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== Project descriptions ==
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<ul style="background-color: white; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; list-style-image: url(; margin: 0.3em 0px 0px 1.5em; padding: 0px;">
* Arizona State University Case Studing Scratch Kids Programming Application
<li style="margin-bottom: 0.1em;">Escuela Pública "Jerónimo Blancas" de Zaragoza, ESPAÑA</li>
We are currently in need of 30 laptops to case study Scratch in the public schools. The purpose of this project is to study the effects of computer programming in the classrooms. The Problem is NSF reports the Educational frameworks must teach students innovation and creativity in the science and math curriculums for new technologies to thrive. A fundamental shift of views about knowledge and expertise and learning requires reconsideration and to redesign our formal educational system. The objective is to actively engage learners to construct their own ideas. The National Science Foundation (NSF) reports the root of the problem comes from the educational framework and curriculum that has to be re-worked and MUST focus on teaching creativity and innovation
<br/><br/>STEM literacy’s outlines creativity and innovation as a key focus (ISTE, 2007)
<div style="background-color: white; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-top: 0.4em;">
<br/><br/>As the US continues to strive toward building capacity for a highly educated workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, educational organizations have constructed frameworks that outline critical STEM literacy’s that need to be cultivated in K-12 education in order to achieve this goal. The central question for effective science teaching is how we can teach better scientific reasoning, allowing our students to do more than observe phenomena, push equations, and flounder in inconsistencies between everyday knowledge and the reasoning of science. Learning is an active process in which people construct new understandings of the world around them through active exploration, experimentation, discussion, and reflection.
En estos momentos está en peligro nuestro proyecto de integración de las TIC en el aula por los recortes estatales y por la supresión del Programa "Escuela2.0" que se venía desarrollando en nuestro país. Este es un blog en el que se refleja nuestro trabajo hasta el memento: <a href="">EL NOTICIERO DE VALDEFIERRO</a>.<br />
<br/><br/>The Significance of this case study is preparing our future for a technologically advanced society
Hemos presentado una <a href="">solicitud</a> a la ONG OLPC<br />
<br/><br/>The ability to integrate technology in the mathematics classroom is essential for future elementary grade school teachers as they enter the classroom being required to be able to prepare students for a technologically advanced society. How teachers learned subject matter is not necessarily the way their student will need to be taught in the 21st century. A fundamental shift about knowledge and expertise and learning requires a redesign of our formal educational system and pedagogy. TIMMS 2007 key educational outcomes in the Group of Eight (G-8) countries show 15 year old American students are scoring lower on average than many of their G-8 peers on each of the three science literacy subscales; identifying scientific issues, explaining phenomena scientifically, and using scientific evidence.
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<span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">== Project descriptions == * Arizona State University Case Studing Scratch Kids Programming Application We are currently in need of 30 laptops to case study Scratch in the public schools.</span> Descripciones de los proyectos == == * Universidad Estatal de Arizona caso arañazos estudiando los niños de programación de aplicaciones Actualmente nos encontramos en la necesidad de 30 ordenadores portátiles a los arañazos caso de estudio en las escuelas públicas.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The purpose of this project is to study the effects of computer programming in the classrooms.</span> El propósito de este proyecto es estudiar los efectos de la programación de computadoras en las aulas.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The Problem is NSF reports the Educational frameworks must teach students innovation and creativity in the science and math curriculums for new technologies to thrive.</span> El problema es que la NSF informa de los marcos educativos deben enseñar a los estudiantes la innovación y la creatividad en los currículos de ciencias y matemáticas para las nuevas tecnologías para prosperar.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">A fundamental shift of views about knowledge and expertise and learning requires reconsideration and to redesign our formal educational system.</span> Un cambio fundamental de puntos de vista sobre el conocimiento y la experiencia y el aprendizaje requiere la revisión y el rediseño de nuestro sistema educativo formal.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The objective is to actively engage learners to construct their own ideas.</span> El objetivo es involucrar activamente a los estudiantes a construir sus propias ideas.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The National Science Foundation (NSF) reports the root of the problem comes from the educational framework and curriculum that has to be re-worked and MUST focus on teaching creativity and innovation <br/><br/>STEM literacy's outlines creativity and innovation as a key focus (ISTE, 2007) <br/><br/>As the US continues to strive toward building capacity for a highly educated workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, educational organizations have constructed frameworks that outline critical STEM literacy's that need to be cultivated in K-12 education in order to achieve this goal.</span> La National Science Foundation (NSF), informa de la raíz del problema proviene del marco educativo y el currículo que tiene que ser re-trabajado y debe centrarse en la creatividad y la innovación docente <br/> la creatividad alfabetización STEM de contornos y la innovación como un elemento clave (ISTE, 2007) <br/> Como los EE.UU. continúa esforzándose hacia la creación de capacidad para una fuerza laboral altamente educada en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM), las organizaciones educativas han construido marcos de ese esquema STEM alfabetización crítica de que necesitan ser cultivados en la educación K-12 con el fin de lograr este objetivo.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The central question for effective science teaching is how we can teach better scientific reasoning, allowing our students to do more than observe phenomena, push equations, and flounder in inconsistencies between everyday knowledge and the reasoning of science.</span> La cuestión central para la enseñanza efectiva de la ciencia es la forma en que se puede enseñar mejor razonamiento científico, que permite a nuestros estudiantes a hacer más que observar los fenómenos, impulsar las ecuaciones, y te pierdes en las incoherencias entre el conocimiento cotidiano y el razonamiento de la ciencia.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Learning is an active process in which people construct new understandings of the world around them through active exploration, experimentation, discussion, and reflection.</span> El aprendizaje es un proceso activo en el que las personas construyen nuevas formas de entender el mundo que les rodea a través de la exploración activa, la experimentación, la discusión y la reflexión.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left"><br/><br/>The Significance of this case study is preparing our future for a technologically advanced society <br/><br/>The ability to integrate technology in the mathematics classroom is essential for future elementary grade school teachers as they enter the classroom being required to be able to prepare students for a technologically advanced society.</span> <br/> La importancia de este estudio de caso se está preparando el futuro de una sociedad tecnológicamente avanzada <br/> La capacidad de integrar la tecnología en el aula de matemáticas es esencial para los futuros maestros de primaria como de grado que entrar en el salón de clases que sea necesario para poder preparar a los estudiantes para una sociedad tecnológicamente avanzada.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">How teachers learned subject matter is not necessarily the way their student will need to be taught in the 21st century.</span> ¿Cómo los maestros aprendieron la materia no es necesariamente la manera en que su estudiante se les debe enseñar en el siglo 21.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">A fundamental shift about knowledge and expertise and learning requires a redesign of our formal educational system and pedagogy.</span> Un cambio fundamental sobre el conocimiento y la experiencia y el aprendizaje requiere un rediseño de nuestro sistema de educación formal y la pedagogía.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">TIMMS 2007 key educational outcomes in the Group of Eight (G-8) countries show 15 year old American students are scoring lower on average than many of their G-8 peers on each of the three science literacy subscales; identifying scientific issues, explaining phenomena scientifically, and using scientific evidence.</span> Timms 2007 los principales resultados educativos en el Grupo de los Ocho (G-8) países muestran 15 años de edad los estudiantes estadounidenses están obteniendo puntajes más bajos que muchos de sus pares del G-8 en cada una de las subescalas de alfabetización tres ciencias, identificar cuestiones científicas, explicar fenómenos científicamente, y el uso de la evidencia científica.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* [ The Yale Illustrated Children's Bible] by [ Matt Mawson] * Liberia - [[Projects/Ganta Mission School|Ganta Mission School]] *'''[ Travelling Support Team Project (Skipping Stone)]''' by [ Petros Polonos] - self-training and preparation of the long-term mobile technical support team to operate in Asia.</span> * [Http:// la Biblia de los Niños de Yale ilustrados para niños] de [Matt Mawson] * Liberia - [[Proyectos y Ganta Misión de la Escuela | Ganta Misión de la Escuela]] *'' '[ Viajar Proyecto Equipo de Apoyo (Skipping Stone)]''' por [http:/ / id = 808001 Petros Polonos] - auto-formación y preparación de la larga duración del equipo móvil de asistencia técnica para operar en Asia.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">By-products: introducing Sugar & XO to Polish alternative education and technology activists.</span> Subproductos: la introducción de azúcar y XO al polaco de educación alternativa y los activistas de la tecnología.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[ Golden Hour Project, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh]''' ([ mentoring notes]) - The objective of the Golden Hour Project is to utilize the XO laptops to expand educational opportunities to children who live in the remote mountainous areas in Bangladesh, known as the Chittagong Hill Tracts.</span> *'' '[Proyecto hora de oro, montañas de Chittagong, Bangladesh]''' ([ ? id = 74416 notas de tutoría]) - El objetivo del proyecto es hora de oro para utilizar las computadoras portátiles XO para ampliar las oportunidades educativas a los niños que viven en las zonas montañosas remotas de Bangladesh, conocida como las Colinas de Chittagong.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This isolated area, where poverty and malnutrition pervade, is inhabited by thirteen indigenous tribes and whose literacy rates are lowest in the nation, even for a country like Bangladesh.</span> Esta zona aislada, donde la pobreza y la desnutrición impregnan, está habitada por trece tribus indígenas y cuya tasas de alfabetización son los más bajos en la nación, incluso para un país como Bangladesh.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The indigenous tribal children live scattered on mountaintops and only have access to a few schools with severely limited resources.</span> Los niños de las tribus indígenas viven dispersos en las cumbres y sólo tienen acceso a algunas escuelas con recursos muy limitados.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The Golden Hour Project will make it possible for these children to access better and more comprehensive primary school education.</span> El Proyecto de hora de oro que hacen posible que estos niños tengan acceso a la educación mejor y más completa la escuela primaria.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">More details and a website will follow soon.</span> Más detalles y un sitio web de los diferentes eventos.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[[Peter Hewitt - Activity Developer]] ([ Journal])''' - My aim is to use the game development skills I have developed over the years and my considerable experience as a teacher to create exciting and useful activities.</span> *'' '[[Peter Hewitt - Desarrollador Actividad]] ([ Diario])''' - Mi objetivo es utilizar las habilidades de desarrollo de juegos que he desarrollado a lo largo de los años y mi experiencia como profesor de la creación de actividades interesantes y útiles.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">I'm concentrating on using no text at all so my activities are truly international.</span> Me estoy concentrando en el uso de ningún texto para mis actividades son verdaderamente internacionales.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">I would greatly appreciate feedback from anyone making use of my activities.</span> Les agradecería mucho la opinión de cualquier persona que hace uso de mis actividades.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">They are all available at [ Sugar Labs].</span> Todos ellos están disponibles en [ Sugar Labs].</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[[One Laptop Per - Teacher Educator, Student Teacher, Class Teacher - Child: Moneague College St. Ann, Jamaica]] ([ blog])''' - The Moneague College is a teacher training institution, preparing student teachers to become class teachers in the Jamaican education system.</span> *'' '[[One Laptop Per - Educador Maestro, Maestros y Estudiantes, Profesor de la clase - Niño: Moneague Universidad de St. Ann, Jamaica]] ([ blog])''' - La Moneague College es una institución de formación docente, la preparación de docentes en formación para ser maestros de clase en el sistema educativo de Jamaica.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The college has joined the OLPC Jamaica Team committing to introduce Sugar and the XOs to the student teachers who will then use Sugar activities in their lessons on teaching practice for 5 subjects: Math, Language Arts, Science, Music and Physical Education.</span> La universidad se ha unido al equipo de OLPC Jamaica comprometerse a introducir el azúcar y las XO a los alumnos-maestros que luego se utilizan las actividades de azúcar en sus lecciones sobre la práctica docente por 5 asignaturas: Matemáticas, Lengua y Literatura, Ciencia, Música y Educación Física.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The goal is to create a bank of lesson plans and videos that would be accessed by local teachers when Sugar and XOs come to them.</span> El objetivo es crear un banco de planes de lecciones y vídeos que se accede por los maestros locales a la hora de Azúcar y XO llegue a ellos.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">More specifically, the student teachers and their lesson plans will assist class teachers at two Kingston schools (Providence Basic and August Town Primary) where the OLPC Jamaica team from the University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona has XO deployments.</span> Más específicamente, los maestros en formación y sus planes de estudio ayudará a los profesores de la clase en dos escuelas de Kingston (Providencia básica y agosto Primaria del Pueblo), donde el equipo de OLPC Jamaica, de la Universidad de las Indias Occidentales (UWI) Mona tiene despliegues de XO.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[[Rehnuma Public School Karachi - Collaborative Learning and Peer to Peer Teaching]] ([ blog])''' - Our objective is to demonstrate not only that OLPC laptops can greatly enhance education in a neighborhood school for poor children, but to test a new plan providing education using OLPC computers, by assigning three students per computer.</span> *'' '[[Rehnuma las Escuelas Públicas de Karachi - Aprendizaje Colaborativo y Peer to Peer Docencia]] ([blog])''' - Nuestro objetivo es demostrar no sólo que las computadoras portátiles del programa OLPC puede en gran medida mejorar la educación en una escuela del barrio para los niños pobres, sino para poner a prueba un nuevo plan de proporcionar educación utilizando las computadoras de OLPC, mediante la asignación de tres estudiantes por ordenador.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The students will be on a sixth grade level.</span> Los estudiantes estarán en un nivel de sexto grado.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Children will be grouped into groups of three, called trios, by their teacher.</span> Los niños se agruparán en grupos de tres, llamados tríos, por su maestro.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Each trio should have a child identified by the teacher from the high, low and middle level of accomplishment.</span> Cada trío debe tener un niño identificado por el profesor del nivel alto, medio y bajo de la realización.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The children's tasks will be shared, hopefully with the higher level children teaching the lower level children as well as acquiring the skills of sharing, teaching, articulating, which will further advance their own skills.</span> Las tareas de los hijos será compartida, es de esperar con los niños de más alto nivel la enseñanza de los niños de menor nivel, así como la adquisición de las habilidades de compartir, la enseñanza, la articulación, lo que más va a avanzar en sus propias habilidades.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[[Projects/Fargo to Sudan|Fargo to Sudan: After school to Sudanese School]] ([ blog])''' - This project will work to improve the after school program at Madison Elementary School in Fargo ND, a school with a large refugee population, and in turn pass the XOs on to a school in southern Sudan.</span> *'' '[[Proyectos / Fargo a Sudán | Fargo a Sudán: Después de la escuela a la Escuela de Sudán]] ([ blog])''' - Este proyecto trabajará para mejorar la escuela después de programa en el Madison Elementary School en West Fargo ND, una escuela con una gran población de refugiados, ya su vez pasar las XO a una escuela en el sur de Sudán.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Project goals will focus on training a deployment team, getting kids in Fargo to develop content for kids in Sudan, and exploring language-learning tools within Sugar.</span> Los objetivos del proyecto se centrará en la formación de un equipo de implementación, lograr que los niños en Fargo para desarrollar contenidos para los niños en Sudán, y la exploración de las herramientas de aprendizaje de idiomas dentro de Azúcar.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">An open source Rosetta Stone is needed.</span> Una fuente abierta Rosetta Stone es necesario.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[[Roadshow_in_a_Box|Roadshow In A Box-Update]]''' - This is a much needed update.</span> *'' '[[Roadshow_in_a_Box | Roadshow en una caja-Update]]''' - Esto es una actualización muy necesaria.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Now that the XO-1.5 has come out, it is time to include some of these new machines in the Roadshow.</span> Ahora que el XO-1.5 ha salido, es el momento de incluir algunas de estas nuevas máquinas en el Roadshow.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Since it was first started in 2008, the Roadshow In A Box Project has reached hundreds, or perhaps even thousands, of people at conventions and conferences in the Southern California area.</span> Desde que se inició por primera vez en 2008, el Roadshow En Un Proyecto Caja ha llegado a cientos, o tal vez incluso miles, de personas en las convenciones y conferencias en el área del sur de California.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Workshops and demonstrations have been presented at locations in both California and Montana.</span> Talleres y demostraciones han sido presentados en lugares en California y Montana.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The Roadshow started with 3 XO-1s plus the project leader's G1G1 machine.</span> El Roadshow comenzó con 3 XO-1, más el líder del proyecto de G1G1 máquina.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Additional broken laptops that were repaired were added to increase the number of machines available for workshops and the project has been able to make short term loans of a few laptops to people and groups interested in planning their own project.</span> Otros ordenadores portátiles rotos que fueron reparados se han añadido para aumentar el número de máquinas disponibles para los talleres y el proyecto ha sido capaz de hacer préstamos a corto plazo de algunas computadoras portátiles a las personas y grupos interesados ​​en la planificación de su propio proyecto.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">These activities will continue with the addition of the "latest XO-1.5 technology."</span> Estas actividades continuarán con la adición de la "última tecnología de XO-1.5."</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[[The_Next_HOPE_2010_outreach|The Next Hope 2010 outreach]]''' - The objective of this project by a member of [[OLPC_NYC|OLPC-NYC]] is to get participants at this widely known conference up-to-date, informed and excited about the activities and opportunities at OLPC.</span> *'' '[[The_Next_HOPE_2010_outreach | La Esperanza 2010 Siguiente divulgación]]''' - El objetivo de este proyecto por un miembro de la [[OLPC_NYC | OLPC-ciudad de Nueva York]] es que los participantes en esta conferencia, ampliamente conocido hasta a fecha, informados y entusiasmados con las actividades y oportunidades en la OLPC.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[ V2X Speech Recognition and Voice Synthesis]''' - This project aims at building an efficient speech recognition and voice synthesis toolkit and a suite of applications using this toolkit in education domain.</span> *'' '[Http:// reconocimiento de voz y síntesis de voz V2X]''' - Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la construcción de un reconocimiento de voz y eficiente conjunto de herramientas de síntesis de voz y una suite de aplicaciones que utilizan esta herramienta en el campo de la educación.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Project proposal details can be checked at [ my blog].</span> Detalles del proyecto propuesta se puede consultar en [ mi blog].</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Please join the team if you are interested in this project.</span> Por favor, únase al equipo si usted está interesado en este proyecto.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Drop me a mail at *<b> [ Prakash Educational Software Package (ESP)] ([ blog]) </b> - The objective of the project is to sugarize Prakash Educational Software Package (ESP) in order to run on XO laptops.</span> Envíeme un correo electrónico a shirish.goyal @ * <b> [ Prakash paquete de Software Educativo (ESP)] ([http://blog. blog]) </ b> - El objetivo del proyecto es sugarize Prakash paquete de Software Educativo (ESP) con el fin de ejecutarse en computadoras portátiles XO.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Originally developed in Microsoft C#.NET, the software package consists of three applications viz.