
Keyboard Layout | several Layouts |
Written | +24 |
Spoken | +24 |
Secondary Written | +24 |
Secondary Spoken | +24 |
... and thanks for visiting the "OLPC" related Wiki-Pages, for the One Laptop Per Child Universal Primary Education project regarding Europe. This website is a collaborative website in which you can create a login and then edit and add the pages. This tool is made available by the One Laptop Per Child not for profit. This is an "Open Community" project, similar to the Wikipedia, wikibooks and Open Source Community projects, like Linux, OpenOffice, etc. and it is working along Agenda 21 and Millennium Development Goal nr.2: Bringing Universal Primary Education. To edit text on this page or add pages, log in and and "edit page / save page" button will appear.
Intro to the project
Maybe a central question for Europeans on the topic of OLPC: " Is there room for an open source AND open hardware laptop annex tablet in the EU Educational Landscape? While some EU kids may have an iPad class, may all be missing the boat?"
- 2' video - OLPC Intro part 1
- 2' video - OLPC Intro part 2
- 7' video: Impact on teachers, parents, kids, society.
OLPC makes a sustainable solar powered rugged laptopschool and makes sure it remains in the open source and open hardware community. The name of the laptopschool is called XO. The XO is used in society transformational projects, using education and the openmindness, energy of kids/youth and their capability to bring about change and innovation into families as they bring the laptops home and thus bring a whole family and society to the next level. Using mass production and miniaturisation, the cost of the laptopschools has been brought down to 25 euro/child.year, including portable flexible PV panel. The XO can hold about 500 eBooks and the teachers are supported by virtual assistants that accompany many of the learning programs. All kids in Uruguay have an XO. All kids in Peru have an XO. All kids in Rwanda have an XO. In nearly every region in the world, supporters have brought XO's for demonstration purposes.
Part of the financing can be born by CO2e certificates under the EU Emission Trading System to combat Climate Change and hence would make a great demo project on this topic and indicate the solidarity on the topic between the continent and it's OCT's.
OLPC is also used to support United Nations Millennium Development Goal nr.2 - Universal Primary Education by 2015. The best possible laptop combination for education is the XO-XServer combination. It is the largest educational project undertaken by Humanity ever, and deemed by many as one of the most inspiring projects out there. 2008, saw the first countries with a 100% roll out to all of their kids aged 5 till 15: Peru, Uruguay. Several Island States have a 100% deployment too; Rwanda and Australia are following at fast pace too.
Every XO can load over 100 ebooks on its memory and has a choice of over 86.000 eBooks available, as well as many (educational) games, all education disciplines covered, etc. etc.. things are moving fast indeed.
Europe is a very multi-cultural society with a very diverse diaspora from and to just about all countries in the world. We hope that this diaspora will work their way to these pages and that societies will benefit from these citizens with one leg in Europe and another in their diaspora countries (of origin) to develop leadership for OLPC, Agenda 21, the MDG's and accelerate bringing the level that our planet can be a nice place for all humans to new and inspiring heights for generations to come.
Please feel free to create sub-categories or list or start collaborating, teaming up and expanding our and your projects, existing and new ones in one of these sub-categories:
About us
Readings |
Community & Strategy
olpc community europe strategy
I think we best align with how we as Europeans are organized to quicker get to success here in Europe - the innovation Union.
- Europe of the Nations
- Europe of the Regions
- Private Sector
- Public Sector
- NGO's / Not for Profit Sector
- Political landscape
- Relations with Other Countries -
- Uruguay - Europe: [Uruguay Président José MUJICA]: "In the sphere of international relations, he hopes to further negotiations and agreements between the European Union and the regional trade bloc Mercosur, of which Uruguay is a founding member.[18] "
Get involved
The "Une Ecole Par Enfant/One Laptop Per Child - Initiative" has so many doors of entrance, one for just about every player in society:
- the ICT landscape obviously. You are an ICT teacher and you're looking for a great multi-disciplinary or specialized project your students can link-up with and put develop their ict skills: olpc community is there for you. You were an ICT student and you didn't contribute in Humanities'largest Educational Endeavour ever? That awkward feeling when your kid asks you that question and you realize you missed a boat or at least you're on the wrong ship?
