Xoxo/Statistics/2007 Old

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Revision as of 22:08, 25 August 2007 by Xavi (talk | contribs) (splitting statistics)
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Week #29

Popular pages being viewed by visitors

There's a nice Special:Popularpages, with one big defect: it only shows the 'absolute' views, so old and semi-popular pages will always outrank new-and-hot. Solution? Take two snapshots and compare:

The OLPC Wiki (14416), News (5563), Hardware specification (3031), Arabic language (2722), Emulating the XO (1972), One Laptop per Child (1941), Urdu language (1939), Software (1626), Sugar (1562), 2B1: The Children's Machine (1516), OS images (1510), Intel (1197), Thai language (missing page) (1117), OLPC Human Interface Guidelines (1116), Developers program (1068), Table of contents (940), Test Group Release Notes (834), Power Management (816), Video of the OLPC (765), LiveCd (738), Content (695), Ask OLPC a Question about Distribution (694), Autoreinstallation image (673), Ask OLPC a Question (663), OLPC Nigeria/Galadima (640), Activities (605), Educators (602), B1 Pictures (599), Getting involved in OLPC (593), OLPC Keyboard layouts (588), OLPC on open source software (583), Etoys (535), TamTam (524), Core principles (518), Using QEMU on Windows XP (488), Contact OLPC (482), Sugar on Ubuntu Linux (465), Sugar Instructions (444), Retail (435), Emulating the XO/Quick Start (430), OLPC Brazil (419), Battery and power (408), Not for individual sale (402), Python (390), Pictures (389), LOGO (362), BTest-2 Release Notes (361), Sugar with sugar-jhbuild (357), OLPC myths (355), Summer of Code (354), Software components (345), El Wiki de la OLPC (343), Creating a content bundle (334), Emulating the XO/Help and tips (327), Comparative education (325), OS images for USB disks (322), Write (321), OLPC Python Environment (319), Badges (307), OLPC China (304), Bitfrost (303), Countries (303), IRC (291), Getting started programming (288), Xulrunner (286), Summer of Content 2007 (274), Le Wiki de OLPC (272), Minimal Linux distros (269), Sugar on Windows (265), XS Server Specification (265), Develop (260), Squeak (258), The OLPC Wiki/lang-ja (257), Sugar Etoys (243), Point-of-view gun (239), OLPC Greece (235), OLPC Thailand (232), Zh PO (225), CSound (225), Freecharge portable charger (225), Localization/www.laptop.org (224), Demo Notes (224), One encyclopedia per child (223), OLPC Human Interface Guidelines/lang-es (221), Software projects (219), Learning Vision (216), BTest-1 Release Notes (215), Sugar Activity Tutorial (214), Wireless (213), Mesh Network Details (213), Ask OLPC a Question/New (210), WiXi (209), Das OLPC-Wiki (209), User Feedback on Images (207), LinuxBIOS (205), Nicholas Negroponte (204), Fonts (202), Hardware (194), Sugar on MacOS X (190), and Zh TW PO (181).