</span> Originalmente desarrollado en C # de Microsoft. NET, el paquete de software se compone de tres aplicaciones a saber.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Guided Writing, Multi Point and eScribe.</span> La escritura guiada, multipunto y eScribe.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Each of the application is designed in such a way to target a specific learning skill of an individual and caters to the learning competencies of primary school children ie reading, writing, listening and speech skills.</span> Cada uno de la aplicación está diseñada de tal manera de apuntar una habilidad específica en el aprendizaje de un individuo y abastece a las competencias de aprendizaje de los niños de escuela primaria, es decir lectura, escritura, comprensión auditiva y comunicación oral.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Furthermore, one of the applications also utilises the concept of Multi Point that enables multiple mice input in an application and allows collaborative learning between children.</span> Por otra parte, una de las aplicaciones también se utiliza el concepto de múltiples puntos de entrada que permite a varios ratones en una aplicación y permite el aprendizaje colaborativo entre los niños.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">To mould these applications for XO Laptops, these need to be re-developed using Mono to sugarize C#.</span> Para el molde de estas aplicaciones para las computadoras portátiles XO, estos necesitan ser re-desarrollado con Mono para sugarize C #.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">[ Project Website] [ Prototype video ] (currently being built in .NET to accomplish the purpose) [ Project Proposal ] *'''[ Language Documentation and XO Laptops]''' The participants are currently documenting several languages in the Southwest of the island of Ambrym, Vanuatu.</span> [Sitio Web del Proyecto] [video del prototipo] (en la actualidad se está construyendo en. NET para lograr el propósito) [http://infernotech / Proposal.html Propuesta de Proyecto] *'' '[Documentación Idioma y portátiles XO]''' Los participantes están documentando varios idiomas en el suroeste de la isla de Ambrym, Vanuatu.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The project work involves audio and video recordings, which will lead to the production of dictionaries, story books and grammars for the previously undocumented and undescribed languages.</span> El trabajo del proyecto consiste en grabaciones de audio y vídeo, lo que conducirá a la producción de libros de cuentos, diccionarios y gramáticas de las lenguas habían sido documentadas previamente descritas.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Due to the lack of devices with the capacity to display accustic and visual information, however, local communities will hardly have access to the audio and video recordings.</span> Debido a la falta de dispositivos con la capacidad para mostrar la información accustic y visual, sin embargo, las comunidades locales apenas tendrá acceso a la grabaciones de audio y video.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Also, the opportunities for speakers to actively participate in the documentation of their languages and traditional knowledge themselves are very limited.</span> Además, las oportunidades de los oradores para participar activamente en la documentación de sus lenguas y los conocimientos tradicionales en sí son muy limitadas.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The laptops provided by the OLPC project would help to make recordings accessible to the communities as well as empower the youngest generations to use modern technologies to explore and record the traditional knowledge which is in acute danger of being lost.</span> Las computadoras portátiles proporcionados por el proyecto OLPC ayudaría a hacer grabaciones accesibles a las comunidades, así como empoderar a las generaciones más jóvenes a utilizar las tecnologías modernas para explorar y registrar los conocimientos tradicionales que se encuentra en grave peligro de perderse.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''[[Projects/Competitive Learning|Competitive Learning within a Mesh Network]]''' - The project's aim is to develop an activity framework for competitive learning and training activities over the mesh network.</span> *'' '[[Proyectos y competitivo Aprendizaje | El aprendizaje competitivo dentro de una red Mesh]]''' - El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar un marco para el aprendizaje de la actividad competitiva y las actividades de formación sobre la red de malla.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Two or more teams within a learning environment compete against each other.</span> Dos o más equipos dentro de un ambiente de aprendizaje compiten entre sí.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">They can see the training effort of their own and of the other teams, compare their own achievements, gain awards for achieving teacher defined training goals.</span> Se puede ver el esfuerzo de formación propia y de los otros equipos, comparar sus avances, ganar premios por el logro de los maestros se definen los objetivos de formación.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">They see in real time which team members of their own or other teams are actively workin at the moment and which challenges their team and the other teams are actually facing.</span> Ellos ven en tiempo real que los miembros del equipo de sus propios equipos o de otra índole están activamente workin en el momento y que desafía a su equipo y los demás equipos se enfrentan en realidad.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">So pupils can be motivated to train their skills in a special way.</span> Así los alumnos pueden ser motivados para entrenar a sus habilidades de una manera especial.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">''You are encouraged to integrate your own activities into the framework.'' Our progress will be posted on [ our blog].</span> '' Se le anima a integrar sus propias actividades en el marco.'' Nuestro progreso será publicado en [ nuestro blog].</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*'''00010 XO 3D Project'''.</span> *'' '00010'' XO del proyecto 3D '.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">For more information please visit my project blog:</span> Para más información por favor visite mi blog del proyecto:</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">E-Mail: *'''[[Projects/SqueaklandTesters|Squeakland Testers]]''' - The projects goal is to have a dedicated user test group for planned Etoys releases.</span> E-Mail: 00010.osx86.project @ *'' '[[Proyectos / SqueaklandTesters | Squeakland Testers]]''' - El objetivo de los proyectos es tener un grupo de usuarios de ensayo especial para lanzamientos previstos Etoys.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This user test group will run tests of the future release of Etoys against planned release of Sugar and the XO hardware.</span> Este grupo de pruebas de usuario se ejecutan pruebas de la futura versión de Etoys contra de la liberación prevista de Azúcar y el hardware del XO.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Progress will be posted on [ Squeakland's blog].</span> El progreso será publicado en [blog Squeakland de].</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b> [ Computers of the Dominican Republic]</b> - My project will provide educational and recreational opportunities for the kids in Los Tocones de las Galeras de Semaná, the Dominican Republic, by providing them with used baseball equipment and basic computers.</span> * <b> [Ordenadores de la República Dominicana] </ b> - Mi proyecto proporcionará oportunidades educativas y recreativas para los niños en Los Tocones de las Galeras de Semana , la República Dominicana, poniendo a su disposición equipos de béisbol de las computadoras usadas y básicas.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[ Big Sky Science Partnership] </b> is a [ pilot project] bringing XO laptops into the classrooms of elementary teachers on and near the [ Crow and Northern Cheyenne Reservations in Montana].</span> * <b> [Http:// Big Sky Asociación Científica] </ b> es un [ proyecto piloto] llevar computadoras portátiles XO en las aulas de los maestros de primaria en y cerca de la [ Crow y Cheyenne del Norte reservas en Montana].</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The XO laptops will be used to provide Internet access to each student and the Sugar software will provide the student an avenue for expressing and publishing their knowledge of science topics.</span> Las computadoras portátiles XO serán utilizados para proporcionar acceso a Internet a cada estudiante y el software de azúcar le proporcionará al estudiante una vía para expresar y publicar sus conocimientos sobre temas de ciencias.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Through the Sugar mixed media activities teachers will assist students in gaining an understanding of how their rural communities are interconnected with others as they investigate the natural world and science processes.</span> A través de la mezcla de azúcar actividades de los medios los profesores ayudarán a los estudiantes en la obtención de una comprensión de cómo las comunidades rurales están interconectados con los demás, ya que investigar el mundo natural y los procesos científicos.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b> [ Version support for Sugar data store]</b> ([[Projects/Version support for data store|XO-1.5 project page]]) - Storing previous versions of user documents inside the Sugar data store ensures no work is accidently lost due to being overwritten.</span> * <b> [Versión apoyo para el azúcar del almacén de datos] </ b> ([[Proyectos y apoyo a la versión del almacén de datos | XO-1.5 página del proyecto]]) - Almacenamiento las versiones anteriores de los documentos del usuario en el interior del almacén de datos de Sugar asegura que no es por accidente de trabajo perdidos debido a que se sobrescriba.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Accessing past versions is presented to the user as "going back in time" for a specific Journal object.</span> Acceso a las versiones anteriores se presenta al usuario como "retroceder en el tiempo" para un objeto específico de Diario.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b> [ IHMC CmapTools, a knowledge modeling and sharing toolkit]</b> *<b> [ Intelligent Learning Framework]</b> - This project aims to develop a framework which can be used by games (sugar activities) to support the learner during the game.</span> * <b> [Http:// IHMC CmapTools, un modelado del conocimiento y el intercambio de herramientas] </ b> * <b> [ Marco de Aprendizaje Inteligente] </ b> - Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar un marco que puede ser utilizado por los juegos (actividades de azúcar) para apoyar al participante durante el juego.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The framework is the pedagogic intelligence behind the game.</span> El marco es la inteligencia pedagógica detrás del juego.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The game should adapt itself to the learner, how to adapt decides the framework which monitors the actions of the learner and draws conclusions about the behavior of the learner.</span> El juego debe adaptarse al alumno, la forma de adaptar el marco decide que vigila las actuaciones de los alumnos y saca conclusiones acerca del comportamiento del alumno.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b> [ Summer pyGames]</b> - This project aims to involve high school students, South Carolina's education system, and a number of private businesses to create educational computer games for the XO laptop.</span> * <b> [Http:// verano pyGames] </ b> - Este proyecto tiene como objetivo involucrar a los estudiantes de secundaria, el sistema de educación de Carolina del Sur, y un número de empresas privadas para crear juegos educativos de ordenador para la computadora portátil XO.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The group is working closely with [ CSCLUG] and Palmetto Project to distribute the free software games to 3,000 South Carolina students and offer the games to download!</span> El grupo está trabajando en estrecha colaboración con [ CSCLUG] y el Proyecto de Palmetto para distribuir los juegos de software libre a 3.000 estudiantes del sur de Carolina y ofrecer los juegos para descargar!</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Kick-off for the competition starts Saturday, June 11 2010 and the competition concludes July 24th 2010.</span> Kick-off para que empiece la competición Sábado, 11 de junio 2010 y la competencia llega a la conclusión 24 de julio 2010.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b> [ Open Video Chat @ RIT]</b> - Developers sponsored by PEN International will be charged with developing a proof of concept by improving the underlying software stack to provide video chat functionality for communication between deaf and hard of hearing students in a classroom environment.</span> * <b> [Http:// Open Video Chat en vivo @ RIT] </ b> - Los desarrolladores patrocinado por la Federación Internacional PEN le será cargado a desarrollar una prueba de concepto mediante la mejora de la pila de software subyacente a la proporcionar la funcionalidad de chat de vídeo para la comunicación entre personas sordas y con problemas de audición a los estudiantes en un aula.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Documentation of the process and the development team's experience will be released on an ongoing basis--live when possible--and will culminate at the terminus of the project with an open source video production to be released and viewed at the NTID Technology Symposium and FOSScon RIT this summer.</span> La documentación del proceso y la experiencia del equipo de desarrollo se dará a conocer en forma permanente - vivir cuando sea posible - y culminará en el término del proyecto, con una producción de video de código abierto para ser puesto en libertad y ver en el Simposio de Tecnología y NTID FOSScon RIT este verano.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">[ BLOG #1] [ BLOG #2] [] [] *<b> [ AMAGEZI GEMAANYI - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER]</b> - to promote the Amagezi Gemaanyi Computer Lab as a safe learning space for children (ages 6-11) and youth (ages 12-20) by implementing a project that will supplement the Ugandan Primary and Secondary School reading, writing, and mathematics syllabus using the interactive games and applications within the XO laptop as a fun, innovative teaching aid.</span> [Http:// BLOG # 1] [% 20Video% 20Chat BLOG # 2] [ https :/ / / OpenVideoChat /] [] * <b> [http://wiki / go / Amagezi_Gemaanyi / AMAGEZI GEMAANYI - EL CONOCIMIENTO ES PODER] </ b> - para promover la Amagezi Gemaanyi laboratorio de computación como un espacio de aprendizaje seguro para los niños (6-11 años) y jóvenes (edades 12-20) por la implementación de un proyecto que complementa la lectura de la escuela primaria y secundaria de Uganda, la escritura, las matemáticas y el programa con los juegos interactivos y aplicaciones dentro de la computadora portátil XO como una diversión, ayuda a la enseñanza innovadora.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Visit our Blog for information on our organization [ AMAGEZI GEMAANYI YOUTH ASSOCIATION] *<b> [ Got Game?!</span> Visita nuestro Blog para obtener información sobre nuestra organización [ AMAGEZI GEMAANYI Asociación de Jóvenes] * <b> [ Got Game?</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Web Version]</b> - A service learning project between high school students in Texas and students in Ghana using XO laptops as a communication tool to create relationships and educational math tools while supporting the [ Touch A Life] organization's goal of educating the world on child slavery and human trafficking.</span> Versión Web] </ b> - Un proyecto de servicio de aprendizaje entre los estudiantes de secundaria en Texas y los estudiantes en Ghana con laptops XO como herramienta de comunicación para crear relaciones y herramientas educativas de matemáticas, mientras que el apoyo a la [ Toque objetivo de una vida] de la Organización de educar al mundo sobre la esclavitud infantil y la trata de personas.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Check out our progress at [ New Tech Gives Back] *<b> [ Westview Centennial Secondary School Computer Club]</b> - A high school computer club aiming to engage students in collaborative educational projects using open-source technology.</span> Echa un vistazo a nuestro progreso en [ New Tech Gives Back] * <b> [ Westview Centenario de la Escuela Secundaria Computer Club] </ b> - Un alto la escuela club de la computadora con el objetivo de involucrar a los estudiantes en colaboración de proyectos educativos que utilizan tecnología de código abierto.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b> [ Giving Dominican Children an Encyclopedic Resource]</b> - an eagle scout project for Benji Smith that will provide XO Laptops for Los Tocones de las Galeras de Semaná near</span> * <b> [Http:// darle a los niños dominicanos un recurso enciclopédico] </ b> - un águila proyecto de explorador de Benji Smith, que ofrecerá computadoras portátiles XO de Tocones Los de Las Galeras de Semana cerca de</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">La Playa Rincόn].</span> La Playa Rincόn].</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[ Improving School Attendance and Performance in Kenya]</b> (also [[Projects/Kenya Improving School Attendance and Performance|on this wiki]]) - a project that aims to Improve school attendance rate and performance using the XO Laptops.</span> * <b> [Http:// mejorar la asistencia escolar y el rendimiento en Kenia] </ b> (también [[Proyectos / Kenia mejorar la asistencia escolar y rendimiento | en este wiki]]) - un proyecto que tiene como objetivo para mejorar la tasa de asistencia escolar y el rendimiento utilizando las laptops XO.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[ RIT Projects for Math 4]</b> - a university course for students supporting the OLPC project and the Sugar Labs Math4 curriculum.</span> * <b> [Http:// Proyectos RIT para Matemáticas 4] </ b>, un curso universitario para los estudiantes que apoyan el proyecto OLPC y el plan de estudios Sugar Labs math4.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[[Projects/SPAM: Super Pixel Art Maker|SPAM: Super Pixel Art Maker]]</b> ...</span> * <b> [[Proyectos / SPAM: Creador de Super Pixel Art | SPAM: Creador de Super Pixel Art]] </ b> ...</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">is a robust pixel editing tool that can produce industry standard pixel sprite art/animation.</span> es una herramienta de edición de píxeles robusto que puede producir estándar de la industria del arte sprite de píxeles / animación.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[[Projects/Booming Bang]]</b> &nbsp; game released!</span> * <b> [[Proyectos / Auge Bang]] </ b> juego lanzado!</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[[Projects/XO 1.5 Media Effort|XO 1.5 Media Effort]]</b> Helping out with raising media awareness for the upcoming release of the XO 1.5.</span> * <b> [[Proyectos / XO 1.5 Esfuerzo de prensa | XO 1.5 Esfuerzo Media]] </ b> Ayudar a la sensibilización de los medios de comunicación el próximo lanzamiento de la XO 1.5.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Showcase capabilities, compare with the XO 1, make everyone interested in jumping aboard, even the non-programmers.</span> Capacidades de Showcase, comparar con la XO 1, que todos los interesados ​​en saltar a bordo, incluso los no programadores.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[ XO Operating System Special Interest Group]</b> Creating and nurturing a community of contributors within Sugar Labs with knowledge and experience developing for the XO.</span> * <b> [Http:// XO grupo de sistema operativo de Interés Especial] </ b> Crear y fomentar una comunidad de colaboradores dentro de Sugar Labs, con conocimiento y experiencia en el desarrollo de la XO.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Raising raise the visibility and importance of the XO within the Sugar community....</span> El aumento de aumentar la visibilidad y la importancia de la XO en la comunidad de azúcar ....</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">without violating upstream/downstream abstraction barriers.</span> sin violar aguas arriba / aguas abajo las barreras de abstracción.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[[Projects/Aura|Aura: A new beginning]]</b> Aura is a free and open source operating system,specially developed for youth.</span> * <b> [[Proyectos / Aura | Aura: Un nuevo comienzo]] </ b> Aura es un sistema operativo de código libre y abierto, desarrollado especialmente para los jóvenes.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The objective is to provide free software to youth around the world :) See [ Official Phoenix-Team site] for more info :D *: Please leave your comments here : indoria_abhishek_AT_hotmail_DOT_com * <b>[[OLPC UK/Pilots/London2009/Proposal|OLPC UK Pilot - London 2009]]</b> In developing OLPC (UK) we aim to establish a 100% volunteer organization and platform for OLPC in the United Kingdom.</span> El objetivo es proporcionar software libre para jóvenes de todo el mundo :) Ver [ Oficial Phoenix-Team sitio] para más información: D *: Por favor deja tus comentarios aquí: * indoria_abhishek_AT_hotmail_DOT_com <b > [[OLPC UK/Pilots/London2009/Proposal | OLPC Piloto Reino Unido - Londres 2009]] </ b> En el desarrollo de la OLPC (Reino Unido) que se pretende crear una organización de voluntarios del 100% y la plataforma para la OLPC en el Reino Unido.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The intent of OLPC (UK) is to support the deployments of XO computers towards solving defined needs in UK schools paired with schools in developing countries.</span> El objetivo de OLPC (Reino Unido) es apoyar a los despliegues de las computadoras XO a la solución de las necesidades definidas en las escuelas del Reino Unido vinculados con las escuelas en los países en desarrollo.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[ Notalon: Note-Taking Software]</b> Notalon is note-taking, simplified.</span> * <b> [Http:// Notalon: toma de notas de software] </ b> Notalon es la toma de notas, simplificado.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Its aim is to streamline your focus on taking notes on books and during class lectures.</span> Su objetivo es optimizar su enfoque en tomar notas en los libros y durante las conferencias de clase.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">* <b>[[Projects/HIV Awareness Among Kenya Children|HIV/AIDS Awareness among Kenyan children ages 4 – 16]]</b> ([ preliminary]) Develop a curriculum to address the absence of good HIV/AIDS information in Kenyan education by using the XO interactive and individualized learning environment.</span> * <b> [[Conciencia Proyectos / VIH entre los niños de Kenia | VIH / SIDA entre los niños kenianos menores de 4 - 16]] </ b> ([ = 43608 preliminar]) Desarrollar un plan de estudios para hacer frente a la ausencia del bien sobre VIH / SIDA en la educación de Kenia con el medio ambiente XO aprendizaje interactivo y personalizado.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[[Projects/GreenThumb PH|The Development of the GreenThumb Activity]]</b> The game allows an avenue for the conducting of biological/genetic-related experiments.</span> * <b> [[Proyectos y GreenThumb PH | El Desarrollo de la Actividad GreenThumb]] </ b> El juego permite una vía para la realización de experimentos biológicos / genéticos conexos.