- the Education landscape, pedagogy university departments obviously, but also cabinets of education interested to link up their educational landscape with the open source and open hardware community to give some resistance against the Microsoft's, Acer's, Toshiba's, Apple's, eBoard manufacturers, telecom operators obviously all eager to make money and hook up our students, parents and kids as nice compliant consumers ;) OLPC and the OLPC Community, the XO-XS laptop tablet: Welcome linking up in the largest educational effort ever undertaken
- Really, stop drafting these courses in your own little corner, join other teams in your discipline making the best ever eBook on your discipline ... imagine you get hired to personalise the version for a specific language/region or explain how to make such books and how they become interactive books in the OLPC XO-XS laptop/tablets ! When was the last time you checked if your Ministry of Education or the EU Directorate of Education has funds and calls for proposals to pay you for doing all this ?
- but also the industry interested in generating CO2e certificates via OLPC deployments, or for their CSR programs = Corporate Social Responsibility
- the health sector will be very interested in the OLPC link Health-teams with wonderful projects s.a. telemedicine, usb plug in eStetoscopes, eMicroscopes, eEchography for pregnant women
- economy students: econometry, by how much the gdp or wealth and happiness rises by implementing an OLPC deployment in a region
- Statistics: Dear statisticians, how does the OLPC deployments help in collecting data. Relevant, real time data that is comparable whatever the country.
- marketing: do you love the OLPC advertisements as much as we do ? Check out youtube or the OLPC logo creation team
- volunteers / retired but still loads to share: join bed-time story reading grandma's, enlist yourself so kids/OLPC community members can contact you when they are in need of help. The OLPC kids and families can television's you real time over their internet, using their OLPC XO-XS laptop-tabled that is equipped with wifi video cam + speakers and a microphone - what's not going as planned and you can what's going on, how to repair, how it will work, ...
- ...
In short, the spirit of OLPC includes one core thing: the community. This includes everyone, from the children and their families to their teachers and everyone who is collaborating towards the success of the project. Make sure you'll be able to tell your kids, grand-kids you were part of this great initiative. The largest, most comprehensive educational effort ever undertaken by Humanity, and you were part of it! Congratulations! Create a login, start writing who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, what you don't want to do anymore, how much time you have available, etc. Soon others will link up to you and start interacting. You'll be coached, trained as you are doing. Hey and since the OLPC community is worldwide, the OLPC help and help channels are there 24h/24h - 365 days a year !
- How to get in touch
- * #olpc-europe (and #olpc-groups) on freenode.net
- * #olpc on freenode.net (as there is so little english speaking olpc community in Europe -collapsed- and even world wide, it's better to link here) --SvenAERTS 22:59, 30 April 2013 (UTC)
- * Grassroots mailing list.
- How to get involved
- There are various forms of participation, including:
- Community Building in Europe
- 21 January 2014, --SvenAERTS 19:19, 22 January 2014 (UTC) contacted ALL contacts he could find on ALL EU country pages on this wiki ==
I proposed people to have a look at the update Europe page and invited them for a Skype svenaerts call. The result: the next day not a single person has contacted me, nor on my Skype profile, nor here in the discussion pages. --SvenAERTS 19:19, 22 January 2014 (UTC)
- Yes, I expected that. There are very few users of this Wiki now, as judged by server logs and RecentChanges. Most active users are technical. Some of the Wiki accounts may not have e-mail addresses. All you have done is made a lot of edits, and perhaps I was the only person to notice. It goes to show that you should use alternate methods to reestablish community, and if the Wiki does not win this competition, so be it. --Quozl 06:27, 24 January 2014 (UTC)
- Grassroots Organizations
- Translating
- Developing
- Content creation
- ...