Pages being worked on by the community

Again, there's a nice Special:Mostrevisions page that shows those articles that have been heavily edited, but from the historical perspective, again missing the hot-and-new: Creating a content bundle (133), Test Group Release Notes (128), Library grid (67), Content packages (54), Measure / Oscilloscope (44), Summer of Content (40), Sample library.info file (34), Requirements (31), Learning activities/Interviews (27), Xoxo (24), XO Korea/welcome (24), Sample library.css file (23), Activities (22), Etoys/lang-ro (21), Power Management (21), Content package July 2007 review (20), Summer of Content projects (20), Summer of Content 2007 (20), LSI (18), Next Build (18), Summer of Content 2007/Archive (17), Oficina de Desenho/Localization (17), Summer of Content mentors (16), XO Korea/presentations (16), Arabic language (14), Oficina de Desenho (14), Content projects (14), Review squad (13), OLPC volunteers portal (13), What is Summer of Content (12), Activity Grid (12), TamTam:Development Tasks (12), Un laptop pentru fiecare copil (12), Summer of Content calendar (12), Battery Results (11), Autoreinstallation image (11), Summer of Content volunteers (10), Radio and broadcast (10), Universidade de São Paulo (missing page) (10), Ask OLPC a Question/New (10), Library contributors (10), XO Korea/introduction (10), Multi channel battery charger (10), Creating an Activity (10), Summer of Content 2007/lang-es (10), Pygame wrapper (10), EASE (10), Summer of Content interns/Summary (9), Emulating the XO/lang-ko (9), FACIL (9), Art Wanted (9), Firmware Security (9), central (8), The OLPC Wiki (8), OBX proposals (8), Sample library.xml file (8), Manutencao (7), Kuku/For Testers (7), Story Builder: Lesson 4 (7), King School (7), Core principles/lang-ja (7), Wikimedia upload tutorial (7), Community:Art (7), Drawing Activity (7), Firmware Security/lang-es (7), Story Builder: Lesson 3 (7), PO-laptop.org-top-level-el (7), Summer of Content mentors/Summary (7), Curriculum jam (7), Drawing Activity/lang-ko (7), LSI/lang-en (7), Summer of Content 2007/lang-ko (7), Jams (7), Colingo (6), Library.xml (6), Summer of Content volunteers/Summary (6), What is Summer of Content/lang-es (6), Urdu language (6), Contributing content (6), Summer of Content interns (6), T-shirts (6), Table of Power Mgmt (6), Educators/Roll Call (5), PO-laptop.org-vision-el (5), OLPC France (5), EC Register Settings (5), Calculate (5), Food Force (5), Jogo do Piano (5), Library.css (5), Sugar Activity Tutorial (5), XO Korea/Pre-primary School (5), Activity DBus API (5), Cartoon Builder: Lesson 4 (5), XO Korea/7 Busan Community (5), Internet Archive (5), Emulating the XO/Quick Start/lang-pt (5), Thai language (missing page) (5), PO-laptop.org-laptop-el (4), and Licenses (4).

What to read?

Page editions by themselves don't mean that new content is available, sometimes it's just a small typo being fixed that doesn't add new concepts (although it greatly enhances value of the page and is appreciated). As a rule of thumb applied here (obviously wrong) is the change in size: more new bytes would mean more to read:

(Note: given the amount of bytes added in the XO Korea section this has been split below). Old Release Notes (22180), Getting started programming/lang-ko (18858), Radio and broadcast (18695), Un laptop pentru fiecare copil (17380), PO-laptop.org-top-level-ru (15947), OBX proposals/lang-ko (12994), Ask OLPC a Question/Archive 2 (12782), Educators/lang-es (12480), Creating an Activity/lang-ko (12444), The Theft Problem/lang-ko (11795), Creating a content bundle (11356), LOGO/lang-ko (10303), Learning Vision/lang-ko (9420), Battery Results (9305), Etoys/lang-ro (9006), The OLPC Wiki/lang-ru (8932), Universidade de São Paulo (missing page) (8865), Summer of Content/lang-es (8848), Firmware Security/lang-es (8609), Pygame wrapper (8326), Summer of Content/lang-ko (7983), Summer of Content (7753), Xoxo/Archive 1 (7562), Activity Grid (7056), Activity downloads (7028), Oficina de Desenho/Localization (6921), Creating a content bundle/lang-ko (6798), Content package July 2007 review (6507), Activity Grid/lang-ko (6453), Summer of Content 2007/Archive (6349), Core principles/lang-ja (5988), Library grid/lang-ko (5965), Sample library.info file (5963), Arabic language (5485), Sugar Activity Tutorial/lang-ko (5399), Summer of Content 2007/lang-es (5341), Library grid (5307), Urdu language (5304), Using QEMU on Windows XP/lang-pt (5285), OLPC volunteers portal (5232), Internet Archive (5026), and Summer of Content mentors/lang-es (4943).