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">It gives the player the chance to choose his/her own preferences in the various factors that will affect the experiment.</span> Se le da al jugador la oportunidad de elegir sus propias preferencias en los diversos factores que afectan el experimento.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[[OLPC Vietnam|OLPC Vietnam project]]</b> is progressing to a full fledge OLPC project by building a supporters community and bringing communities, educational institutions and officil partners together.</span> * <b> [[OLPC Vietnam | Vietnam proyecto OLPC]] </ b> está avanzando hacia una plena del proyecto OLPC nido mediante la construcción de una comunidad de seguidores y unir a las comunidades, instituciones educativas y los socios officil juntos.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Ultimate goal of the project is a large scale deployment to support and foster the change of frontal teachers centralized methods to a learner and learning focused methodology in Vietnam.</span> Objetivo último del proyecto es un despliegue a gran escala para apoyar y fomentar el cambio de profesores frontales centralizada de métodos a un alumno y la metodología de aprendizaje centrado en Vietnam.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">OLPC Vietnam support a holistic approach that puts students in the center and fosters active participation, learning in the digital society and using IT for a change to the better.</span> OLPC Vietnam apoyar un enfoque holístico que pone a los estudiantes en el centro y fomenta la participación activa, el aprendizaje en la sociedad digital y el uso de TI para un cambio a mejor.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[[Projects/GaiaBB|GaiaBB - distributed Social Networks]]</b> GaiaBB aims to be an easily modifiable, localizable peer to peer forum.</span> * <b> [[Proyectos / GaiaBB | GaiaBB - distribuidos Redes Sociales]] </ b> GaiaBB pretende ser un modificables fácilmente localizable peer to peer foro.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The idea is to allow kids to create their own social networks, and easily share them with friends (online and offline).</span> La idea es permitir a los niños a crear sus propias redes sociales, y compartirlos fácilmente con amigos (online y offline).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[[Projects/Deployment-To-Mafi-Dove-Ghana|OLPC Deployment to Mafi Dove, Ghana]]</b> Starting with a planned deployment of at least 20 XOs to the middle school in this rural village in Ghana, we hope to expand to their entire school over time, and then work out to neighboring villages.</span> * <b> [[Proyectos y la implementación-a-Mafi-Dove-Ghana | OLPC implementación de Mafi Dove, Ghana]] </ b> A partir de un despliegue previsto de al menos 20 XO a la escuela media en este pueblo rural en Ghana, que esperamos ampliar a toda la escuela a través del tiempo, y luego trabajar a los pueblos vecinos.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[[Projects/Sankamup|Sankamup - News distribution and production facilitation]]</b> Sankamup is initially targetted at the island of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, which suffered major setbacks in education and communications as the result of a protracted civil war.</span> * <b> [[Proyectos y Sankamup | Sankamup - Noticias de distribución y la facilitación de la producción]] </ b> Sankamup inicialmente apuntado a la isla de Bougainville, en Papúa Nueva Guinea, que ha sufrido reveses importantes en la educación y la comunicación como el resultado de una prolongada guerra civil.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Sankamup looks to address wireless communications issues, local language support; and the porting of Scribus an Opensource Desktop publishing application, and Celtx an Opensource application for Scriptwriting and other Pre-production activities - to facilitate "tribal" storytelling and capture.</span> Sankamup busca abordar los problemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas, apoyo en el idioma local, y la conservación de Scribus una aplicación de autoedición Opensource y Celtx una aplicación de código abierto para escritura de guiones y otras actividades de pre-producción - para facilitar la "tribu" narración de historias y captura.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[[Olin_university_chapter/Projects/Curriculum|Turtle Art Curriculum]]</b> Project of Olin College.</span> * <b> [[Olin_university_chapter, proyectos y plan de estudios | plan de estudios Turtle Art]] </ b> Proyecto de Olin College.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This lab-based curriculum is designed to teach a variety of math and engineering concepts through Turtle Art.</span> Este plan de estudios de laboratorio con sede en está diseñado para enseñar una variedad de conceptos matemáticos y de ingeniería a través del Arte de la Tortuga.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">It will be running for the first time as a after school program for 3rd - 5th graders at John Eliot Elementary School in Needham, MA in spring 2010.</span> Se ejecuta por primera vez como un programa después de clases para el 3 º - 5 º grado en la Escuela Primaria John Eliot en Needham, MA en la primavera de 2010.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[[Projects/KenyaSmallSolutions_HOC_KeongoSchool| Kenya Measuring XO Discovery Learning]]</b> HOC teams will teach a math curriculum designed during the last 5 months using XO Turtle Art and Pippy problem solving learning tasks to demonstrate student skill development made using the XO in conventional Kenyan exams (CATs).</span> * <b> [[Proyectos / KenyaSmallSolutions_HOC_KeongoSchool | Kenia medida el aprendizaje por descubrimiento XO]] </ b> equipos especiales le enseñará a un plan de estudios de matemáticas diseñado durante los últimos 5 meses con Turtle Art XO y el problema Pippy resolver las tareas de aprendizaje para demostrar el desarrollo del estudiante la habilidad hizo utilizando la XO en los exámenes convencionales de Kenia (CAT).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">After school and weekend XO access will provide additional learning time.</span> Después de la escuela y fines de semana el acceso XO dará tiempo adicional para el aprendizaje.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*<b>[[OLPC_Nepal|XO supported education within Serachour, Nepal]]</b> XO supported education within Serachour, Nepal (Kaski district) in May 2010 consisting of 40 laptops.</span> * <b> [[OLPC_Nepal | educación XO apoyo en el marco Serachour, Nepal]] </ b> la educación XO apoyo en el marco Serachour, Nepal (distrito de Kaski) 05 2010 consistente en 40 computadoras portátiles.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Serachour village is a farming community of around 600 inhabitants situated 25 km west of the city of Pokhara in the foothills of the Himalayas.</span> Serachour pueblo es una comunidad agrícola de alrededor de 600 habitantes situada 25 km al oeste de la ciudad de Pokhara, en las estribaciones de la cordillera del Himalaya.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The objective of the project is: Computer supported education within the primary school in Serachour, Nepal based on a sustainable model.</span> El objetivo del proyecto es: la educación asistido por ordenador en la escuela primaria en Serachour, Nepal sobre la base de un modelo sostenible.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">See [ Foundation Making Miles for Millennium] *<b> [[English for Everybody - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia|</b>English for Everybody - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia]].</span> Ver [ Fundación Hacer Miles de Millennium] * <b> [[Inglés para Todos - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia | </ b> Inglés para Todos - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia ]].</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The new Educational Law to be approved in the next 2 or 3 months, states that all schools will have to teach 3 Languages (Spanish, an originary language (Guarani in our case) and another foreign language - (English is the most commonly used).To help students from the Public Schools (approximately 300 000),we are going to develop a curriculum for them to learn English with the help of XOs and hopefully to use this program to teach other languages (to start with Guarani for example). We hope this project will assist language learners worldwide. [ BLOG] *<b> [ eKindling Teacher Training Program] </b> - The goal of this project is to utilize the XO laptops to pilot a training program designed to build the capacity of educators, tech squad (comprised of 4th grade students) and support team – key stakeholders that will be participating in the first OLPC deployment (100 XO Laptops) in the Philippines. This deployment, which is projected to start in July, will focus on two schools - Lubang Integrated School and Maligaya Elementary School - located in the rural island of Lubang, Mindoro. The training session is schedule 3 months in advance of the pilot to get the teachers comfortable with the technology and take advantage of the summer vacation to create and upload content into the school server. Ultimately, we hope to create a shareable blueprint/manual for future training programs that can be replicated inside and outside the Philippines. Updates will be posted on our [ blog] and on Twitter: []. The project page is located in [] [ Teacher Training Debrief is now posted.] *<b> Health and Wellness Eduction for Children in Rural Communities [ BLOG] [ Original proposal]</b> - Our project will develop activities to teach children in rural, isolated regions about health and wellness, in general, and to help them become caring adults, in particular. Initially, we will target 1st graders. The project will address strategies to prevent abuse by increasing child resiliency, and to improve health by teaching obesity prevention. We will also incorporate culturally sensitive, animal-human relationship lessons to improve the likelihood of decreasing trans-generational child maltreatment. The project will be carried out by an interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, educators, and child advocacy specialists. *<b> Marysville Rotary XO Literacy Project [] - Barillas, Guatemala & Marysville, Washington USA </b> - Our project is a multi-part process that will help improve the educational environment and lives of the children around Barillas, Guatemala and within the Marysville Public School System. Studies have shown that early exposure to quality educational computer programs dramatically improve a young child's creative thinking process, thus increasing test scores. Marysville Rotary has been traveling to Guatemala for over 12 years helping to improve the lives of the Mayan children by providing health services, constructing schools and providing books for the villages surrounding Barillas, Guatemala. Our plan is to expand the program with our local High School students writing computer programs in several of the Mayan Spanish dialects, through a Computer Language Programming course. Through this course, we will be providing our local young adults with skills needed in the 21st century, while at the same time creating the useful programming needed to assist the learning of the Mayan students in Guatemala, and increase access to the XO world. In addition, by creating a school XO repair facility, our students will acquire computer and technology skills requested by many corporations in our local geographical area, such as Boeing, Microsoft and Bio-Tech firms. <!-- Start main table --> {|style="border-spacing:8px;margin:0px -8px" |- <!-- Row 1 --> |class="MainPageBG" style="width:45%; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top; color:#000"| {|width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff" ! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#f78f1e; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="activitiesandcollections">[[activities|Activities]] and [[collections|Collections]]</h2> |- |style="color:#000"| See [[Activity queries]]. * [[Projects/Abridged Wikipedia|Abridged Wikipedia]] * [[Projects/Age 5 Math|Age 5 Math]] * [[Projects/Appropedia|Appropedia]] * [[Projects/Children's dictionary|Children's Dictionary]] * [[Projects/Colingo|Colingo]] * [[Projects/Competitive Learning|Competitive Learning - Framework and Sample Activity]] * [[Projects/eduMagnet|eduMagnet Video Player]] * [[Etoys|Etoys activity]] * [[Projects/etoystoys|etoys toys]] ([ blog]) * [[Projects/foodforce2|FoodForce2, Teaching Sustainability Through Educational Game]] * [ Feedbooks] * [[Projects/General wikislice|General Wikislice]] * [[Projects/ICDL|ICDL]] * [[Projects/Lewis Carroll|Lewis Carroll]] * [[Projects/Multilingual dictionary|Multilingual Dictionary]] * [[Projects/Music One|Music One]] * [[Projects/NET Bible|NET Bible]] * [ Notalon: Note-Taking Software] [[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[Projects/Photos|Photos]] * [[Projects/Smile|Smile activity]] * [[Projects/Short stories|Short Stories]] * [[Projects/SPAM: Super Pixel Art Maker|SPAM: Super Pixel Art Maker]] [[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[Projects/TeleHealth|TeleHealth]] * [[Projects/Tux Paint|Tux Paint]] * [[Projects/Uniwiki|Uniwiki]] * [[Projects/Web design|Web Design]] * [[Projects/WikiBooks|Wikibooks]] * [[Projects/WikiHow|WikiHow]] * [[Projects/Wikipedia featured pictures|Wikipedia Featured Pics]] * [[Projects/Wikipedia overview|Wikipedia Overview]] * [[Projects/Wikislice|Wikislice]] * [[Projects/Wikislice/animals|Wikislice Animals]] * [[Projects/Wikislice/general|Wikislice General]] * [[Projects/World Factbook|World Factbook]] * [[Projects/Wowio books|Wowie Books]] * [[Projects/Write|Write]] * [[Projects/wikislice-en|Wikislice-En]] * [[Projects/world factbook|World Factbook]] * [[Projects/wp|WP]] * [[Projects/wp-animals-en|WP-Animals-En]] * [[Projects/wp-general-en|WP-General-En]] * [ FotoToon] ([ blog] in Spanish) [[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]] |} |class="MainPageBG" style="width:45%; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top; color:#000"| {| width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff" |- ! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#8eDe66; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="toolsandsoftware">Tools and Software</h2> |- |style="color:#000"| * Alternative Power Generator, Arkansas ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects/Atlas_America|Atlas America]] * [[Apache Proxy CRCsync|Apache Proxy CRCsync and Finger-painting interface for the Moodle School server]] * [[Projects/CRM_Web_form_XO|CRM Web form XO]] * [ Coreboot firmware] as compared to [[Open Firmware]] * [[Projects/Educational toolkit|Educational toolkit]] * [[Projects/eduMagnet#eduMagnet_OLPC_Live_System|EduMagnet + eduMagnet Live System]] * [ Evangel] (2D graphical chat infrastructure) ([ blog], [ mentoring notes])[[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[Projects/Freifunk|Freifunk]] * [ GeospatialLearning@PrimarySchool] * [[Projects/gsm4xo|gsm4xo]] * [ Internet Math Tutoring Network for Kosodo Village - Ghana/Kenya] ([ preliminary]) * [ Journal for Sugar 0.86] ([ NEW]) * [[Projects/LXDE|LXDE Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment]] * [[Projects/MicrocontrollerKit|MicroControllerKit]] * [[Projects/mfademo|mfademo]] * [ MMEduGamePack Project] * [[Model]] * [ OOo4Kids (EducOOo)] -- [ OOo4Kids & Education Project] ([ 1] [ 2]) * [[Projects/OLPC_ALBANET|OLPC Cross-Lingual Meaning to Word dictionary & Collection of NLP Tools]] * [[Projects/TestUsabilityOLPC|OLPC Test Usability]] * [ PaintWeb w/ Moodle] * [ Print Support] * [[Projects/RescoManager|RescoManager]] * [[Projects/SDR|SDR]] * [[Projects/SugarMail|SugarMail]] * [[Projects/GeneralCompute|Support for heterogeneous computing.]] * [[Projects/Port_S4A|Port of S4A (''Scratch for Arduino'') to XO]] * [ Toaster Activity] * [ Touchscreen] * [ Version support for Sugar data store] * [[Projects/VideoEditing|Video Editing]] * [ Webified: Sugarizing Web Apps]] * [[Projects/Sugar_WebQuests | WebQuest Server and Activity]] * [ Wind Shear Detection for Small Airports - Northridge, CA] ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects/xomail|XO Mail]] * [ XO-1.5 Build Testing - UK] * [ OLPC as a client of Perfect Super Computer in Thailand] * [ XO / Sugar Labs Operating System Special Interest Group] ([ mentoring notes]) * [[Projects/SugarPolishing|Sugar polishing]] * [[Projects/Processing_on_the_XO|Processing on the XO]] * [ Prakash Educational Software Package (ESP)] * [ XO Educational Software Project] * [ XO for all ] |- |} <!-- End of row 1 --> |- <!--beginning of row 2 --> |class="MainPageBG" style="border:1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top; color:#000"| {|width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff" |- ! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#0093d0; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="games">Games</h2> |- |style="color:#000"| * [ Booming Bang -Arcade funny game] ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects/Flash_Gamedev|Game Development with Flash on the XO-1]] * [[Projects/moshi-tanzania|Moshi Tanzania Educator Workshops]] * [ Flixel Games Framework on XO]] ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects/Intelligent_Predictor_Application_for_XO|Intelligent Predictor Application for XO]] * [ Karma Project] * [[Projects/klik|klik]] * [[User:OLPC_Mathematics|Mathematics Fundamentals, Teaching in Kenya]] ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects/Reading_Writing_Skills_Kenya|Primary XO Curriculum for Kenya: basic skills, reading and writing]] ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects/Meta-activities|Meta-activities]] * [[Projects/MIMAmusic|MIMAmusic]] * [[Projects/OLPC_KAGE|OLPC KAGE]] * [[Projects/EvilToys|Evil Toys]] * [[Projects/Typing_Turtle|Typing Turtle]] * [[Projects/lx700video|lx700video]] * [[Projects/wiki test|Wiki Test]] |} |class="MainPageBG" style="border:1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top; color:#000"| {| width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff" |- ! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#e50278; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="grassroots">Grassroots, School Support, Activism and Advocacy</h2> |- |style="color:#000"| See also this showcase of [[Donate_Your_Get_One|Community Deployments seeking XO Donations]]. * [ Creating alternatives for life through education - Bolivia] * [ Somos-Azúcar Proyecto Malla Peru - Bolivia Rainforest outreach] * [[Projects/RemappingLA|RemappingLA]] * [[Projects/MaasaiConnection|Maasai Connection]] * [[Projects/OLPC-Saigon|OLPC-Saigon]] * [[Projects/Steppe by Steppe - Side by Side|Steppe by Steppe - Side by Side]] * [[Projects/computer_outreach|Computer Outreach Program using XO ]] * [[Projects/crosscollab|CrossCollab]] ([ preliminary]) * [ Chamilo/LMS + OLPC / Peru] (previously Dokeos) * [[Projects/EnfantsEducation|Enfants pour l'Éducation (Kids for Education)]] ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects/Grassroots NL|Grassroots NL]] * [[Projects/Hackerspaces in Cologne and Bonn|Hackerspaces]] * [[Projects/MTSA|Master Teachers by Satellite for Afghanistan]][[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[Projects/OLPC Bellingham|OLPC Bellingham]] * [[Projects/olpc-catalonia|OLPC-Catalonia]] * [[Projects/olpcturkey|OLPC-Turkey]] * [[Projects/Grassroots_PH_Developers|OLPC Grassroots Philippines Developer Program]] * [ Preliminary: OLPC - Honduras] ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects and proposals|Projects and Proposals]] * [ Rural Design Collective 2009 (Oregon)] * [ Recruitment Revolution: Success Links, Los Angeles] alongside [ Community Coalition of South LA] * [[Projects/Science Link|Science Link UK-Uganda]] * [ Science Link Bettws(UK) and Uganda] [ *] * [[Projects/Southern California OLPC Projects|Southern California OLPC Projects]] * [ Sugar Labs, DC] / [ Chalatenango Free Software Education Project, El Salvador] * [[Projects/XO pilot projects in Russia|XO Pilot Projects in Russia]] * [[Projects/MirDoc|MirDoc]] * [ OPLC UK Pilot - London 2009] (NEW) * [ XO-Contest Switzerland] * [[Projects/Vung Vieng Fishing Vietnam|Vung Vieng Fishing Vietnam]] ([ mentoring notes]) (NEW) * [[Projects/Digital Divide XO Library|Digital Divide XO Library]] * [ OLPC Pilot in La Romana (Dominican Republic)] |} <!-- End of row 2--> |- <!-- Start of row 3 --> |class="MainPageBG" style="border:1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top; color:#000"| {|width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff" |- ! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#f78f1e; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="Healthandscience">Health and Science</h2> |- |style="color:#000"| * [[Projects/BioSensor|BioSensor]] * [ Computer-aided Instruction in Medical Schools in Kenya & Illinois (USA)] * [[Projects/EntangleMe|EntangleMe]] * [[Diabetes_Prevention_through_eHealth_for_poor_postpartum_women]] * [[Projects/Health Jam|Health Jam]] * [[User:Jumpbean|HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases/Hygiene Health Education Intervention Activity]] (Mozambique) * [[Projects/HIV_Awareness_Among_Kenya_Children|HIV/AIDS Awareness among Kenyan children ages 4 – 16]] ([ preliminary])[[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[OLPC Tanzania|HIV/AIDS Initiative in Tanzania w/ MIT & Clinton Foundation]] ([ preliminary]) * [[Projects/OLPC_Tanzania|OLPC Tanzania]] * [[Projects/Shining_Star|Shining Star]] * [[Projects/XOs_for_HADR|XOs for Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Relief]] * [ The SpikerBox: Bringing Neurophysiology to Everyone] [ *] *</span> La nueva Ley de Educación que se aprobará en los próximos 2 o 3 meses, establece que todas las escuelas tienen que enseñar a 3 idiomas (español, una lengua originaria (el guaraní en nuestro caso) y otro idioma extranjero - (Inglés es el más utilizado) . Para ayudar a los estudiantes de las escuelas públicas (aproximadamente 300 000), que se va a desarrollar un plan de estudios para que aprendan Inglés con la ayuda de XO y es de esperar para utilizar este programa para enseñar a otros idiomas (para empezar con el guaraní, por ejemplo). Esperamos que este proyecto ayudará a los estudiantes de idiomas en todo el mundo [ BLOG] * <b> [ Programa de Formación del Profesorado eKindling] </ b>. - El objetivo de este proyecto es utilizar las computadoras portátiles XO para poner a prueba un programa de entrenamiento diseñado para aumentar la capacidad de los educadores, equipo técnico (integrado por estudiantes de 4to grado) y equipo de apoyo - las principales partes interesadas que participarán en la primera implementación de OLPC (100 computadoras portátiles XO.) en Filipinas Este despliegue, que se prevé que comenzará en julio, se centrará en dos escuelas, Lubang integrado y la escuela primaria Maligaya -. situado en la isla rural de Lubang, en Mindoro La sesión de entrenamiento se programe 3 meses avanzar en el piloto para que los maestros cómodos con la tecnología y aprovechar las vacaciones de verano para crear y cargar contenido en el servidor de la escuela. En última instancia, esperamos crear un proyecto compartible / manual para futuros programas de capacitación que pueda ser replicado en el interior y fuera de las Filipinas. Las actualizaciones se publicarán en nuestro [blog] y en Twitter: [] La página del proyecto se encuentra en [http://. / / go / Remote_Pilot_Deployment_in_Lubang] [Maestro Interrogue formación ya está publicada.] * Salud <b> y evacuación de bienestar para los niños en las comunidades rurales [http :/ / BLOG] [propuesta de Original] </ b> - Nuestro proyecto desarrollará actividades para enseñar a los niños en las regiones rurales y aisladas sobre la salud y el bienestar, en general, y para ayudarles a convertirse en adultos que se preocupan, en particular. Inicialmente, se dirigirá a alumnos de 1 º. El proyecto se ocupará de las estrategias para prevenir el abuso mediante el aumento de la resiliencia infantil y mejorar la salud la enseñanza de prevención de la obesidad. También vamos a incorporar culturalmente sensibles, animales y humanos lecciones de relaciones para mejorar la probabilidad de disminuir la trans-generacional del maltrato infantil. El proyecto será llevado a cabo por un equipo interdisciplinario de científicos de la computación, educadores y especialistas en defensa de los niños. * <b> Marysville Rotary Proyecto de Alfabetización XO [] - Barillas, Guatemala y Marysville, Washington, EE.UU. </ b> - Nuestro proyecto es un proceso multi-parte que le ayudará a mejorar el entorno educativo y la vida de los niños alrededor de Barillas, Guatemala y en el Sistema Escolar de Marysville Pública. Los estudios han demostrado que la exposición temprana a la calidad de los programas informáticos educativos mejoran dramáticamente el proceso de un niño pequeño el pensamiento creativo, por lo tanto aumento de puntajes de las pruebas. Rotary Marysville ha estado viajando a Guatemala por más de 12 años ayudando a mejorar las vidas de los niños mayas por la prestación de servicios de salud, la construcción de escuelas y proporcionar libros de los pueblos de los alrededores Barillas, Guatemala. Nuestro plan es expandir el programa con nuestros estudiantes de escuelas secundarias locales para escribir programas de ordenador en varios de los dialectos del español mayas, a través de un curso de Lenguaje de Programación Informática. A través de este curso, vamos a ofrecer a nuestros jóvenes locales con las habilidades necesarias en el siglo 21, mientras que al mismo tiempo, la creación de la programación útiles necesarios para ayudar al aprendizaje de los estudiantes mayas en Guatemala, y aumentar el acceso al mundo XO. Además, mediante la creación de un XO de la escuela taller de reparación, nuestros estudiantes adquieren conocimientos de informática y la tecnología requeridos por muchas empresas en nuestra área geográfica local . <! - Iniciar mesa principal ->, como Boeing, Microsoft y las empresas Bio-Tech {| style = "border-spacing: 8px; margin: 0px-8px" | - <- Fila 1 -> | class = "MainPageBG" style = "Ancho: 45%; border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; background-color: # FFF; vertical-align: top; color: # 000" | {| width = "100%" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "5" style = "vertical-align: top; background-color: # fff" <h2 estilo = "margin: 0; background-color: # f78f1e; font-size: 120%; font- weight: bold; border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; text-align: left; color: # 000; padding: 0.2em 0.4em; "id =" "> activitiesandcollections [[Actividades | Actividades]] y [[Colecciones | Colecciones] ] </ h2> | - | style = "color: # 000" |. ver [[consultas Actividad]] * [[Proyectos o abreviados Wikipedia | abreviado Wikipedia]] * [[Proyectos y edad de 5 Matemática | Matemáticas 5 años de edad] ] * [[Proyectos / Appropedia | Appropedia]] * [[Proyectos / Children 's | Diccionario para niños]] * [[Proyectos o Colingo | Colingo]] * [[Proyectos y competitivo Aprendizaje | Aprendizaje Competitivo - Marco y actividad de la muestra]] * [[Proyectos / eduMagnet | eduMagnet Video Player]] * [[Etoys | Etoys actividad]] * [[Proyectos / etoystoys | juguetes etoys]] ([ blog]) * [ [Projects/foodforce2 | FoodForce2, Enseñanza de la sostenibilidad a través del juego para la Educación]] * [ FeedBooks] * [[Proyectos / General wikislice | General Wikislice]] * [[Proyectos / ICDL | ICDL]] * [[ Proyectos / Lewis Carroll | Lewis Carroll]] * [[Proyectos / diccionario multilingüe | Diccionario Multilingüe]] * [[Proyectos, música, Una | Music One]] * [[Proyectos / NET Biblia | Biblia NET]] * [http:/ / / saketh / notalon Notalon: toma de notas de software] [[Image: Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[Proyectos / Fotos |Proyectos / Fotos ]] * [[Proyectos / Smile | Sonrisa actividad]] * [[ Proyectos y cuentos cortos | cuentos]] * [[Proyectos / SPAM: Menaje de Super Pixel Art | SPAM: Pixel Súper Art Maker]] [[Image: Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[Proyectos / telesalud | TeleHealth]] * [ [Proyectos y Tux Paint Tux Paint |]] * [[Proyectos / Uniwiki | Uniwiki]] * [[Proyectos / Web Design | Diseño Web]] * [[Proyectos o Wikibooks Wikibooks |Proyectos o Wikibooks Wikibooks ]] * [[Proyectos / WikiHow | WikiHow ]] * [[Proyectos / Wikipedia aparecen fotos | Wikipedia destacados fotos]] * [[Proyectos / Wikipedia general | Wikipedia Descripción]] * [[Proyectos o Wikislice | Wikislice]] * [[Proyectos o Wikislice o animales | Animales Wikislice] ] * [[Proyectos / Wikislice / general | Wikislice Generales]] * [[Proyectos / World Factbook | World Factbook]] * [[libros Proyectos / Wowio | Libros Wowie]] * [[Proyectos / escritura | Escribe]] * [ [Proyectos o wikislice-es | Wikislice-es]] * [[proyectos y World Factbook | World Factbook]] * [[Proyectos / wp | WP]] * [[Proyectos / wp-animales-en-Animales | WP-In ]] * [[Proyectos / wp-en general-es | WP-General-es]] * [ FotoToon] ([ / label / olpc blog] en español) [[Image: Gold_star_small.jpg]] |} | class = "MainPageBG" style = "Ancho: 45%; border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; background-color: # FFF; vertical align: top; color: # 000 "| {| width =" 100% "cellpadding =" 2 "cellspacing =" 5 "style =" vertical-align: top; background-color: # fff "| - <h2 estilo = "margin: 0; background-color: # 8eDe66; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; text-align: left; color: # 000; padding: 0.2em 0.4em , "id =" "> toolsandsoftware Herramientas y Software </ h2> | - | style =" color: # 000 "| * Generador de energía alternativa, Arkansas ([ ? id = 42330 preliminar]) * [[Proyectos / Atlas_America | Atlas América]] * [[Apache Proxy CRCsync | Apache Proxy CRCsync y la interfaz de pintar con los dedos para el servidor de la Escuela de Moodle]] * [[Proyectos y CRM_Web_form_XO | CRM formulario Web XO]] * [ Coreboot firmware] en comparación con [[Open Firmware]] * [[Proyectos Educativos o kit de herramientas | caja de herramientas para la Educación]] * [[Proyectos / eduMagnet_OLPC_Live_System eduMagnet # | EduMagnet + eduMagnet en vivo del sistema]] * [ Evangelio] (infraestructura de chat 2D gráfica) ([ Blog ], [ notas de tutoría]) [[Image: Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[Proyectos / Freifunk | Freifunk]] * [http:/ / GeospatialLearning @ escolaridad primaria] * [[Projects/gsm4xo | gsm4xo]] * [Internet Matemáticas Red de Tutores Kosodo Pueblo - Ghana / Kenya] ([http://rt / entradas / display.html? id = 42701 preliminar]) * [ # Todo Diario de Azúcar 0,86] ([http://rt.laptop org / entradas / id = 43584 display.html NUEVO]) * [[Proyectos y LXDE | LXDE ligero entorno de escritorio X11?]] * [[Proyectos y MicrocontrollerKit | MicroControllerKit]] * [[Proyectos / mfademo | mfademo]] * [ MMEduGamePack Proyecto] * [[Modelo]] * [ OOo4Kids (EducOOo)] - [ OOo4Kids y Education Project] ([ 1] [http ? :/ / / entradas / id = 45944 display.html 2]) * [[Proyectos / OLPC_ALBANET | OLPC en varios idiomas el significado de diccionario de Word y Recogida de PNL Herramientas]] * [[Proyectos / TestUsabilityOLPC | OLPC de pruebas de usabilidad]] * [ PaintWeb w / Moodle] * [Soporte de impresión] * [[Proyectos y RescoManager | RescoManager]] * [[Proyectos / DEG | DEG]] * [[Proyectos / SugarMail | SugarMail]] * [[Proyectos y GeneralCompute |. de apoyo para la computación heterogénea]] * [[Projects/Port_S4A | Puerto de S4A ( '' scratch'' para Arduino) para XO]] * [Actividad Tostadora] * [ pantalla táctil] * [Versión apoyo para el azúcar del almacén de datos] * [[Proyectos y VideoEditing | Edición de vídeo]] * [ Webified: Sugarización Aplicaciones Web]] * [[Proyectos / Sugar_WebQuests | Servidor de WebQuest y la actividad]] * [~ rmehler / mehler_files / WindShear.htm Detección de cizalladura del viento para los pequeños aeropuertos - Northridge, CA] ([http:// / entradas / id = 43173 display.html preliminar]) * [[Proyectos y xomail | Correo XO?]] * [ XO-1.5 Build Pruebas - Reino Unido] * [ OLPC como un cliente de PC de Super Perfecto en Tailandia] * [ XO / Sugar Labs Group Sistema Operativo Especial Interés] ([ tutoría Notas]) * [[proyectos y SugarPolishing | Azúcar para pulir]] * [[Proyectos / Processing_on_the_XO | Tratamiento de la XO]] * [ Prakash paquete de Software Educativo (ESP)] * [ html Proyecto XO Software Educativo] * [XO para todos] | - | <! - Fin de la fila 1 ->} | - <- comienzo de la fila 2 -> | class = "MainPageBG" style = "border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; background-color: # FFF; vertical-align: top; color: # 000" | {| width = "100%" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "5" style = "vertical-align: top; background-color: # fff" | - <style = h2 "margin: 0; background-color: # 0093d0; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold ; border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; text-align: left; color: # 000; padding: 0.2em 0.4em; "id =" "> Juegos de juegos </ h2> | - | style =" color: # 000 "| * [ auge Bang-Arcade divertido juego] ([ preliminar]) * [[Proyectos / Flash_Gamedev | Desarrollo de Juegos con Flash en la XO-1]] * [[Proyectos / Moshi Tanzania | Moshi Tanzania, Talleres de Educadores]] * [ Flixel marco Juegos de XO]] ([http://rt / entradas / id = 42621 display.html preliminares]) * [[proyectos y Intelligent_Predictor_Application_for_XO | Quiniela aplicación inteligente para XO?]] * Proyecto [Karma] * [[Proyectos o Klik Klik |Proyectos o Klik Klik ]] * [[Usuario: OLPC_Mathematics | Fundamentos de matemáticas, la enseñanza en Kenia]] ([]) preliminares * [[Proyectos y Reading_Writing_Skills_Kenya | Primary Curriculum XO para Kenia: las competencias básicas, lectura y escritura]] ([]) preliminares * [[Proyectos / meta-actividades | Meta Las actividades]] * [[Proyectos y MIMAmusic | MIMAmusic]] * [[Proyectos y OLPC_KAGE | OLPC KAGE]] * [[Proyectos y EvilToys | Juguetes del Mal]] * [[Proyectos y Typing_Turtle | Mecanografía Tortuga]] * [[ Projects/lx700video | lx700video]] * [[Proyectos / wiki prueba | Prueba Wiki]] |} | class = "MainPageBG" style = "border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; background-color: # FFF; vertical-align: top; color: # 000 "| {| width =" 100% "cellpadding =" 2 "cellspacing =" 5 "style =" vertical-align: top; background-color: # fff "|! - <style = h2" margen: 0; background-color: # e50278; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; text-align: left; color: # 000; padding: 0.2em 0.4em; "id = "popular"> Base, apoyo escolar, activismo y defensa </ h2> | - | style = "color: # 000" |. Véase también este escaparate de [[Donate_Your_Get_One | despliegues de la Comunidad en busca de donaciones XO]] * [http:/ / Creación de alternativas para la vida a través de la educación-Bolivia] * [ Somos-Azúcar Proyecto Malla Perú - Bolivia Rainforest alcance] * [ [Proyectos / RemappingLA | RemappingLA]] * [[Proyectos y MaasaiConnection | Conexión Maasai]] * [[Proyectos / OLPC-Saigón | OLPC-Saigón]] * [[Proyectos y la estepa de Estepa - Side by Side | Estepa por la estepa - Side by Side]] * [[Proyectos / computer_outreach | Informática Programa de Extensión con XO]] * [[Proyectos / crosscollab | CrossCollab]] ([ preliminar]) * [ Chamilo / LMS + OLPC / Perú] (anteriormente Dokeos) * [[Proyectos y EnfantsEducation | Enfants pour l'Éducation (Los niños de Educación)]] ([ preliminar]) * [[Proyectos y de base NL | Base NL]] * [[Proyectos y hackerspaces en Colonia y Bonn | hackerspaces]] * [[proyectos y MTSA | Maestros de Maestros por satélite para Afganistán]] [[Image: Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[Proyectos / OLPC Bellingham | Bellingham OLPC]] * [[Proyectos / olpc-Cataluña | OLPC-Cataluña]] * [[Proyectos / olpcturkey | OLPC-Turquía]] * [[Proyectos / Grassroots_PH_Developers | Base de OLPC Programa de Desarrollo de Filipinas]] * [ preliminar: OLPC - Honduras] ([ preliminar]) * [[Proyectos y propuestas | Proyectos y Propuestas]] * [ Rural Diseño Colectiva 2009 (Oregon)] * [Contratación Revolución: Enlaces de éxito, Los Ángeles] junto con la Coalición [de la Comunidad del sur de Los Angeles] * [[ proyectos y vincular la ciencia | vincular la ciencia en el Reino Unido de Uganda]] * [ Ciencia Bettws Link (Reino Unido) y Uganda] [ ? id = 41750 *] * [[Proyectos / Proyectos del Sur de California OLPC | Sur de California OLPC Proyectos]] * [ Sugar Labs, DC] / [ Chalatenango Software Libre Proyecto de Educación, El Salvador] * [[Proyectos piloto y proyectos XO en Rusia | Proyectos Piloto XO en Rusia]] * [[Proyectos y MirDoc | MirDoc]] * [ OLPC_UK/Pilots/London2009/Proposal OPLC Reino Unido piloto - Londres, 2009] (NUEVO) * [ XO-Concurso Suiza] * [[Proyectos / Vung Vieng Pesca de Vietnam | Vung Vieng Pesca de Vietnam] ] ([ tutoría notas]) (NUEVO) * [[Proyectos / Biblioteca Digital Divide XO | Biblioteca Digital Divide XO]] * [https:/ / / site / laromanaxo piloto de OLPC en La Romana (República Dominicana)] |} <! - Fin de la fila 2 -> | - <- Inicio de la fila 3 -> | class = " MainPageBG "style =" border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; background-color: # FFF; vertical-align: top; color: # 000 "| {| width =" 100% "cellpadding =" 2 "cellspacing =" 5 "al estilo = "vertical-align: top; background-color: # fff" | - <style = h2 "margin: 0; background-color: # f78f1e; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; border: 1px # aaaaaa sólida; text-align: left; color: # 000; padding: 0.2em 0.4em; "id =" Healthandscience "> Salud y Ciencia </ h2> | - | style =" color: # 000 "| * [ [Proyectos o biosensores | biosensores]] * [ instrucción asistida por computadora en las escuelas médicas en Kenia y de Illinois (EE.UU.)] * [[Proyectos y EntangleMe | EntangleMe]] * [[Diabetes_Prevention_through_eHealth_for_poor_postpartum_women]] * [[Proyectos / atasco de la Salud | Salud Jam]] * [[Usuario: Jumpbean | VIH / SIDA y Enfermedades Infecciosas / Salud e Higiene de Actividades Intervención Educativa]] (Mozambique) * [[Proyectos o HIV_Awareness_Among_Kenya_Children | VIH / SIDA entre los niños kenianos menores de 4 - 16]] ([ preliminar]) [[Image: Gold_star_small.jpg]] * [[OLPC Tanzania | Iniciativa VIH / SIDA en Tanzania w / MIT y de la Fundación Clinton]] ([ preliminar]) * [[Proyectos / OLPC_Tanzania | OLPC Tanzania]] * [[Proyectos / Shining_Star | Shining Star]] * [[Proyectos / XOs_for_HADR | XO para la asistencia humanitaria / Ayuda en Desastres]] * [ El SpikerBox : Traer Neurofisiología de todo el mundo] [ *] *</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Software Activities for Alphabet Literacy, Team Learning and Well Being] * [ Pulse Oximeter for the XO] * [ UV Light Water Purifier] |} |class="MainPageBG" style="border:1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top"| {| width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff" |- ! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#8eDe66; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="speechandtranslation">Speech and Translation</h2> |- |style="color:#000"| * [[Projects/Automatic translation software|Automatic Translation Software]] * [[Projects/Content in French|Content in French]] * [[Listen and Spell]] * [[Malaysian_Textbook_Reader|Malaysian Textbook Reader]] * [[Speech to Text]] * [[Projects/translations|Translations]] |} |} <!-- END of main table --> <!-- {|border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style="border: 1px #666666 solid; background: #f9f9f9; border-collapse: collapse;" |+ <b>OLPC Project List</b> |- !width="10%"| Project Name !width="25%"| Description ! In use !width="8%"| Updated in Build ! [[Localization|l10n]] ! Status |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| Hardware Extensions |- || Peripherals || Inexpensive peripherals to distribute with laptops || || || || |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| School Server Extensions |- || [[Moodle]] || A classroom management system for students and teachers, including forums and a Wiki. || || || || See |- bgcolor="#efefef" |- || [[Drupal]] || A classroom management system for students and teachers, including forums and a Wiki. || || || || See |colspan=6 align=center| Firmware |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| Mesh |- || Userspace tools || Collabora, et al: Tubes & presence integration with sugar || || || || |- || Network manager || || || || || |- || Firmware/drivers || || Integration issues || || || |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| [[Speech recognition|Speech Recognition]], [[Speech synthesis|Text-to-Speech]] |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| Multimedia |- bgcolor="#efefef" |- || Helix media activities || a [[Helix Media Activity]] and helix browser plugins; both a fully free version (for olpc) and one with all available integrated codecs (for developer use) || || || || version 3+ available; not for anyone to download (licensing) but for devs who request it. Works well with rm and rv formats, okay with ogg formats (at low framerates), not yet with mpeg. |- || Gstreamer activities || a Gstreamer browser plugin and possible standalone activity... || || || || Works with hacking; no full integration or separate codebase yet. Check with [[User:J5|J5]] about latest status. We need stronger Gstreamer contacts for this to be sustainable. |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| Educational Activities, Lesson Plans, and Templates |- || Etoys templates || Examples of what to do with etoys, how to use it in the classroom and on one's own, great ideas to experiment with || || || ||</span> Las actividades de software para la Alfabetización Alfabeto, Aprendizaje en equipo y el bienestar] * [ oxímetro de pulso para el XO] * [ / WaterPurifier luz UV Purificador de agua] |} | class = "MainPageBG" style = "border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; background-color: # FFF; vertical-align: top" | {| width = "100%" cellpadding = " 2 "cellspacing =" 5 "style =" vertical-align: top; background-color: # fff "| - <style = h2!" margin: 0; background-color: # 8eDe66; font-size: 120%; de la fuente -weight: bold; border: 1px solid # aaaaaa; texto de alineación: izquierda; color: # 000; padding: 0.2em 0.4em; "id =" speechandtranslation "> Discurso y Traducción </ h2> | - | style =" color: # 000 "| * [[Proyectos y software de traducción automática | software de traducción automática]] * [[Proyectos y de contenido en Francés | Contenido en francés]] * [[Listen and Spell]] * [[Malaysian_Textbook_Reader | Lector de Libros de Texto de Malasia ]] * [[Discurso de texto]] * [[Proyectos / Traducciones | Traducciones]] |} | <! - Fin de la mesa principal ->!} <- {| border = 1 cellpadding = 3 cellspacing = 0 style = "border: 1px # 666666 sólida, de fondo: # f9f9f9; border-collapse: collapse;" | ¡+ <b> OLPC Lista de Proyectos </ b> | - width = "10%" | Nombre del proyecto width = " 25% "| En el uso de ancho Descripción =!" 8% "| Actualizado en Build [[Localización | l10n]] Estado | - ¡bgcolor =" # efefef "| colspan = 6 align = center | Extensiones de Hardware | - | | Periféricos | | periféricos baratos para distribuir con los ordenadores portátiles | | | | | | | | | - bgcolor = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | Extensiones de servidor de la escuela | - | | [[Moodle]] | | Un salón de clases sistema de gestión de alumnos y profesores, incluyendo los foros y un wiki | | | | | | | | Ver | -.. bgcolor = "# efefef" | - | | [[Drupal]] | | Un sistema de gestión de la clase para los estudiantes y profesores, incluyendo los foros y un wiki | | | | | | | | Ver | colspan = 6 align = center | Firmware | -.. bgcolor = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | Malla | - | | herramientas de usuario | | Collaborative, et al: Tubos y la integración de presencia con el azúcar | | | | | | | | | - | | Red gerente de | | | | | | | | | | | - | | firmware / drivers | | | | problemas de integración | | | | | | | - bgcolor = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | [reconocimiento [Discurso | Reconocimiento de voz]] , [[síntesis de voz | Text-to-Speech]] | - bgcolor = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | Multimedia | - bgcolor = "# efefef" | - | | Helix los medios de comunicación las actividades | | a [[ Actividad de medios Helix]] y los plugins del navegador hélice, tanto una versión totalmente gratuita (para OLPC) y uno con todos los codecs integrados disponibles para su uso (desarrollador) | | | | | | | | 3 + versión disponible, no para que cualquiera pueda descargar ( . licencias), pero para los desarrolladores que lo soliciten Funciona bien con RM y formatos de rv, de acuerdo con los formatos ogg (a tasa de fotogramas de baja), pero no con mpeg | - |. | Actividades Gstreamer | | un plugin para el navegador Gstreamer y la actividad independiente posible .. .. | | | | | | | | Funciona con la piratería, sin la plena integración o la base de código por separado sin embargo, consulte con [[Usuario: J5 | J5]] sobre la situación más reciente Necesitamos más fuertes contactos de GStreamer para que sea sostenible | - bgcolor.. = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | Actividades educativas, planes de clases y plantillas | - | | plantillas Etoys | | Ejemplos de qué hacer con Etoys, cómo utilizarlo en el aula y en el propio, un gran Ideas para experimentar con | | | | | | | |</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">video], [ pdf] |- || Example activities || Examples of how to use the XO for learning, and to expand/enhance existing educational activities. || || || || Template: [[Activity template]] |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| Game Libraries |- || PyGame || A python library for developing graphical games; abstracting out the implementation of widgets, buttons, and screen manipulation || || || || |- || Gnash || A free software Flash implementation; cf #gnash on and Rob Savoye || || || || Working; supports much of Flash 7, a little later ActionScript; active development, responsive to specific requests. |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| Content Bundles |- || Game Jam Bundle || Games developed during the June 2007 [[Game Jam]]. || || || || |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| Community Organizing |- || [[Participate]] wiki || Site to collect/direct the OLPC community. || || || || Currently on the OLPC wiki. Similar to the [ development site] |- bgcolor="#efefef" |colspan=6 align=center| Infrastructure |- || OLPC Library Portal || || || || || Spec in progress. |} --></span> vídeo], [ pdf] | - |. | Ejemplo de actividades | | Ejemplos de cómo utilizar la XO para el aprendizaje, y para ampliar / mejorar los actuales actividades educativas | | | | | | | | Plantilla: [[plantilla de Actividad]] | - bgcolor = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | Bibliotecas Juego | - | | PyGame | | Una biblioteca de Python para el desarrollo de juegos gráficos, resúmenes a cabo la ejecución de widgets, botones, y la manipulación de la pantalla | | | | | | | | | - | | Gnash | | Una aplicación de software libre de Flash, cf # gnash en y Rob Savoye | | | | | | | | Trabajo; apoya la mayor parte de Flash 7, un poco más tarde de ActionScript;. desarrollo activo, sensible a las peticiones específicas | - bgcolor = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | Paquetes de contenido | - | | Bundle Game Jam | | Juegos desarrollado durante el junio de 2007 [[Game Jam]] | | | | | | | | | -. bgcolor = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | Organización de la Comunidad | - | | [[participar]] wiki | | Sitio para recopilar / dirigir la comunidad OLPC | | | | | | | | En la actualidad en el wiki de OLPC Al igual que el [ desarrollo del sitio] | -.. bgcolor = "# efefef" | colspan = 6 align = center | Infraestructura | - |. | OLPC Biblioteca Portal | | | | | | | | | | Especificaciones en curso |} -></span>
* [ The Yale Illustrated Children's Bible] by [ Matt Mawson]