- Contacting the EU Ministers of Education/Responsible parties for Education in every EU Member State
- Can we give a lecture/workshop at your organization: " Is there room for an open source AND open hardware laptop annex tablet in the EU Educational Landscape?
While some EU kids may have an iPad class, may all be missing the boat?"
- Build a community. Identify and email the educational landscape players, ICT teachers clubs, ...
- Set-up a lab in every EU Region: Ask the Ministry of education where would be the best place to show-case and set-up such a lab, in collaboration with whom? Where could we best store / unload a 20 foot container holding 3.000 XO's ?
- Coordinate follow-up of emails
- FAQ and Most frequent mis-conceptions
- How much does the XO-XS laptop-tablet cost?
- A deployment can be financed by the CO2e certificates produced by a deployment of XO's and the additional revenues generated in the form of taxes: an ict literate and equipped society can add value to society more readily which translates in a higher demand of e.g. more complex mobile phone subscriptions,
- Do your society - parents a favor: how much money is wasted by the time your kid reaches 12 on all kind of ict crap? Starting with the mickey-mouse computer (25 €) and other electronic gadgets for toddlers (15 €), crawlers and kindergarden, then their first made-to-fail kids mobile phone that lasts 2 months (65 €), and a tablet that promised capability of surfing the web and that appeared to be a total lie (99 €)? Costs: 25 €+15 €+65 €+100 € = 205 €. The XO = only 160 €, made to be repaired and no strings attached.
## The XO-XS laptop-x-tablet is the best for kids learning laptop-x-tablet out there and you want it for your kids. You don't want to give a kid a 750 € iPad. What if dad goes sit on it when he drops on the coach after a days work and its broken? Or your kid drops it? You want a school that's reduced so it fits in a sturdy lunch box, with rounded corners, made to be repaired and upgraded. You're going to have a lot of fun with your kid: at the age of 2, you'll burst into laughs with talk the application that makes the computer talk back. At age 5 doing thousands of games. At age 10, typing, reading, making music, presentations, looking up stuff in the wikipedia, phoning, taking pictures, making movies, etc. At age 15: reading the temperature, measuring sound, voltages, currents, turning it into a robot and a flying drone, ... . Sure and then by the age of 16 you could buy an adult laptop or something. At least you'll still have the money for it !
Countries & Stateless
Please link your country page and the page stating OLPC YrCountryName. Note: the latter would be the starting page of an official OLPC USA/MIT approved country office. There is/was only one and that was OLPC Europe in Belgium/Brussels, lobbying at the EU (Comission, DG Education, EU Parliament, Council of Europe, ...) level and taking advantage of all the delegations with Prime Ministers, Presidents and Ministers of Education coming to one or the other high level event at the EU Brussels institutions. More on that at OLPC Europe. So normally the starting page for your countries' community is just the name of your country and not OLPC NameOfYrCountry. Please respect this otherwise other parties will mistake you for an official OLPC juridical personality with al legal and liability and copy-right issues that come with it. And you know in the USA some people can be quite sensible to all this.
Welcome to this lists of grassroots organisations, which feel somewhat part of OLPC Europe.
Please add yours :-)
There's one special one and that is that on the European territory, OLPC has an official legal entity near Brussels: the European Headquarters of OLPC.