XO Korea pages

60100000 Developmental and professional teaching aids and materials and accessories and supplies (missing page) (206341), 60120000 Arts and crafts equipment and accessories and supplies (missing page) (113030), 71120000 Well drilling and construction services (missing page) (44500), XO Korea/presentations (26489), XO Korea/local community (26292), 72100000 Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services (missing page) (20568), 60130000 Musical Instruments and parts and accessories (missing page) (17578), 53100000 Clothing (missing page) (16152), 93140000 Community and social services (missing page) (14383), 60140000 Toys and games (missing page) (13846), 71130000 Oil and gas extraction and production enhancement services (missing page) (13709), 71110000 Oil and gas exploration services (missing page) (13649), 81110000 Computer services (missing page) (13464), 56120000 Classroom and instructional and institutional furniture and fixtures (missing page) (13092), 92110000 Military services and national defense (missing page) (12950), 70140000 Crop production and management and protection (missing page) (12871), 56100000 Accommodation furniture (missing page) (12598), 56110000 Commercial and industrial furniture (missing page) (12510), 83110000 Telecommunications media services (missing page) (11933), 60110000 Classroom decoratives and supplies (missing page) (11515), 71160000 Oil and gas well project management services (missing page) (11275), 80110000 Human resources services (missing page) (10737), 71150000 Oil and gas data management and processing services (missing page) (10200), 80140000 Marketing and distribution (missing page) (10177), 55120000 Signage and accessories (missing page) (9377), 73180000 Machining and processing services (missing page) (9348), 86100000 Vocational training (missing page) (9233), 85120000 Medical practice (missing page) (8507), 53130000 Personal care products (missing page) (7983), 70150000 Forestry (missing page) (7680), 53140000 Sewing supplies and accessories (missing page) (7378), 85110000 Disease prevention and control (missing page) (7326), 70120000 Livestock services (missing page) (6927), 93120000 International relations (missing page) (6836), 81100000 Professional engineering services (missing page) (6778), 84130000 Insurance and retirement services (missing page) (6717), 70100000 Fisheries and aquaculture (missing page) (6648), 73150000 Manufacturing support services (missing page) (6491), 73160000 Machinery and transport equipment manufacture (missing page) (6424), 78100000 Mail and cargo transport (missing page) (6177), 77100000 Environmental management (missing page) (6175), 73100000 Plastic and chemical industries (missing page) (6133), 73130000 Food and beverage industries (missing page) (6037), XO Korea/our work (5988), 94130000 Civic organizations and associations and movements (missing page) (5793), 73120000 Metal and mineral industries (missing page) (5716), 73140000 Fibers and textiles and fabric industries (missing page) (5685), 70170000 Water resources development and oversight (missing page) (5676), 93130000 Humanitarian aid and relief (missing page) (5656), 93150000 Public administration and finance services (missing page) (5648), 77120000 Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation (missing page) (5627), 53110000 Footwear (missing page) (5348), XO Korea/introduction (5185), 80120000 Legal services (missing page) (5074), 82120000 Reproduction services (missing page) (5053), 94100000 Work related organizations (missing page) (5048), 70110000 Horticulture (missing page) (5037), and 83100000 Utilities (missing page) (4898)

Week #28


Almost 2200 editions this week (1670 actual editions)


We have 68 new files in the wiki.


Week #26


Almost 1100 editions this week.


We have 37 new files in the wiki.


  • 3 pages were moved: Kuku Activity Test Plan, Gnu General Public License & OLPC wikis
  • 8 pages were deleted, mostly containing friendly (but out of place) messages.
  • 9 IPs were blocked during the past week. All indicates that they are bots. We should expect a new round of these kind of editions after the previous 2 week banning period is ending, so we should consider an upgrading the blocking period to 3 months (hopefully after that time some of the zombie machines will have been reformatted).