* Liberia - [[Projects/Ganta Mission School|Ganta Mission School]]

*'''[ Travelling Support Team Project (Skipping Stone)]''' by [ Petros Polonos] - self-training and preparation of the long-term mobile technical support team to operate in Asia. By-products: introducing Sugar & XO to Polish alternative education and technology activists.

*'''[ Golden Hour Project, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh]''' ([ mentoring notes]) - The objective of the Golden Hour Project is to utilize the XO laptops to expand educational opportunities to children who live in the remote mountainous areas in Bangladesh, known as the Chittagong Hill Tracts. This isolated area, where poverty and malnutrition pervade, is inhabited by thirteen indigenous tribes and whose literacy rates are lowest in the nation, even for a country like Bangladesh. The indigenous tribal children live scattered on mountaintops and only have access to a few schools with severely limited resources. The Golden Hour Project will make it possible for these children to access better and more comprehensive primary school education. More details and a website will follow soon.

*'''[ OLPC Somaliland]''' - Somaliland is one of the poorest, underdeveloped countries in the world. The most recent statistics show that the total enrolment in primary and secondary schools in Somaliland was 200,000 (less than 20% of all school aged children). The Somaliland ministry of education hopes to increase literacy levels across the country to 75 percent by 2015. Currently there are no resources available for students to aid with their learning after school throughout Somaliland, and students often go to the streets rather than complete their homework/projects. We see OLPC Somaliland as an initiative, which will aim to improve both teaching and learning standards in some of the poorest schools in Somaliland. We hope that launching OLPC Somaliland will ameliorate the government’s target to increase literacy and numeracy rates of school-aged children.

*'''[[Peter Hewitt - Activity Developer]] ([ Journal])''' - My aim is to use the game development skills I have developed over the years and my considerable experience as a teacher to create exciting and useful activities. I'm concentrating on using no text at all so my activities are truly international. I would greatly appreciate feedback from anyone making use of my activities. They are all available at [ Sugar Labs].