- OLPC Austria
- OLPC Belgium
- OLPC Bulgaria
- OLPC Croatia
- OLPC Denmark
- OLPC France
- OLPC Germany
- OLPC Greece
- OLPC Italy
- OLPC Netherlands
- OLPC Poland
- OLPC Russia
- OLPC Switzerland
- OLPC Slovenia
- OLPC Turkey
The lemma Europe on en.Wikipedia.org. Abkhazia
- Albania
- Armenia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Greece
- Finland
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Kazakhstan
- Kosovo
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Macedonia
- Malta
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Nagorno-Karabakh
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- South Ossetia
- Spain
- Stateless
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Transnistria
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
Name and link where we develop this | Their Link | Date | Place | Contact User | Status | Infos | |
olpc community at EuropAid 2014 04 26 Lunch-time Conference "Launching the Education for All Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2013/4:Supporting teachers to overcome the global learning crisis" | http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/infopoint/index_en.htm | Date: 2014 04 26 | Place: EuropAid Info Point Brussels | Contact User --SvenAERTS 23:50, 25 April 2014 (UTC) | Status: - | Infos: www.efareport.unesco.org Education for All Global Monitoring Report and http://ei-ie.org/en/websections/content_detail/5411 = federation of federations of teachers worldwide. More info obtained, cf. link above. | |
OLPC in Euronews; interview during the EU Africa Business | Their Link: http://www.euronews.com/2014/04/02/europe-and-africa-working-together-to-build-investment-opportunities/ (fastforward to 2:05) | Date: 2014/04/02/ | Place: Brussels | Contact User: --SvenAERTS 13:30, 3 April 2014 (UTC) | Status: not relevant | Infos: olpc community member Sven AERTS was filmed with an XO and interviewed for over 15' | |
More: olpc at the Eu Africa Business Forum 2014 Brussels | Their Link: http://www.euafrica-businessforum.eu/ | Date: 20140331 & 20140401 | Place: Brussels | Contact User: --SvenAERTS 09:51, 2 April 2014 (UTC) | Status | Infos: Major event with many presidents of state, kings, ministers and leaders s.a. Ms. MANDELA and business decision makers that followed them or thought this worth participating in the forum. The olpc-community was invited to participate in the session on eSchools and to formulate recommendations to the European Commission. More: olpc at the Eu Africa Business Forum 2014 Brussels | |
IDAY English and French Newsletter addressed to governmental and non-governmental leaders dealing with development issues. | Their Link: http://issuu.com/iday-international/docs/newsletter_spring_2014 | Date: March Newsletter | Place: English and French Newsletter addressed to governmental and non-governmental leaders dealing with development issues. | Contact User: --SvenAERTS 10:01, 2 April 2014 (UTC) | Status | Infos: ![]() | |
OLPC and The BETT show | [1] | 22. to 25. January 14 (every second half of january in every year) | London | --SvenAERTS 11:55, 16 January 2014 (UTC) | Status: Mentioned it to Giulia D'AMICO = Mgr OLPC Tablet | Infos: The learning technology event - The BETT show is the global meeting place for the education technology community, bringing together 35,000 educators and learning professionals every January. Attending the event is the best way to see the latest technology and innovative solutions that inspire, in order to shape and improve the way people learn from the classroom to the boardroom. olpc Community member Irini POUTAKIDOU confirmed that OLPC Uruguay gave a key-note presentation. --SvenAERTS 10:01, 2 April 2014 (UTC) | |
Solutions Linux | [2] | 29. to 31. January 08 | Paris | florian | Fixed | ||
FOSDEM | [3] | 23. to 24. February 08 (every year) | Brussels | h0lger | Fixed | OLPC: Saturday, 23. February, 15:00 to 17:00 | |
Chemnitzer Linuxtage | [4] | 1. to 2. March 08 | Chemnitz | daja77 | Fixed | OLPC: Saturday, 1. March, 10:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. | |
next > | CeBIT | [5] | 4. to 9. March 08 | Hannover | daja77 | Fixed | OLPC: Saturday, 8. March, 11:15 a.m. @ LinuxForum |
next > | OpenExpo 2008 | [6] | 12. and 13. March 08 | Bern, Switzerland | vorburger, Michele | Planned | |
ApacheCon 08 | [7] | 7. to 11. April 08 | Amsterdam | Marten | Talks | ||
LinuxTag Berlin | [8] | 28. to 31. May 08 | Berlin | holger, joko | Fixed | ||
OpenCommunityCamp | [9] | 10-17th August 2008 | Oegstgeest,The Netherlands | Marten | Fixed |

Want to make edits to this section, go to: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Europe/Events edit them there and they'll show here automatically.
- You can apply for a xo laptop with a project idea here
- * Brussels Harbor Group Order