*'''[[One Laptop Per - Teacher Educator, Student Teacher, Class Teacher - Child: Moneague College St. Ann, Jamaica]] ([ blog])''' - The Moneague College is a teacher training institution, preparing student teachers to become class teachers in the Jamaican education system. The college has joined the OLPC Jamaica Team committing to introduce Sugar and the XOs to the student teachers who will then use Sugar activities in their lessons on teaching practice for 5 subjects: Math, Language Arts, Science, Music and Physical Education. The goal is to create a bank of lesson plans and videos that would be accessed by local teachers when Sugar and XOs come to them. More specifically, the student teachers and their lesson plans will assist class teachers at two Kingston schools (Providence Basic and August Town Primary) where the OLPC Jamaica team from the University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona has XO deployments.

*'''[[Rehnuma Public School Karachi - Collaborative Learning and Peer to Peer Teaching]] ([ blog])''' - Our objective is to demonstrate not only that OLPC laptops can greatly enhance education in a neighborhood school for poor children, but to test a new plan providing education using OLPC computers, by assigning three students per computer. The students will be on a sixth grade level. Children will be grouped into groups of three, called trios, by their teacher. Each trio should have a child identified by the teacher from the high, low and middle level of accomplishment. The children's tasks will be shared, hopefully with the higher level children teaching the lower level children as well as acquiring the skills of sharing, teaching, articulating, which will further advance their own skills.

*'''[[Projects/Fargo to Sudan|Fargo to Sudan: After school to Sudanese School]] ([ blog])''' - This project will work to improve the after school program at Madison Elementary School in Fargo ND, a school with a large refugee population, and in turn pass the XOs on to a school in southern Sudan. Project goals will focus on training a deployment team, getting kids in Fargo to develop content for kids in Sudan, and exploring language-learning tools within Sugar. An open source Rosetta Stone is needed.

*'''[[Roadshow_in_a_Box|Roadshow In A Box-Update]]''' - This is a much needed update. Now that the XO-1.5 has come out, it is time to include some of these new machines in the Roadshow. Since it was first started in 2008, the Roadshow In A Box Project has reached hundreds, or perhaps even thousands, of people at conventions and conferences in the Southern California area. Workshops and demonstrations have been presented at locations in both California and Montana. The Roadshow started with 3 XO-1s plus the project leader's G1G1 machine. Additional broken laptops that were repaired were added to increase the number of machines available for workshops and the project has been able to make short term loans of a few laptops to people and groups interested in planning their own project. These activities will continue with the addition of the "latest XO-1.5 technology."

*'''[[The_Next_HOPE_2010_outreach|The Next Hope 2010 outreach]]''' - The objective of this project by a member of [[OLPC_NYC|OLPC-NYC]] is to get participants at this widely known conference up-to-date, informed and excited about the activities and opportunities at OLPC.
*'''[ V2X Speech Recognition and Voice Synthesis]''' - This project aims at building an efficient speech recognition and voice synthesis toolkit and a suite of applications using this toolkit in education domain. Project proposal details can be checked at [ my blog]. Please join the team if you are interested in this project. Drop me a mail at
*<b> [ Prakash Educational Software Package (ESP)] ([ blog]) </b> - The objective of the project is to sugarize Prakash Educational Software Package (ESP) in order to run on XO laptops. Originally developed in Microsoft C#.NET, the software package consists of three applications viz. Guided Writing, Multi Point and eScribe. Each of the application is designed in such a way to target a specific learning skill of an individual and caters to the learning competencies of primary school children i.e. reading, writing, listening and speech skills. Furthermore, one of the applications also utilises the concept of Multi Point that enables multiple mice input in an application and allows collaborative learning between children. To mould these applications for XO Laptops, these need to be re-developed using Mono to sugarize C#. [ Project Website] [ Prototype video ] (currently being built in .NET to accomplish the purpose) [ Project Proposal ]

*'''[ Language Documentation and XO Laptops]''' The participants are currently documenting several languages in the Southwest of the island of Ambrym, Vanuatu. The project work involves audio and video recordings, which will lead to the production of dictionaries, story books and grammars for the previously undocumented and undescribed languages. Due to the lack of devices with the capacity to display accustic and visual information, however, local communities will hardly have access to the audio and video recordings. Also, the opportunities for speakers to actively participate in the documentation of their languages and traditional knowledge themselves are very limited. The laptops provided by the OLPC project would help to make recordings accessible to the communities as well as empower the youngest generations to use modern technologies to explore and record the traditional knowledge which is in acute danger of being lost.

*'''[[Projects/Competitive Learning|Competitive Learning within a Mesh Network]]''' - The project's aim is to develop an activity framework for competitive learning and training activities over the mesh network. Two or more teams within a learning environment compete against each other. They can see the training effort of their own and of the other teams, compare their own achievements, gain awards for achieving teacher defined training goals. They see in real time which team members of their own or other teams are actively workin at the moment and which challenges their team and the other teams are actually facing. So pupils can be motivated to train their skills in a special way. ''You are encouraged to integrate your own activities into the framework.'' Our progress will be posted on [ our blog].

*'''00010 XO 3D Project'''. For more information please visit my project blog: E-Mail:

*'''[[Projects/SqueaklandTesters|Squeakland Testers]]''' - The projects goal is to have a dedicated user test group for planned Etoys releases. This user test group will run tests of the future release of Etoys against planned release of Sugar and the XO hardware. Progress will be posted on [ Squeakland's blog].

*<b> [ Computers of the Dominican Republic]</b> - My project will provide educational and recreational opportunities for the kids in Los Tocones de las Galeras de Semaná, the Dominican Republic, by providing them with used baseball equipment and basic computers.

*<b>[ Big Sky Science Partnership] </b> is a [ pilot project] bringing XO laptops into the classrooms of elementary teachers on and near the [ Crow and Northern Cheyenne Reservations in Montana]. The XO laptops will be used to provide Internet access to each student and the Sugar software will provide the student an avenue for expressing and publishing their knowledge of science topics. Through the Sugar mixed media activities teachers will assist students in gaining an understanding of how their rural communities are interconnected with others as they investigate the natural world and science processes.

*<b> [ Version support for Sugar data store]</b> ([[Projects/Version support for data store|XO-1.5 project page]]) - Storing previous versions of user documents inside the Sugar data store ensures no work is accidently lost due to being overwritten. Accessing past versions is presented to the user as "going back in time" for a specific Journal object.

*<b> [ IHMC CmapTools, a knowledge modeling and sharing toolkit]</b>

*<b> [ Intelligent Learning Framework]</b> - This project aims to develop a framework which can be used by games (sugar activities) to support the learner during the game. The framework is the pedagogic intelligence behind the game. The game should adapt itself to the learner, how to adapt decides the framework which monitors the actions of the learner and draws conclusions about the behavior of the learner.

*<b> [ Summer pyGames]</b> - This project aims to involve high school students, South Carolina's education system, and a number of private businesses to create educational computer games for the XO laptop. The group is working closely with [ CSCLUG] and Palmetto Project to distribute the free software games to 3,000 South Carolina students and offer the games to download! Kick-off for the competition starts Saturday, June 11 2010 and the competition concludes July 24th 2010.

*<b> [ Open Video Chat @ RIT]</b> - Developers sponsored by PEN International will be charged with developing a proof of concept by improving the underlying software stack to provide video chat functionality for communication between deaf and hard of hearing students in a classroom environment. Documentation of the process and the development team's experience will be released on an ongoing basis--live when possible--and will culminate at the terminus of the project with an open source video production to be released and viewed at the NTID Technology Symposium and FOSScon RIT this summer. [ BLOG #1] [ BLOG #2] [] []

*<b> [ AMAGEZI GEMAANYI - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER]</b> - to promote the Amagezi Gemaanyi Computer Lab as a safe learning space for children (ages 6-11) and youth (ages 12-20) by implementing a project that will supplement the Ugandan Primary and Secondary School reading, writing, and mathematics syllabus using the interactive games and applications within the XO laptop as a fun, innovative teaching aid. Visit our Blog for information on our organization [ AMAGEZI GEMAANYI YOUTH ASSOCIATION]

*<b> [ Got Game?! Web Version]</b> - A service learning project between high school students in Texas and students in Ghana using XO laptops as a communication tool to create relationships and educational math tools while supporting the [ Touch A Life] organization's goal of educating the world on child slavery and human trafficking. Check out our progress at [ New Tech Gives Back]

*<b> [ Westview Centennial Secondary School Computer Club]</b> - A high school computer club aiming to engage students in collaborative educational projects using open-source technology.

*<b> [ Giving Dominican Children an Encyclopedic Resource]</b> - an eagle scout project for Benji Smith that will provide XO Laptops for Los Tocones de las Galeras de Semaná near [,+Dominican+Republic&ie=UTF8&start=0&hq=&hnear=Playa+Rincon,+Dominican+Republic&ll=19.290054,-69.247524&spn=0.036779,0.076818&z=14 La Playa Rincόn].

* <b>[ Improving School Attendance and Performance in Kenya]</b> (also [[Projects/Kenya Improving School Attendance and Performance|on this wiki]]) - a project that aims to Improve school attendance rate and performance using the XO Laptops.

* <b>[ RIT Projects for Math 4]</b> - a university course for students supporting the OLPC project and the Sugar Labs Math4 curriculum.

* <b>[[Projects/S.P.A.M: Super Pixel Art Maker|S.P.A.M: Super Pixel Art Maker]]</b> ... is a robust pixel editing tool that can produce industry standard pixel sprite art/animation.

* <b>[[Projects/Booming Bang]]</b> &nbsp; game released!

* <b>[ XO Operating System Special Interest Group]</b> Creating and nurturing a community of contributors within Sugar Labs with knowledge and experience developing for the XO. Raising raise the visibility and importance of the XO within the Sugar community.... without violating upstream/downstream abstraction barriers.

* <b>[[Projects/Aura|Aura: A new beginning]]</b> Aura is a free and open source operating system,specially developed for youth. The objective is to provide free software to youth around the world :) See [ Official Phoenix-Team site] for more info :D
*: Please leave your comments here : indoria_abhishek_AT_hotmail_DOT_com

* <b>[[OLPC UK/Pilots/London2009/Proposal|OLPC UK Pilot - London 2009]]</b> In developing OLPC (UK) we aim to establish a 100% volunteer organization and platform for OLPC in the United Kingdom. The intent of OLPC (UK) is to support the deployments of XO computers towards solving defined needs in UK schools paired with schools in developing countries.

* <b>[ Notalon: Note-Taking Software]</b> Notalon is note-taking, simplified. Its aim is to streamline your focus on taking notes on books and during class lectures.

* <b>[[Projects/HIV Awareness Among Kenya Children|HIV/AIDS Awareness among Kenyan children ages 4 – 16]]</b> ([ preliminary]) Develop a curriculum to address the absence of good HIV/AIDS information in Kenyan education by using the XO interactive and individualized learning environment.

*<b>[[Projects/GreenThumb PH|The Development of the GreenThumb Activity]]</b> The game allows an avenue for the conducting of biological/genetic-related experiments. It gives the player the chance to choose his/her own preferences in the various factors that will affect the experiment.

*<b>[[OLPC Vietnam|OLPC Vietnam project]]</b> is progressing to a full fledge OLPC project by building a supporters community and bringing communities, educational institutions and officil partners together. Ultimate goal of the project is a large scale deployment to support and foster the change of frontal teachers centralized methods to a learner and learning focused methodology in Vietnam. OLPC Vietnam support a holistic approach that puts students in the center and fosters active participation, learning in the digital society and using IT for a change to the better.

*<b>[[Projects/GaiaBB|GaiaBB - distributed Social Networks]]</b> GaiaBB aims to be an easily modifiable, localizable peer to peer forum. The idea is to allow kids to create their own social networks, and easily share them with friends (online and offline).

*<b>[[Projects/Deployment-To-Mafi-Dove-Ghana|OLPC Deployment to Mafi Dove, Ghana]]</b> Starting with a planned deployment of at least 20 XOs to the middle school in this rural village in Ghana, we hope to expand to their entire school over time, and then work out to neighboring villages.

*<b>[[Projects/Sankamup|Sankamup - News distribution and production facilitation]]</b> Sankamup is initially targetted at the island of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, which suffered major setbacks in education and communications as the result of a protracted civil war. Sankamup looks to address wireless communications issues, local language support; and the porting of Scribus an Opensource Desktop publishing application, and Celtx an Opensource application for Scriptwriting and other Pre-production activities - to facilitate "tribal" storytelling and capture.

*<b>[[Olin_university_chapter/Projects/Curriculum|Turtle Art Curriculum]]</b> Project of Olin College. This lab-based curriculum is designed to teach a variety of math and engineering concepts through Turtle Art. It will be running for the first time as a after school program for 3rd - 5th graders at John Eliot Elementary School in Needham, MA in spring 2010.

*<b>[[Projects/KenyaSmallSolutions_HOC_KeongoSchool| Kenya Measuring XO Discovery Learning]]</b> HOC teams will teach a math curriculum designed during the last 5 months using XO Turtle Art and Pippy problem solving learning tasks to demonstrate student skill development made using the XO in conventional Kenyan exams (CATs). After school and weekend XO access will provide additional learning time.

*<b>[[OLPC_Nepal|XO supported education within Serachour, Nepal]]</b> XO supported education within Serachour, Nepal (Kaski district) in May 2010 consisting of 40 laptops. Serachour village is a farming community of around 600 inhabitants situated 25 km west of the city of Pokhara in the foothills of the Himalayas. The objective of the project is: Computer supported education within the primary school in Serachour, Nepal based on a sustainable model. See [ Foundation Making Miles for Millennium]

*<b> [[English for Everybody - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia|</b>English for Everybody - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia]]. The new Educational Law to be approved in the next 2 or 3 months, states that all schools will have to teach 3 Languages (Spanish, an originary language (Guarani in our case) and another foreign language - (English is the most commonly used).To help students from the Public Schools (approximately 300 000),we are going to develop a curriculum for them to learn English with the help of XOs and hopefully to use this program to teach other languages (to start with Guarani for example). We hope this project will assist language learners worldwide. [ BLOG]

*<b> [ eKindling Teacher Training Program] </b> - The goal of this project is to utilize the XO laptops to pilot a training program designed to build the capacity of educators, tech squad (comprised of 4th grade students) and support team – key stakeholders that will be participating in the first OLPC deployment (100 XO Laptops) in the Philippines. This deployment, which is projected to start in July, will focus on two schools - Lubang Integrated School and Maligaya Elementary School - located in the rural island of Lubang, Mindoro. The training session is schedule 3 months in advance of the pilot to get the teachers comfortable with the technology and take advantage of the summer vacation to create and upload content into the school server. Ultimately, we hope to create a shareable blueprint/manual for future training programs that can be replicated inside and outside the Philippines. Updates will be posted on our [ blog] and on Twitter: []. The project page is located in []

[ Teacher Training Debrief is now posted.]

*<b> Health and Wellness Eduction for Children in Rural Communities [ BLOG] [ Original proposal]</b> - Our project will develop activities to teach children in rural, isolated regions about health and wellness, in general, and to help them become caring adults, in particular. Initially, we will target 1st graders. The project will address strategies to prevent abuse by increasing child resiliency, and to improve health by teaching obesity prevention. We will also incorporate culturally sensitive, animal-human relationship lessons to improve the likelihood of decreasing trans-generational child maltreatment. The project will be carried out by an interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, educators, and child advocacy specialists.

*<b> Marysville Rotary XO Literacy Project [] - Barillas, Guatemala & Marysville, Washington USA </b> - Our project is a multi-part process that will help improve the educational environment and lives of the children around Barillas, Guatemala and within the Marysville Public School System. Studies have shown that early exposure to quality educational computer programs dramatically improve a young child's creative thinking process, thus increasing test scores. Marysville Rotary has been traveling to Guatemala for over 12 years helping to improve the lives of the Mayan children by providing health services, constructing schools and providing books for the villages surrounding Barillas, Guatemala. Our plan is to expand the program with our local High School students writing computer programs in several of the Mayan Spanish dialects, through a Computer Language Programming course. Through this course, we will be providing our local young adults with skills needed in the 21st century, while at the same time creating the useful programming needed to assist the learning of the Mayan students in Guatemala, and increase access to the XO world. In addition, by creating a school XO repair facility, our students will acquire computer and technology skills requested by many corporations in our local geographical area, such as Boeing, Microsoft and Bio-Tech firms.

*<b>[ DevelopWeb-Unleash Web Development]</b>: The domain yet to be explored by children is World Wide Web. This activity is a step towards the effort to help them learn Web development starting from basic HTML to complex web development standards and frameworks. DevelopWeb is a Sugar activity being developed aimed to impart Web Development knowledge to children. Through this children can develop web sites through HTML, JavaScript and other latest web technologies. Children can learn quickly how to develop web pages in a step by step approach through examples provided for each HTML/web component. This activity acts like an IDE for Web development where children can select their technology and develop their website or web application.[ FEATURE_PAGE_ON_SUGARLABS]

* '''[[Projects/Offline_Lessons|Offline Lessons for Lesotho Deployments]]''' ([ blog])- Our goal is to provide a complete collection of offline lessons for XO laptop deployments in Lesotho without internet access. Our deployments in Lesotho are in remote areas that have no internet service, so the vast resources found online are not available to them. We will collect, adapt, and/or develop a full school year’s worth of XO laptop lessons for all grades 1-7, starting with math and English. Some lessons will be provided in both English and Sesotho, the local language. The purpose of these lessons is to supplement Lesotho’s national primary school curriculum and textbooks. They will be designed to help enable students to learn more effectively, foster further exploration and learning, and develop the more advanced cognitive skills not currently acquired under the traditional educational system in Lesotho. Our lessons will be designed primarily to be self-taught by the student or a group of students working together. Using the Learn Activity, students will be able to work through the lessons at their own pace.

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See [[Activity queries]].
* [[Projects/Abridged Wikipedia|Abridged Wikipedia]]
* [[Projects/Age 5 Math|Age 5 Math]]
* [[Projects/Appropedia|Appropedia]]
* [[Projects/Children's dictionary|Children's Dictionary]]
* [[Projects/Colingo|Colingo]]
* [[Projects/Competitive Learning|Competitive Learning - Framework and Sample Activity]]
* [[Projects/eduMagnet|eduMagnet Video Player]]
* [[Etoys|Etoys activity]]
* [[Projects/etoystoys|etoys toys]] ([ blog])
* [[Projects/foodforce2|FoodForce2, Teaching Sustainability Through Educational Game]]
* [ Feedbooks]
* [[Projects/General wikislice|General Wikislice]]
* [[Projects/ICDL|ICDL]]
* [[Projects/Lewis Carroll|Lewis Carroll]]
* [[Projects/Multilingual dictionary|Multilingual Dictionary]]
* [[Projects/Music One|Music One]]
* [[Projects/NET Bible|NET Bible]]
* [ Notalon: Note-Taking Software] [[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]]
* [[Projects/Offline_Lessons|Offline Lessons for Lesotho Deployments]]
* [[Projects/Photos|Photos]]
* [[Projects/Smile|Smile activity]]
* [[Projects/Short stories|Short Stories]]
* [[Projects/S.P.A.M: Super Pixel Art Maker|S.P.A.M: Super Pixel Art Maker]] [[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]]
* [[Projects/TeleHealth|TeleHealth]]
* [[Projects/Tux Paint|Tux Paint]]
* [[Projects/Uniwiki|Uniwiki]]
* [[Projects/Web design|Web Design]]
* [[Projects/WikiBooks|Wikibooks]]
* [[Projects/WikiHow|WikiHow]]
* [[Projects/Wikipedia featured pictures|Wikipedia Featured Pics]]
* [[Projects/Wikipedia overview|Wikipedia Overview]]
* [[Projects/Wikislice|Wikislice]]
* [[Projects/Wikislice/animals|Wikislice Animals]]
* [[Projects/Wikislice/general|Wikislice General]]
* [[Projects/World Factbook|World Factbook]]
* [[Projects/Wowio books|Wowie Books]]
* [[Projects/Write|Write]]
* [[Projects/wikislice-en|Wikislice-En]]
* [[Projects/world factbook|World Factbook]]
* [[Projects/wp|WP]]
* [[Projects/wp-animals-en|WP-Animals-En]]
* [[Projects/wp-general-en|WP-General-En]]
* [ FotoToon] ([ blog] in Spanish) [[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]]

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{| width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff"
! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#8eDe66; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="toolsandsoftware">Tools and Software</h2>
* Alternative Power Generator, Arkansas ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects/Atlas_America|Atlas America]]
* [[Apache Proxy CRCsync|Apache Proxy CRCsync and Finger-painting interface for the Moodle School server]]
* [[Projects/CRM_Web_form_XO|CRM Web form XO]]
* [ Coreboot firmware] as compared to [[Open Firmware]]
* [[Projects/Educational toolkit|Educational toolkit]]
* [[Projects/eduMagnet#eduMagnet_OLPC_Live_System|EduMagnet + eduMagnet Live System]]
* [ Evangel] (2D graphical chat infrastructure) ([ blog], [ mentoring notes])[[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]]
* [[Projects/Freifunk|Freifunk]]
* [ GeospatialLearning@PrimarySchool]
* [[Projects/gsm4xo|gsm4xo]]
* [ Internet Math Tutoring Network for Kosodo Village - Ghana/Kenya] ([ preliminary])
* [ Journal for Sugar 0.86] ([ NEW])
* [[Projects/LXDE|LXDE Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment]]
* [[Projects/MicrocontrollerKit|MicroControllerKit]]
* [[Projects/mfademo|mfademo]]
* [ MMEduGamePack Project]
* [[Model]]
* [ OOo4Kids (EducOOo)] -- [ OOo4Kids & Education Project] ([ 1] [ 2])
* [[Projects/OLPC_ALBANET|OLPC Cross-Lingual Meaning to Word dictionary & Collection of NLP Tools]]
* [[Projects/TestUsabilityOLPC|OLPC Test Usability]]
* [ PaintWeb w/ Moodle]
* [ Print Support]
* [[Projects/RescoManager|RescoManager]]
* [[Projects/SDR|SDR]]
* [[Projects/SugarMail|SugarMail]]
* [[Projects/GeneralCompute|Support for heterogeneous computing.]]
* [[Projects/Port_S4A|Port of S4A (''Scratch for Arduino'') to XO]]
* [ Toaster Activity]
* [ Touchscreen]
* [ Version support for Sugar data store]
* [[Projects/VideoEditing|Video Editing]]
* [ Webified: Sugarizing Web Apps]]
* [[Projects/Sugar_WebQuests | WebQuest Server and Activity]]
* [ Wind Shear Detection for Small Airports - Northridge, CA] ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects/xomail|XO Mail]]
* [ XO-1.5 Build Testing - UK]
* [ OLPC as a client of Perfect Super Computer in Thailand]
* [ XO / Sugar Labs Operating System Special Interest Group] ([ mentoring notes])
* [[Projects/SugarPolishing|Sugar polishing]]
* [[Projects/Processing_on_the_XO|Processing on the XO]]
* [ Prakash Educational Software Package (ESP)]
* [ XO Educational Software Project]
* [ XO for All and Green: Desiging Flexible and Sustainable XO applications]
|} <!-- End of row 1 -->

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|class="MainPageBG" style="border:1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top; color:#000"|
{|width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff"
! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#0093d0; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="games">Games</h2>
* [ Booming Bang -Arcade funny game] ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects/Flash_Gamedev|Game Development with Flash on the XO-1]]
* [[Projects/moshi-tanzania|Moshi Tanzania Educator Workshops]]

* [ Flixel Games Framework on XO]] ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects/Intelligent_Predictor_Application_for_XO|Intelligent Predictor Application for XO]]
* [ Karma Project]
* [[Projects/klik|klik]]
* [[User:OLPC_Mathematics|Mathematics Fundamentals, Teaching in Kenya]] ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects/Reading_Writing_Skills_Kenya|Primary XO Curriculum for Kenya: basic skills, reading and writing]] ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects/Meta-activities|Meta-activities]]
* [[Projects/MIMAmusic|MIMAmusic]]
* [[Projects/OLPC_KAGE|OLPC KAGE]]
* [ Evil Toys (3D game for mine risk education)]
* [[Projects/Typing_Turtle|Typing Turtle]]
* [[Projects/lx700video|lx700video]]
* [[Projects/wiki test|Wiki Test]]

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{| width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff"
! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#e50278; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="grassroots">Grassroots, School Support, Activism and Advocacy</h2>

See also this showcase of [[Donate_Your_Get_One|Community Deployments seeking XO Donations]].
* [ Creating alternatives for life through education - Bolivia]
* [ Somos-Azúcar Proyecto Malla Peru - Bolivia Rainforest outreach]
* [[Projects/RemappingLA|RemappingLA]]
* [[Projects/MaasaiConnection|Maasai Connection]]
* [[Projects/OLPC-Saigon|OLPC-Saigon]]
* [[Projects/Steppe by Steppe - Side by Side|Steppe by Steppe - Side by Side]]
* [[Projects/computer_outreach|Computer Outreach Program using XO ]]
* [[Projects/crosscollab|CrossCollab]] ([ preliminary])
* [ Chamilo/LMS + OLPC / Peru] (previously Dokeos)
* [[Projects/EnfantsEducation|Enfants pour l'Éducation (Kids for Education)]] ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects/Grassroots NL|Grassroots NL]]
* [[Projects/Hackerspaces in Cologne and Bonn|Hackerspaces]]
* [[Projects/MTSA|Master Teachers by Satellite for Afghanistan]][[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]]
* [[Projects/OLPC Bellingham|OLPC Bellingham]]
* [[Projects/olpc-catalonia|OLPC-Catalonia]]
* [[Projects/olpcturkey|OLPC-Turkey]]
* [[Projects/Grassroots_PH_Developers|OLPC Grassroots Philippines Developer Program]]
* [ Preliminary: OLPC - Honduras] ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects and proposals|Projects and Proposals]]
* [ Rural Design Collective 2009 (Oregon)]
* [ Recruitment Revolution: Success Links, Los Angeles] alongside [ Community Coalition of South LA]
* [[Projects/Science Link|Science Link UK-Uganda]]
* [ Science Link Bettws(UK) and Uganda] [ *]
* [[Projects/Southern California OLPC Projects|Southern California OLPC Projects]]
* [ Sugar Labs, DC] / [ Chalatenango Free Software Education Project, El Salvador]
* [[Projects/XO pilot projects in Russia|XO Pilot Projects in Russia]]
* [[Projects/MirDoc|MirDoc]]
* [ OPLC UK Pilot - London 2009] (NEW)
* [ XO-Contest Switzerland]
* [[Projects/Vung Vieng Fishing Vietnam|Vung Vieng Fishing Vietnam]] ([ mentoring notes]) (NEW)
* [[Projects/Digital Divide XO Library|Digital Divide XO Library]]
* [ OLPC Pilot in La Romana (Dominican Republic)]
|} <!-- End of row 2-->

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|class="MainPageBG" style="border:1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color:#fff; vertical-align:top; color:#000"|
{|width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff"
! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#f78f1e; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="Healthandscience">Health and Science</h2>
* [[Projects/BioSensor|BioSensor]]
* [ Computer-aided Instruction in Medical Schools in Kenya & Illinois (USA)]
* [[Projects/EntangleMe|EntangleMe]]
* [[Diabetes_Prevention_through_eHealth_for_poor_postpartum_women]]
* [[Projects/Health Jam|Health Jam]]
* [[User:Jumpbean|HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases/Hygiene Health Education Intervention Activity]] (Mozambique)
* [[Projects/HIV_Awareness_Among_Kenya_Children|HIV/AIDS Awareness among Kenyan children ages 4 – 16]] ([ preliminary])[[Image:Gold_star_small.jpg]]
* [[OLPC Tanzania|HIV/AIDS Initiative in Tanzania w/ MIT & Clinton Foundation]] ([ preliminary])
* [[Projects/OLPC_Tanzania|OLPC Tanzania]]
* [[Projects/Shining_Star|Shining Star]]
* [[Projects/XOs_for_HADR|XOs for Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Relief]]
* [ The SpikerBox: Bringing Neurophysiology to Everyone] [ *]
* [,_Team_Learning_and_Well_Being Software Activities for Alphabet Literacy, Team Learning and Well Being]
* [ Pulse Oximeter for the XO]
* [ UV Light Water Purifier]

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{| width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="vertical-align:top; background-color:#fff"
! <h2 style="margin:0; background-color:#8eDe66; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" id="speechandtranslation">Speech and Translation</h2>
* [[Projects/Automatic translation software|Automatic Translation Software]]
* [[Projects/Content in French|Content in French]]
* [[Listen and Spell]]
* [[Malaysian_Textbook_Reader|Malaysian Textbook Reader]]
* [[Speech to Text]]
* [[Projects/translations|Translations]]
<!-- END of main table -->
{|border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style="border: 1px #666666 solid; background: #f9f9f9; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ <b>OLPC Project List</b>
!width="10%"| Project Name
!width="25%"| Description
! In use
!width="8%"| Updated in Build
! [[Localization|l10n]]
! Status
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| Hardware Extensions
|| Peripherals
|| Inexpensive peripherals to distribute with laptops
|| || || ||
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| School Server Extensions
|| [[Moodle]]
|| A classroom management system for students and teachers, including forums and a Wiki.
|| || ||
|| See
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|| [[Drupal]]
|| A classroom management system for students and teachers, including forums and a Wiki.
|| || ||
|| See
|colspan=6 align=center| Firmware
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| Mesh
|| Userspace tools
|| Collabora, et al: Tubes & presence integration with sugar
|| || || ||
|| Network manager
|| || || || ||
|| Firmware/drivers
|| Integration issues
|| || ||
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| [[Speech recognition|Speech Recognition]], [[Speech synthesis|Text-to-Speech]]
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| Multimedia
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|| Helix media activities
|| a [[Helix Media Activity]] and helix browser plugins; both a fully free version (for olpc) and one with all available integrated codecs (for developer use)
|| || ||
|| version 3+ available; not for anyone to download (licensing) but for devs who request it. Works well with rm and rv formats, okay with ogg formats (at low framerates), not yet with mpeg.
|| Gstreamer activities
|| a Gstreamer browser plugin and possible standalone activity...
|| || ||
|| Works with hacking; no full integration or separate codebase yet. Check with [[User:J5|J5]] about latest status. We need stronger Gstreamer contacts for this to be sustainable.
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| Educational Activities, Lesson Plans, and Templates
|| Etoys templates
|| Examples of what to do with etoys, how to use it in the classroom and on one's own, great ideas to experiment with
|| || || || [ video], [ pdf]
|| Example activities
|| Examples of how to use the XO for learning, and to expand/enhance existing educational activities.
|| || ||
|| Template: [[Activity template]]
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| Game Libraries
|| PyGame
|| A python library for developing graphical games; abstracting out the implementation of widgets, buttons, and screen manipulation
|| || || ||
|| Gnash
|| A free software Flash implementation; cf #gnash on and Rob Savoye
|| || ||
|| Working; supports much of Flash 7, a little later ActionScript; active development, responsive to specific requests.
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| Content Bundles
|| Game Jam Bundle
|| Games developed during the June 2007 [[Game Jam]].
|| || ||
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| Community Organizing
|| [[Participate]] wiki
|| Site to collect/direct the OLPC community.
|| || ||
|| Currently on the OLPC wiki. Similar to the [ development site]
|- bgcolor="#efefef"
|colspan=6 align=center| Infrastructure
|| OLPC Library Portal
|| || || ||
|| Spec in progress.

== Projects Not Using XOs ==
== Projects Not Using XOs ==

Latest revision as of 16:04, 15 May 2020

Classroom deployment in Ulanbaatar, Mongolia.

Starting on an OLPC Project

Contributor Projects provide new and creative ways to enhance the educational experience of the OLPC program. Past projects have included the development of creative activities and software; the creation of content, collections, and resources; the testing and assessment of other ideas; and a wide variety of related work--from the theoretical to the experimental.

There are two ways you can contribute to OLPC projects

For projects requiring XOs, they can either send proposal for the same on Contributors page or can borrow one from XO Laptop Lending Library near them.

Below you can see a list of active projects already underway contributing to the OLPC vision. Click on the name of any linked activity for detailed information about its design and development status. If you are a contributor, please make sure that your project is listed in one of the sections below or on a related page.

New icon.png Selected projects New icon.png

Project descriptions

  • Arizona State University Case Studing Scratch Kids Programming Application

We are currently in need of 30 laptops to case study Scratch in the public schools. The purpose of this project is to study the effects of computer programming in the classrooms. The Problem is NSF reports the Educational frameworks must teach students innovation and creativity in the science and math curriculums for new technologies to thrive. A fundamental shift of views about knowledge and expertise and learning requires reconsideration and to redesign our formal educational system. The objective is to actively engage learners to construct their own ideas. The National Science Foundation (NSF) reports the root of the problem comes from the educational framework and curriculum that has to be re-worked and MUST focus on teaching creativity and innovation

STEM literacy’s outlines creativity and innovation as a key focus (ISTE, 2007)

As the US continues to strive toward building capacity for a highly educated workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, educational organizations have constructed frameworks that outline critical STEM literacy’s that need to be cultivated in K-12 education in order to achieve this goal. The central question for effective science teaching is how we can teach better scientific reasoning, allowing our students to do more than observe phenomena, push equations, and flounder in inconsistencies between everyday knowledge and the reasoning of science. Learning is an active process in which people construct new understandings of the world around them through active exploration, experimentation, discussion, and reflection.

The Significance of this case study is preparing our future for a technologically advanced society

The ability to integrate technology in the mathematics classroom is essential for future elementary grade school teachers as they enter the classroom being required to be able to prepare students for a technologically advanced society. How teachers learned subject matter is not necessarily the way their student will need to be taught in the 21st century. A fundamental shift about knowledge and expertise and learning requires a redesign of our formal educational system and pedagogy. TIMMS 2007 key educational outcomes in the Group of Eight (G-8) countries show 15 year old American students are scoring lower on average than many of their G-8 peers on each of the three science literacy subscales; identifying scientific issues, explaining phenomena scientifically, and using scientific evidence.

  • Golden Hour Project, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh (mentoring notes) - The objective of the Golden Hour Project is to utilize the XO laptops to expand educational opportunities to children who live in the remote mountainous areas in Bangladesh, known as the Chittagong Hill Tracts. This isolated area, where poverty and malnutrition pervade, is inhabited by thirteen indigenous tribes and whose literacy rates are lowest in the nation, even for a country like Bangladesh. The indigenous tribal children live scattered on mountaintops and only have access to a few schools with severely limited resources. The Golden Hour Project will make it possible for these children to access better and more comprehensive primary school education. More details and a website will follow soon.
  • OLPC Somaliland - Somaliland is one of the poorest, underdeveloped countries in the world. The most recent statistics show that the total enrolment in primary and secondary schools in Somaliland was 200,000 (less than 20% of all school aged children). The Somaliland ministry of education hopes to increase literacy levels across the country to 75 percent by 2015. Currently there are no resources available for students to aid with their learning after school throughout Somaliland, and students often go to the streets rather than complete their homework/projects. We see OLPC Somaliland as an initiative, which will aim to improve both teaching and learning standards in some of the poorest schools in Somaliland. We hope that launching OLPC Somaliland will ameliorate the government’s target to increase literacy and numeracy rates of school-aged children.
  • Peter Hewitt - Activity Developer (Journal) - My aim is to use the game development skills I have developed over the years and my considerable experience as a teacher to create exciting and useful activities. I'm concentrating on using no text at all so my activities are truly international. I would greatly appreciate feedback from anyone making use of my activities. They are all available at Sugar Labs.
  • One Laptop Per - Teacher Educator, Student Teacher, Class Teacher - Child: Moneague College St. Ann, Jamaica (blog) - The Moneague College is a teacher training institution, preparing student teachers to become class teachers in the Jamaican education system. The college has joined the OLPC Jamaica Team committing to introduce Sugar and the XOs to the student teachers who will then use Sugar activities in their lessons on teaching practice for 5 subjects: Math, Language Arts, Science, Music and Physical Education. The goal is to create a bank of lesson plans and videos that would be accessed by local teachers when Sugar and XOs come to them. More specifically, the student teachers and their lesson plans will assist class teachers at two Kingston schools (Providence Basic and August Town Primary) where the OLPC Jamaica team from the University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona has XO deployments.
  • Rehnuma Public School Karachi - Collaborative Learning and Peer to Peer Teaching (blog) - Our objective is to demonstrate not only that OLPC laptops can greatly enhance education in a neighborhood school for poor children, but to test a new plan providing education using OLPC computers, by assigning three students per computer. The students will be on a sixth grade level. Children will be grouped into groups of three, called trios, by their teacher. Each trio should have a child identified by the teacher from the high, low and middle level of accomplishment. The children's tasks will be shared, hopefully with the higher level children teaching the lower level children as well as acquiring the skills of sharing, teaching, articulating, which will further advance their own skills.
  • Fargo to Sudan: After school to Sudanese School (blog) - This project will work to improve the after school program at Madison Elementary School in Fargo ND, a school with a large refugee population, and in turn pass the XOs on to a school in southern Sudan. Project goals will focus on training a deployment team, getting kids in Fargo to develop content for kids in Sudan, and exploring language-learning tools within Sugar. An open source Rosetta Stone is needed.
  • Roadshow In A Box-Update - This is a much needed update. Now that the XO-1.5 has come out, it is time to include some of these new machines in the Roadshow. Since it was first started in 2008, the Roadshow In A Box Project has reached hundreds, or perhaps even thousands, of people at conventions and conferences in the Southern California area. Workshops and demonstrations have been presented at locations in both California and Montana. The Roadshow started with 3 XO-1s plus the project leader's G1G1 machine. Additional broken laptops that were repaired were added to increase the number of machines available for workshops and the project has been able to make short term loans of a few laptops to people and groups interested in planning their own project. These activities will continue with the addition of the "latest XO-1.5 technology."
  • The Next Hope 2010 outreach - The objective of this project by a member of OLPC-NYC is to get participants at this widely known conference up-to-date, informed and excited about the activities and opportunities at OLPC.
  • V2X Speech Recognition and Voice Synthesis - This project aims at building an efficient speech recognition and voice synthesis toolkit and a suite of applications using this toolkit in education domain. Project proposal details can be checked at my blog. Please join the team if you are interested in this project. Drop me a mail at
  • Prakash Educational Software Package (ESP) (blog) - The objective of the project is to sugarize Prakash Educational Software Package (ESP) in order to run on XO laptops. Originally developed in Microsoft C#.NET, the software package consists of three applications viz. Guided Writing, Multi Point and eScribe. Each of the application is designed in such a way to target a specific learning skill of an individual and caters to the learning competencies of primary school children i.e. reading, writing, listening and speech skills. Furthermore, one of the applications also utilises the concept of Multi Point that enables multiple mice input in an application and allows collaborative learning between children. To mould these applications for XO Laptops, these need to be re-developed using Mono to sugarize C#. Project Website Prototype video (currently being built in .NET to accomplish the purpose) Project Proposal
  • Language Documentation and XO Laptops The participants are currently documenting several languages in the Southwest of the island of Ambrym, Vanuatu. The project work involves audio and video recordings, which will lead to the production of dictionaries, story books and grammars for the previously undocumented and undescribed languages. Due to the lack of devices with the capacity to display accustic and visual information, however, local communities will hardly have access to the audio and video recordings. Also, the opportunities for speakers to actively participate in the documentation of their languages and traditional knowledge themselves are very limited. The laptops provided by the OLPC project would help to make recordings accessible to the communities as well as empower the youngest generations to use modern technologies to explore and record the traditional knowledge which is in acute danger of being lost.
  • Competitive Learning within a Mesh Network - The project's aim is to develop an activity framework for competitive learning and training activities over the mesh network. Two or more teams within a learning environment compete against each other. They can see the training effort of their own and of the other teams, compare their own achievements, gain awards for achieving teacher defined training goals. They see in real time which team members of their own or other teams are actively workin at the moment and which challenges their team and the other teams are actually facing. So pupils can be motivated to train their skills in a special way. You are encouraged to integrate your own activities into the framework. Our progress will be posted on our blog.
  • 00010 XO 3D Project. For more information please visit my project blog: E-Mail:
  • Squeakland Testers - The projects goal is to have a dedicated user test group for planned Etoys releases. This user test group will run tests of the future release of Etoys against planned release of Sugar and the XO hardware. Progress will be posted on Squeakland's blog.
  • Computers of the Dominican Republic - My project will provide educational and recreational opportunities for the kids in Los Tocones de las Galeras de Semaná, the Dominican Republic, by providing them with used baseball equipment and basic computers.
  • Big Sky Science Partnership is a pilot project bringing XO laptops into the classrooms of elementary teachers on and near the Crow and Northern Cheyenne Reservations in Montana. The XO laptops will be used to provide Internet access to each student and the Sugar software will provide the student an avenue for expressing and publishing their knowledge of science topics. Through the Sugar mixed media activities teachers will assist students in gaining an understanding of how their rural communities are interconnected with others as they investigate the natural world and science processes.
  • Version support for Sugar data store (XO-1.5 project page) - Storing previous versions of user documents inside the Sugar data store ensures no work is accidently lost due to being overwritten. Accessing past versions is presented to the user as "going back in time" for a specific Journal object.
  • Intelligent Learning Framework - This project aims to develop a framework which can be used by games (sugar activities) to support the learner during the game. The framework is the pedagogic intelligence behind the game. The game should adapt itself to the learner, how to adapt decides the framework which monitors the actions of the learner and draws conclusions about the behavior of the learner.
  • Summer pyGames - This project aims to involve high school students, South Carolina's education system, and a number of private businesses to create educational computer games for the XO laptop. The group is working closely with CSCLUG and Palmetto Project to distribute the free software games to 3,000 South Carolina students and offer the games to download! Kick-off for the competition starts Saturday, June 11 2010 and the competition concludes July 24th 2010.
  • Open Video Chat @ RIT - Developers sponsored by PEN International will be charged with developing a proof of concept by improving the underlying software stack to provide video chat functionality for communication between deaf and hard of hearing students in a classroom environment. Documentation of the process and the development team's experience will be released on an ongoing basis--live when possible--and will culminate at the terminus of the project with an open source video production to be released and viewed at the NTID Technology Symposium and FOSScon RIT this summer. BLOG #1 BLOG #2
  • AMAGEZI GEMAANYI - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - to promote the Amagezi Gemaanyi Computer Lab as a safe learning space for children (ages 6-11) and youth (ages 12-20) by implementing a project that will supplement the Ugandan Primary and Secondary School reading, writing, and mathematics syllabus using the interactive games and applications within the XO laptop as a fun, innovative teaching aid. Visit our Blog for information on our organization AMAGEZI GEMAANYI YOUTH ASSOCIATION
  • Got Game?! Web Version - A service learning project between high school students in Texas and students in Ghana using XO laptops as a communication tool to create relationships and educational math tools while supporting the Touch A Life organization's goal of educating the world on child slavery and human trafficking. Check out our progress at New Tech Gives Back
  • RIT Projects for Math 4 - a university course for students supporting the OLPC project and the Sugar Labs Math4 curriculum.
  • XO Operating System Special Interest Group Creating and nurturing a community of contributors within Sugar Labs with knowledge and experience developing for the XO. Raising raise the visibility and importance of the XO within the Sugar community.... without violating upstream/downstream abstraction barriers.
  • Aura: A new beginning Aura is a free and open source operating system,specially developed for youth. The objective is to provide free software to youth around the world :) See Official Phoenix-Team site for more info :D
    Please leave your comments here : indoria_abhishek_AT_hotmail_DOT_com
  • OLPC UK Pilot - London 2009 In developing OLPC (UK) we aim to establish a 100% volunteer organization and platform for OLPC in the United Kingdom. The intent of OLPC (UK) is to support the deployments of XO computers towards solving defined needs in UK schools paired with schools in developing countries.
  • Notalon: Note-Taking Software Notalon is note-taking, simplified. Its aim is to streamline your focus on taking notes on books and during class lectures.
  • The Development of the GreenThumb Activity The game allows an avenue for the conducting of biological/genetic-related experiments. It gives the player the chance to choose his/her own preferences in the various factors that will affect the experiment.
  • OLPC Vietnam project is progressing to a full fledge OLPC project by building a supporters community and bringing communities, educational institutions and officil partners together. Ultimate goal of the project is a large scale deployment to support and foster the change of frontal teachers centralized methods to a learner and learning focused methodology in Vietnam. OLPC Vietnam support a holistic approach that puts students in the center and fosters active participation, learning in the digital society and using IT for a change to the better.
  • GaiaBB - distributed Social Networks GaiaBB aims to be an easily modifiable, localizable peer to peer forum. The idea is to allow kids to create their own social networks, and easily share them with friends (online and offline).
  • OLPC Deployment to Mafi Dove, Ghana Starting with a planned deployment of at least 20 XOs to the middle school in this rural village in Ghana, we hope to expand to their entire school over time, and then work out to neighboring villages.
  • Sankamup - News distribution and production facilitation Sankamup is initially targetted at the island of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, which suffered major setbacks in education and communications as the result of a protracted civil war. Sankamup looks to address wireless communications issues, local language support; and the porting of Scribus an Opensource Desktop publishing application, and Celtx an Opensource application for Scriptwriting and other Pre-production activities - to facilitate "tribal" storytelling and capture.
  • Turtle Art Curriculum Project of Olin College. This lab-based curriculum is designed to teach a variety of math and engineering concepts through Turtle Art. It will be running for the first time as a after school program for 3rd - 5th graders at John Eliot Elementary School in Needham, MA in spring 2010.
  • Kenya Measuring XO Discovery Learning HOC teams will teach a math curriculum designed during the last 5 months using XO Turtle Art and Pippy problem solving learning tasks to demonstrate student skill development made using the XO in conventional Kenyan exams (CATs). After school and weekend XO access will provide additional learning time.
  • XO supported education within Serachour, Nepal XO supported education within Serachour, Nepal (Kaski district) in May 2010 consisting of 40 laptops. Serachour village is a farming community of around 600 inhabitants situated 25 km west of the city of Pokhara in the foothills of the Himalayas. The objective of the project is: Computer supported education within the primary school in Serachour, Nepal based on a sustainable model. See Foundation Making Miles for Millennium
  • English for Everybody - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. The new Educational Law to be approved in the next 2 or 3 months, states that all schools will have to teach 3 Languages (Spanish, an originary language (Guarani in our case) and another foreign language - (English is the most commonly used).To help students from the Public Schools (approximately 300 000),we are going to develop a curriculum for them to learn English with the help of XOs and hopefully to use this program to teach other languages (to start with Guarani for example). We hope this project will assist language learners worldwide. BLOG
  • eKindling Teacher Training Program - The goal of this project is to utilize the XO laptops to pilot a training program designed to build the capacity of educators, tech squad (comprised of 4th grade students) and support team – key stakeholders that will be participating in the first OLPC deployment (100 XO Laptops) in the Philippines. This deployment, which is projected to start in July, will focus on two schools - Lubang Integrated School and Maligaya Elementary School - located in the rural island of Lubang, Mindoro. The training session is schedule 3 months in advance of the pilot to get the teachers comfortable with the technology and take advantage of the summer vacation to create and upload content into the school server. Ultimately, we hope to create a shareable blueprint/manual for future training programs that can be replicated inside and outside the Philippines. Updates will be posted on our blog and on Twitter: [1]. The project page is located in [2]

Teacher Training Debrief is now posted.

  • Health and Wellness Eduction for Children in Rural Communities BLOG Original proposal - Our project will develop activities to teach children in rural, isolated regions about health and wellness, in general, and to help them become caring adults, in particular. Initially, we will target 1st graders. The project will address strategies to prevent abuse by increasing child resiliency, and to improve health by teaching obesity prevention. We will also incorporate culturally sensitive, animal-human relationship lessons to improve the likelihood of decreasing trans-generational child maltreatment. The project will be carried out by an interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, educators, and child advocacy specialists.
  • Marysville Rotary XO Literacy Project [3] - Barillas, Guatemala & Marysville, Washington USA - Our project is a multi-part process that will help improve the educational environment and lives of the children around Barillas, Guatemala and within the Marysville Public School System. Studies have shown that early exposure to quality educational computer programs dramatically improve a young child's creative thinking process, thus increasing test scores. Marysville Rotary has been traveling to Guatemala for over 12 years helping to improve the lives of the Mayan children by providing health services, constructing schools and providing books for the villages surrounding Barillas, Guatemala. Our plan is to expand the program with our local High School students writing computer programs in several of the Mayan Spanish dialects, through a Computer Language Programming course. Through this course, we will be providing our local young adults with skills needed in the 21st century, while at the same time creating the useful programming needed to assist the learning of the Mayan students in Guatemala, and increase access to the XO world. In addition, by creating a school XO repair facility, our students will acquire computer and technology skills requested by many corporations in our local geographical area, such as Boeing, Microsoft and Bio-Tech firms.
  • DevelopWeb-Unleash Web Development: The domain yet to be explored by children is World Wide Web. This activity is a step towards the effort to help them learn Web development starting from basic HTML to complex web development standards and frameworks. DevelopWeb is a Sugar activity being developed aimed to impart Web Development knowledge to children. Through this children can develop web sites through HTML, JavaScript and other latest web technologies. Children can learn quickly how to develop web pages in a step by step approach through examples provided for each HTML/web component. This activity acts like an IDE for Web development where children can select their technology and develop their website or web application.FEATURE_PAGE_ON_SUGARLABS
  • Offline Lessons for Lesotho Deployments (blog)- Our goal is to provide a complete collection of offline lessons for XO laptop deployments in Lesotho without internet access. Our deployments in Lesotho are in remote areas that have no internet service, so the vast resources found online are not available to them. We will collect, adapt, and/or develop a full school year’s worth of XO laptop lessons for all grades 1-7, starting with math and English. Some lessons will be provided in both English and Sesotho, the local language. The purpose of these lessons is to supplement Lesotho’s national primary school curriculum and textbooks. They will be designed to help enable students to learn more effectively, foster further exploration and learning, and develop the more advanced cognitive skills not currently acquired under the traditional educational system in Lesotho. Our lessons will be designed primarily to be self-taught by the student or a group of students working together. Using the Learn Activity, students will be able to work through the lessons at their own pace.

Activities and Collections

See Activity queries.

Tools and Software


Grassroots, School Support, Activism and Advocacy

See also this showcase of Community Deployments seeking XO Donations.

Health and Science

Speech and Translation

Projects Not Using XOs

Using emulation, or other tools, or other parts of the hardware stack.

Contributors Projects for Testing

List here if your project is now ready for testing:

  • BoomingBang, project Alpha Version Ready, releasing November 2009.

Please contact Abhishek Indoria, at hackerboymayabhi_AT_gmail_DOT_com if you can help.


Come and explore:

Interactive online schoolbook A cool new typ of textbook. Please try it out.

We love to learn:

Einstein.School 2.0 The interactive schoolbook that you can edit, update and improve. It makes passion the primary tool for learning.

Turn your XO into a mobile robot:

Proyecto Butiá 2.0 Butiá aims to create an inexpensive educational platform to teach robotics and computer science with the XO computer.

Help wanted

There are many other ways in which you could contribute to the OLPC Community. There are needs to be filled in translation, Datalogging, Basic Teacher Training, many Educational ideas, semantics, icon design work, and other suchTasks.

If you are interested in working on software development, there are many ideas found at the Software ideas page.

Help offered

You are not alone! Our many volunteers and mentors can help you with your contributions to the OLPC Community in many ways. Here are a couple of ways we can offer you help!


  • Translation/localization is offered into English, from Es/De/Fr please contact Sj talk

This Project page is also available in other languages.

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Project subpage index
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